Traveler In the World

Chapter 456

Chapter 466: 2 Worlds Collide 3

Standing quietly beside Yi Daoren, watching Ikari Yuantang and Zhu Xun use a very barbaric and uninteresting way to her eyes, she suddenly blinked at the puppet, and then turned to look at the stone tablet-shaped Yi Daoren. .

“What’s wrong?” Kaguya Otsutsuki was keenly aware of the puppet’s abnormality, and frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, “Did this guy do something strange again?”

“It shouldn’t be said to be him, but it has nothing to do with him.” He curled his lips and said, “As long as he exists, anything can be related to him. So, although this matter is not his doing, but Throwing the pot on his head, no problem at all.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, what did he do?” Kaguya Otsutsuki is not interested in listening to the puppet slander Yi Daoren, after all, it is already a fact: “I feel that the world’s change value is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that All have exceeded our pre-calculated value!”

“That’s because this guy has made his worthless human body and spread it out. And it seems that some strange things have been added, so the world change value has exceeded our calculation… Really, will So dangerous knowledge spreads everywhere, are you planning to be a teacher of evil Taoism?” While muttering, the puppet kicked the stone tablet incarnated by Yi Taoist, and then stretched out his hand and slashed in the air, like a knife ripping through a cloth. After a break, I walked in: “I’ll go back and clean up the shrine. The previous arrangement may not be able to withstand the impact of this world change.”

“You really take care of those two little girls… No, it should be said, you really care about your own plans.” Kaguya Otsutsuki smiled disdainfully, and then looked at the stone tablet-shaped Ren Daoist. He snorted coldly: “I promised not to interfere in the battle between the apostles and humans, but now I go back on my word. You are really inferior. Should I say that it is you?”

“You and the puppet are really throwing dirty water on me.”

Yi Daoren’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Kaguya Otsutsuki, making her abruptly startled.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Yi Daoren wearing the same clothes she had first seen when she was in the ninja world, holding a pipe in one hand, and looking at him with a light smile, his eyes followed with a hint of freedom, he didn’t have the same kind of things he had seen over the years. An indifferent melancholy.

Is it because the mentality has been adjusted after the completion?

Kaguya Otsutsuki frowned and looked at Yi Daoren, but the more she looked, the more doubts she had in her heart. Finally, after biting her lip, she said coldly, “Who are you…?”

“I am who I am, or who else would it be?” Yi Daoren laughed brilliantly as if he had heard the joke, and then tapped the pipe with his index finger, causing lit tobacco to appear in the empty cauldron of the pipe. After taking a sip, he said, “Do you think I’m not me?”

“No matter how you look at it, I don’t think you look like him… Or, you are definitely not him!” After speaking, Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly punched.

There is no punching force flying everywhere, no earth-shattering momentum, just a simple punch. But this punch made everyone feel like there was nowhere to hide, including Ikari Gendo and Nagisa Kaoru who were blasting energy waves.

When Kaguya Otsutsuki made this punch, they stopped the blasting energy wave… Or, they had to stop!

They cannot mobilize the power that should be freely mobilized!

It seems that they lost the authority to control those powers in an instant, returned to when they were ordinary people at first, and then watched Otsutsuki Kaguya punch them with his fists!

“Such a beautiful hand is used to kill people, isn’t it a waste of time?”

Yi Daoren, who was just facing this punch, didn’t seem to be affected by that mysterious feeling at all. Instead, after a frivolous laugh, he blew a smoke ring the size of Kaguya Otsutsuki’s fist. He stopped in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki’s fist.

There was no sound, and no special phenomenon appeared, only the smoke ring was easily dispersed by the fist.

But after the smoke ring dissipated, Ikari Gendo and Nagisa Kaoru found that they could continue to control their power again, and the feeling that they would definitely be hit by Kaguya Otsutsuki disappeared!

Raising her brows, although Kaguya Otsutsuki was a little surprised that her attack was handled so easily by Yi Daoren, she would not stop there, so she stared and opened her eyes…

“Okay. I’m not interested in playing this savage game with you.”

The indifferent voice appeared behind Kaguya Otsutsuki again, but this time it was the voice of Yi Daoren that she was very familiar with!

There is no need to look back, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who has opened his eyes, has a perfect perspective and can see all positions, so he can naturally see who is behind the voice of Yi Daoren.

That is also a Yidao person, wearing a white T-shirt and light white jeans, it is the image of a Yidao person in this world!


“You’re Standing in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki, Daoist Yi smiled and said, “We… or I, are everywhere now. ”

“Simply put, if I am now, if I am willing, everywhere my spirit can penetrate through the dragon veins, it is me… whether it is a dead thing or a living thing.” The stone tablet-shaped Yidao Ren of Chuang’s language: “You may be able to compare the existence of the puppet with mine. Or, her form of existence is almost the same as mine… We are all dragon veins. It’s just that she is not complete, nor I don’t want to be complete, so I’m still the seed of the evil god, a collection of pure evil. And I have recovered everything from myself.”

After the stele-shaped Yi Daoist finished speaking, both the Yi Daoist in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki and the Yi Daoist behind her disappeared instantly as if they did not exist.

After a moment of silence, Kaguya Otsutsuki said lightly, “It’s not so much to say that you have finished it, but rather that you have completely sacrificed yourself to nature.”

“It’s not wrong to say that it’s natural. However, I was originally a part of nature. Rather than offering sacrifices to nature, it’s better to be more closely integrated with nature.” Projecting again in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki… Generated After showing his own human image, Yi Daoren opened his hand and made a hug: “I am natural, so naturally it is mine…including you!”

Raising his brows, Kaguya Otsutsuki kicked up without hesitation, kicking between Yi Daoren’s legs off guard.

Without the slightest accident, Yi Daoren covered his lower body and fell down, then disappeared directly.

However, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who kicked Yi Daoren, was not at all happy… Her lower body was also in severe pain!

“I said…you are mine…not about your ownership, but you, who is me.”

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