Traveler In the World

Chapter 440

Chapter 450: Completion Is Judgment!

“Angel… Its code name is Angel.” In the combat command room, Ikari Gendo knocked on the code name of the apostles who controlled several EVA units, and at the same time issued the most dangerous notice from NERV Tokyo headquarters: “Dr. Akagi, After the system is updated, activate all the defense systems in this department. Others, who can manually activate them, are activated now.”

Although I want to face the two apostles through some combat strategies, in the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless!

“Shinji, although the headquarters can provide you with fire support, but if you can’t break through the Apostles’ AT force field, then the fire support we provide is just bigger fireworks. So…you know what to do, right?”

The sound from the earphone made Shinji Ikari shudder, and then nodded: “I know!”

If you want to break open the apostles’ AT force field, or neutralize the apostles’ AT force field, you must bring the EVA body close to the apostles, and then use your own AT force field to destroy the neutralization. The result of this is how dangerous is it? Gao naturally doesn’t need to say more!

However, he has no other options!

Either fight, or give up fighting and die… I don’t want to die, but I want his comrades who are not very harmonious, but can give him warmth and a feeling of being alive to return to him, Shinji Ikari, his choice is only It can be to fight hard, to gamble your life!

“It’s really sad for people who can only choose between not wanting to choose and even less wanting to choose!”

“Who told him to not have your power? In other words, human beings without power have always been choosing between not wanting to choose or even more wanting to choose, and then choose an acceptable option? Why did Mr. Yi come to us? The world observes our completion, in fact, it is also in pursuit of a stronger power, right?”

In the ambiguous and mysterious space, Yi Dao and Ikari looked at the picture projected by Yi Dao in front of them, and each sighed. However, while sighing, Ikari also raised her question, a question that is very close to the truth, and can even be said to be completely the truth.

“As expected of the person I like… Indeed. I came to this world to observe the completion of the apostles, in fact, just to find something worth learning from for my own completion.” Yi Daoren did not hide the slightest, nor did he feel need to hide.

The weak may need to hide the truth to protect their safety, but the strong need to show the truth to earn greater benefits for themselves!

In this world, Yi Daoren is a well-deserved powerhouse, a powerhouse that no existence can surpass!


“Why do you ask this question suddenly? Besides, although I didn’t hide it from other worlds, I didn’t express it specially.” Yi Daoren asked with a chuckle.

“It’s very simple.” Ikari replied with a positive smile on his face: “Because the power of human beings in this world will not surpass that of the apostles. But you are above the apostles!”

“Why are you so sure that the power of human beings will not surpass that of the apostles? There are also mysterious existences in this world.”

“Because of its mysterious existence, it can better prove the limitations of human beings!” Ikari Yu’s expression became serious: “The forces involved in SEELE are not just ordinary people’s forces!”

Not only the power of ordinary people, but also the power of the mysterious side!

In fact, as long as you think about it a little bit, you won’t find it strange.

SEELE means soul in German. Since this word is used as the name of the organization, in addition to making SEELE a leading center for human completion, it should also represent its own nature!

Even if it is completed by human beings, everyone is happily united as one, but just like the sea formed by streams and lakes, there are still differences!

The sea contains all water quality, but it has differences in different parts of the world, such as the degree of saltiness or something.

Because of the differences in the natural environment and human environment of the region, the ideology of human beings is also different. Even if all ideologies of human beings will return to the complete concept of ‘human’ after the completion of human beings, their dominant consciousness is not It was created out of thin air, but formed by supplementing and expanding on the existing ideology.

Since it is formed by supplementing and expanding the existing ideology, it is bound to choose an ideology as the dominant!

The purpose of SEELE is not only to guide human beings to complete the completion, but also to become the main ideology of a complete person after human completion!

Yi Daoren didn’t think about this before, or said that he didn’t care if he thought about it, and then he forgot it. Now he was reminded by the only one, he knew it immediately, and a series of associations occurred.

It’s just that these associations were put into the depths of his heart and calculated slowly.

“Then, what do you think about the completion of this matter by human beings?” Yi Daoren asked with a smile: “It’s not the previous view, but the view after seeing me.”

Human beings adore power, or biological advocating power, that is an instinct.

Only with strong power can there be greater capital to survive in this boundless universe. Human beings develop science and technology, and life pursues evolution. In the final analysis, it is just a process of pursuing power.

Yi Daoren had guessed what Yi Daoren once thought about the completion of human beings from her previous literature and a few words after contact, but now he is very curious to know, after meeting him, such a researcher with amazing talent has What will be the new view on the human completion of this action.

“…” Ikari Wei was silent for a moment, then he hesitated, as if he couldn’t organize his own language. But she didn’t make Yi Daoren wait long, and then spit out a word: “Sentence!”

“Sentence?” Yi Daoren raised his eyebrows: “Judgment?”

“ Judgment!” As if he had found the most powerful language, Ikari Yui’s tone brought some fanaticism, but also brought a strange depth: “Completion is the judgment! The more perfect a thing is, the more pleasure and pain it feels. Completing it will not make us truly perfect, but it will definitely be more perfect than before it is completed. At that time, we will feel more joy…  …and pain, of course!”

“Where do I seem to have seen something similar to this sentence… Dante’s Divine Comedy?”

“Mr. Dante, one of the early SEELE members.”

“Is that so…” Yi Daoren nodded clearly, and at the same time confirmed the purpose of SEELE: “It seems that SEELE’s plans are not shallow… However, ignorance is happiness, and it is not all wrong. I hope they be able to understand that.”

It is surprising that Yi Dao people, who have always admired knowledge, would say this, but it is not an accident!

The more you know, the more happiness you will have! It doesn’t mean you get more!

Everything has a price, and the accumulation of knowledge also has a price that people do not want to pay!

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