This Game Will Kill

Chapter 159 - Underground city

As you can see from the surveillance screen, somewhere in the labyrinth of the base, someone is almost all the way forward. Although they have encountered mutant monsters or cruising living corpses several times, they can know in advance. Avoid detours.

“White feather!”

This person is exactly the white feather I met before!

But to Li Ye’s surprise, Heisha died in the maze, but Bai Yu, who was with him, did not die, and it looked as if she knew the topography of the maze in this base.

Two people, a white feather and a little girl.

If the origin of the little girl is quite scrutinized, then where did Bai Yu learn the terrain of the entire maze?

Before being a game player, Li Ye did not know how dangerous the entire base was.

But at the moment, looking at dozens of monitoring screens in front of him, his expression became extraordinarily dignified!

In the labyrinth of the whole base, countless strange monsters and hordes of living corpses are hidden! Especially those living corpses are almost a huge number!

“Are all the people in this base infected with viruses?”

It can be seen from the dressing of those living corpses that many people used to be staff at this base. There are researchers in white coats, as well as soldier security personnel in special combat uniforms.

These people have now become captives of the virus and become the most dangerous presence in the entire base.

“No, I want to remind them!”

Monitoring pictures one by one, it can be seen that many people have entered the base now, and all have fallen into the plot of the black hand behind the scene. Even Li Ye also saw that there are also surveillance probes outside the base at the moment! Several players came over from afar, with a trace of vigilance on their faces, but they still chose to enter the base.

Because behind them, you can see that there are already a lot of live corpses chasing! Those, all players who had entered the factory area before, are now turned into walking dead.

At the same time a huge body, Li Ye suddenly shocked!


In a picture outside the base, a huge body made Li Ye’s pupils shrink slightly!

That was the powerful variant that killed many players and even purifiers in the city before! Compared to before, a third eye actually appeared on the head of this variant! It’s like heavenly eyes, but it’s disgusting, and the body is covered with barbs everywhere.

“How did this thing come here?”

For variants, many people want to kill to earn rewards, but unfortunately all the people who try have become dead.

Now such a perverted thing has come to the neighborhood, it is definitely not a good thing!

The key is that Li Ye was surprised to see from the surveillance screen that the variant actually knew how to enter the base and walked in directly from the entrance hall.

Suddenly, when Li Ye wanted to continue to track the trajectory of the variant, and at the same time tried to find a way to keep the rest of the people in the maze at the same time, the surveillance screen in front of him instantly became a snowflake.

At the same time, almost dozens of surrounding monitoring screens all turned into snowflakes with no signal within a few seconds!

Zizizi! The harsh sound came from the monitor.

“Someone broke the surveillance system!”

Dozens of surveillance screens are not functioning at the same time. It is definitely not an accident, unless someone destroys all the surveillance in the entire base in an instant! Otherwise, there is only one explanation left!

Somewhere in the base, in a dimly lit room, a dark shadow squinted at the huge screen in front of him, showing Li Ye in the research area.

Li Ye, who did n’t know that he had been discovered, glanced at the functioning surveillance screen. He knew that unless he found the man behind the scene hidden in the base, this cruel game would never be so easy. End.

“find him!”

‘S low voice could not hear whether it was a man or a woman, but after he had finished speaking, the two men in black dressed all over his body did not answer, but walked out.

On the other side, Li Ye, who got out of the labyrinth, finally found a map of the internal structure of the whole base. The whole base is huge, even far beyond the original Institute No. 7!

Compared with the current base, the No. 7 Research Institute is only a small place. Only one tenth of the entire base is located on the ground, and most of it is built underground, just like a city.

“Dungeon! What a great skill!”

How big is the entire underground base, Li Ye is also difficult to describe. At least from the drawing he found, it is definitely not a problem for the entire underground city to contain 20,000 or 300,000 people!

Except for one third of the military area and research area, more than half are civilian facilities!

And the key is!

The whole underground city was built to withstand the nuclear crisis!

Now that you have a rough route drawing of the entire dungeon, the next problem is solved!

Control room!

On the drawing, Li Ye found a place marked as a control room, where it was the place where the power supply of all facilities in the entire underground city was controlled.

“It seems that if you can find the control room and close the maze of the entire dungeon, you should be able to let them all out!”

Collect the drawings and follow the road all the way down, even though you have long known that the entire dungeon is huge, but you can really feel the shock when you are really immersive!

This is definitely a great building comparable to ancient miracles! Building such a huge underground city underground is at least beyond the scope of ordinary people’s imagination.

The only regret is that there is no one living person in the entire underground city base! At least, except for those who have entered the player advent, they can’t find a live mouth!

Whether it is a researcher, a civilian, or a soldier! Everyone is gone! In other words, the virus invades and becomes the living corpses.

As soon as he thought that there were two or three hundred thousand living corpses in the entire underground city and some mutant monsters that he had never seen before, Li Ye felt that there was a wave of cold sweat drenching his entire clothes behind him.

Gacha, Gacha, like the sound of metal rubbing against the ground, came from afar, and it was particularly harsh in this quiet underground base like a ghost town.

Soon, Li Ye knew what was going on.

Appeared in front of him, but two people were all wrapped in metal, just like the people in the armor of the future warrior.

From beginning to end, I can’t see the appearance, the only thing I know is the shape of the person! Only his eyes were revealed outside, but there was a strange red light.

Seeing these two things appear, Li Ye reacted immediately!


His instinct apparently saved his life, and at the moment he rolled, the place where he had just exploded directly! The violent heat wave and shock wave flew Li Ye out and slammed into the wall.

If you don’t agree, you can come directly!

Li Ye climbed from the ground, even if his physique made him dizzy in front of his eyes, his ears were full of tinnitus, his chest was full of blood and blood, and several metal shrapnels were stuck in his body, and blood bleed to the ground.

Simply dealt with the wound. At this moment, the two armored soldiers who don’t know the origin have been killed!

On their arms, you can directly see what was almost killing Li Ye just now!

Small tracking missile!

Seeing the weapon appearing on the opponent’s arm, Li Ye almost didn’t yell!

In this small place, using this weapon is undoubtedly suicide! If not the entire underground base was constructed of superalloy strength, the explosion just now was enough to collapse a large area.

Didn’t wait for Li Ye to yell, two flames appeared, the other party didn’t give him a chance, and launched two small tracking missiles!

Boom! boom!

A channel is directly deformed and twisted, even if the super alloy is under this power, it also begins to melt.

Not far from the explosion, Li Ye was smoking black smoke all over his body. Although he avoided it again, he almost spit out blood.


In this environment, Li Ye don’t say close to the past, even a little slack, enough to let him return to the West Heaven!

“I don’t believe it, they can carry a few missiles!”

Small tracking missiles are indeed enough to kill anyone, but this weapon is usually impossible to load too much.

Sure enough, within a period of frightened escape, finally the two armored soldiers lost their movement.


However, before waiting for Li Yesong’s breath, UU read www. uukanshu. com popped two bright steel knives in their arms!

Looking at each other’s weapons, Li Ye suddenly knew his chance was coming!

Also draw out the long knife! As long as it is not the small tracking missile just like that, Li Ye is not afraid of fighting me with anything!

And after the chase and escape just now, it is also a fairly open area nearby. It seems to be the original activity room of the entire underground base research institute! You can also see some fitness and leisure equipment.

Two armored warriors were killed directly, but the bulky body had a speed and flexibility that was different from ordinary people! It’s nothing like wearing heavy metal armor.


Li Ye was directly pushed out by a huge force!

“Great strength!”

Was pushed a few meters away, and Li Ye couldn’t help but take a slight breath!

His strength is at least a lot stronger than normal people. Although it is not born with divine power, gene strengthening is to comprehensively strengthen and improve the whole, including muscle strength and nerve reflex!

Is simple. Now, he is enough to fight with the so-called natural power of Hercules, but just now the two sides of the weapons collided together, but he was directly flew out.

At the same time, another armor warrior cut directly towards Li Ye’s head!

The huge fitness equipment was directly cut off, as if made under the blade like tofu.

“Good sharp weapon!”

Obviously, Li Ye underestimated these two armored warriors, whether it is the small missile just now or the steel knife in their hands, it is a high-tech crystallization!

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