This Game Will Kill

Chapter 164 - Desperate survival

This momentary change, let alone Li Ye, even Anna is surprised!

At least, looking at her expression is helpless to the mutation in front of her.

“You wouldn’t expect it to be like this?”

Looking towards Anna, Li Ye wanted to see calmness and confidence from her face, even Chengzhu in the chest. But obviously he was disappointed, and Anna’s face was also a bit panic.

But at least it’s still calm, unlike Li Ye, completely blinded.

“What do you think?”

I think your sister! Li Ye almost didn’t beat his forehead, but still didn’t give up, and asked again, “Is there any plan B, plan C or something like that?”

At this time, in the whole building, you can already hear the sound of some institutions opening, and at the same time, there are some friction sounds that make people feel cautious. The ghost knows what will happen.

“Plan B? Plan C?”

Sister, I know that you do n’t have any plans or followers at all.

Seeing the expression on the other side’s face, Li Ye knew that it was up to him to look at himself next.

“Don’t you suddenly feel cold?”

From the sound of the alarm to the present, one minute did not pass, but it was still just a suitable temperature of about 25 degrees, but it suddenly made people feel like they were in the Siberian Arctic Ocean!

Sure enough, a closer look showed that there was a thin layer of frost on the clothes on the body, and the whole building was filled with a faint white mist.

Do not! It’s not white fog, it’s a phenomenon that water molecules in the air start to freeze after the temperature drops sharply!

In a short period of time, both Li Ye and Anna had a layer of frost attached to them, and even slow ice crystals were hung on their eyebrows.

You don’t need to look at the thermometer, you know the temperature is absolutely below minus Celsius. How low is it, at least Li Ye thinks that if you continue this way, even if a polar bear is here, it will be frozen into dumplings!

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the urgency in the other’s eyes!

“They want to freeze the living things in the whole building!”

After a while, even speaking, it seemed to tremble. Even if Li Ye’s physique is much higher than ordinary people, but at this temperature, it is also trembling! Sigh, and freeze immediately! And the most critical!

This temperature is still falling fast!

“Find a place to leave here!”

There is no need for Plan A or Plan B at all, and staying in place is waiting for death!

The two spoke in unison and ran towards the possible exit the next moment.

The whole building is very big, but all the entrances or the places that can be smashed have been blocked! And it is the kind of super alloy steel plate that ca n’t even be bombed directly sealed!

Obviously, the people who designed this set of organs were simply not prepared to leave behind. Once someone touched the institution, what was waiting for them was the end of an ice sculpture.

“What should we do now?”

Saying this, Li Ye felt that his body temperature had dropped a few degrees.

Anna is not as good as him at this time, even if she is an excellent agent, but her physique is naturally incomparable to the gene-enhanced Li Ye. Her face is completely bloodless, and she has even produced a layer of hoarfrost. The physical strength is closer to the critical point. It seems that if you don’t escape or shut down the organ for heating, you will enter a state of shock and death within a few minutes.

At this time, if the two people have thermometers in their hands, you can see that the temperature in the whole building has dropped to minus 60 degrees Celsius! And this temperature is still falling, fast!

“The exits … are all blocked … find … the control … the room …”

Anna’s appearance was almost unsatisfactory, and she finished the sentence several times before she finished, and the situation was worse after she finished.

As a last resort, Li Ye hugged her, and in her surprised and somewhat embarrassed eyes, “Don’t look at me like that, now we are on a boat, I don’t take advantage of you, at least two people are close together, there are more Hold on for a while! “

Perhaps it was Li Ye’s sincerity, or it might have caused her brain to stiffen at a low temperature, or it might feel like she was dying, and everything looked away.

Whatever the reason, Anna gave up resistance.

The two people hugged each other, and it really made both sides feel a little warm, but this method is just to delay for a while and not solve the fundamental problem.

“Damn, let me find out who it is!”

Not being tortured to death by a virus, not being bombed to death by a nuclear bomb, or even being tortured by a mutant, but in the end it will be frozen to death here?

If this is known by others and not a big smile?

But at this time Anna had already entered a semi-comatose state, and even Li Ye himself felt that his thinking began to slow down, and a burst of distress made him even have the urge to give up and greet death completely.

A little pain! Blood spilled from the corner of the mouth!

At the last minute, Li Ye bit his tongue sharply! Make yourself a little bit more awake with strong pain!

“It’s not just low temperature! A stabilizer has been injected into the building!”

Li Ye is very clear about her body’s resistance! Although the low temperature is now enough to freeze a normal person, it will take a little time to freeze him to death, not so fast!

His eyes narrowed and he looked down. Anna was almost breathless. Only a weak heartbeat showed that she was still alive.

It’s a pity that this way, maybe the heart will stop beating the next moment.

Looking away from the upper floors, the whole building is very modern, but many passages have been sealed. Only the middle of it is like a huge patio, connecting the whole building up and down! Looking down from the height, you can see several floors underground almost vertically!

Squinting for a long time, Li Ye suddenly saw some places that shocked him!

“Dead or alive, just give it a go!”

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Li Ye freed his hand and locked his eyebrows, and the words between the two eyebrows almost became a Sichuan word, as if meditating!

“Rope! Rope! Rope! Damn it! Earn some gas!”

In his hands, something looming seemed to appear, and if you look closely, it is nylon rope! What Li Ye wanted to do was actually copying this nylon rope out of thin air!

Make it happen! For a long time, he could only copy objects he knew or possessed out of thin air, and it was quite easy. But at this time, the energy was naturally unable to concentrate under the intense low temperature, which also made the difficulty a lot.

Fortunately, finally succeeded!

Zhuge’s crossbow, tied the nylon rope directly to the crossbow arrow, took a little aim, and instantly the crossbow arrow accompanied the rope and shot directly towards the patio!

The strong penetrating power is enough to penetrate even ordinary steel plates! Not to mention just reinforced concrete, it was nailed to a wall about three stories high.

After tying the rope around the two of them tightly, Li Ye took a deep breath, and the entire lung was almost cracked by the cold!

“Success or failure is here!”

For a long time, Zhuge’s crossbow has a mechanism that has never been used!


With a soft sound, the Zhuge crossbow in Li Ye’s hands suddenly produced a huge pulling force, pulling Li Ye and Anna tied to him, and they hung up in the air!

But hanging halfway, the crossbow arrow appeared loose! After all, to bear the weight of two people.

Even if Li Ye is not a fat man, Anna is also a slender figure, but still more than two hundred pounds!

Originally, the crossbow was only inserted into the wall about halfway, but at this time, because of the weight and involvement of the two, they have slightly separated from the wall.

“Hold on!”

Seeing that the crossbow arrows were loosening, Li Ye almost stopped his heart!

At this point, the two have reached the height of about the second floor. Once they fall, the consequences will be disastrous! This is not the usual situation. In the current state of the two, Li Ye may not be dead, but Anna will definitely die!

Fortunately, in the end, there was a false alarm. When a collision force came in their hands, both of them were pulled to the wall on the third floor by the rope with the crossbow.

“Sure enough! The temperature here needs to be slower.”

A basic common sense! Cold air goes down, hot air goes up! Even in a closed environment, obviously the higher the temperature, the higher the temperature.

Only this height is not enough for the two to adapt.

If, at this time, the temperature of the first floor is below minus one hundred degrees Celsius, then now it is just minus seven or eight degrees Celsius!

It seems to have improved a lot, but it is still enough to freeze people!

I tried to smash the wall with my fist slightly ~ ~ I do n’t know if his strength has become weaker at low temperature, or the wall is too thick, it is obviously not realistic to penetrate it!

And a closer look, the entire patio is also closed! Obviously, there is no way to live.

But looking all the way up, Li Ye finally showed a smile on his face, although it was reluctant!

About ten meters above them, there is an outlet of the ventilation duct!

Using a dagger as a support to insert on the wall, Li Ye suddenly thought of a game that was played many years ago, Tomb Raider. At that time, he was envious of the heroine ’s perverted climbing technique, but it was obvious that In reality, this is not a game, at least in this world, everything is so realistic!


The crossbow was fired again, but this time the head was slightly off, a few meters away from that ventilation duct.

Pulling the organ in his hand, a pulling force once again pulled the two towards the top, but halfway, suddenly the crossbow arrow inserted above directly clicked and broke!

The momentary fall almost left Li Ye’s mind blank!

At a critical moment, he did not know where the courage and reaction came from. He instantly added a dagger in his hand and inserted it fiercely on the wall. A harsh friction and Mars finally stopped the two bodies from falling.

But at this time Li Ye’s arm was almost useless! Purple red swelling! Even if the tendon is broken, there is no way to tell.

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Orz, the author has long known that this book has not been saved, but decided to rescue it at the beginning of the shelf, and finally arrived now, close to death

Decided to open a new book, after all, many people say that this book is dead at the beginning of the book, want to write another style. As for this book, try to keep updating

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