This S.O.B. System


They arrived back at the church by 9pm. It felt like they had been gone longer, but they arrived with the contraband in hand. Batman was off taking his Batplane somewhere to hide it. Asher thought he was just going to go joyriding, not that he could blame him. Still butt hurt about the whole situation he carried in the suitcase with the Kryptonite. Tiff and Amanda had fought over the sex tape. In the end they struck a secret deal. Ash wouldn’t have put it past Batman to make a secret copy though, he might have to confront him later.


Inside the church there were still about 20 people talking around a large table. Asher and the girls walked in confidently. Amanda was a little shy, but honestly he was surprised she was doing so well. Getting Flight must have done wonders with her acceptance. 


“Did it work?” Wayne Tyler asked from the head of the table. 


“System Certified Kryptonite,” Asher said, setting it in front of him. When he opened the large suitcase his face was bathed in a green light. 


“Seriously?” The Saiyan girl asked.


“It was in the notification,” Asher said. 

“Yeah and we also got a reward for helping,” Tiffany said. She had shrunk her breasts down to normal. Then she began to float in the air. Asher really wished she hadn’t done that, he didn’t want more questions asked about his skills. 


“What the fuck?” A man across the table exclaimed. 

“Yeah, the System said the reward evolved since a Star System was used,” Amanda said, eyeing him. Then others looked at him. 


“Uh yeah, I don’t know what that’s about either,” Asher said. “But it’s in my System name. Uhhh Movie Star System,” he lied. 


Those in the know looked at him skeptically but ignored it. “So if you join the red subjugation quest it will evolve the reward?” 


“Don’t know? Maybe?” Asher said. “So what's the plan?” He asked, changing the subject. 


“The Fortuneteller was able to pinpoint him to this area at 4pm tomorrow. We don’t have a Diviner, so it's the best we could hope for. Let's see, we have handcuffs, bullets, and daggers. Abby you take one of the daggers, since you’re the strongest,” Wayne said, handing it to her. The Saiyan girl took it gladly. 


“Anyone use bullets?” He asked. 


When no one answered for a little while someone said, “I have a buddy with the Wick System a few states over. I bet he’d fly in for a Red Quest.” 


“Call him. I don’t want to kill Raul. The main point will be to subdue him with the cuffs. But worse comes to worse, we will end him.” Everyone around the table nodded. Asher was surprised by their reaction, but these were supposedly the strongest of the group. All of them were muscular. Asher guessed many had already killed in dungeons to get this high level. 


“So what’s the plan?” Asher asked. Though the youngest, he still wanted to know. He wanted to be a part of this, and since he was level 10 there was no reason he shouldn’t be. 


“2 groups, Hawk and Phoenix. Joan said you worked with them, and Evan is still MIA. Interested?” Wayne asked. After some thought Asher nodded. “Good. This might help me forget what you did to my daughter,” he whispered. Asher nodded a little more firmly. He had forgotten Wayne knew. 


“That gives us 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 damage. 2 more Gamers, so we can make a 20-man raid group. I assume Carl’s coming? Where is he by the way?”


“Playing with his new toy,” Tiffany said happily. “He said he would join when we were ready and to call him. He is going to be a while.”


Wayne nodded. “Abby, you’re in, of course. You’re our main tank or dps. That Wick guy if he comes, so that's 13. Scarlett are you in?” A shorter woman with long red hair nodded. She had no facial expression as she listened.


“Arnold? You in?” 


“Of course,” a man across the table said. He was tall and muscular with short blonde hair and blue eyes. 


“I’ll join for heals,” someone said. 


“My brother and I can play Crowd Control in case people try to wander in the area,” the girl Doug said was a Succubus offered. She had a slight Austrian accent. The only reason he knew was because Mia had tried to teach him the difference between that and German. Has the succubus gotten hotter? Asher thought as he looked at her. Her blonde hair was thicker and longer, and her breasts appeared larger than the last time he saw her. 


“Good. That’s 18 including me as raid lead.”


“I’m joining too,” Tiffany said beside him.


“Me too,” Amanda said. 


“I don’t feel comfortable with either of you going,” Wayne said. 

“Hey we can fly now, if anything we can relay messages,” Tiffany said. “If any more fighters show up we can bow out.” 


After more thought Wayne nodded, “Ok, sounds like a plan. Get with the merchants now. Anthony said he would be available before the raid, but try to gear up now if you can.” 


With that some minor conversations broke out. Asher went up to Anthony the Merchant. “Hey I was hoping to look at gear this time.”


“Sure thing,” the jovial man said. The screen soon filled Asher’s view. 






Storage Items











Clicking Armor he began to pour down the list. It broke down into armor pieces. Looking through helmets he noticed they ranged from Poor to Excellent grade. From cloth to metal, the prices for one piece of gear ranged from 5 to 75 Syscos. 


When he came out of the helmet section he scanned them until he got to the bottom. “What's Custom?” He asked. 


“Oh that’s custom to your system. Everyone should have at least one custom suit of armor related to their System. It costs more, but they are usually the best for you,” Anthony said. He was helping other customers that surrounded him. 


Asher thought of his class and worried that the custom gear would be obscure sex outfits. Like a giant teddy bear or Spongebob suit. Pushing that thought away he opened the Custom menu. He was shocked to find so many sets of gear, and much of it he recognized. There was Erza’s plate armor from Fairy Tale, there was Saiyin armor, heck even a set that looked like that fast dude from My Hero Academia. Asher looked at them all with stars in his eyes. 


Too many to choose from he noticed that they were all around the same price, but the best was usually at the bottom. He slid the screen down till it wouldn’t go anymore, and there it was, something he had always dreamed of. It wasn’t the final form, but it had everything, including the helmet from the beginning. 


“What’s Growth Gear?” Asher asked. 


“That’s gear that grows with the System user,” Anthony said. 


“Like grows stronger?” Asher asked. 


“I assume so, haven’t seen it myself,” he admitted. 


Asher didn’t hesitate to click the buy button, at 500 Syscos he felt like it was a steal. 


Guts' Armor (Growth)












x 500 Syscos


With a white light a large pile of armor appeared in front of Asher. It was glorious. He picked up each piece of armor. They were heavy in his hand. A tear came to Ash’s eyes as he looked them over. The helmet was the original he fought Griffith with. With a dome top and eye guard. The chest wasn’t anything much, but the shoulders were layered steel plates like he remembered. 


“Is that?” Someone asked behind him. 


“It is,” Asher said. With a thought he sent it all to his spatial ring. He turned around to see the red headed girl from earlier. There were 2 circular discs with divots in them at her neck, he recognized them immediately. “Are you wearing the Gantz armor?” He asked. 


“I am,” she said. “I have the Gantz System.” She spoke very monotone, but he still thought she was pretty. Her long red hair tied back, she wore a shirt and jeans, but he could still see the black of her suit underneath. He also noticed she had large breasts, maybe not as big as Reika’s from the manga, but still quite large. 


“Have any more of the Gantz gear?” He asked, looking her over.


“You’ll have to find out tomorrow,” she said cryptically. “What kind of System do you have to get access to Guts’ gear?”


“Well I have an acting System. It let me have the choice of a lot of cosplay gear. We will have to wait to see if it’s worth it,” he admitted. He was still surprised he could buy so much. 


“Are you gonna get the sword next?” She asked. 


“Good idea,” he said, turning back to the screen. It wasn’t long before he found it in Custom Weapons and bought it. 


Guts' Sword (Growth)




x200 Syscos


What popped out was smaller than he had hoped. It looked like the small thin sword from the start of the show, Berserk. Picking it up the blade still had a lot of weight to it. Moving away from the others he began to slice it through the air slowly. Too embarrassed to do much else it soon disappeared into his ring. 


“Ready to go?” Tiffany asked, walking up to him. 


“Sure,” he said. They walked outside together. It was close to 10 now. He shouldn’t be late for his curfew. With a fight tomorrow he really needed a full night's sleep. The events of the dungeon and threesome had left him beat. 


Getting into his truck he was surprised when Tiffany got in the passenger seat. “What are you doing?” He asked slowly. 


“Staying with you, obviously,” she said with a laugh. 


“I don’t think I’ve told you this. But my parents are very religious, I mean very. There’s no way they’ll let me have a girl over,” he said. 


“But we could die tomorrow,” she said. Her voice happy for a second she let it become sadder as she looked into his eyes. “I want at least my last night to be spent with you. Besides, your mom invited me to dinner. We are practically married.” 


Asher thought for a moment. He had never done this before. A month ago he never would have dreamed of it. “Ok, but you have to sneak in through the window.”


“Deal,” she said happily with a laugh. Then her hair changed from blonde to her preferred pink and blue. 


“How the hell do you do that?” He asked, amazed. She had shown him for the Supergirl cosplay, but they were in a hurry then. 


“It’s one of my skills. Body Manipulation. Also lets me grow these bad boys, and my tongue,” she said as her breasts ballooned. 


“Let me see,” he said. His hand reached out grabbing her breast while he drove. When he didn’t let go she leaned in close and began to rub his crotch. His dick stiffening they played with one another on the way to his house. Despite already having sex, Asher couldn’t get enough of the Nymphomaniac.


When they pulled to a stop in front of his home he said, “We can’t have sex in my house.” Tiffany put back on her puppy dog eyes, but he didn’t relent. “I’m serious. I really like you Tiff, I don’t want to ruin your chances of my folks liking you too. They’d never forgive you if they thought you were corrupting their poor boy.” 

“Ha,” she barked. “I understand. No hanky panky, scout’s honor.”


She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he headed in. He directed her to the back where his room was and soon he was opening the window. Of course Tiffany just flew in without effort. “How does that work by the way? Your flight. Can you do it as long as you want?”


“Not yet. It costs mana, but I’m already level 2 with the skill. It costs less and less mana with each level.” 


“That’s cool. I don’t think I’ve ever used mana. I just got a skill that requires it, but none of my others do,” he said. 


“That’s weird. Even my Body Manipulation costs mana. Anyway, can I take a shower?” She asked. “I still have your cum in me,” she said, itching her crotch exaggeratedly. 


“So sexy,” he said, taking off his clothes. “I’ll sneak you into the shower in the morning. Shouldn’t raise too many flags.” Once he put on some simple shorts he watched as Tiffany eyed him up. Slowly she walked toward him. “No,” he warned, sticking his hand out. 


“I just want….” she said then dodged around him to his clothes cabinet. She began to rifle through the drawer until she said, “Ahha.” Pulling out a large shirt she was soon butt naked and donging the clothing.


He couldn’t help but admire her in the oversize shirt. The bottom barely covered her pussy lips. As he looked her up and down her breasts began to grow larger. This of course caused an erection in his gym shorts. Tiffany walked to him slowly, her mouth in a sideways grin. She stopped herself in front of him. His erection poking her in between her legs. 


“Night night,” she said as she moved and jumped on the bed. With a sigh he got in with her. Disappointed at how easily her teasing got him riled up. She was so beautiful though. Her attitude, cute face and dimples, everything about her screamed she was perfect. Asher knew he was falling hard. 


Tiffany, in the covers, turned away from him. Sick of his own virgin attitude he grabbed her and pulled her body to him. She fought for a moment then let him do what he wanted. An arm resting under her neck, the other arm went to the closest boob. “No hanky panky,” she said. She didn’t put up a fight. 


“Over the clothes stuff is ok,” he whispered in her ear as he snuggled up to her. She still smelled like bubblegum. 


“Oh, well that changes things,” she said. Turning around she faced him and stuck her hands in his pants. Grabbing his dick she began to caress it. Playing with the shaft and the head, then down to the balls. It was very arousing. 


“That’s not over the clothes,” he said. His body jerked with the feel of her. 

“I slipped,” she said coyly. Her lips flirted with him. Unable to fight it any longer they began to kiss. First slow. Then fast. They both groaned into one another’s mouths as the other did something they liked. Ash kneading her breast, Tiff caressing his balls. He was becoming very turned on again. 


All of a sudden, involuntarily he yawned. It was a big deep yawn. “Sorry,” he said with tears in his eyes. 


Then she yawned. “I caught it,” she said. “You gave me the tired.” Then she yawned again, which caused Asher to have another. Without a word they let go of the other’s sexy parts, and just cuddled. She rested her head on his shoulder while he laid on his back. Too tired to do anything fun they simply appreciated the company of one another. 


“So you wanna be my girlfriend?” Asher asked after a time. 


He heard Tiffany draw in a quick breath. Then think about it. “Who knows, you gonna bang anymore elf princesses?”


“Who knows?” He said truthfully. “You jealous?”


“Honestly, I was. But more by the fact that I wasn’t there. Who doesn’t want some elf?”


Changing the subject he asked, “Hey, did you get the New Person multiplier from our roleplay earlier?” 


“I did,” she said through a yawn. They sat in silence longer. When Asher was about asleep Tiffany asked, “So you wanna be my boyfriend?” 


“If it’s more nights like this, I’d love to,” he said happily. “First a threesome, then in bed with a beauty. Sign me up.” He laughed at the truth of it. 


After a short time she slowly said, “That could be on the table.” Asher looked down into her eyes at that. There was no falsehood in her. He knew she usually had sex with women, but he had tried to keep her at arm’s length. Afraid she would jump back to the other side. They stared into one another’s eyes, trying to read what the other was thinking. 

“It’s official then. You are the perfect woman,” he said as he stroked her hair. She didn’t say anything for a while. Eventually when he couldn’t fight sleep anymore he said, “Goodnight girlfriend.”


When she whispered, “Goodnight boyfriend,” he smiled and fell asleep. 


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