To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1650 Leave success or failure to the will of God!

Chapter 1650 Leave success or failure to the will of God!

The movie is over.

After all, it was reserved to watch, so the bosses were not in a hurry to leave, but were discussing the plot of the movie.

They also want to know whether this movie, as Mr. Pei's last trump card, can really have a killing effect?
Nie Yunsheng said with some doubts: "Although the filming of this movie is really good, it seems that there is still some gap between winning the Golden Lion Award."

"Does it mean that this year's Venice Film Festival really doesn't have any strong competitors, that's why this film was missed?"

Lu Xiaoping shook his head slightly: "It is true that there are no strong competitors, but the quality of this movie should not be underestimated."

"Although I haven't been able to analyze this movie carefully, judging from my first viewing experience, this movie is indeed unique in many aspects. It is not surprising that it was recognized by the judges. "

Nie Yunsheng was a little surprised: "Oh? Mr. Lu, please tell me how this movie compares to "Your Property"?"

Lu Xiaoping explained: "The two have similarities in the themes expressed, but in terms of plot arrangement, one is biased towards extremes, while the other is biased towards details."

Nie Yunsheng and the other bosses nodded one after another, which can be seen even by those who don't know much about movies.

"My Property" envisages a very extreme and bizarre scenario, that is, one person controls most of the wealth on the entire planet, and even monopolizes the air, water and so on.

However, "The Future You Choose" does not have such an extreme scene. All the plots still happen in a scene that seems extreme but seems logical.Even small gangsters can still use various gray methods to gain power.Although the whole world is chaotic, the upward ladder has not been completely cut off.

So although their themes are similar, after the final film is shot, the feeling is very different.

Lu Xiaoping continued to explain: "I will not analyze the content of the movie's theme and deep connotation. This kind of content can only be summed up by watching the details of the movie repeatedly."

"I'll just briefly talk about some of the techniques used in this movie."

"In my opinion, this film has a very good balance between commercial and artistic aspects. In some aspects he did it very straightforwardly, such as using different light tones to express the gap between characters."

"As soon as the movie opens, the camera goes down from the highest point to the lowest point. The real rich people live in the highest point, not only the sun is shining, but even at night, you can see the most wonderful lights of the whole city, above the clouds They live as if living in a fairyland."

"And as the camera descends rapidly, the audience sees the scene at the bottom. Whether it is day or night, it is gray here, and the clouds block the sunlight and lights. It makes the lower world become a sense of completeness. The jungle society where the weak prey on the strong has fallen into absolute chaos."

"At the end of the movie, the camera is pulled up again from the bottom up, which intensifies this feeling."

"It seems to me that the design of this cloud layer is very clever."

"These buildings seem to be towering into the sky, and although they are indeed very high, the clouds are actually ejected from the equipment in the center of the building."

"Although there is no direct explanation given in the film, it can be guessed that the rich people living on the upper floors do not want to see the chaotic and dirty scenes on the lower floors, and do not want to disturb their mood when looking at the scenery by the window, so Hidden by clouds."

"And the clouds can actually be seen as a means of isolation and monopoly, because the people living on the upper floors of the building are the upper classes of the entire society, so they can use this blatant method to monopolize the sunlight obtained by the entire city. .Like "My Property," where the rich monopolize the air."

"When the protagonist played by Lu Zhiyao conspired to replace the young rich man, he was obviously doing the darkest job, but he deliberately used a very bright light effect. After the protagonist replaced the rich man, he took care of the rich man's industry, the whole atmosphere in the process of laundering one's own gang and continuing to gain wealth is very cheerful."

"There's even a majestic and elegant strings on the score."

"The soundtrack and lighting contrasted very sharply with the treacherous and sinister plot, creating an absurd effect."

"But at the same time, it seems to imply that for the protagonist, a poor person who is climbing up at all costs, the factors such as right and wrong, right and wrong, good and evil in his eyes have all been distorted. In order to be able to climb to the highest point and embrace the sun, it actually Has completely abandoned or even deliberately distorted the recognition of morality."

"In addition, the movie also uses a lot of montage techniques."

"For example, in the process of the protagonist growing up in the gang, the montage method is used to compare the activities of the protagonist when he first joined the gang and after joining the gang for a long time. The ugliness that the protagonist was not used to quickly became accustomed to."

"Through the beginning and the end, the crossover of the camera highlights the great changes that the protagonist has undergone during this time, and also shows a sense of reincarnation. All members of the gang will actually go through such a process, from the naive and young when they first joined the gang. Shiba has gradually become a ruthless character who abandons morality and uses unscrupulous methods.”

"But if it is told in the normal order, it will not be able to reflect this sense of reincarnation and fate, and it will appear very procrastinated."

"In addition, the details of the movie are also well done. The protagonist is in all stages of life, the food he can get, and the clothes he wears match his situation."

"For example, when I was a homeless man, after joining a gang, or after becoming a rich man, the protagonist's living environment and clothing changed."

"And I have to sigh, Lu Zhiyao's acting skills are really strong."

"He's actually playing two roles, one of which has two different phases."

"The protagonist of the poor started fighting fiercely with others at the bottom. Although he killed someone, he still insisted on his inner self at this time. As his status in the gang became higher and higher, on the surface it seemed that he was His personality has become calm, but in fact he has given up his insistence on justice in his heart."

"Lu Zhiyao not only wants to act out the feeling of the poor protagonist, but also plays the young rich man well."

"This young rich man has another character. He is full of idealism and adventurism. He is full of enthusiasm and hope for life. In terms of fighting spirit, he seems to have a lot of similarities with the poor protagonist, but carefully Observation reveals that the inner spirits of the two of them are completely different."

"There is a detail in the film. Both the rich and poor protagonists have the same ornamental plants, but the ornamental plants of the rich protagonist thrive because they are placed on the floor and can be exposed to sunlight frequently. The poor ones The other plant is frequently sick, the leaves are yellow and half-dead, and it needs careful attention to survive."

"That is to say, the difference in living environment determines that two people with the same adventurous and enterprising spirit will eventually become two completely different people."

"The most exciting thing is that Lu Zhiyao not only performed the three characters, but also performed the constant changes between the three characters very well."

"It even gives people an illusion that the protagonist of the poor and the rich just look alike, but they are actually two people inside."

"Being able to dedicate such wonderful and complicated acting skills, it is well deserved to win the best actor."

Nie Yunsheng nodded slightly: "Indeed. This movie has a lot of little tricks in the details. If I hadn't heard you say it like this, I really wouldn't have noticed it. I just think it feels very smooth and natural."

"What makes me more concerned is the small stone on the protagonist's chest, and its symbolic meaning."

"First, the homeless man mistakenly thought that the stone was something valuable and robbed him, and then he accidentally killed the homeless man, and was forced to start his gang career. In the end, it was probably because of this stone that he was exposed, and finally It was smashed by falling from upstairs, implying the failure of the protagonist."

"It seems that Director Zhu Xiaoce's ambition is indeed not small. This movie is well-conceived, and it is very likely that it was aimed at winning awards from the very beginning."

After all, Lu Xiaoping specializes in making movies, and his vision is much higher than that of other bosses, and he can see many ways.

Of course, he is not a particularly professional film critic, and he only watched it once, so he only mentioned a few points that he could see according to his first feeling.

Since this film can win the award, it must not only be excellent in the artistic technique of filming, but also have some deep connotations that impressed the judges.

Nie Yunsheng said worriedly: "Mr. Lu, do you think "My Property" can win?"

Lu Xiaoping thought for a while and said: "Since ancient times, there has been no number one in Chinese literature. It is too rough and utilitarian to judge whether you win or not. It is not good to say that."

"After all, what we are comparing is not box office and awards, but public opinion."

"From the current point of view, the movie "My Property" has accurately hit the Tenda Group, and the movie "The Future You Choose" has affected and affected us, but the impact is not very great."

"Even I think the lethality of this movie is not as good as the game."

"After all, the game is an attack on our anti-Tengda alliance through the final ending, but the movie didn't mention it at all."

"On the contrary, the two films are constantly portraying, trying to push Tenda Group to the position of that giant monopoly. The subtle influence on the audience cannot be underestimated."

"As public opinion continues to ferment, everyone will be more or less wary of the current state of Tenda Group."

"In short, I think the movie "My Property" is good enough, and I will leave the success or failure to God's will!"

(End of this chapter)

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