Traveler In the World

Chapter 436

Chapter 446: Big Deal

On the screen, the scene of Unit 0 and Unit 2 fighting against the Angel of Power is something that cannot be filmed in any major movie. It’s not a question of whether the special effects can keep up. Even the best special effects are just special effects, and there will always be a slight difference from reality.

However, even with such an intense and grand scene, it did not attract Yi Daoren’s attention.

Leaning against the wall, he was silent as if he had fallen into a peaceful dream.

Glancing at Yi Daoren, Dingyuantang didn’t say anything, much less said anything, just continued to focus on the screen.

Li Angel is a very powerful apostle, even if the first and zero machines are dispatched together, they cannot cause absolute damage to him!

“Let the No. 1 aircraft attack!” Ikari Gendo commanded in an indifferent voice.

Since the No. 0 and No. 2 machines cannot cause absolute damage to the force angel, it is a very correct choice to add an EVA body. but……

“The hidden dangers of the No. 1 aircraft after the runaway have not been lifted. Let it attack now, isn’t it…” A combat staff officer said hesitantly. As for the horror of the No. 1 aircraft after the runaway, he and others felt that it was really dangerous after understanding: “The main gun of the base has been fully charged, and other traps have already been arranged, as long as No. 0 is allowed to Unit 2 and Unit 2 lead the Angel of Force into a good position, and we can knock him down without breaking a sweat!”

“It’s effortless? Do you think those traps and the main guns of the base can break through the AT force field of Li Angel?” Ikari Gendo glanced at the staff officer indifferently. Although there was no special meaning in his eyes, it was more interesting than that. It’s chilling.

The AT force field is the best ability of the apostles to face human weapons. If all the attacks from human weapons cannot break through the protection of the AT force field, it is equivalent to doing nothing!

It’s a pity that, even with the help of Daoists, NERV has not yet developed a weapon that can break through the AT force field other than the EVA body. Even the EVA body, it only neutralizes the AT force of the apostles through its AT force field. Therefore, it can only cause effective damage to the apostles.

When facing the apostles before, all the effective moments of human weapons were when the EVA body consumed most of the apostle’s power, preventing it from turning on the AT force field, or neutralizing the apostle’s AT force field with its own AT force field. After that, it will work!

The staff officer who had nothing to say obediently shut his mouth.

Seeing that there were no other objections, the operator nodded to Ikariyuantang and picked up the phone: “Notify the first machine to attack!”

In the EVA driver’s preparation room, Shinji Ikari, who received the order, gritted his teeth, and then sorted out the combat uniform that had no problems with a cold face, and then walked to the login stage, ready to drive the first machine that he hated so much.

That’s right, although he will feel a very warm feeling in the first plane, but compared to that feeling, the feeling of driving the first plane desperately every time has completely overwhelmed that kind of warmth!

So, do you like the feeling of driving the first machine? That is absolutely impossible!

“Shinji…” Katsuragi Misato, who was bending over and watching the data on the computer with Ritsuko Akagi, who was frowning, stood up and said hello immediately after noticing the appearance of Shinji Ikari. With a face, as if someone owed him eighteen million, he stepped forward and patted Shinji Ikari on the shoulder: “Don’t make a stinky face! Driving an EVA is a dream that no one else can achieve!”

“For others, it’s a dream, but for me, it’s a reality, even if it’s a nightmare.”

It’s a pity that Misato Katsuragi’s comfort did not make Shinji Ikari feel any better, and even became more uncomfortable.

He would rather drive the EVA to be a dream, even a nightmare. That way, as long as he wakes up, he won’t continue to be so frightened! It’s just…it’s reality! A reality that no one can accept!

“Young man, how long has it been, haven’t you gotten used to it yet?” Ritsuko Akagi looked away from the computer and gave Shinji Ikari a sideways glance.

“Who can get used to this kind of **** reality!” Ikari Shinji replied without any hesitation.

“Tsk tsk tsk…” Akagi Ritsuko smacked her lips, but she didn’t say much, who had no intention of arguing with a little kid, and just continued to return her eyes to the computer screen.

Through the data displayed on the computer, she found something wrong, but she couldn’t tell for a while what was wrong.

“Perhaps, if the gentleman came over, he would immediately know what was wrong… Even if he didn’t have the data, he should have known it! It’s just that he never got involved in these things…” A little irritable After thinking for a while, she scratched her head: “Ke Cheng, help me… haven’t you attacked yet?”

Looking back, Ritsuko Akagi, who was about to ask Katsuragi Miri to do something for her, found that Ikari Shinji was not attacking, but was talking to Katsuragi Miri, so she frowned: “I hope you move faster!”

“Okay, okay, I stopped him.” After Katsuragi Miri made a round, she said to Ikari Shinji: “Go! This is not for others, but for yourself! Don’t let others, let alone you. Disappointed!”

“I see.” Ignoring Ritsuko Akagi, Ikari Shinji disappeared from the sight of Misato Katsuragi and the two of them. Soon after, the sound of elevator moving sounded. Presumably, Shinji Ikari had already taken the elevator and was ready to drive the first machine to attack. .

“Then, Dr. Akagi, is there any problem?” Now that Shinji Ikari had been sent away, Misato Katsuragi’s attention naturally turned to Ritsuko as she asked, she walked to her side.

“I found something wrong, but I can’t be sure what’s wrong…”

“You can’t be sure, how can I know? I’m just a chief of operations!”

“Some things may not be seen by experts who are skilled, but people who are unprofessional can see it at once.”

“The way you talk is really annoying… Forget it, let me take a look. If I don’t find anything, I should go out and prepare for my battle. Although the front-line combat troops are not very necessary now, but clean up The endgame still needs us.”

“Instead of doing this, you might as well transfer to our department. With Mr. Yi here, as long as you want, you can become a knowledgeable scientist in no time.”

“Yah… Well… I really don’t have much interest in this area. Huh?! These data…”

“Did you see anything?”

“It’s a big deal!”

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