This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 91 Days

The latter half of the weekend. There really isn’t anything for the Otaku to do, as he lays around at home. It’s days like this, when he feels that having friends would be a lot better for him. Technically you could say he has one…

...No, he swore to himself that he wouldn’t think of her today. That would just be a recipe for disaster, especially after yesterday.

Instead, he was spending time on his phone. Browsing the web for news about his favorite manga, perhaps there’s something he could get for himself to pass the time.

Yet the more time he spent on his phone, the more that creeping thought tries to invade his mind. He has to resist, otherwise things will go sour. Yet soon enough, he breaks his own vow.

Where to next? To the Gyaru’s Instagram, of course. If he can’t see her today, then some online photos will just have to do. Immediately, he regrets it when he sees her most recent post.

It’s of her sitting at a nice looking smoothie place. Holding up her drink with a wink and smile. The sight of it makes his heart skip a beat. The problem here is that, she’s clearly not the person who took this picture.

“Ah.” This makes him feel a little disheartened. “Wonder who she went with.” He places the phone down. Initially not wanting to think about it, but the thought can’t leave his mind.

She had a date, didn’t she. That sucks for him to think about, but it should be expected right? After all, he saw her being asked out by another boy the other day. Perhaps she took it up when she had some free time. Besides, why should he be upset? The Otaku already resolved to move on from someone he can’t have.

Except, his heart disagreed. He keeps his fist clenched over his mouth, replaying the image in his mind. His body tense over what she might be doing right now. Again, he breaks his promise to forget about her and checks her Instagram again.

This time, she has something new posted. Refreshing the page he sees a different girl, holding a cup similar to what she had in the last picture. He recognizes her, it the twin tailed girl. What was her name again? Right, it was Himekawa-san.

The caption reads ‘Hanging out with Hime. Fun times ahead.’ His pent up stress finally releases itself. He breaths a sigh of relief, she isn’t on a date with a guy.

However, this proves an important matter for him. The Otaku won’t just let her get taken away from him. He will find a way to make her fall for him.

Or has it already happened?

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