These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 48: So long, don’t wanna see ya!

Without quite realising it, Ren Xiyang and Florence continued talking until lunchtime.

As was traditional in her family, Florence had received a set of fields to manage upon reaching 16 years of age. While she never physically got her hands dirty, she had learned non-magical farming knowledge and had thoroughly improved her ability to cast plant-growing spells over the year so far.

The two shared many different farming techniques, both magical and non-magical. For example, Ren Xiyang wanted to grow rice, but the Rosewood fief didn’t have sufficient water resources. Florence promised to send a caravan of rice, and was confused and told him that the rice they grew was planted dry, not in wet paddy fields. So Ren Xiyang told her about the wet cultivation method, and how one could combine duck and rice farming to improve the growth of both.

And since Florence was there, Ren Xiyang asked her about the important must-know plant spells, and she helpfully showed him how to cast them.

—But that was what Rian was supposed to help Ayden with!

Rian felt invisible. In front of him, Ayden Rosewood and Florence Sage were happily talking about agriculture, far beyond what Rian could contribute.

And the longer Florence and Ayden talked, the more sour Rian felt. Look, they even exchanged invitations to visit each other’s fiefs!

“—I’m sorry to interrupt, but lunch will be happening soon,” Rian finally said.

The two looked at him.

“Are you both not joining in for lunch?” Rian asked.

“Yes,” Florence said. She turned to Ayden. “Earl Rosewood, keep in touch,” she said warmly.

“I will be in the Capital for at least a week,” Ren Xiyang said.

“My mother and I will be returning to the Sage fief this afternoon. However, we will likely return to see your duel with Prince Rian.”

“Okay, let’s keep in touch.”

“Let’s go, we can’t keep Their Majesties waiting,” Rian said firmly.

The group finally headed to today’s dining room for lunch.

Just like the previous day, Ayden Rosewood naturally sat next to Rian, while Florence went to sit with Viscountess Sage further down the table.

Unfortunately, Alexius sat on Ayden’s other side.

Rian felt some wariness in his heart as Alexius proceeded to claim Ayden’s attention.

Alexius was young now, and Ayden treated him as a child. But in the future the first life, Alexius had become king, knowledgeable and smart and charismatic. It was best if Rian could ensure that Ayden was firmly in his own faction before Alexius could grow up. Should he give Ayden some gold? But that wasn’t the kind of relationship that Rian wanted. It wasn’t a case of him using Ayden and Ayden using him. Ayden wasn’t like the other nobles and commoners that Rian had in his faction in his previous life.

Rian needed to show how Ayden that he was much richer than his little brother, and that his connections were much more useful than his little brother…



Ren Xiyang spent the rest of the day with Prince Rian, most of it in Rian’s study room. Rian continued teaching him about the noble families and the multiple factions that existed—some are gathered by magic type, some are gathered by not having the same magic type, some are gathered by location, and some were gathered by familial connections.

Ren Xiyang returned to the Imperial Palace again the next day. In the morning, he underwent a second fitting for his clothes.  And then, because of Rian’s insistence, he attended Rian’s private lessons alongside him. Coincidentally, Count Aegean was planning to teach about foreign affairs and trade.

It wasn’t too bad for Ren Xiyang.

However, Count Aegean suffered a lot. He had the unfortunate experience of having a student who knew all the answers [Prince Rian] and a student who knew nothing [Earl Rosewood].

After lunch, Ren Xiyang and Rian went to the Sedaveria Parliament. Kel and the two knights came along, and Solicitor Carmine met them outside the Parliament.

The Parliament, where the Imperial Council met, was located adjacent to the Imperial Palace. The symbol of the Imperial Council, an open book with a dragon and a phoenix on either side and a crown on top, was prominently displayed at the front of the building as a big three-dimensional white-stone sculpture.

All titled nobles, plus the head of the Church of the Saintess, had a membership to the Imperial Council, though nobles ranked Baron/Baroness couldn’t hold official titled positions in the Imperial Council. The Imperial Council was led by the Prime Minister. Their function was to discuss government legislature and direction,  to vote on certain matters, and to be consultants for the king.

An Imperial Councillor with a group of staff came over. Marchioness Cloud was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Parliament. She was a tall and slender woman with white hair and green eyes—a wind mage.

Ren Xiyang bowed. “Good afternoon, Marchioness Cloud. Thank you for your time today.”

“It is part of my duties,” Marchioness Cloud said lightly. She glanced at the prince. “Your Highness, I hope you are faring well.”

“I am, Marchioness,” Rian replied politely. He nodded slightly at Ayden. “I’ll see you later.”

He could understand the unspoken message in the Marchioness’s eyes—this induction was for Earl Rosewood, not for him. In contrast, Kel, Solicitor Carmine, and the two knights were considered silent servants of Earl Rosewood and were expected to follow.

After Rian left, Marchioness Cloud gave Ren Xiyang an induction to the Imperial Council, showing him the important rooms, including the main court room and the gallery of portraits of important people. She also had him measured for the over-robes that had to be worn while attending a session. Even though it wasn’t a gathering day, there were still some nobles around the Parliament, as it was a convenient place for many of them to meet.

“Now, while the Imperial Council holds meetings all year round, the voting gatherings are held in autumn, winter, and spring,” Marchioness Cloud said. “This is the list of upcoming gatherings.”

A staff member handed over a thick scroll to Kel, who then handed it over to Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang unfurled the scroll. The Imperial Council met every month, often scheduling two or three days for a single gathering. He frowned slightly. The reason why the Rosewood family stayed in the Capital from autumn to spring was partly this reason—for the important Imperial Council meetings and the social events. But at least it only took at most two days for Ren Xiyang to get from the Rosewood summer manor to the Capital.

It had to be much more difficult for all the fiefs further away, that could take over a week by horse to reach the Capital.

“We understand that you are busy, Earl Rosewood. You are not required to attend any of these meetings. The privilege of membership includes the privilege to attend whenever you so desire,” Marchioness Cloud said.

“Is there any precedent for electing a proxy to attend and vote in my stead?”

Marchioness Cloud’s voice turned a little cold. “Earl Rosewood, only certain members of the peerage are allowed to attend. We avoid the use of proxy votes, lest your stance is wrongly represented.”

“Not even if I wrote a contract agreeing to Prince Rian’s votes?”

“Unfortunately, Prince Rian is not yet a titled member of the peerage.”

“I understand.” Given the voting power Ren Xiyang had, he would attend the voting gatherings whether he liked it or not. At least Rian would be happy with him visiting the Capital.

“Do you have any questions?” Marchioness Cloud asked.

“I don’t, thank you for the induction,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Your robes will be prepared in two weeks’ time. You are free to explore the Parliament or leave as you wish.”

Ren Xiyang bowed. “Thank you, Marchioness.”

Marchioness Cloud and her entourage left in one direction. Ren Xiyang and his entourage headed in the other direction.

As Ren Xiyang made his way to the exit, he sensed other moving heat sources, including the ones coming closer to him.

Unfortunately, one of the heat sources intercepted him.

It was a tall and strong-looking man with short silver-grey hair and a beard—Earl Grey, a metal mage, from one of the northern fiefs.

“Earl Rosewood, what a surprise to see you here today,” Earl Grey said.

Ren Xiyang lowered his head slightly in greeting. “Hello.”

Earl Grey came closer in a casual manner. “I hear that you are good friends with His Highness Prince Rian.”

“I am.”

Earl Grey smiled. “Good, good. I suppose this is your first time here? Prince Rian may not be able to help you with Imperial Council matters. However, you are young, I don’t think any of us would mind your questions.”


Earl Grey’s voice lowered. “If you would like some guidance, then we should meet up for a drink. Fire, in some ways, is quite complementary with metal.”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “Oh. Are you trying to challenge me to a duel, or do you want to sit down and discuss some business?”

Earl Grey was affronted. “I’m not Baron Carmine, Earl Rosewood.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand a lot. His Highness Prince Rian has attempted to teach me, but I’m only good at fighting and farming,” Ren Xiyang replied blandly. “I still have a lot to learn.”

Earl Grey: “…” Was this child being dumb on purpose? Heh, if Earl Rosewood didn’t want to speak with him in private, then he wouldn’t bother.

“In that case, have a good day,” Earl Grey said.

“Okay, have a good day,” Ren Xiyang said. It was a shame that Earl Grey didn’t want to give him money duel him.

Ren Xiyang headed back to the Rosewood house after that. He had accompanied Rian enough; he needed to work on some administration now.



In Sedaveria, nobles had at least two main properties: one on their fief, and another in the Capital. Some of them spent more time in their fief while others spent more time in the Capital.

The late Earl Roland Rosewood, and his family by extension, had stayed for long periods in the Capital, to attend and vote at the important Imperial Council gatherings and for the main social events at the Imperial Palace over the autumn/winter/spring months. Earl Roland Rosewood hadn’t done much management of his fief. Instead, there was a group of managers in the Capital that did most of the management.

The Rosewood’s Capital house wasn’t as big as their summer manor, but it had many more rooms and office-study space. The number of servants was no less, and the number of guards was many more. It would take Ren Xiyang several days to interview everyone.

Ren Xiyang started the meetings on a fresh new morning. He sat behind the desk in the Earl’s office, while Kel opened and closed the doors.

Solicitor Carmine was first.

The meeting went smoothly. There was no problem with Solicitor Carmine’s work and attitude. He even gave Ren Xiyang the draft updated legislation for the Rosewood fief for the various laws Ren Xiyang had wanted to be changed. As a senior employee, Solicitor Carmine’s pay was already good. But due to his work, Ren Xiyang gave him a bonus.

The last weight in Solicitor Carmine’s chest felt. As expected, Earl Rosewood didn’t punish him for what his elder brother, Baron Carmine, had done. Earl Rosewood even asked him if he had any recommended people he wanted him to hire.

“I will think deeply on this matter, my Lord. I will return with potential candidates shortly.”

“There’s no rush, thank you for meeting with me.”

After Solicitor Carmine left, Kel called in Manager Gregory.

Manager Gregory walked in, chin raised. “Greetings, Earl Rosewood.”

“Good morning, Manager Gregory. Take a seat,” Ren Xiyang said. He shuffled the papers on his desk and placed his notes for Manager Gregory on top. He looked up at Manager Gregory. “Let me be brief. I intend to put you on probation. This is not a termination of your position. But we must reassess what you want to do.”

He had asked Solicitor Carmine to do many more things than Manager Gregory, and yet while Solicitor Carmine completed his tasks, Manager Gregory hadn’t. He obviously didn’t want to help carry out Ren Xiyang’s plans.

Manager Gregory sucked in a breath. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Earl Rosewood, I want to take this opportunity to hand in my resignation.”

Ren Xiyang blinked. Oh, that made things easier. “When do you wish to stop working?”

Manager Gregory stiffened. He had hoped that Earl Rosewood would beg to keep him. But instead, Earl Rosewood acted so casually! “When will you like me to stop working?”

“Any time between now and two weeks, at your preference. You’ll be entitled to some termination payments. Of course, you’re allowed time to pack your things.”

Manager Gregory’s eyes darkened slightly. “Then I’ll leave in three days.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “I’ll speak with Solicitor Carmine to finalise your termination. Thank you for the work you’ve done for the Rosewood fief and Rosewood estate. Is there anything you want to talk to me about?”

Manager Gregory inwardly sneered at the mention of Solicitor Carmine. That aristocratic bastard was too good at sucking up to whoever was in power and didn’t have morals just like other lawyers! While he would like to tell Earl Rosewood all the things the earl was doing wrong, he wasn’t stupid. “Nothing, my Lord. I only wish you the best in your endeavours.”

“You too,” Ren Xiyang replied blandly. “Good to meet you. You can leave whenever you’re ready.”

Kel silently opened the door.

Manager Gregory pulled a tight smile. “Have a good day, my Lord.”

After Manager Gregory, Ren Xiyang met with a few more managers before lunch, and the rest of the administrative personnel in the afternoon. Many passed, but some of them were put on probation, and some chose to quit. Ren Xiyang didn’t bother to convince anyone to stay—those that might have been expecting it was sorely disappointed.



Over the next few days, Ren Xiyang successively met with all the rest of the Rosewood staff at the Capital, finishing two days before the late-summer social event.

Rian was clearly keeping track of him, because on the day after Ren Xiyang finished with all the interviews and staff re-arrangement, Rian sent an Imperial carriage to pick him up.







Ren Xiyang: Just taking out more trash…

Rian: Hurry up, I want to see you again!





Thank you to esreadsbooks and Ria for the ink/kofi!!!!

And you might have noticed that the cover changed!

Plus little icons:

cover_2-4_Ren_Xiyang_icon.png  cover_2-4_Rian_icon.png  cover_2-4_Cassiopeia_icon.png


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