This World Is Strange

3. A harem’s protagonist dangerous thought.

As hours pasted since Clay's conclusion on Takashi's insanely good luck. They haven't seen a single creature, at least until they finally reached the end of the last room.

As of now, there were almost 70 girls verses the 10 boys that were in the group. It was definably an odd ratio. But at the same time, it meant that the girl's survival rates were higher than boys.

Now that they were at the last classroom, everyone was tensed as they haven't encounter a single creature along the way. But they certainly heard screams of their fellow students and cynical snickering of the creatures. With that said, the group defiantly felt much more safe seeing how there were more people around.

Some even began to have small talks to past the time and even joke amongst one another. But once everyone had arrived at the last classroom. The tense atmosphere returned. 

Even Takashi himself was feeling nervous as he never directly encounter a living creatures. Only a dead one that Clay had already slain. With that said, Takashi took in a deep breathe and opened the classroom door, revealing a sight that left him shocked at what he was seeing.

Four of those creatures were huddled together in the middle of the room eating piles of their fellow students. Crunching sounds of chewing bones were heard alongside the cracking of bones of which the creatures tore an arm from the socket of a dead female student's body.

But those noise all stopped as soon as Takashi opened the door and all the four creatures immediately stopped what they were doing and turned around to face Takashi and his group.

Instantly, the four creatures lunged at Takashi's group grabbing four 'sacrifice' in instantly.

"NO! NO! NO!" A male voice cried.

"HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!" Another male voice cried.

"I DON'T WANT DIE!! I DON'T TO DIE!!" A third male voice cried out.

"LET GO OF ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" A fourth male voice cried out.

'What the fuck!' Was the only thought that Clay could think of when the saw the scene in front of him.

'Out of all the people that was closest to Takashi when he opened the door. Only the boys were targeted!? And those that got caught were hella far away from Takashi! You gotta be shitting me!' Clay cursed in his mind before he quickly took off running.

Seeing this, one of the creatures immediately stopped what he was doing by cracking the heads of the boy in his hand before lunging at Clay at an inhuman speed.

"Fuck! Fuck! You Got to be kidding me?!!" Clay cursed loudly before turning around and sticking out metal pole and taking the stance of player ready bat before swinging it with all his might.

This resulted in the creature's neck getting hit his momentum which should have hit Clay directly now drifted to the ground beside Clay, landing face first into the ground.

But before the creature could even get up, Clay immediately began bashing the metal pole against the creature's head over and over until it finally stopped moving.

Huffing and puffing. Clay turned around and glared at the remaining creatures which was now glaring at him. With gritted teeth, Clay ran back into Takashi's group filled with girls and stayed closed among them.

Seeing that Clay was now amongst the group of girls, the creatures then turned their attention to the other boys, aside from Takashi. After killing the noisy male students in their hand, they lunge towards the other four remaining boys, excluding myself and Takashi.

Immediately, they tried to fight back as they saw I did it. But due to not being as prepared as I was, they were immediately subdued and killed. All except one of the male student which came to as surprise to Clay when he saw that. One of them was actually putting up a good fight by punching the creature in the first before gorging out their eye socket and finishing it off by sticking a metal pipe into the eye socket.

Although the male student had manage to kill one of them, Unfornately, the creature had manage to inflict a serve wound on his legs, rending him immobile.

But the creatures didn't care of the that one male student who was now a cripple as the now two remaining creatures set their gaze upon Clay and finally, Takashi.

For some reason, the one who lunged at Clay was insanely fast and smart as it threw a piece of wooden furniture at Clay, covering his field of vision before lunging at a blind spot which caught Clay unguard, the result, Clay was sent flying to one of the walls of the hallways with a loud impact, before falling onto the ground.

As for Takashi, the one that went after him kept hissing and didn't make a move until Takashi did. And even when it did move, the creature's movement were stiff, unlike the one that went after Clay. 

With clumsy movement, Takashi maneuver his way around the creatures before giving out a heroic cry and ended with the creature's death roar. As for how Takashi killed the creature, he killed it by jamming it into the body of the creature. That was all.

Now back to Clay, he was struggling to catch his breathe as his breathing was unstable due to having the air in his lungs knocked out. But he didn't have long to pondered as the creature slowly made it's move towards Clay with a slow, but even pace.

"K-Krugh!" With Breathe now finally stabilized, Clay glanced up to see that the monsters was within mere feet of Clay. Seeing this, Clay immediately began to cower and tremble in fear.

"P-Please. S-Spare me!" Clay cried out in cowardice, causing the creature to cackle and grabbing Clay by the neck, attempting to snap Clay's airpipe. 

With Clay's life slowly being choked out of him, his body slowly began slowly function as the darkness began to creep in through the edges of his eye.

Seeing this, the creature began to laugh manically as it swung Clay's body from side to side like a doll, but suddenly stopped as it noticed that Clay's body no longer struggled. 

'Dead already? Boring.' The creature thought to itself with it's primitive mind.

With that, the creature flung Clay's body into the wall with a loud impact and watched as Clay's body made another loud impact by hitting the floor. Seeing that there was no more movement from Clay's body, the creature turned it's attention to Takashi's group of female.

Countless Drool dripped down it's lips as it imagine eating and torturing the abundant of prey in front of him. And the sweet sound that they would make when he tortures them would be music to his ears-


Before the another thought could raced through the creature's mind. A sudden pain erupted from the behind of the creature, causing it to howl as it fell down onto the ground clutching onto it's ass.

Looking closely, it could be seen that a sharp metal was sticking directly into the anus of the creatures, and although not that deep. It was still nevertheless, painful as hell.

With the creature now preoccupied with the searing pain it's butt. It didn't noticed the 'body' that it had thought to be dead was now standing directly over it.

"How does it feel? To have something fuck you up, instead?" An all to familiar voice sounded throughout the hallway, causing the creature to pause slightly as a feeling that it never felt before started to overcome it, dread and fear.

Without a second pause, another sharp pain shot through the creature's anus, making it howl in pain once again.

"Don't worry, I make sure to make you enjoy it, this time." Clay's voice, which was soft and serene in that moment felt like a devil's whisper to the creature's ear as a sense of dread was slowly approaching.

And once again, the searing pain appeared at the same exactly spot, the creature's anus. But this time, the metal pipe was now jammed more deeply than before, causing an absurd amount of pain to the creature. But due to howling so much before and having no energy left, it could let out a wheezing dying breathe that signal it's death.

But Clay didn't feel yet satisficed, so he took out the metal pipe which was now covered in the creature's blood and fecal matter before jamming it into the head of the creature, making sure that it was dead for sure.

"Huff...huff...fucking hell..." was all Clay said before collapsing flat onto the ground, blacking out.

Moving back to Takashi's, all the girls that witness the 'glorious' battle between Takashi and the creature were now swarming him, asking and checking to see if he was hurt. And as always, Takashi flashed his prince charming smile and said that everything was all right. But remembering that there was one more creature, Takashi hurried outside to where one of the creatures had lunged at Clay to see if everything was alright.

Once Takashi had arrived at the scene of Clay and the creature's battle zone. He was shocked to see an alive, and yet unconscious Clay. In that exact moment, a sudden thought appeared in Takashi's head.

'If Clay dies now, doesn't that mean I'll be the only man left in this group?' Thought Takashi as he recall there being 10 boys original, including himself before this 'accident'.

The first wave, four was immediately picked off right at the bat, leaving six boys alive. The wave second, another three boys were picked off, with Clay being able to kill one creature earlier. Than came the third wave, where one of the guys had manage to kill another one through sheer willpower, leaving only two creatures left for exactly two boys to deal with, Takashi and Clay.

Although the guy who killed one of the creature is currently just wounded, he won't last long with those injuries to his legs, thus leaving the only boys that still stands of chance of surviving after this encounter, Takashi and Clay.

'But if Clay dies right now, doesn't that mean I'll have all the girls to myself?' was the thought process of Takashi. 

But that thought was immediately cut off by a worried voice which Takashi noticed all too well.

"Clay!" Cried Ms. Suzuki, who rushed over to Clay's side before hurriedly checking up on him, but finding that Clay was only just unconscious with only minor injuries on the surface, Ms. Suzuki sighed in relief.

Seeing that, Takashi grew jealous. 'how come you aren't worried for me when I defeated the monster earlier?' Takashi thought to himself as he observe the scene in front of him.

"Ms. Suzuki, let's hurry and bring Clay to a safe spot for him to recover. If anymore creatures come, we may have to leave him behind." Takashi said, hinting at the fact that Clay would only be burden if brought along with the current state he was in.

Ms. Suzuki nodded her head in agreement before asking Takashi to help bring Clay to a nearby classroom to recover before deciding on where to head next. Although relucted internally, Takashi smiled with his prince charming face and acted like all was well.

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