Time to Duel!




I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

The whole room irrupted in applause, Solum waited for it to die down before continuing. "I'm happy to see all the new faces, and I hope the break was pleasant for all the older students." His speech continued for another 30 minutes before he said his ending statement. "As many of the older students know, for the last 3 years our academy was allowed to test hard-light technology provided by SAVA Corp."At the sound of the company, Annie leaned toward Jack and whispered.

"Hey isn't that where your parents work?" Jack nodded, paying extra attention to this news. 

"Originally this was only available for our fourth years, but starting this year things will be different. And to tell you more, we have a head scientist of SAVA Corp and your new teacher Dr.Romach,  give him a round of applause." Solum handed the mic to Dr.Romach who stood up from the teacher's table. Once the applause died down, Romach grinned as his eyes lit up.

"GREETINGS! I'm Dr.Romach and I'll be your new duel theory/ duel practice teacher. As Solum said, DUEL Acadamy will be using the hard-light tech that SAVA Corp developed starting this year for more advanced uses. For the past 3 years, this tech was only used for artistic purposes. However, SAVA Corp recently finished testing the use of the tech in other areas, the most important being in duels!" The room exploded in chatter, Romach's grin grew at the sight of the excitement. He waited for the chatter to calm down before continuing. "Yes, you heard me correctly, hard-light tech in duels! Just imagine it! The impact as monsters clash! The majesty of physical creatures in front of you! Ah, I can't wait for you all to witness it!"

"-Cough- Dr.Romach I think you have gotten a bit too excited." The doctor gave the headmaster an apologetic smile, before facing the students once more.

"You all will be given more information about where hard-light tech will be incorporated later this week. That will be all." Romach handed the mic back to Solum, before returning to his seat.

"Thank you, Dr.Romach. Well, I don't want to take too much of your time. So I'll end this here, just remember classes start next week Monday. Your schedule will be sent to your Deul Watch by the end of the week. Thank you all for listening and have a good day." The room filled with applause once more, as the headmaster headed to his seat. 

"I guess you were right Annie." Annie gave Jack a smug grin.

"See I told you Romach was going to be one of our teachers."

"Yea, but Romach just seemed like the kind of person to only focus on this research." Annie nodded.

"Yea I thought so too, but he did say that he is continuing his research here. And that he can gather data for his project while he works as a teacher."

"I wonder what it is?" Annie shrugged.

"Not sure, but I bet it's duelling related." Jack nodded. Meanwhile the silver-haired teened continued eating, having succumbed to her urges and ordered a large pizza to eat by herself. 

Once the students finished eating the older students continued their day, while the new students were gathered and given a tour of the main areas of the academy. "This is the female dorms, the male ones are down the trail, you can't miss it." The one guiding them was the tall man in the suit from earlier. "You should have already been sent your room number, room locks are connected to your Duel Watch. If you want to visit someone's room have them send you an invite, which will allow your Duel watch to temporarily open the room's door. However, I will take this time to remind you all that there are strict rules on how late you can be out of your dorms. This is especially true for visiting the rooms of the opposite gender, relationships are allowed here, but taking it too far isn't." The students nodded, some of them blushing at the implications while others started giggling. 

"This is the store district, many things are sold here ranging from food to furniture. Packs and cards can be bought at a separate location." The area is a large district filled with people out shopping, every building being a different store. "This building is where you can buy your cards, it is also the place where traders gather." Jack perked up at the information, looking up at the large, multi-story building.

To end the tour, the man brought all the new students to the entrance of DUEL Acadamy. "Here is where you all will be taking your classes, also despite classes not starting until next week. I suggest taking some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the school, so you won't be late for your first class because you got lost. If you ever get lost feel free to ask any of the teachers or older students. You should also have a map of the island on your Duel Watch. That will be all, your all dismissed." The students started to scatter as the man walked into the school.

Meanwhile, as the students explored the island, the headmaster called Dr.Romach to his office. "Thank you once more for agreeing to work here Dr.Romach."

"Nonsense! How can I refuse when you agreed to provide the data I need." Solum nodded as he smiled.

"The data is available to all teachers, so it's not much trouble on our end."

"Well headmaster, I'm guessing thanking me isn't the main reason why I'm here." 

"Indeed, so tell me Doctor, is the tech safe for our students to use in duels?"

"Ah well of course! SAVA Corp made sure to install many restrictions and fail safes. Not even an idiot can harm themselves with the hard-light tech."

"I'm glad to hear that, thank you for giving me some of your time to resolve some of my worries."

"No need to thank me, the safety of the students is the main concern for the school." Solum raised their eyebrows at the particular wording before nodding. Justifying it as another one of Romach's eccentric quirks. Romach bid his goodbyes to the headmaster before exiting the room. Once Solum was sure that he couldn't be heard, he un-muted his Duel Watch. "What are your thoughts of him?"

"I can't say much as I never met him in person, but from what I researched he is a bit eccentric."

"Indeed, I hope that is all he is."

"Why? Did you find something off about him?"

"No, but my partner told me to be wary of him."

"Ah she does have a knack for that, but she isn't always right. Remember the peeper incident during our academy days?" Solum rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I do old friend, you'll never let me forget that will you?" 

"Hahaha, of course not! It was hilarious!"

"-Sigh- What about you? Have there been any raids at your store recently?"

"A group was planning to, but my daughter stopped them."

"Ah, I'm guessing you weren't happy about it?"

"You'll be right, but she can be so stubborn sometimes. I just hope my partner will be enough to keep her out of trouble."

"You passed on THAT card? I thought you didn't want to burden her with it?"

"Her mother managed to convince me otherwise, said that she'll be targeted just by being my daughter. This way she'll have at least someone watching over her."

"I see, well I don't want to take too much of your time. Goodbye Alex."

"Goodbye Solum." The call ended with a beep, as solum returned to his paperwork. Meanwhile, Romach read through the files he was given, a mad grin on his face. 6 particular profiles caught his interest.

"Yes these ones will do, their potential for Project DS is the highest. I should start preparing the materials, I need to see if the cards will react to them." As he read something caught his eye. "Oh these two seem to already have a headstart, I wonder how much those decks accelerated the process. The results of the other subjects were subpar when given the decks, so I have high hopes for these two. Well, I have time, soon enough I'll have plenty of opportunities to observe their progress." Romach's grin grew as he continued reading the files.

Hope you all enjoy this new chapter, remember that all comments/criticisms/ thoughts are welcomed in the comments below.

Also in case any of you were wondering, SAVA Corp, stands for Scientific Advancements of Virtually Anything. Yes, it's a dumb name, originally it was just a placeholder name but I found it funny so I decided to keep it.

This will be the last chapter of the week.

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