Tinea and Leah [Cyberpunk, Alien Incursions, Murder and Mayhem, Girl’s Love (WLW)]

Chapter One Hundred Five – Exploration Is A Must [R18. To no one’s surprise, I’m sure.]

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back.

Okay, so. I don't have much buffer left anymore. Just two chapters. Which isn't good, cause I can't go on Patreon like this.

The issue is my day job - it's seriously, seriously  sapping my energy. I have a hard time building motivation to keep going. I'm managing, but not enough. I basically release about half a chapter more per weak than I'm writing...which is bad.

I'm gonna finish releasing this, uh, sex arc (lmao), and then I'll take one week off from releases, just so I can actually catch up and get a buffer again.

Additionally, I have to reduce my posting frequency to two chapters a week.
Please understand that, at this time, writing doesn't pay my bills at all. I'm not getting any money from y'all.^^
I've received one Ko-Fi donation for 10$, which was great, but... You get the idea.

Which is why I'm gonna have to build a buffer so I can go on Patreon and offer advance chapters there. I'll also have some kinkier NSFW chapters on there. RR and SH will have the softer R18 stuff like these chapters, but if you like, say, bondage or other kinky play, then that'd be available only on Patreon.

CW: Sexual Tension

Chapter One Hundred Five - Exploration Is A Must [R18. To no one's surprise, I'm sure.]

My thoughts travel
Softly on long wings
Upon the warm thermals
Of your care for me

– Random Love Letter No. 2, from Tinea to Leah, some time after they'd settled down together




Thoughts and sensations were smashing together in my brain, creating fireworks and thunderstorms that rained lightning down my spine, again and again.

I was sitting in a swing of silk, spread and partially bound as a giant tease for Leah. I was a woman for her through and through, and it stole my breath and sent flutters through me until I couldn't hold back the tears from all the overwhelming emotions. My soft flesh was on display and the lady I loved was visibly enjoying what I had to offer.

She'd positioned herself between my legs in a move that had ratcheted up my heartbeats, sat down on her pod so that her mouth was at just the right level to taste me.

If she wanted to.

The thought had me leaking rather a lot, something that Leah didn't miss, judging by her knowing smile and the way she tilted her head as she looked at my vulva.

She licked her lips, and my hips jumped involuntarily as my eyes tracked the wet tip of it gliding across her red, red lips.

Pussy. Oh god. I have a pussy. The happiness of that thought hit me again with so much force that it wrecked me, and I began shivering uncontrollably. The tears flowed even faster. My tail swung forward and wrapped itself around Leah's hips and my arms stretched towards her as I sought a rock to hold onto.

Leah's eyes immediately jumped to my face and whatever she saw there, it made her smile gently. She laid her hand flat against my belly, but even this simple bit of contact flashed hot in my mind and my entire body jumped.

Her other hand accepted mine, and I gratefully linked my fingers with hers. I was still breathing very fast and couldn't make a sound with everything happening inside me, even as my lips kept trying to say something, so she just stroked the sensitive skin above my womb with her thumb, waiting for me to calm down.

And I did. Slowly, bit by bit. My muscles relaxed a little, and I leaned into the silk again, my focus captured by Leah. My lips were still moving, but I didn't know what I was trying to say. She held my gaze the entire time with a soft and welcoming smile, until I stopped shivering so much.

"How are you feeling, Tinea?" she asked softly.

Her voice reached something inside of me, and I suddenly, explosively, released all the pent up air with an ooph as all the tension fled from me. I sagged a little in the silken swing, emotionally drained already, and Leah continued to study my face and pet my belly.

"A lot," I said, with audible exhaustion. "Just…a lot."

It was like I was coming down from an adrenaline high. And…I probably was, wasn't I? Shivering, but for a different reason. A release of tension, of stress, even if it wasn't the bad kind.

Leah's voice returned my attention to her. "Do you want to stop?"

I…didn't know. I was weirdly tired, feeling floaty and disconnected after the emotional discharge. But also still full of…need.

No. No, I wasn't done. I didn't want to stop.


I shook my head.

"I don't want to stop, Leah, but maybe I went in a bit hard there, huh? I wasn't really expecting so much…new stuff. It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest, and I didn't do myself any favors by…going overboard with the bondage."

Leah tilted her head, and I could see the gears turn behind her eyes as she dug into my words, trying to understand. I smiled, smitten once more by this woman, this beautiful soul whom I'd fallen in love with way too fast—and I didn't regret it one bit.

Maybe I'd just…chosen right, this time? Yeah. That's what it felt like. I hoped time would agree with me. It didn't look like I had bad chances, there.

Leah's expression cleared up and she nodded. I could clearly see a lot of empathy and I giggled. She really was a hard worker.

The hand on my belly moved to the edge of the cot behind me instead, and she got up on her knees. She leaned forwards, careful not to touch me in certain sensitive places as I easily supported her other hand with the strength of my upgraded muscles.

Leah gently kissed me with closed lips. Then she sat back again, smiling and tapping on the silk keeping my legs spread with her free hand.

"Want to remove this stuff? Let's just…explore first. Slow and easy," she said, and continued with a giggle. "We can have more extravagant fun later."

Her free hand was resting on the inside of my thigh, her thumb stroking away and warming me up again, slowly stoking the fires. Leah tilted her head as she spoke once more.

"I've only known you as a woman, and you seemed to behave as one so naturally that I'd kind of not realized how…important this bit would be," she continued. "It's kind of like a… supercharged virginity for you, isn't it? With the combination of being a woman for the first time. Even if you've had experience as Aden, this is unknown territory."

"Mm." I nodded with a happy smile, glad to have been understood, glad that she'd been able to put it into words. I fluffed my tail along her spine, up to her head, where I softly caressed the back of her neck and hugged her shoulders with it.

I stretched out my second hand and Leah placed her free one in it. I linked our fingers there, too, and she let me stroke her thumbs with mine. Then my attention kind of went rambly, and got stuck on how she was sitting.

I imagined that the only reason she wasn't totally uncomfortable on the curves of her pod was that her legs were prosthetics, which she could simply lock in place without suffering the discomfort of organic muscles and joints being forced to hold weird positions.

Kind of like a barstool to sit on, but…integrated, huh?

The thought was funny, but before I could so much as giggle, I found myself distracted a second time. Since Leah had sat back after kissing me, I was in full view, again. She was also at the…correct height, again.

Naturally, her eyes traveled downwards.

Her gaze found my folds and turned sultry in a way that had me tingling with little sparks at the base of my spine. I flushed once more, and a bead of sweat trickled down my ribs.

There was still a bit of an edge to being bound so openly, still something that ratcheted up my need to be held and loved. So, I unwound my tail from Leah's shoulders and cut the straps and restraints spreading my knees.

At my actions, Leah's eyes jumped back up to mine. She noticed my blushy, messy state and her smile was full of gentle reassurance. So much so that tears pricked my eyes as I returned the smile. I really, really wanted to hug her right now.

But my torso was still bound, and I tossed a thought at AI-I to finish releasing me as soon as possible, and to turn the swing into a proper hanging mat. Something where Leah could join me and we could cuddle. My tail got busy weaving our new nest into existence, and I let those complex thought processes disappear into the background.

My knees, meanwhile, were free, and the loss of tension meant I swung forwards a little, towards Leah. Who, even more frontally confronted with…me, kind of stopped breathing for a second with reddening tips of her ears.

She was really, really cute. It was kind of bonkers how cute she was being.

I gently settled the back of my knees on her shoulders, with my ankles dangling down her back. My insteps found her waist and I kneaded her there, looking for maximum contact and being careful that I wouldn't scratch her with any of the enhancements I'd grown.

Might need to either discard those, or wrap them up, huh? Improvements to be made.

I tabled the thought to be reviewed later.

Her eyes flashed back and forth between my wet pussy and my flushed face, and every time she met my eyes, she seemed to flip between warm assurance and confidence, an almost childish, cheeky want to lick as she bit her tongue, and an adorable shyness when she realized.

Honestly, I wasn't doing much better. Her vacillating was a kind of erotic roulette for me, sending hot and cold frissons through me with each glance.

Then, seemingly trying to gather herself, she closed her eyes and breathed in deep.

Which meant she got an intense noseful of me.

Her attempt at composure broke and she coughed in a way that had a gush of hot air hit me down there. I jerked even as my lips twitched with a suppressed giggle at Leah's antics.

Her eyes popped open when she heard the aborted sound, and Leah really met my eyes. She blushed furiously, but also definitely seduced me with half-lidded eyes while blowing a scorching stream of air at my vulva, teasing me in revenge.

I've never seen somebody be so innocently wholesome and dirty at the same time.

The tingling at the base of my spine started to wander further up, like the quicksilver in one of those old analogue thermometers. I whined at her, and she smirked with just a touch of satisfaction at my reaction.

So, I squished her head with my thighs, and she grinned at me as she nibbled one of them on the inside, determined not to be out-teased again. The giggle finally slipped from me.

Fair enough. I've done an awful lot of teasing today.

That was the moment my tail freed my upper body from the bits of silk that had kept my spine arched.

My heels dug lightly into her back as I used Leah for leverage to lean forward and let the loose strands of silk fall away.

The motion pulled Leah yet a little closer to my core, and she found herself, once again, absorbed in the…visuals. But I released her hands, and that broke her focus.

Leah's eyes flowed up my torso, got stuck a moment on my breasts, and then finally met mine. There was a fire there, burning hot enough to melt my insides and it drew me in, like a moth to the flame.

I let my knees slide off her shoulders to the side and swung away a little without the leverage. Then, to get closer to her, I slipped onto her lap and knelt on her artificial leg so that I'd be at the same height as her. Leah's arms went around my waist to stabilize me, and her other leg moved at rather strange angles to keep us both balanced against the pod's curved surface.

Well, I thought, lips twitching with amusement at the odd stance we found ourselves in. Those prosthetics are surprisingly useful for situations that would be hellishly uncomfortable otherwise.

Leah grinned and giggled too, and the happy sounds settled in my heart and wiped away all the lingering edges of the overwhelming…confusion, perhaps, that I'd thrown myself into, earlier.

I cradled her face and stroked her eyebrows, and the bones of her cheek, as I explored the gorgeous contours of her face. I teared up at the soft smile she gave me, so Leah squeezed me and hummed at me as she let a hand travel up and down my spine.

She played with the dense fuzz at the base of my tail and studied my reactions as she dug her fingers into it to give me scritches. And giggled when my eyelids fluttered and my forehead bonked hers.

"Oh fuck, that feels amazing. Call me kitty, please!" I begged, rubbing my front against hers, my hands kneading her shoulders in a reversal of the time I'd had her squirming against me just a few hours ago.

The sensation wasn't sexual and the place wasn't erogenous, but, oh god, the location was so different from having, say, the back of my neck scritched. Leah's fingers were magic.

She laughed softly, and I decided to shut her up with a kiss that ended with her lower lip between my teeth.

"Leff lauffing, mwoa scwiff-hing!" I said, mouth still occupied.

Leah only giggled harder, her tummy vibrating against mine, but she obliged and scritched mwoa. I kept moaning at her. And tugging at her lip, until she turned the oral play into a proper kiss with lots of tongue and fun teasings, and lickings, and noshings.

Eventually her hand wrapped around the root of my tail instead, and that felt good too. Calming and supportive and just really, really there.

I broke away from the kiss, and Leah held my gaze for a moment. Then she leaned in to kiss me softly on an eyelid as my heart bathed in the words she whispered.

"I love you, Tinea."



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