These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 69: Prince Rian is infatuated with Earl Rosewood?!

Ren Xiyang carried the 1500 gold back to the Rosewood fief with him. The newly hired tax collectors and some Rosewood managers also came back with him.

After the Harvest Festival, the leaves of all the deciduous trees had turned red or brown and the sky was more often cloudy than not. Overnight, the temperature would drop and increasingly many mornings had a light layer of frost.

It was time for the least-liked part of the year: tax collection. Unlike previous years, this year the census was happening at the same time. Groups of three would be visiting each house and individual in their assigned area: one member of the tax collection team, one member of the census collection team, and one local representative, often the local village chief.

Ren Xiyang had entertained the thought of occasionally joining in to see how it all progressed. But he was much too busy.

Ren Xiyang had meetings with the winter-preparedness team about acquiring clothes and collecting firewood. He had meetings with contracted house-builders about short-term housing structures with underfloor heating and setting up a refugee-adjacent camp-like area. He had meetings with the new team for dealing with potential bandits, meetings with various village chiefs about how they could train a civilian militia and meetings with various town mayors about having their town guards respond to calls for help in nearby villages and settlements and establish basic long-distance communication. He also had meetings with various crafters about designs for the physical housing of the lighting and heating charms.

During his day off, Ren Xiyang explored the fresh new blood from Rian and started to formulate more precise ideas about how he could enact transition. He was also planning to build a greenhouse for himself—it was becoming unsuitable for him to work in the main fields. Having his own expensive greenhouse would make both nobles and commoners feel more at ease, and it would allow Ren Xiyang to research various matters, something that he hadn’t been able to do for years since the start of the zombie apocalypse.



When Earl Rosewood was busy, Kel was busy. The Rosewood estate and fief bustled with activity. The farmers started preparing the fields for winter crops. Multiple new contractors and temporary hires for the Rosewood estate and fief started construction on short-term housing. The Rosewood estate council were busier than ever as they were assigned management over various projects.

Kel talked with many fellow staff. While the old staff understood Earl Rosewood’s idiosyncrasies well, the newer staff—like Master Otto Silvercharm—were still getting used to things. Kel helped put them at ease.

And through those talks, Kel soon realised that not everyone had a high-level overview of what was happening nor why it was happening. She had a sneaking suspicion that this was a problem, so she headed to the kitchens to discuss it with those gathered there.

“—Huh, I didn’t realise that was directed by the winter preparedness team.”

“I didn’t know there was a winter-preparedness team!”

Sigh, Earl Rosewood worries about a lot of things.”

“That’s Earl Rosewood,” Mrs Cooks said with a wistful smile.

The other staff gave each other knowing looks. In the end, they couldn’t insult Earl Rosewood very much, since he put coins in their pockets and make the Rosewood estate an enviable place to work at.

Cough, I guess we should work a bit harder to get it done for winter.”

“If the problem is that not everyone knows what’s happening, then we just need to tell them,” Aaron said. “Right, Kel?”

“Should I ask Earl Rosewood to hold another estate-wide meeting?” Kel said.

“We could write some materials and give them out,” Aaron said.

Maria tutted. “Not everyone can read yet, remember. We’ll need someone to read those materials out.”

Kel brightened. “Thank you, Aaron and Maria! I’ll ask Earl Rosewood. Is there anything else you want me to ask him about?”

“Nah, I’ll ask him when we meet about winter crops tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’ll ask him when we meet about security around the new refugee area in two days.”


The next time Kel saw Earl Rosewood, she told him about her concerns and offered potential solutions.

Earl Rosewood blinked. “Oh, you’re right, Kel. Those are all good ideas…see when my schedule and others’ schedules line up for a big meeting. If you can, ask the estate council to find some people who can copy out documents and heralds to read them out in the towns and villages too, they should also be kept up to date. I’ll write a draft first and have each of the teams confirm. Thanks, Kel.”

Kel beamed. “I’ll get on to it immediately!” It was a good feeling to have Earl Rosewood take her concerns seriously and accept her suggestions!



While yet more people were being hired by the Rosewood estate, Rian completed the last of his travels. He headed back to the Capital and his lessons returned to their usual schedule. This meant he could also return to his regular meeting schedule with Ren Xiyang.

Rian got cosy in bed while he called Ren Xiyang. After unloading his thoughts and feelings about various recent occurrences, he remembered something that concerned Ren Xiyang.

“—Xiyang, news that you’ve been funding defence training of civilians has reached the Capital.”


“You should be careful. It looks like you’re starting to form a military.”

Ren Xiyang sighed. “Oh, they wouldn’t believe what scandalous other things I’ll be doing next.”

Rian chuckled. “I know that you want to prevent bandit attacks, and technically, other people should know too. But the Rosewood fief is quite safe in comparison to other fiefs when it comes to bandits, so I hope you can see why your actions are suspicious.”

“Are you going to offer me any solutions?”

“You could help some neighbouring fiefs.”

“…Are you giving me more work, Prince Rian?”

“I do know that you’re busy,” Rian said.

Now that he had more of his own people, he was now receiving short reports on the actions of his Imperial Parents, some information about the current political situations in the Angio kingdom, along with intelligence on Earl Rosewood’s (quite public) movements.

“—Or else, you would visit me in the Capital more often.”

“Hmm, maybe not.”

“Don’t make me order you as your prince.”

“Oh, I’m so scared.”

“You’re the most imperious person I’ve met.”

Ren Xiyang snorted. “Between you and I, you’re the most imperious, Imperial Prince Rian.”

“That’s because I’m a prince.”

“At least you’re self-aware.”

Rian pouted. “You’re lucky we’re not in the same room at the moment—”

“Or else you’ll fail in yet another attack against me?” Ren Xiyang gave a fake yawn, which then became a real yawn.

Yawns were very infectious. Rian yawned too and rubbed his suddenly sleepy eyes. “Tch, before you fall asleep, I have some luxury wooden lanterns made already. Send me the ones from your side, I’m going to meet with my Imperial Parents in three days.”


“I need to get their permission.”

“They do say it’s better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission…”

“Don’t put bad ideas in my head, Earl Rosewood,” Rian said, but the sternness was lost in a second yawn.

Heh. Good night, Your Highness.”

“Good night, my Lord.”

Rian ended the call. He secreted his special communication mirror away and fell asleep.



A few days later was Rian’s meeting with his Imperial Parents. Rian entered the throne room with a few of his servants following.

Rian bowed. “I greet His Majesty, King Edric, and Her Majesty, Queen Mira.”

“Prince Rian, raise your head,” King Edric said.

Rian straightened. “Imperial Mother, Imperial Father, today, I want to talk to you about something that I have been working on with Earl Rosewood.”

Queen Mira’s eyes sharpened. “Oh?”

“Tell us,” King Edric said.

“Let me present to you a new safe, healthy, and convenient heating lamp for the winter months.” Rian presented the features of the various prototype lamps to his Imperial Parents, and explained how he and Earl Rosewood co-developed these products, and that they had been “working on this for a long time.”

“We would like to begin production and sales by the start of winter. Imperial Mother, Imperial Father, I request that you allow me to start this commercial venture with Earl Rosewood, under the combined name of Azure and Rosewood.”

“And I suppose, as part of this, you will need to visit the Rosewood fief more often in the near future,” Queen Mira said.

“Not at all, the majority of components are now in place,” Rian said.

“If you wish to use the Azure name, then we must ensure the quality of these products,” King Edric said.

“I understand, Imperial Father. I have prepared the written spells for you to study, and these exemplar products here are for you to use, test, and do as you wish.”

“We’ll give our response in a timely manner,” King Edric said.

Rian smiled. “Thank you for your consideration, Imperial Father, Imperial Mother.” After the servants placed the devices down on a side table, Rian bowed and departed.

Regardless of his Imperial Parents’ approval, production would go ahead. Rian was confident that his Imperial Parents would see the value of the heating lanterns. But if they didn’t approve, then he and Ren Xiyang would brand it under R & R instead.

To outsiders, it would look like Rian and Rosewood, but in reality, it would mean Rian Azure and Ren Xiyang.



With the coldness setting in, Cassiopeia’s wardrobe changed from beautiful summer dresses to beautiful autumn/winter outfits. Though she had more lessons now, she still had time to meet with her best friends.

Now, rather than having afternoon tea in the open garden in the Schauss fief, she and her best friends had afternoon tea indoors at the Schauss’s home in the Capital.

The maids came in and served them desserts and tea and went to stand quietly against the wall.

After Cassiopeia greeted Alexandra Slate and Ethel Silvercharm, she pulled out some papers.

“Brother Perseus gave me this, Earl Rosewood is very unusual!” Cassiopeia said. “It has all the things he’s doing, and he apparently had these written and sent out at his own expense! Perseus was able to acquire a copy.”

The two other girls leaned closer in interest.

“Oh, I heard about this,” Ethel Silvercharm said. “One of my relatives—one of the side branches, you know—is working for Earl Rosewood.” She made a sound of disapproval, mimicking her parents. “Is Earl Rosewood enticing peasants to come to the Rosewood fief on purpose?”

“But then again, the Cordovan family still owes the Rosewood family 50000 gold coins,” Cassiopeia reminded her.

The girls all sipped their tea, thinking about this very large sum of money.

That said, I also heard that Earl Rosewood and Baltasar signed some contract, some of the money is being spent on the Cordovan fief,” Ethel said.

“But why?” Alexandra shook her head in disbelief. After trying to get a lot of money, why did Earl Rosewood give it away? But ah, that wasn’t interesting. “By the way…” Alexandra’s expression became conspiratorial. “Did you hear the latest rumour?”

Cassiopeia and Ethel gave her expectant looks.

Alexandra lowered her voice some more; the two other girls all leaned in close.

“The latest rumour is that Prince Rian is infatuated with Earl Rosewood!”

Ethel gasped. “How is that possible? Can a boy be infatuated with another boy?”

Alexandra nodded. “Clearly! This rumour must have some basis in fact! You noticed how Prince Rian followed Earl Rosewood around like a lovesick puppy, don’t you remember?”

“Who did you hear this from?” Cassiopeia asked.

“Well, my cousin told me, she heard from her father, her father heard it from his servant, who heard it from a tavern with some Rosewood fief travellers. Prince Rian must act differently when he’s out in the Rosewood fief!”

Cassiopeia gasped. “Didn’t someone say that there is something wrong with Earl Rosewood’s background? Maybe he has some knowledge, or doing something, to Prince Rian!"

“Psychic magic?” Ethel suggested.


“Your father is the best healer,” Alexandra said. “Maybe he could conduct a health checkup on Prince Rian?”

“I don’t know…” Cassiopeia said, worried. “He doesn’t like listening to these, he thinks they’re baseless rumours.”

Ethel shook her head. “How could two boys even…you know? I think this could be just a fake rumour.”

“But you can’t deny that Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian have something,” Alexandra said.

Cassiopeia nodded. “I think Prince Rian has been acting weird since Earl Rosewood appeared. His Highness wasn’t like this before.”

“Before, Prince Rian didn’t play and act like a spoilt child.”

“Before, Prince Rian was sweet and polite to us.”

“You’re right, Cassiopeia,” Ethel slowly agreed. “There is something weird…I’ll try to find out more about it!”

“So will I!” Alexandra joined in.

“And I’ll hint to my father,” Cassiopeia added. “If there really is a problem with Earl Rosewood, we need to bring it to light.”

The three girls all gave each other determined looks before they started trying out the desserts.



When someone told Count Aegean about this rumour, Count Aegean snorted. His tone was sardonic as he confirmed, “Of course His Highness Prince Rian is infatuated with Earl Rosewood!”

“Pardon, truly?!”

“Yes, he’s infatuated with Earl Rosewood’s power,” Count Aegean said bitterly. “He found someone he couldn’t beat in a duel, and now he wants to be able to do whatever Earl Rosewood can, but better.” Look at how Prince Rian spent too much time practising flying on swords, all because Earl Rosewood showed that he could! “And of course, His Highness is thinking about the future. If Earl Rosewood is on his side, then his future path will be a lot smoother on the magical power side.”


To the other person, this made sense. Earl Rosewood had shown himself to be a formidable mage. If he wasn’t so young, he might have many more admirers and rivals and nobles trying to ally with him…





Rian: *blinks innocently*

Ren Xiyang: Some people are clearly not busy enough. I have a lot of work, do they want to be put to work?



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