This S.O.B. System


Asher almost laughed at the absurdity of the man in the monkey suit in front of him. A minute ago he thought it was a real silverback gorilla. Now it looked like a dime store mask and hairy suit. 


“I was hoping to get this last scene in, but looks like the rain is coming in quick,” Terry yelled. “Hold on a bit and we will get the shuttle here.” 


A shiver coming with the rain Asher realized he had been in just a loincloth in this cold almost all day. The assistant reading his mind, she said blushing, “I’ll get your coat.” 


With a nod Asher looked down at himself. With the dreadlock wig on he looked like Tsukasa from Dr. Stone. His phone hidden in a pocket of the vest he snapped a quick selfie. He’d let this be his profile pic if he started dating online. The assistant came back with the coat and then ran off to do whatever. 


He had arrived early after getting his items together and Terry had decided to expand his part. The story for the porn actually had a script and budget this time. 4 college girls and their professor used a ‘Time Machine’ and arrived in ancient times. They’d get separated and have their own sexcapades. A few girls and the professor kidnapped by Amazonian women and Zora, as Mary, finding him. Supposedly her friends found her when he was sleeping and were about to escape when beset by a group of apes. And by group with this porn budget it meant 1. They couldn’t even put out for a fake dinosaur. 


Anyway, Asher was supposed to save them and join Mary in the future. Classic porn setting. And very shameful to be a part of. But he did have fun with the character, it had given him a primal feeling to be Grug. 


“Dude how did you move so fast?” The cameraman said next to him. “I about tripped 10 times trying to follow you.” 


“Sorry,” Asher said. 


“Don’t be,” he said, clapping him on the back. 


“Yes it was sexy,” one of the girls said. 


The 4 ‘college’ girls came up surrounding him. “Where did Terry find you?” Ashley asked. 


“I found him,” he admitted.


Nervous by all the gazes, he wanted to get Zora alone. But the shy girl blushed as Ashley added, “and that scene with Zora. Hot. I can’t wait for our scene tomorrow.” 


“Yeah me too,” he lied scratching the back of his head. 


“Give me your number. Maybe we can practice before tomorrow,” she said, causing 2 of the other girls to giggle. 


“Not tonight, sorry. I have plans. I’ll give you my number tomorrow.” His phone in his hand he hid it behind his back. They were in the woods about an hour from Thousand Oaks. They had taken several all terrain vehicles to the remote area. 


“Too bad,” she said with a wink. Slapping his ass hard, the other 2 girls followed her away. 


“Couple ATVs on their way,” another assistant yelled. 


Asher not seeing Zora’s handler he drew her aside. “Are you ready for tonight?” 


She shook her head causing his stomach to drop. “Aleksi’s got help. Now there is someone stationed outside our doors. We move tomorrow morning to our new home.” 


“So?” He asked. 


“So? These people have killed, Quin. I am not letting you get hurt,” she said. 


His mind reeling for ideas he latched onto the obvious choice, “then we leave now.” 


“What? No,” she hissed as another bolt of lightning sounded in the distance. 


“Shuttles here,” an assistant yelled. The people herding to where they were dropped off, they filled the 4-person ATVs quickly. One more needed to collect everyone, Zora, Asher, and an assistant were left to wait a few more minutes. 


As he recalled the first test of his plan, Asher willed the notifications up.


Experience Method Added

That's Mine

You fought against someone for a loved or wanted one. The ultimate aphrodisiac, white knight syndrome, makes those panties drop.


This must have happened when he attacked the ‘caveman’ in the roleplay. He dismissed the experience gained notification until he found the important one. 


Prop Manifestation Success

All conditions for prop manifestation have been met.


USD x $50

Leather Gear (Poor)


Still unsure what the conditions for success were he had an inkling it had to do with sex and filming. “Where's that money I gave you?” He asked. 


“Here,” she said, pulling out a crisp new $50 bill out of her pocket. “I thought it was fake.”


“It was,” he commented as he looked at it. Ulysses S. Grant facing him he knew this was going to work. The Leather Gear on the screen a surprise, he felt his loincloth and vest. The material was obviously plastic before. He was amazed to find that they were both now thick leather. Lost in thoughts he minimized his screens once more. Looking Zora over she nervously waited for the ATV. Confident in his plan for once he dragged her away from the cameraman. 


“I know we haven’t known each other for long. But I was serious about feeling something between us. I will admit I have my own reasons,” he admitted thinking of his ever looming quest. “Please trust me, and let me help you.” 


She stared him in the eyes for a long time. Rain began to sprinkle down on them as another thunderbolt boomed above. Her cute frown chewed on her lip. “What do you need me to do?”


“Trust me,” he said. 


“What else?” She whined. 


“I can’t tell you yet,” he admitted. “Just give me a chance, and we can save you and your friends.”


Her foot tapping in the dampening dirt she finally sighed and said, “Fine. Just this once.” Crimson cheeks expanded in a pout. He was reminded of the girlfriend Zora he had fantasized. 


“Get on my back,” he said. 


“What? Why?” she asked. 


“We can’t go back the same way we went up if we want to dodge Aleksi,” he said. The small girl nodded and wrapped her hands around his neck. 


“Hey where are you goin?” The cameraman asked. 


“To fuck,” Asher blurted out. Then he was off. 


It was 2 miles straight South to where his car was parked. His strides sure, Zora tightened around his neck almost strangling him. He ignored her, but soon the downpour came. The cold January air made the water sap all the heat left in him. The only thing he could do was increase his speed. His breath fogging in front of him he was breathing heavily by the time he stopped next to the road. 

“You ok?” He asked as she dropped off him. 


Zora nodded, her whole body shaking. Whether from excitement or cold he didn’t know. Relinquishing his coat to her he said, “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” 

Without another word he ran the few hundred feet to the other vehicles. His Camry easily the crappiest of them all, it stuck out like a sore thumb. At least he had parked it away from the others. The passenger door unlocked, he disrobed completely and dressed as fast as possible. 


Looking around he noticed that the others that had left before still weren’t back yet. When he noticed Aleksi waiting in his vehicle the two of them locked eyes. Asher gave him a wink and got in, his tires spinning in the mud. 


Zora ran out from the tree when he stopped beside her. Both of their bodies shaking, he cranked on the heat for the hour-long drive home. 



Asher pulled up to the back of the coffeeshop. It was only the first Saturday of Aunt Anita’s cruise, so he still had the run of the place. Except for Terry anyway, but Asher knew where the porn king was for now. As they walked in, Asher's phone rang. 


“Quinten, what the fuck,” Terry yelled in his ear. 


“Whoa what?” Asher said, acting innocently. 


“We looked for you for an hour in this fucking rain before Aleksi said he saw you drive off,” Terry screamed. 


“Yeah, it was cold,” he said, the phone on speaker he turned it off to stop scaring Zora.


“I don’t care about you, you stupid fuck. Where’s Zora?” 


“Right here,” he admitted. 


“Put her on,” he ordered. 


“Na. Listen, she and I have been doing things the opposite way they’re supposed to go. My momma didn’t raise me that way. So I thought I’d take her out on a nice date. Wine and dine her, then take her back to her hotel in a couple hours.”


A long sigh escaped on the other end of the line, “Kid, you have no idea who you’re messing with. She is linked to the Russian mob, and-”


“Terry, go fuck yourself,” Asher said. 


“You don’t know sh-” Terry yelled as Asher hung up on him. Then he blocked the number.


“So angry,” he commented as he looked to Zora. A smile plastered on his face as he walked up to her. She shook like a troll commenting on a Youtube video. “God, you’re freezing.” He drew her closer. Some skin to skin was needed so he took off the coat he leant her. Their wet bodies pressed against each other trying to find warmth for a while. 


“What’s the plan?” She asked. Her teeth chattered in the quiet. 


Boldly he reached for the bottom of her shirt. “I need to trust you too, I think,” he said as he pulled her shirt up over her head. Doing the same to his own he began to unbuckle his pants. “What do you know about Systems?” 


“A little,” she admitted. “I haven’t met anyone with one, but I’ve heard interesting things,” she said, allowing him to take off her pants. Soon she was nestled into his arms. They had the most skin to skin possible. 


“Well I have one. It’s new to me so don’t ask me a bunch of questions, but it will help us,” he said. I think, he thought. 


Thinking for a moment, the question she decided on was, “What can yours do?” 


“Mine,” he said slowly, “is sex related.” 


Her eyes widened for a moment, but then she nodded. “How does that help us?”


“What? You believe me?” He asked shocked. The small girl rested her head in the crook of his arm.  They snuggled further. 


“I’ve been forced to be with a lot of people,” she admitted, her face crimson. “I was taught how to make the customer happy. And never have I squirted, especially not many times.” 


With a laugh Asher admitted, “Yeah that's one of my skills.” Thank you System for that Ahegao skill. “Another, well, it has to do with the money I gave you. It’s really hard to explain but this is the part I really need your trust on.” He felt her slowly nod into his chest. “To get you out of the pornography business, we are going to have to…make a porno,” he said. 


She pulled away from him then, her eyes narrowing. Skeptical was the only word he could describe that look. He smiled with his most confident grin as he began to explain. 



Aleksi was early. He needed to make sure this wasn’t some sort of trap. The coffeeshop was empty. A sheet over the windows he caressed the briefcase in his lap. It was his life’s work. All the blackmail he had on his girls and those in the past were in there. Everything from his safe was stashed away. Usually he didn’t touch the items, but now he had them all hidden in the leather case. 


He had always been careful before, but with Zora escaping… He feared she would get away for real this time. It wouldn’t take the police long to find him after that. The last time she had gotten away had been a fluke of luck. An officer on his payroll had caught her. He had threatened and beat her until she finally accepted that America wasn’t as safe as she dreamed. Much of it was bluster, but she was a dumb girl that didn’t know better. With a sigh his fingers nervously ran down the engrain on the briefcase. 


Aleksi Orlov was 38 years old. He had grown up in a bad neighborhood in the heart of Moscow. An orphan, he was a street brawler. Soon he caught the eye of the local Bratva. Muscle for hire, he had spent 20 years doing what other people ordered. It wasn’t long for him to figure out that those who spoke English well were given jobs far away. 


He had been a boy once, and had dreamed of all the wonders of the world. So he spent his spare time learning English and going to school. When his chance came he didn’t hesitate. He was muscle for a couple of years in America too, but soon he was given a break. They wanted another set of girls managed on the West Coast. The sunny California air called to him, so he took the job. 


The work was easy. From breaking limbs to slapping girls around was a simple transition. Far less force was needed for these young girls. Despite what they screamed or cried, they knew what this was about. So Aleksi did his work. He gathered information, information on those under and over him, and when he was given more work he would be ready. 


Realization hit him. Why was he doing this? It was just a girl, he could find her. His bosses were much scarier than whatever this country could do to him. Then something deep inside washed over his mind chanting, fear, fear, fear. Like a spell the words made him shiver as he thought of what the Americans could do to him. He needed all the money he could get to escape. 


“So you came,” the small girl said. Dressed in a pants suit she walked out from the back of the coffee shop. Another briefcase at her side, she sat across from him. Blonde hair tied back in a braid, she looked younger than he imagined. A gray pantsuit on, it was a little too big on her, but he didn’t question it. “Is that everything from your safe?” 


“Yes,” he said. Pushing it closer to her. 


“Hold on,” she said with a smile. “There is more I will need,” she said. 


“Thats not-” He tried to say but she cut him off. 


A phone in hand she turned the camera on and showed it to him. “I have a little ritual you see. Whenever I make a deal, I like to get to know someone…better,” she said. Setting the phone on a small table close to them it faced the pair. 


“How so?” He asked, confused. 


She hesitated for a moment, almost like she didn’t want to do this. Then as she blushed she began to unbutton the blouse of her shirt. It wasn’t until she was in the nude that Aleksi broke out of his stupor. Quickly following, he was hastily in nothing but his socks. 


The girl hesitantly pushed him onto the table. A small circular table, Aleksi’s upper body was the only thing that laid across it. Her small hands wrapped around his growing cock. Finally getting into the act she gave him a sultry smile. Spitting on her hand she applied it to his dick. “Make sure you cum in me,” she ordered licking her lips. 


Somehow he willed his dick smaller for the tiny 5’-2” girl as she straddled him. She let out a surprised squeak as he thrust into her. Then slowly she descended further. Her lower half ground against him as he groaned. “Cum in me, please,” she whined as her pace increased. 


Not sure how he was getting so lucky, Aleksi already felt it coming. He knew if it wasn’t enough he could go again. Why he might have to go again eluded his thought process as she rose up then slammed herself down. 


“So deep!” She yelled. 


“I’m cumming,” he grunted. She didn’t dare move as the first spurt entered her. As if that was a signal for her body she began to squirt uncontrollably. 


Rope after rope filled her womb as she continued to spray his abs. When they were left panting hard Aleksi looked at the phone, happy that he got a good video of that. Then he was brought out of his euphoria as a pop-up appeared in front of him. 


Prop Manifestation Success

All conditions for prop manifestation have been met.


USD x $10,000

Aleksi Orlov's safe contents

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