This star just wants to learn

Chapter 82 Today is also a day of peace

Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan didn't have much time alone, and they didn't seem to say a few words. There were already many classmates in the class, and until the class teacher finally arrived, they couldn't say a few more words.

Although I am indeed curious about what the note she gave me is, it seems that there is no loss if I don't know.

Pu Tong is too lazy to spend time on such dispensable things. He is a typical energy conservationist.

Don't do anything you don't need to do, and do everything you must do simply.

Until eight o'clock, the students still have not arrived...

"It seems that no matter whether it is seven o'clock or eight o'clock, latecomers are still late, haha." Zhang Binyan stood waiting at the door with a smile on his face.

Every person who came had to walk back to their seat under the somewhat sinister gaze from the class teacher. It was only a few steps, but it was extremely painful for them.

If looks could kill, maybe they were being cut into pieces...

However, the head teacher didn't do anything else. He just used his intimidation skills. After all, it was a special node of the sports meeting. He was not very good at punishing these people. He could only write them down one by one and settle the scores later.

That's what being late is like. No matter if you have plenty of time or not, someone will always get stuck on the final timeline. If you don't control it well, you will miss that time.

Rather than saying that people who are often late are lazy dogs, it is better to say that they are gambling dogs... But it seems that they lost the bet today.

Hearing the noise from other classes, Zhang Binyan stopped waiting and signaled everyone to go downstairs to assemble in an orderly manner.

When you go to the stadium auditorium to watch a sports meeting, you don’t need to bring anything extra. It’s quite convenient to go back empty-handed.

There were not many people carrying backpacks. From a glance, only Pu Tong and Iori Yukino carried one.

Of course, Pu Tong’s bag is full of books.

"Let's go, let's go!" Iori Yukino's shoulder bag looked bulging, and it creaked as she walked, all caused by the friction of the packaging bag.

"Oh my god, how many snacks did you bring?"

"How boring is it to just watch the sports meeting? It would be great to bring some food for the dental festival." Sakura girl patted her bag, "You guys have a share too!"

Several people smiled and had no intention of competing with her.

Downstairs in the teaching building, each class has finished organizing and walked to the playground in order of class.

Although the show has been filming for a long time, it is still rare for foreign students to see these celebrities. For a while, a lot of eyes were cast on them, and Class 13 even had a vague sense of déjà vu at the center of the crowd.

On the left side of Pu Tong is Yu Wanwan, in front are Yinghua Girl and Lin Yuxi, and behind is Xie Mugan Hengxu, walking in a group of celebrities.

This feeling of being in the spotlight made him feel very uncomfortable, so he could only lower his head and close his eyes, ignoring those glances.

"Why are you lowering your head?" Yu Wanwan was helpless. I'm afraid this guy has some phobia of crowds.

"Look at Sakura girl's size 36 shoes!"

"Eh!" Iori Yukino was so frightened that she almost tripped over and called herself a pervert.

"If you sincerely want it, I can give you a pair of unworn ones?"

"What do I need if I haven't worn it? What I want is an original one!"

Although she knew that Pu Tong was joking,... Iori Yukino suddenly felt that she couldn't walk.

It’s so annoying!

Lin Yuxi and Yu Wanwan were filled with dark clues when they heard this, and they wanted to kick out this guy who was talking about cheating.

Not long after, everyone walked near the auditorium and began to take their seats according to the arranged class signs.

The auditorium was divided into three parts. The largest part in the middle was reserved for the senior high school students who were repeating their studies. The first and second grade students were arranged on both sides. Following the large group, they found the area where Class 13, Grade 1, sat down one by one.

It wasn't until they were completely seated that the camera crew of the program, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, appeared in the auditorium and took a wide-angle shot of them.

It is worth mentioning that Pu Tong was originally supposed to sit between Yu Wanwan and Iori Yukino, but Yu Wanwan switched seats with him on the grounds that "you are too perverted and can easily scare Sakura Girl."

So, the three women came together on his right side, and his left side became Xie Mu.

"Good morning, master!" Xie Mu was still very "respectful of teachers" even when no one was paying attention, which made Pu Tong feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, Xie Mu's calling him master was a bit of a joke. The two of them were friends at best.

"You... um, how are you doing now?"

Pu Tong was naturally referring to his relationship with his netizen "Ling Ling". At first, Xie Mu always came to him for advice, but later he became a self-taught person.

"That's it!" Xie Mu didn't say anything. After all, there was Gan Hengxu on his left, so the two could only play riddles.

"Where are we now?"

"We know each other's school." Xie Mu whispered, "She should be the senior from the High School Affiliated to the Normal University next door."

The High School Affiliated to Normal University, isn't that the school Yu Wanwan attended before?

"You should take it easy anyway!" Pu Tong really couldn't say this kind of thing, so he could only let him figure it out.

Gan Hengxu watched the two people chatting happily and glanced suspiciously: "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing!" Xie Mu said seriously, "Exchange music!"

"Music?" Gan Hengxu became interested instantly.

Among the seven star students, he is the only one who can compose by himself. He thought his level was not bad, but Pu Tong's recent songs have been so good that he has been impressed.

Maybe a layman can only listen to it, but as a creator, he can completely feel the talent in these songs...

Pu Tong had a good impression of him and smiled back to express his friendliness: "Let's talk when we have time!"

The speakers in front of the central stand suddenly buzzed several times, and as the announcer began to check the sound, the school sports meeting officially began.

Although Chen Siqing and Tang Luocheng have weak foundations among the star students, their professional abilities are still stronger than ordinary people. During the entire process, their voices were loud and clear, giving them a professional feel.

"If they read like this, their voices will become hoarse in less than a day." Xie Mu said gloomily.

It seems that Xie Mu still has a grudge because of being bullied by fans of these two people online...

"A talented man and a beautiful woman are a perfect match. How can you, a monster like you, talk to me?" Gan Hengxu said with a smile.

"Come on!"

Pu Tong didn't want to delay, so he took a vocabulary book from his bag and started to memorize it... The vocabulary in the textbook could no longer satisfy him.

Several people around him have almost understood Pu Tong's style, and naturally they will not disturb him.

Although the scene was a bit noisy, Pu Tong was not affected much and continued to absorb knowledge crazily.

The whole morning was mainly about the opening ceremony. After the school leaders gave a "brief" speech for half an hour, the opening ceremony performances began.

"By the way, you guys are obviously celebrities, why didn't you be invited to do a show?" Pu Tong closed the book, a little curious.

"Guess how much we need to charge to perform on such a formal occasion?" Yu Wanwan said with a smile, "Recording a variety show is one thing, but performing is another price!"

"Damn." Pu Tong could only lament that being a star is good. He can make money just by showing his face, and there is no need to even sing...

Even if it gets cold one day, if we take part in performances such as weddings and funerals, we probably won’t starve to death.

The opening ceremony program arranged by the school itself was very traditional and nothing new.

"We can understand why we didn't invite you. Why didn't we invite you?" Yu Wanwan wondered, "It stands to reason that since you are so popular, talented and good at studying, and you are a student of this school, the school should invite you to be its facade. !”

Pu Tong frowned. Although he really didn't want to participate in this kind of activity, no one had asked him.

"Maybe someone stopped you!" Yu Wanwan chuckled, and the answer was self-evident.

Judging from the current situation, their head teacher should have cut off this matter directly.

Perhaps Zhang Binyan just doesn't want his students to become a tool to promote the school.

Pu Tong felt a little emotional and could only say that it was his luck to meet such a teacher.

Both his parents and teachers actually blocked a lot of trouble for him...

Then I thought about it, he has been here for so long, and his school life has been quite peaceful.

There are no classmates who question and pretend to be slapped in the face like in campus literature, there are no bad guys who pick fights, and there are no love rivals and villains who jump out to make comments...

Perhaps, real campus life should be so quiet and peaceful.

This is also the life he wants.

"Today is also a day of peace."

Thanks to the brilliant raindrops for the reward;

Thank you for the tip that my heart is already cold;

Thank you to book friend 20201005153822294 for your monthly vote;

Thanks to Flower Burial ii for the two monthly passes;

Thank you to Kyushu Governor fjh for your monthly vote;

Thanks to book friend 20170524194238264 for the two monthly votes;

Thanks to Changchun Changchun Feeding for the two monthly passes.

Boss, let’s elope, go to a farm full of orange flavor, drink wheat-flavored beer and watch the castle begin to fall a hundred years ago, wear a straw hat and walk on the path full of wheat ears, drink a glass of cocktail and watch the sun shine on the green. On the leaves, reflecting the emerald blue lake, sinking into the soft sofa and hugging, kissing the branches damaged by the strong wind outside the window, dancing haphazardly on the golden leaves, driving the car and singing loudly, at this moment you The breeze is by my side.

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