This Game Will Kill

Chapter 166 - Dr. T Variation

Poof, Li Ye’s entire body was almost accompanied by huge inertia, and the whole person flew out towards the rear.

Blood on the chest instantly became red.


There was anger on Li Ye’s face. Although he kept guarding, he still didn’t expect that Anna would shoot him at this time.

Only Dr. T had no accidents on his face, as if he had long known that Anna would shoot, even her eyes did not change.

Anna didn’t explain, and she couldn’t even see any expression on her face.

Like he was familiar with before, no, not to mention familiarity, chasing the roots in the end, the two are just a meeting, Anna is exactly what kind of person, what origin is he knows nothing about!

“Hahaha!” A burst of laughter came from Dr. T’s mouth. He looked as if he was very happy, and he looked like a sneer. Anna did not speak, but he walked in front of Li Ye. Li Ye directly mentioned, “It’s worthy of the advent, and his physique is much stronger than ordinary people. If you can extract the genes in your body, you should be able to accelerate the improvement of my research and accelerate the evolution of the XF virus.”

Sure enough, the XF virus came from Dr. T! At least now!

There was a shot in the chest, as if the whole body was exhausted, Li Ye wanted to struggle, but at this time, he was shocked to find that Dr. T, who seemed to be thin and handless, had great strength in his hand. !

“Struggling? I like to see you struggling like advent! Hahaha!”

I only saw one of Dr. T’s hands raised, and then one of his fingers gradually began to change. In just a short time, it became more and more sharp, just like a scalpel, which reached Li Ye’s heart.

This horrible picture made Li Ye’s eyes widen!

“Amazed? This is the charm of genes! Human genes have too much uncertainty and shaping, but unfortunately, humans themselves have never been able to study much in this regard.”

Dr. T looks very proud of the changes in his fingers, just like looking at his own work.

At this time, Li Ye discovered that in Dr. T’s eyes, the pupils are already different from normal people!

What kind of eyes are those? Like a diamond, it is no longer black, but with a hint of blood red.

“You injected the XF virus into yourself!”

Seeing what Dr. T looked like, Li Ye suddenly understood what!

Why would a thin person who had no strength in his middle age become so powerful all of a sudden? The body is like a new person!

virus! Only this explanation!

“Hahaha! The gene is indeed a wonderful thing, isn’t it?”

There is no denying that it is obvious that Dr. T is so desperate that he treats his body as an experimental subject!

“You are a lunatic!”

“Crazy? Haha, I like this title.”

A mad scientist who can even be used as an experimental subject. If this kind of person is not a saint, it is a madman! It’s a lunatic, and it’s the extremely dangerous lunatic.

“The Adventist, although I don’t know where you came from, but the genes in your body are fascinating. I have always wanted to catch a few Adventurs to study, but the group of idiots actually said that it violated the agreement.

A sharp finger knife cut through Li Ye’s chest. Although the shot was shot towards his heart just now, Li Ye avoided the fatal shot slightly at the critical moment, and did not let the bullet penetrate the heart.

But at this time, when the chest muscle skin was cut open, the blood was directly left down. Upon closer inspection, the blood was no longer bright red, and even slightly blue.

“The third stage?”

Seeing the changes in the blood flowing out of Li Ye’s body, Dr. T was slightly surprised.

The third stage? Li Ye himself did not expect that before hearing Anna say that once infected, it will present three stages. Once it reaches the third stage, even with the virus serum, it is impossible to reverse the transformation process, only to kill the brain A means.

In the distance, Anna also changed her look a lot. She also didn’t expect that the third stage after an adversary was actually infected, she still maintained her reason, and her body has not been greatly mutated. This is absolutely unprecedented.

“It seems that there are other secrets in you, but this is good, it will be more helpful for my research!”

In the crazy laughter of Dr. T, he thrust his hand directly into Li Ye’s chest.

“Your heart should have high research value! Just let me …”

He smiled wildly, but suddenly his expression changed suddenly! At the next moment, there was a faint expression on his face, and he obviously wanted to pull his hand away.

“Impossible! How could you …”

Dr. T was surprised, and at the same time, his hands that reached into Li Ye’s chest actually showed some germs like granulation. Those things grew like crazy with hormones. From the blink of an eye, Li Ye’s Dr. T’s arm spread inside his body to his wrist, and then the forearm was all the way up.

At the same time, the granulations, like nails, penetrated directly into Dr. T’s arm.

With a scream, the expression of fear appeared on Dr. T’s face for the first time, and the opportunity was decisive. The other hand was turned into a steel knife, and he slashed directly toward the granulated arm!

Hands up and down, blood spurts!

And Li Ye also lost his strength, the whole person fell to the ground, and he was also scared and stupid.

What do you have in your body? Seeing those granulations look like hungry beasts, they pierced the half amputated arms frantically, and in the blink of an eye, they saw an arm that had enough flesh and flesh, and then the speed that was visible to the naked eye shrank rapidly, as if it was sucked dry At the end, there was only a dry arm like a corpse, which suddenly fell from his chest.

Looking down, Li Ye was dumbfounded again!

Whether it was the wound that was shot just now or the huge mouth cut by Dr. T, healed, and he could barely see some flesh that had shrunk back. That picture even felt disgusting to him!

This sudden change made Li Ye, Anna, and Dr. T all unexpected.

As for Dr. T, he broke his arm, and his face was shocked and angry, and his broken arm had already stopped bleeding. At the same time, he could see that he was growing like a rapid muscle. Without a moment, a new arm re-growed. .

“It turns out that I am not the only monster.”

Just after seeing the terrible granulations in his body, Li Ye almost thought that he had become a monster. Now, at the same time, Dr. T is also the same. The picture of the rebirth of his broken arm, he can’t believe that a normal person can do this.

Since everyone is a monster, there is nothing to worry about.

“Why do you have that kind of thing in you!”

Dr. T’s expression was fierce. At the same time, his body gradually began to change. The original burly body began to swell, and at the same time his clothes were also split.

On his body, a cuticle similar to the one seen on the outside of the mutant grows. You know, the cuticle on the variant encountered outside is comparable to the hardness of super alloy, even the bullet Don’t shoot!

In just a few breaths, Dr. T turned into a huge creature three to four meters high. Although he barely remained a humanoid, but when he looked closely, he could see many of them like the mutant monsters outside. feature!


One punch directly smashed that super-giant instrument that was valuable at first glance. At this time Dr. T even changed his voice completely, “Only I can research the last step! Only me! No one can surpass me!” nobody!”

I don’t know why, Dr. T, or the monster that used to be Dr. T, fell into a madness and rushed directly towards Li Ye.

At a critical moment, a figure directly threw Li Ye into a continuous roll and hid.

It was Anna who rescued him, but Li Ye was confused by this.

Shoot him again, save him again, a few meanings?

Too late to explain ~ ~ Anna got up and fired a few shots at the monster, but there is no doubt that the bullet could not hurt the monster at all. And at this time, although the space on the rooftop of the whole building was large, there was not much hiding place under the monster rampage.


No matter what happened just now, at least now the two have returned to a boat, and they don’t want to be trampled to death by the monster of Dr. T’s incarnation, only to escape!

But the only way to the following is the elevator!

“Enter the elevator! I hold him!”

Continuous gunshots sounded, although the bullet could not hurt Dr. T, but even if it turned into a monster, Dr. T’s thinking still existed, and instinctively produced certain protective actions under the gunshot, and the rushing action also appeared slow.

“It’s now!”

A button pressed down the elevator, the elevator door was opened directly, the two quickly entered.

“Go down!”

Pressing it on the ground floor, I never felt that the elevator door closing speed would be so slow.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

The gunshots continued, and Anna almost breathed out and shot the magazine empty.


The elevator door finally closed, when the two wanted to relax …


The entire elevator door is directly deformed! It was as if something had crashed hard from the outside, and the entire elevator door sunk inward toward them.

With a harsh metal twisting sound, the elevator door was gradually pulled away from the outside, and at the same time saw the completely ugly and terrible body of Dr. T outside, desperately trying to smash the elevator door.

“How to do?”

Li Ye and Anna glanced at each other, but now they have no way to escape. If the elevator doors are torn open, waiting for their ending can be imagined! The point is, there is no escape route!

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