Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Shock The World!

“Please, the general, kill the Wuhuan people!”

In an instant, countless Han soldiers knelt down, and thousands of people petitioned!

Wang Gang’s originally cold complexion was immediately moved.

The people are so angry that it is enough to see how much disaster and suffering the Wuhuan people have brought to the people of Youzhou over the past few years!

Even Zhao Yun, who is not far away, has a heavy expression at this moment…

On the tower, Liu Zhao also noticed the indignation of the soldiers in the city.

Today’s big man is still strong, but the Wuhuan is raging, and it has already caused great disaster!

Not to mention, when the big Han is in danger and chaos is about to break out, these alien races are like poisonous snakes hiding in the dark, waiting for the big Han to come up and take a bite when the giant is weak…

In the history of Wuhu chaotic China, the Han people are called two-legged sheep, and they are cooked and eaten…

Liu Zhao’s eyes gradually became deeper…


“Report to General, our army is victorious in this battle. There are still 370,000 prisoners in the city. Please make a decision!”

At this moment, Wang Gang, the commander of the Beiwei Army, came on his horse, dismounted respectfully, and surrendered to Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao’s thoughts were pulled back, and then his indifferent and majestic eyes cast a glance at Wang Gang.

“The hands of these Wuhuan people are stained with the blood of my Han people!”

“Let them die so easily, it’s too cheap for them, this general wants to build a real heavenly city in Youzhou, but it still needs countless labor, and my Han people’s lives are precious, so I use the lives of these aliens to make I am a big man forging a city that will truly suppress the northern border forever…”

Liu Zhao’s indifferent and murderous voice echoed.

Although Liu Zhao can’t wait to kill all the alien races, after all, the hearts of non-me races must be different!

However, these surrendered Wuhuan people are all their spoils, and now they are all their property!

Since the hands of these aliens are stained with the blood of the Han people, it is necessary to squeeze their value to the extreme, so that they can live up to the people who were ravaged by the Wuhuan Iron Cavalry in their early years!


Wang Gang was shocked when he heard the words.

A general is a general after all!

Just when so many soldiers in the whole army were entangled in hatred, their generals had already seen farther!

Liu Zhao’s words are a word to wake up the dreamer!

Wang Gang knew that with Liu Zhao’s prestige in the army, as long as such words were spoken, the killing intent in the hearts of all the soldiers would definitely be suppressed!

Of course, the anger in their hearts will still pour out on these Wuhuan captives in the future, and use the lives of these Wuhuan people to build a truly unbreakable fortress for the Han!

“Wang Gang, five miles north of Chishan City, there are 3,000 cavalry riders on their backs. Send someone to meet them!”

On the city wall, Liu Zhao stood with his hands behind his back and spoke coldly.

However, when Wang Gang on the side heard the words, there was an uncontrollable ecstasy in his heart.

The Beiwei Army is the strongest army in the world, mixed with foot and cavalry!

As the commander of the Beiwei Army, as a general summoned by Liu Zhao, Wang Gang hoped that the Beiwei Army would grow and develop!

At this moment, I learned that there were 3,000 elite riders, and I was immediately excited!

This day is destined to go down in history!

It was like this on a day that should have been ordinary, Liu Zhao broke through Chishan, the ancestral land of Wuhuan, killed Wuhuan Khan Qiu Liju, and plundered 300,000 aliens in Chishan City…

“Cheng Yaojin obeys!”

“The end is here!”

“Linger led 5,000 cavalry and 10,000 infantry, and marched north of Chishan, breaking the three tribes of Xiao, Nianchi, and Liujin, and all the aliens encountered along the way were taken captive, and those who resisted will be killed without mercy! ”


“Zhao Yun obeys!”

“The end is here!”

“Let Er lead 3,000 white horses to conquer the west of Chishan, destroy the Wuhuan Shile clan, and make the Xianbei king a minister! If the Xianbei king does not serve as a minister, the Xianbei clan will be executed, and all the alien races encountered along the way will be taken captive. Anyone who resists will be Kill without mercy!”

“Luo Cheng obeys!”

“The end is here!”

“Let’er lead 3,000 cavalry and 20,000 foot soldiers to conquer the east of Chishan, destroy the two major tribes of Yelu and Jin, conquer Tiele, and make King Tiele a subject! If King Tiele is not a minister, then the Tiele family will be executed. !”

“All the aliens you meet along the way will be taken captive, and those who resist will be killed without mercy!”

“Chang Yuchun listens to orders!”

“The end is here!”

“I ordered three thousand cavalry and ten thousand infantry, cruising the Wuhuan grasslands, and all the aliens encountered along the way were taken captive, and those who resisted will be killed without mercy!”


The army is out!

On the grasslands of the entire northern border of Youzhou, killings were rampant.

And the news of the great victory of Chishan is like a spring breeze, blowing all over the grassland overnight!

“God! Run away! These Han people are simply devils!”

“Longevity God! Please open your eyes and take a look, save your people…”

On the grasslands, crazy killings can be seen everywhere.

When Liu Zhao issued the massacre order, all the Han soldiers waved their weapons and vented the hatred that had accumulated in their chests over the years on the grassland!

Rivers of blood flowed, heads rolled!

In the end, only the submissive Wuhuan people survived and were eventually led to the unknown future by the Han army…

When blood and despair fell on the Wuhuan grasslands, no Wuhuan people were innocent!

In the past few years, the aliens have devastated Youzhou, and I don’t know how many murders have been left behind!

If Liu Zhao did not lead the northern expedition, how tragic the Central Plains would have been after a hundred years of chaos…

At this moment, the killing is for revenge, but also to avoid disaster for future generations!

On the grassland, Zhao Yun led the white horse to follow, all the way to the Xianbei tribe!

“What? Chishan City was broken? Qiu Liju was killed?”

“And those Wuhuan people…they actually came towards us?”

In the big tent full of alien amorous feelings, the Xianbei King stood up from the throne at once, his eyes full of shock and fear that could not be concealed.


“Khan, the Han army is here, and even three miles away…”

Before the king of Xianbei could react, immediately, outside the king’s tent, another attendant came in, and there was a touch of fear in his eyes.


Xianbei Khan was so clever that he sat down on the seat with his buttocks in fright…*

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