Thriller: I created an alien asylum

Chapter 26 This man is really a son of hell

Swish, swish, swish!

The huge spider in the sky opened its red compound pupils and spun out countless silk threads. Those threads were like meteors falling straight from the sky, connecting to everyone.

The greedy heart Gu puts a distinct mark on each of its prey.

Those white silk threads connect everyone's hearts, and they become the trophies of this spider's web.

The originally panicked crowd stood still.


Xu Zhou watched as the girl who would have been trampled stood up again.


When he came into contact with the blank expression on the girl's face and her stiff and inflexible body, the joy that had just surged up suddenly solidified.

Xu Zhou began to feel at a loss.

Brother Bai, what is he doing?

Xu Zhou suddenly remembered something, which was what Ji Wu'er had told him in advance when he first joined the association.

In the case of non-abnormal events, the use of abilities by a large number of ordinary people will have a significant impact. If the supervision is present, the Contract Master must be stopped.

Before, among the noisy crying and screaming, he vaguely seemed to hear a gunshot?

Xu Zhou turned around sharply.

Ji Wu raised his gun and pointed it at Bai Zuo.

Xu Zhou was startled and instinctively shouted: "Mr. Ji! Don't shoot!"

Ji Wu's eyes were cold, and the hand holding the gun was very steady, without any wavering.

Gunfire rang out again!

Under Xu Zhou's keen hearing, the sound of the gunshot seemed deafening, making his ears buzz.

But that shot was not fired by Ji Wu.

Ji Wu and Xu Zhou both had surprised looks on their faces!

Kong Yubo and his teammates were scattered throughout Anyang Island to check if there were any abnormalities.

He wears wireless headphones in his ears, which he uses to communicate with his teammates.

"Captain, there is nothing unusual here."

"Same here."



Kong Yubo looked at the lively crowd and the long parade. Although his teammates didn't notice anything unusual, he never let down his guard.

"Where are the two people?"

"There are too many people. I need some time to search."

The person responsible for the search was the team's drone operator, who flew the drone over the crowd.

Soon, Ji Wu and Xu Zhou were spotted near the parade mikoshi.

"Captain, I saw them! They are near the mikoshi, strange, they seem to be moving towards the mikoshi."

"Okay, the others and I will gather near the mikoshi. You can keep an eye on them with the drone outside."


Because of the parade, most streets were filled with people.

Kong Yubo could only go through the narrow uninhabited paths and take shortcuts to quickly approach the shrine.

When he finally found the mikoshi, it had already been carried to the altar.

When Kong Yubo came to Anyang Island, he had already asked people to investigate the parade activities on Anyang Island, including the origin of the activities, the arrangement of the entire process, etc. He and his teammates watched it more than once.

When he saw that the sacred palanquin had been carried to the altar, the Holy Prince got off the palanquin, thinking that the event was over.

Kong Yubo looked around and found two members of the mysterious organization in the crowd. Their attention had been focused on the altar.

Kong Yubo thought to himself: Is there something strange happening on the altar?

He also turned his attention to the altar.

The most noteworthy thing about the shrine is the Holy Prince who just stepped down from the shrine.

I don’t know how the role of the Holy Prince was chosen. The actor who plays the Holy Prince fits the setting of the Holy Prince very well. Not to mention his superior appearance, just looking at this inhuman temperament makes the appearance of the Holy Prince change. Got to be particularly eye-catching.

"The casting was really amazing. For a moment, I thought I saw the real Holy Prince appear."

"This was a good choice. The Holy Prince made him play the role well."

"Especially that kind of indifferent look in his eyes, looking at all living beings like stupid dogs. He really has the essence of the Holy Prince's ghost."

"Anyangdao has paid great attention to the casting."

The people around him started talking when the Holy Prince appeared on the stage, and everyone was full of praise.

The moment Kong Yubo saw the Holy Prince, his pupils tightened, his muscles tensed, and he instinctively entered a first-level alert state.

Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but they only think that the temperament of the actor who plays the Holy Prince fits the role very well.

But someone like him, who has been through thick and thin and often fights, can tell at a glance how much malice exudes from that person!

And that person had no intention of hiding it at all.

Even the desperadoes he faced were rarely so full of malice, as if this person was really a son of hell.

All the evil in the world is condensed in him.

Kong Yubo took a deep breath and kept staring at the Holy Prince. He was closer to the altar. When his teammates gathered one after another, he told them to pay attention to the stage.

When the Holy Prince did something completely inconsistent with the parade procedures, Kong Yubo's vigilance was raised to the highest level.

He asked someone to contact the event organizer and ask if this new link had been arranged by them in advance.

The organizer of the event was also confused. The process of the event has always been like this. This is their culture passed down. How could it suddenly change?

"You didn't arrange this session?"

"No! Really not! We on Anyang Island have been promoting ancient culture and respecting cultural heritage. How could we arbitrarily change the links just to please tourists?"

The organizer of the event was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He felt that there must be someone who couldn't stand the growing tourism industry in Anyang Island and had some evil intentions to frame them!

Just as Kong Yubo was about to ask who chose the Holy Prince, the audience started to stir up chaos.

From the first scream.

Everyone's panic spread quickly. When the first person started running, it was like an avalanche and could no longer be stopped.

Kong Yubo: "Quick! Let someone notify the local police..."

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened.

Kong Yubo's heart tightened.

He originally planned to give orders to maintain order, but he stiffly and slowly raised his head to look.

The huge spider that covers the sky and the sun makes people instinctively fear of giants and feel helpless in the face of powerful creatures.

This was the first time that Kong Yubo had faced so many abnormal creatures. The first time he saw them, he felt helpless to resist.

This is not a monster that humans can defeat!

But his firm will and sense of responsibility allowed him to suppress this feeling of powerlessness.

Everyone can give up, but he can't give up. Everyone can retreat, but he can't retreat!

Therefore, after seeing Ji Wu fire a shot.

He found a place with a wide view, aimed at the Holy Prince on the altar, and fired a second shot!

call out!

The bullet pierced the air, spinning towards the heart of the Holy Prince.

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