Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 5: First Confrontation

Hearing the song that was gracing the party finish, Larc looked over and saw his mistress and the Prince casually making small talk with the other young nobles.

The face she was showing was smiling, but it lacked the usual radiant shine that Larc was used to. Even from a distance he could guess that Juliette was only keeping up with appearances.

[It doesn't look like anything worthwhile will happen, I guess my lady would be fine for a while]

He thought to himself as he picked finger foods from the pantry and put them in his plate.

"E-excushe me!"

The flustered call of a girl from behind greatly surprised him. It was a matter of fact that not everyone in this party would even bother conversing with a lowly servant such as himself, so this development was extremely perplexing.

Turning around, Larc met the bright crimson red eyes of a young lady that stared at him intently as if they were sparkling. Her hair that was slightly disheveled and her breathing indicated that she had ran to him in a hurry.

Instantly recognizing the distinct features of the royal family, Larc promptly placed his plate back in the table and bowed.

"Your highness, I am honoured to be in your presence"


[It's him! He's here!]

She thought to herself as she clasped her hands.

Seeing his earnest greeting, Princess Claudia's heart started beating faster. The man that she had spent numerous hours trying to find was finally in front of her. She had almost given up, but seeing him again, the fire in her heart that was almost put out, once again burned brightly. It brought out an emotion from her that she couldn't possibly describe.

Wanting to make the best possible first impression, Claudia suppressed her desire to introduce herself as the lady he had helped before.

She did a light curtsey as she offered her own greetings and hand.

"Greetings, good sir. I am the second princess, Claudia Fou Sera Belmont. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

[I knew it, she is a royal. What's more, she's the second princess! Wait.. why is she offering a greeting? What the heck is going on?]

Larc was bewildered by the Princess' actions. It was very peculiar of her to offer a curtsey and her hand to a mere servant like himself, as it would be seen as extremely disrespectful for a servant to touch a royal that he was not serving. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there perplexed by the situation.

[...why is he not responding? Shouldn't he have kissed my hand already?] Claudia thought so as she stood there waiting for Larc's response.

It was common practice for noblemen to kiss the hand a noblewoman, especially royalty, as a form of greeting and respect. Larc being a servant, was not allowed to do so.

An awkward silence floated around the two. This continued for a good thirty seconds, before Claudia finally gave in. She retreated the hand that she had extended to him, and became extremely red from the neck down. Confusion and embarrassment swirled around her head, so much so that she felt nauseous.

[Wha-what is happening!! Wait, wait! I have to calm down. I can't let this chance slip out of my hands!]

She straightened herself up then faced the man earnestly.

"Uhmm.. Apologies, if I had caused you any discomfort. I just want to clarify a few things, if I may. Your name is Larc, correct?"

"Indeed so, your highness."

"You had recently went to the town square, yes?"

"I frequent that area quite a lot, your highness, yes."

"In one of your trips there you helped two orphans and a young woman, am I wrong?"


[I don't like where this is going.. could it be?.. No, no. That highly unlikely.]

"I recall having done so, your higness. Yes"

Hearing this, Claudia's face lit up. She clasped her hands near her chest and looked at Larc with sparkling eyes.

"Then! Do you remember?!"

In response to this, Larc tilted his head. Though this was just for show, he had a rough idea as to what the princess was talking about, and frankly speaking, he was not too happy with it.

"Remember what, your highness?"
His response to the situation was to play dumb.

"Me of course! I was the girl you helped back then! Do you really not remember? Given that I had hidden my hair and eyes back then, you should still remember me, right?"

[I knew it, God damnit.] This confirmed his suspicions. He had unknowingly helped the Princess in her time of need, and he had introduced himself, he once again cursed his own luck.

Larc stood there frozen. When he looked around, he saw that they were starting to draw a crowd. Feeling the need to wrap this up before it escalates, he bows his head and offers an apology.

"Your highness, I deeply apologize for any offence I may have incurred upon you during that time, it was because I was not aware that it was your highness. Please forgive me."

Seeing Larc bow and apologize sent Claudia into a panic. She waved her hands vigorously as she tried to dispel his worries.

"N-no! You hadn't offended me in any way! I-i just.. ww-wanted to properly, tt-thank.. you.."

She looked down in embarrassment as she realized that she had sent the wrong message to Larc. She wasn't trying to probe him because of an offence he caused her, she wanted to thank him for helping her that time.

"Your highness, your gratitude is wasted upon me, I only did what I thought was right. You need not thank me"

"Aa... U-uwu.. still, thank you, Larc."

[This is gonna go nowhere, I'll just accept it and go, I'm becoming really uncomfortable with the crowd]

Wanting to get of there in a hurry, he accepted the Princess'gratitude.

"Then, you're welcome, your highness."


Seeing the slightly red face of the princess light up, Larc breath a sigh of relief in his head. He thought that the event with the Princess was finally over.

"Then, I'll be taking my leave now, your highness."

He offered a bow to the princess and started to turn around. Just as he was doing so, he felt a light tug on his sleeve.

Fearing for the worst, he slowly turned back around and met with the princess' eyes. She was looking up to him with moist eyes while meekly holding his sleeve.

"A-anoo.. Mm-may I ask what your name is?"

Larc showed a bewildered face at the princess'request.

[Haven't I already introduced myself?]

He stood up straight and once again offered a slight bow.

"Your highness, as I've said before, my name is Larc."

"I'm not talking about that! I already know that, sir Larc! What I want to know is your surname! Which house are you from?"

"Huh? Your highness, what do you mean? What hous---"


A low cold voice called out to him from the back. Larc's body instinctively turned stiff, he felt a cold shiver down his spine as goosebumps assaulted his entire body. This voice, though having a beautiful timber, was full of anger and contempt, and he was painfully aware as to who it came from.

Slowly looking back, what he saw was his mistress, the young lady of house Carmine, sporting a chilling smile with her arms crossed.

"M-my lady.."

Larc stuttered as he addressed his charge that was releasing a dangerous aura. In response, Lady Juliette only maintained her cold smile.

"Larc? I thought I told you to wait for me at the table, correct?"

"I-indeed so, my lady."

"And yet, when I came back, there was no Larc there?"

"A-apologies, my lady. But I was just.. uhm.."

"And now, I find you here, conversing with another woman? Can I take this as you cheating?"

[How did it come to this?! And what the hell is that? Cheating? When did I??"

Larc couldn't find the words to explain it to Juliette. He desperately racked his brain, but to no avail.

Heavy silence floated around them.

"Nee, Larc. I'm waiting for your explanation, you know?"

"Lady Juliette?"

Luckily, the voice of the princess broke the heavy tension in the atmosphere. She timidly peeked from the back of Larc.

"A-anoo, how do you know each other?"

"Hooh? So you're the one this pet of mine was cheating with? I didn't take you for a woman who would steal another woman's possession, Princess Claudia."

[My ladyyyyyy!! Whyyyyyy??] Larc wanted to just die on the spot. He moved close to lady Juliette, but her sharp glare froze him in the spot.

Unfortunately, the tension that was blown away came back, and it was even stronger than it was before.

"Hah? I'm sorry, but I may have misheard that. What did you say, Lady Juliette? Could you repeat that?"

"I said "I did not take you for a woman who would steal another woman's possession, Princess Claudia." Or would you like me to repeat a third time?"

The two women were now facing down one another. Neither of them willing to back down, Juliette and Claudia glared at each other as sparks flew between them. 

"Sir Larc. Could you explain to me why this woman, is calling you her possession and accusing me of stealing you?"

"Hoooh? Larc, could you also explain to me where and how you got acquainted with this.. thing so that I may understand it better?"

[Haaaaaah!! Spare me from thiiiis!!!]

Larc shouted inside of his mind. He had only wanted to spend the night in peace,  watching the nobles dance, eat some food, possibly converse and be acquainted with one or two servants. But instead, he was now here in the middle of this battlefield, with two very prominent ladies of high society bearing down on him.

[Just what did I do to warrant this punishment!!]

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here! 

I just wanted to express my gratitude to you guys! We just reached the number 7 spot in trending! What??? ? This is the first time we graced that sacred place so I'm very excited! 

This little story of mine would never have been able to reach that spot if it wasn't for you guys, so I wanted to express my sincerest gratitude! I promise you guys even more quality and quantity releases from now on! ? Please do continue supporting this story! Here's to hoping a higher spot in the future! 

TachimeSan out!

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