These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 206: Devious Little Prince Rian

Rating: a little mature right at the end ;P



Pollux’s thoughts were like wisps.

Hadrian had an enviable figure…

Had Hadrian changed a little since they last saw each other?…

What did Hadrian want to show him?

Hadrian glanced over and their eyes met. Hadrian smiled warmly, causing Pollux to jolt.

Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump!

Pollux managed to nod slightly back and moved his gaze to the rest of the surrounding landscape.



Presently, they reached the Terra castle.

“Father, Mother, His Highness Prince Pollux has arrived,” Hadrian said, speeding up upon seeing his father and mother waiting for them outside the castle. He dismounted, and a groomsman led his horse away.

Prince Pollux’s carriage came to a stop and a guard opened the door. Prince Pollux descended from his carriage in his floating chair with Princess Sasha on his lap.

“We greet His Highness,” Marquis Terra and Marchioness Terra said.

Prince Pollux inclined his head. “Good afternoon, Marquis, Marchioness.”

“Your quarters have been prepared,” Marchioness Terra said.

“—But I want to show you something first, Your Highness,” Hadrian said.

His father and mother both gave him an odd look, but Hadrian didn’t notice.

While Prince Pollux’s manservant and guards managed the menial matters, Hadrian led Prince Pollux to his own quarters.

“In here,” Hadrian said mysteriously. He opened the door and ushered Prince Pollux and Princess Sasha inside. “Here she is!” he said, sweeping his hand across the room.

“Who?” Prince Pollux frowned.

“Hah?” Hadrian looked at sofa but there was nothing there! “She was there before I left…”

“Are you looking for Arty?” came Virgil Terra’s voice from the doorway. Hadrian’s younger brother had an orange kitten in his arms. “I thought she’d be bored while you were gone so I took her out to play.” Virgil turned to Prince Pollux. “Welcome back, Your Highness.”

Hadrian had to be a big brother and let his little brother’s actions slide. “Hand her over to His Highness.”

Virgil plopped the little kitten next to Princess Sasha. “Here you go. If you’ll excuse me, Your Highness.” With that, he left.

“You have a cat,” Prince Pollux said, looking at the new cat on his lap.

Princess Sasha also looked at the tiny new cat. Had she ever been that small? No, impossible!

“Yes, I found her only a week ago,” Hadrian had found the kitten while patrolling the fief and felt that it was fate. “Her name is Artemis, or Arty for short.”

Prince Pollux reached out and poked her with a finger.

Meow~” Artemis made a very small and high-pitched sound.

Princess Sasha leaned down and licked Artemis. Artemis stumbled and tipped onto her side.


Prince Pollux gave a light laugh. “She’s so small, she’s even smaller than Princess Sasha was.” He helped Artemis upright again.


With jerky movements, Artemis prodded the surface she was on (Prince Pollux’s lap), and then made one unsteady step closer to Princess Sasha. She subsequently face-planted into Princess Sasha’s paws, and gave a confused “Meow???

Princess Sasha licked Artemis again, which helped Artemis right herself again. Then, Artemis head-butted into Princess Sasha. After staring at the kitten mewing—why was the world sideways?—Princess Sasha laid down on Prince Pollux’s lap, bringing her head down close to Artemis.

Artemis explored and bumped around some more, before she finally settled down, pressed up against Princess Sasha’s side. Her little eyes closed as she fell asleep.

Both Hadrian and Prince Pollux remained silent as they watched Artemis and Princess Sasha interact on Prince Pollux’s lap.

As cats, Princess Sasha and Artemis had no concern about showing affection. Artemis looked very comfortable snuggled up next to Princess Sasha.

Hadrian’s chest was warm and tight. Artemis was so cute! Artemis and Princess Sasha were getting along! He wanted to pet them both!

He suddenly realised he had been staring at Prince Pollux’s lap.

Embarrassed and guilty, Hadrian restrained himself and lifted his eyes up to Prince Pollux’s face.

“I want to bring Artemis with me to Sedaveria,” Hadrian said. “During the day, when we’re both busy, she and Princess Sasha can accompany each other.”

Prince Pollux nodded.

“I’ll take you to your quarters for tonight now,” Hadrian said. “Do you…”

Prince Pollux petted Princess Sasha and little Artemis. “Leave them be,” he said fondly, his eyes soft, and his countenance bright and relaxed, as cute as the kittens.

“This way, your Highness,” Hadrian said.

He showed Prince Pollux to his quarters, and later, he accompanied Prince Pollux down to the main hall for dinner with the rest of his family.



After not seeing each other for a long time—and so that they could supervise Princess Sasha and Artemis together—Pollux invited Hadrian into his carriage for the trip through Sedaveria.

They first spoke about what they had done over the summer.

“—And many people asked me about either my marriage plans or Queen Aurelia’s marriage plans,” Pollux said. “Some of the men even wanted me to put in a good word for them…” He made a wry expression.

The Angian court was full of veiled words and people who wanted something from him. The same people who had snubbed him previously now had the gall to come up to him and ask such questions.

Towards one man he particularly didn’t like, Pollux had replied, “If you work harder than Lady Iris Helios and make more impact, I believe Her Majesty will notice you. Why don’t you farm out in the castle fields by Her Majesty’s window?” and relished in the man’s cracked expression.

“Did you find anyone you were interested in?” Hadrian asked, his eyes turning towards the two cats.

Pollux’s gaze also turned to the two cats. Artemis was poking around the cat bed while Princess Sasha laid still aside from her tail swishing back and forth.

“No, but Aurelia said I could choose whomever I want. Iris—Lady Helios—offered to gather the profiles of some eligible women.”

“Did you agree?”

“No…” Pollux peeked at Hadrian.

Hadrian reached out to pet Artemis. “My father also asked me about marriage partners. He gave me a list of profiles.”

Pollux’s stomach dropped.

“—However, I’m just a researcher now. I’m not going to be the future head of the Terra fief. It’s better for my father to focus on the marriages of my siblings instead.”

“You didn’t agree?”

“I didn’t. I’m going to Sedaveria’s Capital with you, and it feels quite improper to start something,” Hadrian said.

“I heard there might be a few more of us attending Sedaveria’s university this year.”

“That makes sense, there has been increased trade and exchanges between us and Sedaveria.” He quirked his lips. “However, that means you may meet some other Angians at the university, not me.”

That didn’t feel quite right to Pollux. “…How did you find Artemis?”

Hadrian smiled sheepishly. “After my father asked me about marriage partners, I decided to take on a lot of patrol work to avoid being home as much. Last week, I was out on patrol when I heard a small mewing sound coming from under a bush…”



Aside from talking about their summer, they also talked about their plans for the rest of the year. They spent at least half of their time watching Princess Sasha and Artemis and at least a quarter of their time teasing the two cats.

In less than two weeks, they arrived at Sedaveria’s capital. Their convoy went straight to the Rosewood house. The extra chefs that Aurelia had assigned to Pollux also came with them and were settled in by the Rosewood house steward.



To celebrate the arrival of Prince Pollux and Hadrian, Rian suggested to Ren Xiyang to organise a little dinner with other close friends of Prince Pollux and Hadrian. This meant Ren Xiyang invited Alexius and Florence.

At the dinner, Rian realised that everyone here knew that Ren Xiyang was his dear fiancé, so he had a Rosewood servant move his chair closer to Ren Xiyang’s (which put him closer to Ren Xiyang than Alexius).

Alexius’s pout deepened when Rian leaned into Ren Xiyang.

Behave, came Ren Xiyang’s thought.

Rian straightened again, looking very innocent.

The waiters served the first course.

Rian turned to Prince Pollux and Hadrian. “Prince Pollux, what university courses will you be taking this year?”

“I’ll continuing with expert spell development, mathematical magic, and theory of energy and energy crystals,” Prince Pollux said.

“How about you, Florence?” Rian asked.

“I’ll have half-coursework, half-research,” Florence said.

“Who’s your research adviser? It’s not Anya, right?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“Hm, not Anya. It’s Willow Moss, from the plant research department…”

Luckily, Florence was attending the university on a full-time basis this year. While that meant she’d be in the Capital on all weekdays, it also meant she was busier and had less time to spend with Ren Xiyang.

But right now, Ren Xiyang and Florence were talking about plant stuff and no one could interrupt them.

Rian reached out and held Ren Xiyang’s hand, plopping their joined hands on the table for everyone to see.

Sigh, monopolising Ren Xiyang took a lot of hard work!

Ren Xiyang: …

Alexius pouted, while Florence didn’t even blink an eye, continuing her conversation with Ren Xiyang.

Hadrian looked at their joined hands, then at Ren Xiyang, and looked vaguely uncomfortable in the manner of ‘oh, my supervisor/parent is showing affection in front of me’.

Prince Pollux glanced at their hands, before quickly looking away.

And then he peeked back at their joined hands, and then glanced at Hadrian.

Ohhh~? Rian thought to himself.

Big brother, you should let Ayden eat!” Alexius said.

“Don’t you worry, I can feed him,” Rian said.

Alexius’s pout deepened.

Ren Xiyang’s inward sigh transmitted to Rian.

Rian reluctantly let go of his hand and decided to lean in instead, so that their upper arms were pressed up against each other.

Prince Pollux was glancing over again. Rian kept this observation to himself, not revealing anything to Ren Xiyang.

“Did you do anything interesting over the summer?” Florence asked Prince Pollux.

Alexius perked up. “Is Angio going to organise a duelling tournament? Did you ask?”

Prince Pollux’s eyes snapped to Florence and Alexius. He nodded. “Yes, I spoke with Princess Marcia and Princess Ariadne…”

Now that Rian had finished re-marking his territory/showing his affection (and because Ren Xiyang was giving him a I’m-very-unimpressed feeling through their mental connection), Rian behaved himself for the remainder of the dinner, sitting up properly, eating, and conversing.



A few days later, Maria gave Prince Pollux and Hadrian a new set of booklets.

“With Earl Rosewood’s help, Lady Cassiopeia and others have put together more detailed information booklets,” Maria explained. “We’ve also been able to include a few short segments from real people. These booklets were released a few weeks ago, and I just realised that Your Highness and Lord Terra have not received them yet. We would appreciate it if you can take a look when you have the chance.”

Then, without much further ado, Maria made her excuse to leave, and sent a message to Prince Rian that the deed was done.



That night, after his manservant left, Pollux couldn’t resist and took a look at the material Maria had given him.

There was a booklet that described the gay marriages that had recently happened in the Rosewood fief and Sedaveria.

There was a booklet on “asexuality” that described how some people were not attracted to people, and how it had its own spectrum.

There was a booklet on “bisexuality” that described how some people could be attracted to people of different genders, and how it had its own spectrum.

There was a booklet on that described “intersex people”, where people had some atypical combination of sex-related characteristics.

And there was plain looking notebook, which turned out to be a novella titled Our Secrets.

Did Maria give this to him on accident? No, she was much too competent for that. This must have been something else that had been released.

With a faint feeling of not wanting to miss out, Pollux turned the first page of the novella and started reading.

His skin grew faintly red.

The novella was a fictional love story about a handsome prince with a cold and detached personality, and a handsome young nobleman who had a warm and friendly personality. The two were good friends who became secret lovers—and then the words on the page became very, very explicit.

The text described in exquisite detail how the prince prepared the young nobleman’s ‘hole’ and pushed his penis inside into the warm and tight hole, thrusting hard and fast, hitting the ‘prostate’ that made the young nobleman overcome with pleasure.

“You feel so good, you’re so tight, I want to come inside of you!”

“You’re so big inside of me, faster, faster!”

With shouts of “I’m coming!”, the prince and the nobleman both of them ejaculated thick ropes of white semen.

Pollux’s dick stiffened in his trousers.

He tried to continue reading, but he couldn’t. His dick was throbbing and his mind couldn’t help but recirculate the image of the prince having sex with the young nobleman.

Did penetrating someone feel that good? Did being penetrated feel that good?

Pollux reached into his trousers and pulled out his dick. Reading the scene again, he masturbated himself, faster and faster. His eyes half-closed, gaze unfocused.

The prince, having sex with the young nobleman.

The young nobleman, squirming in pleasure, coming untouched from a penis inside of him.

Hadrian, hovering over Pollux, with his kind and warm gaze, as he thrust—

Pollux groaned as he came, harder than ever before.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.

Oh dear. Oh gods… Pollux felt light-headed. What if…what if there was a love story between him, a prince, and Hadrian, a young nobleman?






Prince Rian: This author gives too much page time to the other princes. I’m the best prince, me! That novella is about ME and YANGYANG! Why did you go back to Prince Pollux’s point of view?

Prince Alexius: You realise that I’m the main character of this novel, right?

Prince Pollux: (embarrassed) I don’t want to be here…

Hraun Princes: We’re party-ing! Come join us in the sun, by the sea~

Ren Xiyang: Oh, that sounds nice.

Prince Rian: ?!! Yangyang, you betray me????

Prince Marcus: WHAT ABOUT ME??!!! I’m the strongest and I—

*the camera cuts before Prince Marcus can finish*




Thanks to StoryDoggo for suggesting that Hadrian get an orange cat. Thanks to Trin for the name “Willow”.

In fact, when I think of two cats snuggling up together, I imagine Gwang Bok (GB) and Tan from the YouTube channel, MilkyBokiTan... A picture of baby Tan:

baby orange kitten



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