Tinea and Leah [Cyberpunk, Alien Incursions, Murder and Mayhem, Girl’s Love (WLW)]

Chapter Ninety-Five – Boobilicious [This…definitely is R18. TW: Extremely Lethal Levels of Sexual Tension, Sort-of-Sex-but-not-really]

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back.

Well, was last chapter hot or what? Heh. You haven't seen anything yet.

Content Warning: This chapter may be safely skipped if you have an issue with reading sexual tension. There's maybe-sex, and there's even more heat.

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Chapter Ninety-Five - Boobilicious [This…definitely is R18. TW: Extremely Lethal Levels of Sexual Tension, Sort-of-Sex-but-not-really]

“Thank fuck there’s no coitus interruptus in the middle of nowhere. Uh. There isn’t, is there?”

“Out here? No way. It’d have to be, like, a grizzly surprising us, or something. I don’t see any grizzlies.”

– A supposedly trekking couple, ten minutes before a grizzly surprised them, August 2020




Leah was boiling inside her goop suit, and her insides were still shuddering, almost cramping, from that orgasm that had…ambushed her when Tinea’s quiet-but-declarative moan had washed through her. Then, while she’d still been dazed and floating, Tinea had bound her with that dangerous, dangerous tail.

Now, the strange, utterly black fabric-slash-slime still spared her none of the wispy kisses delivered between her legs by the teasing woman’s tail, and the orgasmic fluttering in her core came back when Tinea forced her to straighten up again by her neck and to keep moving. Heat pooled in her belly, stoked with every teasing step, and when a moan wanted to release the pressure, the charmfully domineering presence of the small woman next to her, whose tail was controlling her, strangled it to silence.

And then another rush fed those flutters, edging her a little harder, when Tinea took her free arm and used it to leash her further. She’d taken her hand and filled Leah’s world with more of her warm touch with fingers against the softness of Leah’s butt, and then she’d made her arch her back so her breasts popped out.

Breasts that Leah was aware Tinea was staring at with such intensity that it fogged her mind and stole her thoughts. She panted heavily, desperately sucking in the moist air into lungs that seemed unwilling to let the heat escape, and all she could focus on were the shimmering eyes of the beautiful, lethally adorable woman whose gaze was boring holes through her nipples.

Leah dimly realized that the goop suit was so absolutely black, and that the golden swirls on it accented Leah’s lines around her boobs, not on them, that Tinea wouldn’t be able to properly see the shape of her breasts. Excitement burned in her heart when her sluggish thoughts realized why Tinea was staring so hard. Tinea needed touch. Touch provided by the antenna her focus was manipulating to come forward through that focus.

Leah knew those antennae intimately. She wasn’t obsessed with them, exactly, but she adored the way they told stories of Tinea’s mental state. They were a window into her soul, matched by nothing else about the girl. Even her eyes were far too mature and controlled to give away half as much.

They were a soothing balm on her fear of failing to notice something vital, of failing to recognize things breaking down where she couldn’t see them.

Leah almost orgasmed from hot expectation when one of the antennae dipped towards her chest.

It had such a soft bushel of longer sensilla at the very tip. Leah knew the sensory organs always used those to feel at anything, and the antennae would twitch away the moment something touched them elsewhere, so she figured those fine, long hairs were like fingers, or a tongue. To explore things directly. Scent them, taste them.

Tinea was going to taste her.

The flutters below her navel began sparking. Tinea forced her to take another step, and Leah strangled on another moan when the tail’s fur brushed her, back to front, barely staying on her feet. But she was careful to keep her chin up, and Tinea rewarded her with a brilliant smile, and the slightest extra caress, down there.

She gasped and shook as the tease tripped her right along the edge of an orgasm, hot little flames branding her insides. She was only inches away from tipping over.

There was a featherlight brush against the bottom of her ribcage, and Leah expelled a heated breath, the moan that wanted to ride on it smothered by the shaking of her diaphragm. Her shoulders drew forward, curving in to protect her chest against the intense line of fire that the antenna was drawing underneath her breasts, back and forth.

Her chin wanted to lower itself, but the tail’s tip kept tickling away underneath it, and Leah wanted to be good, so she forced her spine to stay arched and forced her chin to stay up. It sent kindling frissons through her, that vulnerability of presenting herself for Tinea’s pleasure.

Then the teasing brush touched the underside of her boob, at the same moment that Leah took another step forward, and she buckled as finally, finally a moan slipped free, propelled by the tiny explosion of another small orgasm that scorched her pelvis from the inside out. 

It still wasn’t the true release that her body begged for.

The hand holding hers at her back jumped and grabbed her butt instead and Leah wheezed with surprise, while Tinea’s other arm went around her tummy and held tight, keeping her from falling over even as Tinea chuckled with satisfaction. Leah shook and panted for air while her brain attempted to catch up.

Tinea kneaded her butt, blatantly enjoying Leah’s body. The brazen, forward claim sent a flash of lightning through Leah and tumbled with the waves of her small orgasm, prolonging it, teasing her more with the promise of a greater, proper climax.

Suddenly, the adorable woman’s voice invaded her ear with that seductive hidden rasp underneath, and Leah barely managed to listen, even as the words filled her with confusion.

“Well, Leah. Will you?”


I was getting a fill of Leah's curves all over. Her hand was clenching mine desperately, as it happily massaged the enjoyably soft meat of her bottom. I giggled as I felt the muscles in there flex against me with another step, and Leah only panted harder even as she was still coming down from her second half-cocked orgasm. 

Her entire body tensed and shivered, and I felt it all through my hand beneath her ribs and through her arm between my boobs, her fingers there rattling against my battle skirt, tickling my flesh through a gap here and there. But her head was cocked and I could tell she was doing her best to pay attention.

So I rose on my tippy-toes, rubbed my entire front along her side with a delicious shiver, and moved my lips close to her ear.

"Well, Leah. Will you?"

I dropped back down on my heels and smiled gently when she glanced my way with wide eyes, full of feverish confusion, and her lips fell open with a tremble. 

"Wwh…” She ran out of breath and tried again. “Will I what?" 

The breathiness in her voice did things to me. But I had a bad little girl to correct, did I not?

I squinted and pouted. "Leah. Did you not properly listen to me? Hmm?"

Her eyes popped open even more and her knee sagged when I forced her forward against another stroke of her vulva. I properly grabbed her hand again and used my tail’s strength to correct her posture, made her look as I discarded my silk top, then leaned into her, once more forcing her to brace me, all while cradling her arm between my very soft, very naked boobs.

She kept glancing at the jiggles as we took another few steps and the corners of my lips kicked up as she subconsciously twisted her head to look past my antennae.

"Leah." I knocked the tip of my tail slightly against the underside of her chin and she raised it obediently. "If you want a reward"—I twisted the loop of tail around her thigh a little more, and smiled when she failed to stifle a moan as I rubbed myself against her arm—"then you must be a good little girl, yes?"

She nodded eagerly, shaking.

"Good girl." More fuzzy touches that had her shiver, eyelids threatening to close. "I shall repeat myself. Make sure you're listening properly this time, yes, Leah?" I asked while pinching her butt. She yelped and jerked, and I saw the indistinct shape of her bouncing bust, which effortlessly drew the touch of my free antenna.

The tip of it licked right across the perky nips and delivered a very detailed image where to look. The goopy suit didn’t let me feel the texture of her body, but from Leah’s third moan—my, we have truly broken past the inhibitions, hmm? Such delightful sounds!—it absolutely did transmit the texture of my bits touching her.

We took another step forward, and Leah gifted me with another moan—and, oh my, such rich blessings! Truly worth the effort.—that had me dripping heat down my thighs.

“I said that we should make sure any satellites in range to record us will get a nice, clean picture of us leaving this place, preferably in a very samurai vehicle. I asked whether you will provide this vehicle, yes?”

Leah, gasping for air with sweat rolling down her neck, needed a moment to let the sentences register and percolate through the windings of her addled brain. But after a few seconds, those fogged eyes met mine and she nodded with a breathy “Y-Yes.”

I tightened my tail around her throat a tiny bit as I tilted my head and asked, “Yes what, Leah?”

Her chin immediately jumped back up and her stance firmed a little.

“Yes, Mistress!”

This time it was my turn with the big eyes. Oh my. I had not expected her to go that far.

I chuckled with pleased satisfaction, and Leah drew a strangled breath at the sound.

“That was not what I wished from you, but certainly. Good girls get rewards, don’t they?” I asked. Leah flashed an uncertain look my way, then nodded with a blush. She even remembered not to hide it and kept her chin raised.

“Well then.” I smiled, and moved my hand to cup her breast from below and started kneading it slightly and slowly. Leah gasped and her shoulders fell forward, but a small tug on the arm behind her back made her straighten out again and she pushed her chest into my hand.

I kept massaging the soft orb, and giggled at Leah’s groan when I didn’t touch her nipple. 

“I’m pleased with your dutiful respect,”—tiny twist between her legs that made her twitch—”but I asked about the vehicle. What kind of vehicle will you provide, Leah?”

Leah was positively wheezing and shuddering, close to another orgasm, a bigger one, I thought, when she answered. I enjoyed making her stock and stutter with uneven strokes of her breasts, stringing her along, using the great sensitivity of my antennae to tell when I needed to back off to stop a full release.

“I-It’s a big…a big spider, Mistress. Eight l-legs. It NNnn… It’s not v-very tough, but it can w-walk faster thanNNN!” Shocked breathing at the sensilla brushing over her nipples again as her entire torso jumped forwards, and a gasping whine at the back of her throat begging to be allowed the climax.

I giggled, and Leah shivered. That was close.

“Faster than?”

“A lot f-faster than you can run, M-Mistress.”

“Hmmm… That is good indeed, Leah. Tell me more.”

“Y-Yes, Mistress.”

I kept teasing and edging the gorgeous woman in my arms as she haltingly elaborated on the technical specifications of her Daddy-Long-Legs—a name that tickled a giggle from me and earned her the reward of an extra-long brush of her nether regions—and we’d crossed half the distance to the facility by the time she finished.

I’d drenched my thighs, even shuddered through a little death of my own once or twice as she came her small, incomplete ones, and she’d turned into a panting and absolutely sweaty mess in my arms. I stopped her by the shoulders and turned her towards me, making her look me in the eyes.

“Well, my dear pet.” She shivered at that. “I think you’ve done a good enough job for a proper reward, haven’t you?” I asked with a giggling smile as I caressed her cheekbones, and Leah wrung her hands in front of her belly, subconsciously holding onto my tail as she nodded with  abashed excitement.

I’d edged her for so long that her orgasm had become a promise for her good behavior, something that she knew I would give her at the end if she did well. It had become the supper at the end of a day, the beautiful sunset, the thing that made it all worth it, the ultimate goal to strive for. Something that she had utterly surrendered to me to grant. 

She was quivering with anticipation, and the shy glances she threw me melted my insides…and other things. I removed my hands from her and she wavered forwards as she tried to chase the touch, barely catching herself when my eyes crinkled a smile at her. I clasped my hands behind my back and leaned forwards slightly, closing my eyes.

“Kiss me.” I said, with puckered lips, and felt her lean down through the tail I had still wrapped around her.

Moments later, trembling lips sipped from mine, uncertain in their exploration of me, until I licked her top lip with a hum. She pressed a little closer and opened up for me, submitting to my tongue, giving me entrance.

I lifted my hands to brush over her cheeks, and slowly slid them down to her shoulders, further down her arms, and took her hands in mine, where I softly deposited them on my shoulders.

She knew what was coming, and I giggled a deep raspy giggle into her mouth when I felt her heat up and shiver harder.

My hands wandered back up her arms, and stroked gently over the upper swell of her breasts, digging a little into them as I could, enjoying her soft curves. My fingers circled just around the nubs, tracing her areolae, and Leah whined into my mouth. She wanted, needed the release, begged for it.

I wanted to suck her moans down, let them become the oxygen in my lungs, and slid a finger each inwards to rest against her nipples. She moaned again at the warmth soaking through the goop suit, then strangled it when my thumbs joined on the other side and squeezed very lightly. Her hands were shaking on my shoulders, her fingers clenching alternatingly.

The moment that I started rolling her nipples between my fingers and massaged her breasts with my palms, I finally let my tail attack her. It unwound from around her throat and circled her breasts to squeeze, while the bottom half pressed into her vulva. 

Her scream broke and she orgasmed hard, her spine bowing and her forehead falling onto my shoulder. Her arms went around me and squeezed tight.

Leah rose up on her toes and gave a high-pitched whine as I twisted the fuzzy rope into her, and I shuddered myself as I felt her suit and labia spread around the girth of my tail. Part of me very much wanted inside her, and part of me wanted her inside me, to surrender, to throw myself open to be ravaged. 

I rubbed my tail forwards through her legs, feeding it past her clitoris until her hips bumped into mine as Leah shook, shivered, and lifted me off my feet in her spasms. 

I continued my onslaught of her body, playing with her nipples and cupping her breasts while my tail massaged the velvet lips below, until the world suddenly tilted sideways and I squeaked as Leah toppled over on weak knees with hoarse exhalations.

My hands moved to hug her as I breathed out, and I calmed the wriggling of my tail to let her come down slowly as I kneaded her pussy softly through a few last twitches.

Eventually, Leah gave a long, exhausted groan, rolled us over on her back, and drew my knees forward to have them around her too, and then just continued holding me in her arms.

Warmth filled me right up, and I laughed quietly as I relaxed on top of her like a warm blanket, moving all my appendages to pet her in less…exciting regions.

Happiness wetted my eyes as I luxuriated in the simple, mellow, and satisfied energies my love shared with me.



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