
102 l A Realm Reborn

The Ultima Weapon brought both of its arms outward as the weapon roared in defiance. 

Azlyn wiped her face with the sleeve of her robes as she and her friends stepped up. 

“We shall settle this once and for all!” Gaius released several beams of energy from the palm of the weapon at them, and they scattered all around. From their earlier fight, they knew they had done some significant damage—and given that it was hit by the Ultima spell too—it was probably on its last leg. 

“One last push guys.” Azlyn yelled.

Kida hollered from behind. “I got the left side—Mjnt, come join me!” The Viera hopped over with grace, swinging her spear ready. 

Ozwin stepped up to Roll and Richiro. “You two stay close to me, I’ll cover you when I can.” 

They nodded. 

N’thuzu Tia brought up his axe, jumping headfirst into the assault. He danced underneath the weapon, cleaving and smashing his blade into the legs. 

Koroko Koko dealt with the smaller magitek bits that floated out from the weapon on their right flank. As they attempted to charge an aetheric blast from the small device, she destroyed them with ice and fire. 

Kida helped take care of the left side—shooting them one by one. Mjnt and N’thuzu Tia were dealing damage to any of the vulnerable spots they could find—causing more and more black fluid from the creature to bleed out underneath it. 

When an airship came crashing down into the platform, the explosion knocked into the Ultima Weapon—which in turn helped their cause. Gaius had not expected them to use that tactic, as it affected their fighting style. He watched as Azlyn guided her friends with simple hand signals to Ozwin. The Hyur would yell over to the two in melee to move—and the others scattered on the outer perimeter. He soon learned they were positioning him in ways he’d be hit by the dropping debris. 

“This is most unexpected—You are possessed of great might, this I will allow.” Gaius fired a blast from the arm to the clustered group of healers and Ozwin. The man deflected the blast with his shield. There was a light gleaming from it as Roll and Richiro both started to heal him of his wounds. “Yet yours is not the might of a ruler! Such is the difference between us—a difference that will assure my victory! I need not the power of eikons to defeat you!” 

Azlyn shouted over the chaos. “That’s where you’re wrong Gaius!” She concentrated on a ruin spell from the formula she drew in the book. Her spell flew into the face of the Ultima Weapon, blowing a chunk of the jaw off the hinge. 

He followed her with the weapon. She glimpsed another falling airship—as she ran to that direction. Everyone pulled back from the site as she led him over. When he was at the far edge of the platform, she sprinted underneath where she slid away. The airship impacted right into the weapon. 

They watched with baited breath, as the explosion from the airship should have done in the weapon—however it appeared in the center of the platform—it was charging that same influx of energy and cackling could be heard. 

“Curse you Ascian!” Gaius yelled. “How much destruction must be wreaked before you are sated!?” 

I have not the strength—to shield thee again—

Azlyn could tell that the Legatus wasn’t in control of the weapon—and it was in this moment they had to stop it. “We can’t let it set another Ultima—we won’t survive.” 

Ozwin nodded, pointing to positions around the outer perimeter of where the weapon was charging. “We have to go all out—use all your aether if you have to—but we will take down the weapon. GO!” 

The eight of them attacked, charging the most powerful spell or attack they had in their arsenal. A light burned from each of their weapons as they focused. 

Azlyn brought her crystal in front of her as she poured all of what she was able into a Ruin spell. There seemed to be a moment where she tapped into something stronger—something that needed an adjustment in the spell’s use—and she made the quick adjustment in her book. 

Roll yelled. “I’m ready!” 

Kida focused on the Weapon. “On the count of three!” 

“One!” Mjnt said as a crimson aether absorbed into her spear point. 

“Two!” Ozwin went into an offensive stance. 

“Three!” Azlyn released her spell—as did everyone else. With their combined might, the light of the crystal, and the force of the attacks were enough to crack the core. The spell of Ultima broke, and explosions rocked the weapon. 

“No! No, no, no!” Gaius ejected from the head space, flung down and tumbling over to Azlyn at the rear. The gold armor of his snapped off upon his fall—and she could tell he had landed pretty hard. He grunted in pain, struggling to get up. 

She closed her grimoire, before kneeling down to him. She could sense her friends apprehension to this, but that didn’t stop her. She could see a bit of his helmet had been cracked. 

His hand shot up, catching her by the collar. Gaius pulled himself up to speak with her—his eyes locked with her own. “Heed me—The subjects of a weak ruler must needs look to a higher power for providence—and their dependence comes at a cost to the realm.” 

Azlyn didn’t resist him as he continued. 

“The misguided elevate the frail—and the frail lead the people astray. Unless a man of power wrests control—the cycle will never be broken.” He grunted in terrible pain. “ of all people must see the truth in this. You—who have the strength to rule.” 

She widened her eyes, noticing his grasp get weak. He seemed to want an answer from her, and she weakly nodded to him. With that acknowledgment, he let her go—and went limp on the ground. 

The Ultima Weapon started to blow apart, and turned into pieces of scrap metal and added debris to the field. As the rest of them watched in quiet anticipation, Azlyn shook her head to them. 

“Up above!” Richiro pointed, as Lahabrea emerged from his portal. He gazed down to Gaius and Azlyn on the ground—his gaze abhorrent. 

“Pathetic.” The Ascian crossed his arms. “You boasted of unrivaled power. You were entrusted with the ultimate weapon. The ultimate magic! And still you failed. So much for the glory of man.” 

Azlyn growled in anger.

The Ascian soon disappeared from up above them, and arrived to the center of the platform. He was aware that they surrounded him as he chuckled. “The growing imbalance afflicting the planet must be redressed. If it is permitted to worsen, the very laws of existence—both aetheric and physical—will be warped beyond all recognition. Know you the root of this corruption? Hydaelyn!” 

He snapped his attention to Azlyn as he glared openly to her. “Like a parasite. She must be burned out if the planet is to recover. And naught but the return of the one true god will ensure Her complete excision.” Lahabrea gestured to the landscape around them, floating in his spot. “Yet to pave the way for the master’s return, a chaotic confluence of untold proportions musts needs be brought about. And that will necessitate the presence of the primals.” 

Azlyn stood up slowly, regarding him with a burning hate growing in her. There was something about this Ascian that made him unlikeable, and she knew exactly why. It was because of this. 

“Needless to say—both you and your Scion accomplices can not be suffered to interfere in this endeavor. You will not leave this place alive.” He snapped his arm up to the sky, before he slowly brought it down. His hand went to cover up his face, as the red Ascian mask appeared. He laughed, chucking dark spells at each of them to dodge. 

“Lahabrea!” Azlyn screamed, charging a spell of her own. 

“More like Lahafuckduck!” Kida shot an arrow at the Ascian. They watched as he swatted the arrow away. 

“What did you say before? Ah yes—you said your friends bring you strength.” The Ascian laughed as he concentrated his energy on the ground—where a series of portals appeared under all of their feet—except for Azlyn’s. The Au Ra watched in horror as her friends dropped in—and disappeared from the fight. 

She faltered in her attack. “Where...where did...where are they...”

Hydaelyn’s words soon came to mind, comforting her with her words. 

Believe in them—thy friends art safe from harm. 

Lahabrea laughed. “It is past time your flame was extinguished. Bringer of Light.” 

Azlyn summoned her Ifrit-Egi to her side, letting the summon attack Lahabrea while she went to put space between them. She didn’t want to hurt Thancred, but there wasn’t much she could do if Lahabrea had been forcing her hand. With her friends all gone too—she would have to figure it out after the fight. 

If thou wouldst triumph, thou must look to the Light.

Azlyn heard Hydaelyn whisper in the back of her mind—her voice calming her rattled nerves. She brought forth her Crystal of Light, charging it with energy while her essences she summoned distracted Lahabrea. The man didn’t seem too bothered by it—cackling to her. 

“Know that if I should perish, so too will the mortal within whose flesh I reside.” 

Azlyn grimaced, releasing another ruin spell. She could see Thancred’s complexion darken a tad from the pain inflicted. 

“Now make your choice and live with it!” He boisterously laughed at her, as she punched him in the face with another Ruin spell. 

Mark not the Dark Minion’s subtle words.

She had to trust in the power of Light. She thought back to the night of the Black Wolf’s ultimatum in Ul’dah. How Minfillia said there should be a crystal of Darkness upon his person. 

If she hit it with her Light—maybe it would free Thancred from Lahabrea. 

She poured her energy into the crystal, and released those blasts upon him in scores of blows.  

Hydaelyn spoke to her. 

Only Light may banish the Darkness. Receive of me this power, my child, and raise thy Crystal aloft!

Azlyn poured everything into the Crystal she held, as a massive convergence of energy grew between her and Lahabrea. He was the first to unleash his dark magic, and Azlyn smirked. 

She sidestepped his attack, running straight to him. She raised her Crystal aloft and straight to his chest. “Release!” 

A bright light shone in the dark of the night—piercing the late evening sky and the surrounding areas. As Azlyn’s eyes grew accustomed to the new vision. She wasn’t in the Praetorium anymore—rather a floating night sky, where the stars twinkled near and far. 

Floating just underneath her appeared Lahabrea, who stared up to her with abhorrent disgust. 

The magic circle of energy appeared underneath her, as she saw her Crystals of Light surround her. Hydaelyn’s voice echoed in this chamber. 

If thou wouldst pierce the shadows, make thee a blade of Light. 

The Crystals burst with energy, surging up and outward around her. Azlyn could feel the warmth of the power flow through her, as her grimoire started to glow in vibrant hues of white light. 

Lahabrea struggled in the space, unable to move as Azlyn drew out a complex series of formulas to charge her light. The orb of light appeared from the pages of her book, growing in the power of the Light. 

When the shadows attempted to break loose, Azlyn released her spell—and the power of Light, alongside the essences of her summoned essences intertwined. She watched as Lahabrea exploded in bits of light—leaving Thancred’s body safe—and the shadows to disperse. 

She watched as the dark energies converged together, outside of Thncred’s mortal flesh, and become the Ascian’s true form. 

Lahabrea glared at Azlyn. “What!?” 

Azlyn glared back—only to see the man’s jaw drop in shock. Behind her, a bright light from the Mothercrystal herself appeared. Azlyn could feel the warmth of her approach. Her body began to glow bright in response, floating in that aetherial space. And standing behind her—all of her friends—all of the Scions—the Alliances—the people she helped—everyone came forth at that moment. 

The Au Ra smiled, reaching to touch her chest—the warmth that continued to grow in her heart—the bond she had made with all of her friends. She could feel them there with her—protecting her from afar. 

They all charged at once—jettisons of light one after the other to pierce into the Ascian. 

“The Light—it binds them. They are too many!” 

Lahabrea winced, unable to avoid all of their attacks. Like a swirl of activity, they became the blade that would pierce the darkest of nights—running Lahabrea through altogether. He screamed in agony before disappearing into a bright white canvass. 

Azlyn watched Thancred’s body—how the Crystal of Darkness burst when Lahabrea disappeared from the vision. The scene started to disappear from sight, bringing Azlyn back to the present. 

The smell of smoke and fire were the first two things she recognized. As she opened her eyes to the empty platform—she could see Thancred’s body lying nearby. Her eyes widened—was he even alive. Slowly she tried to pull herself up—only to have pain emerge in her right side. 

She opted to crawl over to him. 

When she finally reached Thancred, she checked for breathing. A sign of life. Of anything. She noted a hitch of breath from him—and she gave happy thanks. Full glad to know she didn’t kill him in that cleansing ritual. 

Explosions rocked the side, blowing chunks of debris and metal all over. Azlyn went to protect Thancred with her body. If they didn’t get out of there soon, they would die. More explosions rocked the area, and she grabbed Thancred’s robes. 

She was in pain, but she was the only one awake to drag him out. She yanked him up, positioning him on her back before she trudged slowly forward. The platform started to shift, losing balance. 

Azlyn dropped to the ground, Thancred’s body fell over her as she gritted her teeth. “Come...on...come on!” Azlyn yelled to herself, forcing herself to pick the both of them back up. 

Another explosion to her left caused her to wince. She covered her face, expecting a full load of debris to come crashing upon them—only from an energy cannon to blast the hurtling chunk to the side. 

Azlyn blinked, rubbing her eyes as a magitek reaper jumped from the far side—skidding to a stop by her side. 


The reaper beeped in response, hunkering down to allow her time to climb in. 

“Bless the fucking Twelve.” Azlyn grabbed hold of Thancred, carrying him over to Maggie’s back seat to throw his body in. She felt a sharp pain once more when the task was done, and hopped into the pilot’s seat. “Maggie—which way?” 

The reaper ran to the edge of the platform, jumping past the broken debris, downed airships, and infrastructure to a tunnel that led underground. As the reaper ran, Azlyn did her best to pump the accelerator at full blast. They ran up the elevator shaft to the research laboratory, where the explosions started to chain react behind them. The tunnel roared in a fiery blaze, the blasts chasing after them as they ran through. 

Azlyn could feel the heat on their tail, but she kept pushing. She knew Maggie was pushing her core’s limit too. 


The girl felt light headed, as her vision started to darken. “” 

When she opened her eyes she was back in the floating universe—staring up to the mother crystal. Azlyn widened her eyes at the sight of Hydaelyn once more. 

Warrior of Light. Beloved daughter. 

Azlyn’s heart pounded. 

The Darkness hath fled before the unclosed brilliance of thy spirit. Yet it lingereth still beyond the sight of men, in forgotten corners of the world. In the depths of the abyss yet resideth the Dark One, watchful ever. Til this evil be cast out, never shall the world know aught but a passing peace. Yet for the present, a gentle light shineth o’er the realm of Eorzea. 

It felt to Azlyn this was going to be another chapter in her journey—a never ending one to help the people. 

With thee at its heart. From sparkling mote shall it swell to glorious sun, and all the world shall bask in its warmth. 

Hydaelyn’s crystal started to float away from Azlyn—leaving her in the space as the crystal distanced herself. She reached out to Hydaelyn with worry in her heart. 

Blessings and joy be upon thee. Go forth, my child, and be as a beacon of hope for Eorzea and the lands beyond, through all the days of thy life. 

The scene darkened—as Azlyn’s vision changed again. She could feel the pounding of metal feet underneath her—the pain in her side waking her from her vision. Azlyn snapped her eyes open, seeing Maggie had been running through the facility to find an exit. 

“Sorry about that girl.” Azlyn winced, helping with the accelerator once more. She turned her head over her shoulder to see Thancred still laying unconscious on the back. At least he wasn’t dropped in the time she was out cold. 

Something bright caught her attention down one of the tunnels, as she steered Maggie to the direction. “Trust me! This way!” Maggie roared to life, increasing her speed as they pounded up the tunnel. Azlyn started to stand in the pilot’s seat as she fervently hoped to clear the premise before the explosions caved everything in around them. 

The smoke. The fire. It was chasing after them—and she determinately fixed her gaze to the distant exit. “We’re—almost—there!” 

Maggie burst through the doorway—as debris, fire, and smoke followed shortly after. The way had collapsed, but Maggie had cleared it in time to skid to a halt. Azlyn fell back in the pilot’s seat—seeing a whole crowd converge upon them. She saw her friends—Roll, Kida, Ozwin, N’thuzu Tia, Mjnt, Koroko and Richiro—all present with the Scions, the Alliance members, and Cid. 

She gave them a shaky breath of relief. 

“She’s returned!” 


Azlyn leaned back her head, as a hand from behind ruffled her hair. She heard the grunt behind her as Thancred started to rouse. “You—alright?” 

The Au Ra laughed in disbelief. “No. I’m not alright.” She shook her head. “Damn it Thancred, you had to wait until now to wake up?” 

Ozwin hopped up the side of Maggie, grabbing Azlyn by her face to pull her into a big hug. “GODSBEDAMNED!” 


Roll pulled out a tarot card from her deck, flipping it over to reveal the Bole card. She smiled. “Safely returned—as foretold.” 

Kida danced excitedly around while the Scions helped Thancred off the back. Azlyn had be plucked from her seat by her friends, as they all hugged her. 

“What happened—where were you taken to?” Azlyn asked them. They were all battered and bruised, but none the worse for wear. 

N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms. “Strange thing—we were floating in this weird space—with stars right?” 

Richiro nodded. “Yes, then that female voice—Hydaelyn—she guided us to the light.” 

Roll appreciatively rubbed Maggie’s armor at the side. “When we emerged from the light, we found ourselves on the outskirts of Castrum Meridianum.” 

Mjnt grinned to the Au Ra. “So we sprinted to rejoin the Alliance and informed them of what we knew.” 

Kida grabbed Azlyn’s shoulders yanking her back and forth. “WE WERE SO WORRIED!” 

Azlyn chuckled to them, seeing the Alliance leaders approaching them. Minfillia was the last to approach as she wiped a tear from her eye. 

“Welcome home.” 

The girl gave them a cheeky grin. “I’m back.” 

Operation Archon came to a close—as every single member of Eorzea celebrated a hard fought victory against the Empire. The remainder of the night had been filled with raucous celebrations and lands full of gossip. 

It wasn’t until the next morning when they would meet up once again at Silverlake where everyone could see the battleship Agrius, and the dragon king of Midgardsrmr in the far distance. 

All of the alliances had come together—a celebration where the Scions and the leaders had something to speak with the people. Mor Dhona had been impeccably packed with travelers and visitors from all over Eorzea. Some were making their way to see the announcements made by the organizers—while others—others wanted to catch a glimpse of the Warrior of Light—the one who had ended Gaius’s reign of conquest. 

Azlyn split up from her friends, finding Alphinaud alone by the canyon. He was looking out the ridge, lost in thought. 

“Pardon the intrusion, do you mind if I share the space with you?” Azlyn mimicked how he first introduced himself to her. 

Alphinaud smiled up to her, it grew wider on his face. “If you don’t mind the company of myself.” 

They both looked between each other and laughed. “How’d you sleep last night Azlyn?

She rubbed her right arm. The pain was slowly going away. “After Roll and Richiro healed me, I got a nice cat nap in.” 

The Sharlayan nodded. 

The two of them stood in silence, watching over the groups of members conversing and chatting amongst themselves. All of the Scions were chatting with a recovering Thancred, while Cid was enjoying a teasing discussion with the Alliance Leaders. It was a peaceful morning full of life and laughter. 

“Though the Crystal that bound Thancred is no more, I doubt we can say the same of Lahabrea.” 

Azlyn grimaced at the thought. She had an idea that would be the case. 

Alphinaud looked up to the sky. “And even if we could, we know that he’s not alone. Confounded Ascians.” 

“We’ll take it one step at a time. There has to be a way to deal with them.” Azlyn proposed optimistically. “I’m worried about the Dark One that Hydaelyn spoke of, however.” 

“Their god may be unknown to us, but their zeal is unquestionable. Suffice it to say, it would be folly to assume that they no longer pose a threat. Nevertheless—“ He smiled warmly to Azlyn, his blue eyes shined in confidence. “For now, we must savor what peace we have won, however ephemeral.” 

Azlyn nodded. “You’re right.” She looked over to her friends then, where she could see her cousin waving her arm to them. 

Alphinaud waved back, before turning away to see the lake. “Do you see this Grandfather? Our first step towards realizing the dream for which you gave your life.” He then gave Azlyn a small smile. “What about you?” 

The girl closed her eyes, placing a hand upon her chest as she envisioned her parents in her mind’s eye. She didn’t know it would be like this five years ago when she left the Isle of Val. She thought back to the letter that sent her out on her journey in the first place—and how it helped prepare her for this day. 

“Mom, Dad...” She called. “You don’t have to worry anymore—I’ll fulfill what I’m able. I will be a beacon of hope for the people. For those who have lived—and for those who are just starting to live.” 

The Sharlayan smiled, and then walked away. He went straight to the Scions to welcome Thancred back to the fold. Azlyn slowly made her way back to her friends, whom all started to tease each other. 

The Alliance Leaders broke from their groups—moving together in unity to the flags that held their Grand Company sigils. As each one took their place at the stand, everyone started to quiet down—as a shush lull went over them. 

Raubahn spoke first, his voice reverberated in the morning air. “Friends! The dread night of imperial tyranny and Ascian machination is ended. A new day now begins in Eorzea.”

Admiral Merlwyb firmly nodded. “True to their name, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, along with our champions, have delivered us from darkness.” 

Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna spoke resolutely, her hand to her chest. “Let their shared victory serve to remind us of our shared history. And let their bravery in the face of adversity inspire future generations.”

“Doubt not the realm will need bravery in the days to come.” Raubahn added. “Old rifts threaten to divide us within our walls, while hordes of beastmen claw at our gates. And though the Black Wolf be slain, the rest of the pack remains. Yet no foe need we fear, so long as we stand as one.”

Azlyn saw Kida punch a fist into her hand. The Bard was grinning ear to ear. 

The Admiral nodded. “So long as the Scions stand for peace.” 

“So long as our Champions stand fast.” Kan-E-Senna spoke calmly. “For there exists no adversity over which we may not jointly prevail.”

“No longer can we turn a blind eye to the suffering of our allies.” Merlwyb joined her.

“No nation stands alone, if one should fall, so shall we all.”  The Seedseer smiled to the Admiral. “Eorzea is our shared home. For any one of us to know peace, so too must our neighbor.”

Raubahn clenched a fist in solidarity. “Just as we join in solidarity before you this day, so too shall our Grand Companies be joined henceforth, to strive not only for the good of mere nations but for the good of all the realm.”

Kan-E-Senna bowed her head. “Change will not come overnight. Yet I foresee a day, not so very far from now, when the lines that divide our lands fade, and all of Eorzea is one.” 

Azlyn looked to the Admiral then, who unholstered her gun. The woman gazed down to it. “It has been but five years since the Battle of Carteneau. Five years since the advent of the Seventh Umbral Era. No victory, however sweet, can wash away our battle sorrows. No triumph can reclaim those we lost. Yet do not presume you honor them by dwelling on the past.” The Admiral gazed to Azlyn then, speaking calmly. “It was not the past they fought for. You would repay their sacrifice by looking to the future.” 

Raubahn threw his arms out to his side. “A future united, as the Warriors of Light united in our champions. Now is the time for us to rise as one—bearing all Eorzea on our shoulders!”

“Five years ago, Eorzea bore witness to the end of the Sixth Astral Era.” Kan-E-Senna smiled. “Now the Seventh Umbral Era draws to a close. Yet we come together not to glory in it’s end, but to mark a new beginning.” She brought her staff forward, along with Admiral Merlwyb’s gun, and Raubahn’s sword—and together the three leaders raised their weapons aloft. 

Together they spoke as one. 

“Let it be writ that on this day by the light of the Crystal Eorzea ushered in a new era! The Seventh Astral Era is come! And thus is ours a realm reborn!”

The growing crowd of people cheered, roaring in unison and rallying in their cries. Azlyn felt Kida jumping on her shoulder, bouncing in excitement at the new proclamation. The end of one era—and into the next. The Seventh Astral Era. 

A warmth filled her heart, as she looked to her friends celebrating, to all the people with happy expressions. The Scions were cheering, dancing and jumping in their unique ways. Azlyn looked to the three Alliance leaders, staring up to the image of them holding their weapons high, their Grand Company flags fluttering in the wind, and the broken battleship of Agrius in the distance. The morning skies were bright blue, with the clouds shuffling in the distance. 

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle breeze—a temporary peace to be sure.

Kida pointed to Mjnt, “Are you going back to Coerthas right away or do we have some more time to play!” 

The Viera chuckled into her hand. “If news travels fast, I’m sure my Lord will understand if I’m a day or two late.” 

N’thuzu Tia rubbed his arm. “I guess I’ll need to go back to the Hidden Falls to train. I can’t run away from Curious Gorge forever.” 

Ozwin crossed his arms. “If you need any help with the lug, you give me a call—I’ll help. Plus we need to go spear fishing.” 

The Miqo’te nodded. 

Koroko Koko ambled over to Azlyn, tugging her robes to get her to kneel down. When Azlyn knelt, Koroko wrapped her arms around her neck. “I’m glad you were safe leader. You had me worried for a second.” 

Azlyn chuckled, pulling away from her. “You know me—I tend to worry everyone. What will you do Koroko?” 

The mage smiled. “I shall go back to train. I must needs get stronger for our next trials to come.” 

Richiro clapped his hands on his cheeks. “More trials! I thought this would be it!” 

Kida blew a raspberry at the Lalafellin healer. “It’s not the end! Didn’t you hear a word the Elder Seedseer said! It’s only the beginning!” 

Roll plucked a card from her deck, flipping it over to see. Her complexion darkened before she replaced it into the deck and shuffled. She drew from the top, and gazed to the card. She grimaced at the card. 

“What’s wrong?” Azlyn asked, and her cousin showed them the inverted card of the Spire. “What does that mean?” 

“Something bad.” 

Azlyn quirked her head, only to grasp her head in pain—her vision shifted as she was drawn from the group. When she awoke, she was floating in a dark space. It was dark—and purple crystals floated lifelessly.

She silently floated through the space, coming up to the enlarged crystal darkened to a purplish hue. A dark energy surged in the center mass of this crystal, glowing red like flame. 


A sharp headache occurred, snapping her from the sight. She found herself back near Silverlake where Kida and Roll caught her from falling over. Azlyn’s complexion darkened to match her cousin’s.

“What is it?” The Antecedent of the Scions approached them. She gazed at Azlyn with worry. 

“I think—I think I just saw a vision of Hydaelyn. She’s—the Mothercrystal—” She was interrupted by a gigantic earthquake. The ground shook violently, causing many of the groups to fall or stagger to their knees. A roar echoed overhead, piercing their eardrums as the earthquake ended. 

The people in the crowds started to panic, as they scrambled back to Mor Dhona. The Alliance leaders worriedly looked between one another while the Scions gathered their senses. 

A lone scout came pushing through the crowds, his face pale from fright. He addressed the leaders with a quick tongue. "Dread tidings! Chaos and carnage—It is an abomination! A Primal—A Primal has awakened!" 

Azlyn's group snapped at the declaration that was said. 

"A primal?!" Richiro gasped in horror. 

Another roar echoed in the valley, Azlyn turned to the source of the sound—looking to see an influx of aether growing in mass size by the clustered crystals—and the fallen fragments of the moon of Dalamud. 

Azlyn shook off her headache, and walked in the direction of the roar. Her party soon joined her, surging through the panicking crowd. As the eight made their way—only whispers followed after. The champions of Eorzea—the Warriors of Light— journeying once more to save their world.

And thus did dawn break on a realm reborn.

But where there is light, there is always shadow.

ANDDDD with that we’ve broke through the first expansion content and jumping right into post game! I hope you all have enjoyed the journey—it was fun to write.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.