Tomboy Island

Day 3 – Part 3 – Monster, Sun Monster, Monster Horny

“Stop - laughing!” Charlotte whined.

“No,” Tess answered with a low giggle. “What are you going to do, chase me?”

The French tomboy groaned at the irony of the situation. Every bit as bow-legged as the goth had been the day prior after her own ‘breaking’, she struggled to keep up with the rest of the group. A sizable group, by this point, consisting of six women and one man who could now claim to have three of them as his sex slaves and another as some sort of fuckbuddy.

“A book about this would sell like hotcakes,” Ashley mumbled to herself. “What should I call it? Olympic Harem, maybe? Oh, how about Nubile Isle? No, no… Tomboy Island?”

“You should call it ‘you’ll hear from my lawyer’,” Tess told her.

“Huh?” Ashley snapped out of it. “S-s-sorry, did I say that out loud?”

“Yes,” Valeria answered. “Whatever you write about this, we’ll read it over before you publish it.”

“It would be poison for our reputation,” Yahui added.

“Okay… okay…” Ashley assured, visibly shrinking away at the attention from all the taller and stronger women around her.

Alex just concentrated on the path ahead. Part of him fully agreed with the logic of the girls. More of him, however, felt like he had the right to brag a little bit about what had happened so far. ‘I wonder if it’ll keep going like this,’ he thought. A harem of three was already more than he had ever hoped for, especially three women of this quality both physically and mentally. A harem of fifteen, if everyone was alive, well, and found, was a dream and a nightmare. Even with his improved libido, he wasn’t sure if he could keep up with that kind of demand.

“I’m having him next,” Valeria stated out of nowhere.

“That’s not for you to decide,” Tess pointed out.

“Y-yeah, if Master feels nice enough to have sex with you that’s-”

“His choice, yes,” Valeria cut off Sofia, then put a hand on her wide hips. “He won’t say no to this though.”

‘I really won’t,’ Alex thought and looked at the dark-skinned beauty in all of her detail. “Let’s not get distracted,” he said out loud. Even if he was going to pound her as soon as they took a break, he had to keep them focused. There was safety in their number. Only desperate or enormous predators would approach a group of seven humans. 

Their path brought them back into the depths of the jungle, then back near its edge. They all stopped when Alex did. “Finally,” Charlotte sighed with relief, plopping down on a moss-covered tree root.

“Why did we stop?” Valeria asked.

“Describe your thoughts in detail, fearless leader!” Ashley requested. He could practically see her holding a notepad.

“That tree looks climbable and tall,” he explained, pointing at a broad trunk. “I’m wondering if I should go up and get a look around.”

“Want me to do it?” the olympic climber asked.

Alex considered. It wasn’t worth much if he wasn’t the one that got a look. The map was in his head, he was the one with the gift for this kind of thing. Depending on how well she described things, he could still put the puzzle together though.


“I’ll do it.” Alex confidently grabbed a branch and pulled himself up. He heard a few swooning sounds behind him. Sofia openly muttered something about his form, while Ashley muttered various words that could be used to describe the contours of his musculature.

It did feel pretty good to be desired like that.

It did not feel good when his erection rubbed up against tree bark.

That little mishap aside, he scaled the tree aptly. From branch to branch, he moved, pulling himself upwards. As he had hoped, the canopy of the tree was incredibly sturdy, allowing him to emerge atop the roof of emerald green.

The view was not as expansive as he would have wished. Other tall trees narrowed the scope of what he could clearly see. To the north-east there was water - a lot of water - that he could say for certain. ‘Either the bay is enormous or that other shore does belong to another island entirely,’ he thought and committed all he could to memory. ‘That’s good and bad. If this island is relatively small, that means we can explore the entirety of it and be relatively safe.’

Alex soon climbed down and shared the news with everyone else. After that, it was time to pick yet another direction to travel.


It was becoming gradually clearer that they were on a moderately sized island. Confirming that fact and memorizing the shape of the coastline would be incredible useful in the long term. Therefore, Alex decided to guide them all east next.

A short and eventless trek, all things considered. They made it out of the jungle and met the ocean quickly after that. The shore here was more greenery, with too little sand to be called a beach barely protecting the island from getting gradually washed away.

“What’s that?” Tess asked, directing everyone’s attention to a spot lightly off the shore. The clear water was in constant turmoil, too erratic to be due to boiling. The answer came in the shape of a couple of fish bouncing out of the disturbed water.

“A whole school of fish,” Alex said.

“Should we go on a hunt?” Charlotte asked with a broad grin.

“With what?” Alex raised his empty hands. “And even if we did, I’m not desperate enough for raw fish just yet. Let’s just hope they frequent this area, so we can come back here at a later time.”

There was nothing else to be done. The group moved further up and down the coastline, just looking for anything interested. At various times, they spotted more of those fish swarms. Whatever species this was, it did evidently like something about this specific area. With as little as a spear or a small net, they could attempt to swim out to one of them and haul back some good meals.

Definitely important to keep in mind. Alex marked it on his mental map.


From there, they went north-west, to reach parts of the coast they had not yet visited. It was yet more of a dull trek, following the coastline and resting in shade when they came across it. Perhaps it was the sheer ease of it all that had them relaxed enough to only realized they had an issue when it was already too late.

They were sitting in the shade of a boulder, when Valeria suddenly said, “Those are a lot of crabs.”

Alex opened his eyes, having closed them for a brief moment to prevent himself from ogling too much. Immediately he looked around.

To say there were a lot of crabs was an understatement. There were hundreds of them, scurrying about the nearby sands. On average, they were small enough to fit in the palm of Alex’s hand. “Well, this is annoying,” he groaned.

“What are they going to do?” Charlotte asked, amused. “Squeeze us?”

“Literally yes,” Alex answered. “You do not want to run around with a small cut on your foot all day. It’s probably not going to get infected or anything, but it will be annoying at the very least. Sort of like walking in new shoes.”

That made the French tomboy reconsider her opinion. Everyone now gave the carpet of brownish crustaceans wary inspection. At least they were just the regular type of beach crab, rather than something large and potentially dangerous like a coconut crab.

In any case, Alex got up and rubbed the sand off his butt. “Best to get moving before they get to us,” he said. Something was making the crabs migrate out of the water. Could have been the time of day, could have been pure randomness. What it definitely was, was a reason to move out before they were surrounded by more of them.

“Tiny enemy crabs!” Ashley squeaked.

“Huh?” Alex asked.

“That would be the title of this incident in the book,” the reporter explained, sparkles in her eyes. “I can already see the paragraph: ‘As we rested upon the shoreline, our naked, nubile bodies on full display for the gentleman who had, so far, enslaved three of our group through words and pounding, we found ourselves surrounded by tiny enemy crabs.’” Ashley stopped there and realized everyone was looking at her. “J-just an idea…”

“As long as these are the only crabs we have to worry about,” Tess added drily.

“We’re all smooth,” Valeria pointed out. 

Yahui took a half step away from a crab that was scurrying in her general direction. “Alex, please lead the way. I like my feet un-pincered.”


“Alright, be quick as you follow me,” he instructed and then confidently stepped forwards.

There was no simple route out, so he just had to make one. Moving quick, he picked up each crab that was ahead of him and then tossed it in the general direction of the ocean. Each motion was swift and apt, avoiding the potential retaliation from the small crustaceans.

It took him several minutes, but in the end Alex had created a corridor, through which everyone else followed. They stood on an elevated bit of soil and the crabs stayed down by the boulder. It appeared they had come up to the beach to eat bits of algae that been washed ashore.

“Truly, the horrors of this island know no end,” Tess commented.

Everyone chuckled. So far, this had been the biggest danger they had come across, being unfathomably horny put aside. “Let’s hope I don’t run us into something worse.”


They moved west from there, following the shore.

It swung out at first, then they turned a corner into a depression in the shoreline. To the north was only water, from what Alex could see. “Seems more and more we really are on a small island of two,” he spoke his thoughts.

“Is that good or bad?” Valeria asked.

“Good in most senses. It means we can keep track of the terrain and, even if we do separate, if one of us gets lost they can be fairly certain to never be too far away from a known landmark. Also means we can be mostly certain of the local dangers and, when a rescue party arrives, they won’t have to look for us for long.” Alex looked around. “It also means that the other passengers may have gotten ashore on other islands.”

“Let’s hope that’s not the case.” Sofia weighed her fencing stick in her hand and looked at it with disapproving eyes.

“Something the matter?” Alex asked.

“N-no, nothing, Master!” she was quick to assure. After a few more seconds, she added. “It’s just that… I don’t know it feels… wrong in my hands? I don’t know how to describe it…”

“I think you’re just used to better,” he dared to suggest. He looked at the stick for a moment. The suggestion that he take it instead did cross his mind, but it was just going to snap if he swung it. It wasn’t thick enough to be used as a club and he did not have the level of finesse required for jabs with something shorter than a spear.

Alex moved his gaze back ahead before they could be surprised again. He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Maybe you just know that the only sword you should be holding is that of our Master?” Charlotte purred, then Sofia gasped, half in pleasure, half in surprise. Alex did not need to turn to know that the French woman had hugged her Estonian counterpart from behind and was likely running her fingers over Sofia’s quim. Now that she was one of his, the foxy woman had become a lot more handsy with Sofia and Tess.

Alex loved that development. If he had a harem, then it would be a harem that was internally stable, rather than a bunch of women jealousy fighting for his attention.

“The fuck is that?” he asked out loud and stopped.

The chatter behind him came to a sudden halt, as everyone tried to spot what he was spotting. “Ew!” was the first reaction, coming from Ashley.

Up ahead on the beach was some kind of four-legged creature. It was pink and fleshy in its colouration. Each of its limbs moved in a boneless lumber, moving it forwards - and towards the group. A fourth limb, looking no different than the others, was raised up. The bottom consisted of hundreds of yellowy, wiggling tendrils.

The creature stopped for an instant, then began to ‘gallop’ towards them. Alex took an involuntary step back at the alien display. All of the girls took three more. Knowing they were behind him, the man stood his ground and stared at the animal stoically.

It was some kind of… landborne starfish. Its evenly sized limbs and lack of torso made its top speed barely faster than a human walking. For the starfish that Alex knew, it was giant, a metre to a metre and a half across. Its mucus-covered skin stretched and contracted with every gait.

It continued to approach as fast as it could go. A primitive ocular at the top of the one raised limb kept facing them. The animal was aggressive, that much was for certain.


Alex did not feel like getting stalked by a giant starfish and surprised later. More than that, between flight and fight, the latter instinct was kicking in. Adrenaline rushed through his system and with something to defend, he stopped thinking and just did.

The ‘galloping’ starfish got a lot bigger. Alex was running right at it. The sheer difference in size, weight, and speed became utterly apparent when the buff man stopped out of reach of the tendrils and kicked the knee-high animal with all the force he could muster.

Impact was confirmed by a wet squelch. Squishy meat and cartilage-esque bumps gave under Alex’s foot, then the entire creature was thrown on its side. Mucus and water gushed from a variety of small openings all over its body. Apparently, it was semi-hollow, and just that one impact had made it lose a good chunk of its size.

Alex was on top of it a moment later. From what he remembered about starfish, they had their nervous systems concentrated in the tip of each of their arms. A series of quick stomps reduced the basic oculars into a mushy paste in the hard sand. From there, it was just the application of more blunt force to finish it off.

Once the creature stopped twitching, Alex took several steps back and looked at the alien lump of flesh. “Seriously, what the fuck?” he asked, his breathing lightly laboured.

The girls behind him slowly approached. Sofia prodded the creature with her stick. Some of the tiny tendrils lining the bottom were still wiggling, but by and large it appeared to be dead. “Not the weirdest thing I have heard about ever crawling out of the ocean…?”  Yahui said, although she did not sound convinced herself.

“It’s a starfish crawling around at land. Shouldn’t it dry out?” Valeria asked.

“It’s giant,” Tess added.

“Kind of wonder if its edible,” Charlotte confessed, causing everyone to give her a half-disgusted glance. “I said wonder! I’m not going to do it!”

“Another thing to add to the list of weird flora and fauna on this island, I’d say,” Ashley spoke, her enthusiasm curbed by a clearly suppressed retching reflex.

“Seriously,” Alex mumbled and looked at the thing he had killed. He had watched a documentary or fifteen about the alien life of the sea. Reality was often stranger than fiction. “The biologists will have a field day when they find us.”

With that, they all stepped away. The sun above them was every reason to just leave the corpse to be taken care of by nature. Gawking at the mound of glibber and flesh was not going to get them anything.


The starfish was an alien encounter, yet it was nowhere near the merciless danger of the sun monster.

Heat picked up immensely as the sun approached its highest point. There was no shade anywhere, just heat so intense that they all to half-jog to not burn their feet on the sand. Skin was drenched from sweat and humidity. Alex’s head was pounding from the onset of dehydration.

It was banal and merciless. Gravity and the rays of the sun were ever present dangers that had become mere inconveniences in the modern world, yet here deep falls and prolonged exposure where an omnipresent danger.

They caught a lucky break in the shape of a shallow pond of lukewarm water. It offset their dehydration, but heat stroke was a genuine danger at this rate.

“We have to keep moving,” Alex croaked, helping Ashley up. The reporter nodded weekly, as they stumbled away from the water.


They moved further down the coast. It kept them exposed to the sun, yes, but it was also the quickest way back to the natural campsite they had found and it also let them explore the rest of the coastline.

“There’s shade up ahead,” he told everyone. A stone formation promised a cool place to take another break and safe haven from heatstroke. Alex turned the corner of the stone formation and plunged face first into a pair of tits.

“Yeah, that would be my first reaction too,” he heard a haughty voice.

His dried out brain needed a second to realize what had happened. Remembering his manners, he snapped up straight and looked at the woman in front of him. Like Valeria, she was tall and had a shaved head. Her skin was a shade lighter than the olympic climber and brown eyes sat in her attractive face. She was tall, busty, and built.

“Yo,” she greeted Alex and lightly tilted her head. Between raised eyebrows and the crooked smile, she practically embodied the word cocky. A hand on her hips just completed the picture.

“If it isn’t half of the pilots that got us into this mess… and a whole group of my fellow athletes,” she added the second part as more and more of the group came around the corner.

“Evelyn,” Tess greeted the newcomer.

“In the attractive flesh. I see all of you decided to join me in displaying yourself.” She waved them in. “Come into my humble abode, I was about to move out anyway.”

They took the invitation quickly, moving into the shade. The thick cover of stones provided them with a welcome cool. A pile of fruits in the corner showed that she hadn’t just been sitting around the past few days either.

“Feel free to eat, I got my fill already,” she offered, then grinned a little wider at the wave of gratitude she received. “Y’all really managed to get fucked up by the sun, huh?”

“We weren’t aware there was no cover up north,” Alex said.

“Sounds like you should have made better decisions.”

“Master made perfectly good decisions!” Sofia disagreed.

“Master?” Evelyn laughed. “Oh, I always knew you belonged under someone else, Sofia. Glad you agreed.” She gave the smaller woman a friendly smack on the shoulder, then laughed some more. “Hey, at least you finally one-upped me in something: you got fucked before I did.”

“T-thanks?” the fencer stammered and blushed.

“I see your attitude has not changed in the slightest due to recent events,” Yahui pointed out.

“Of course not.” Evelyn rolled her head. “Why would I change up perfection? Now get to explaining.”


Alex just broke down what had happened in neutral terms. Granted, that was a bit difficult when what had happened involved a plane crash, the ‘enslavement’ of three willing submissives, and various encounters with aphrodisiac flora, but he still tried.

“Yeah, that tracks,” was all Evelyn had to say. The cocky smile had never left her face. “Well, if any of you need to ‘relieve’ yourselves, don’t let me stop you.”

“Didn’t you just say you’re a virgin?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, because I have standards, not because I’m a prude.” She gestured at herself. “You see this? You think I’m going to give that away to just about anyone? I’m a three times gold winner of the olympic triathlon.” She smacked her own lower midriff. “This womb is worth more than some nations.”

She was saying that in a mostly joking tone, but there was a core of genuine, and justified, pride there.

Alex bit into the fruit he had grabbed from the pile and hummed. Everyone was busy eating still, but there was no doubt that the offer to go for a bit of a relief session would be taken. Valeria had stated her intent to get railed earlier that day and Alex himself felt his blood flow to his cock. Between the provided safety and the close encounter with Evelyn’s juicy tits, his urges were rearing up.

The cocky tomboy caught him staring.

“I know, right?” she asked and gave her tits a nice squeeze. “You only get the one you had though.”


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