These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 204: Princess Sasha makes everything better

With the help of Pollux’s manservant and Lady Helios’s organised servants, Pollux shared out his gifts to his sisters.

For Aurelia, he gave several books published by the Rosewood Group Press, as well as various notebooks and stationery. He also gave Aurelia a new floating carriage.

For Marcia, he gave a magical sword, enchanted with fire and lightning.

For Ariadne, he gave a new communication mirror and several Rosewood products including candles and colourful “bath spheres”.

And for all three, he gave them a floating office chair—the newest generation that he had worked on.

“Notebooks?” Ariadne said, her tone dubious as she looked at Aurelia’s gifts.

“Even Queen Mira uses Rosewood stationery these days,” Pollux said. He moved closer to Aurelia. “I had Ayden write down some notes about how he manages his projects—with these charts and boards and timelines. I thought I might help you…or that you could write something down about how you manage things, because Ayden would like to know.”

“I can help prepare something,” Lady Helios said.

Aurelia nodded to her.

“Your Highness, would you like to rest before dinner?” Lady Helios asked.

Pollux nodded. He bid a temporary farewell to his sisters and followed Lady Helios back to his old quarters.

His quarters was both familiar and unrecognisable.

The number of cat-related items, from décor to cat towers and cat beds made Pollux’s lips curl up in amusement. Wolfgang would love it. Princess Sasha looked around from Pollux’s lap before jumping down to explore.

“Is it to your liking?” Lady Helios asked.

Pollux nodded. “I like it.” Lady Helios wasn’t as cold and intimidating as he had thought. The fact that she prepared all those cat-items made her seem like she had a secret soft side—it made her more human.

Lady Helios bowed her head. “I will see you at dinner, Your Highness.”

After resting and freshening up, Pollux put a leash on Princess Sasha and took her with him to dinner.

Aurelia—or rather, Lady Helios and her helpers under Aurelia’s direction—had organised a big return feast for him, attended by many nobles.

“Welcome back, Your Highness.”

“Welcome back, Prince Pollux.”

The nobles bowed to him, their tone respectful. Many eyes flickered to Princess Sasha sitting on his lap.

Pollux idly petted Princess Sasha and scratched her under her chin, eliciting a flash of jealousy and/or longing from more than one noble.

Marcia and Ariadne accompanied him up onto the elevated platform where their table was located, overlooking the rest of the dining hall. Pollux’s seat was next to Aurelia, while Marcia and Ariadne sat on Aurelia’s other side.

A servant quickly put down a small place for Princess Sasha to sit and eat too, on the table next to Pollux.

Once everyone was seated, Aurelia stood up.

“Tonight, we dine to welcome my brother, His Highness Prince Pollux, on his return to Angio after spending time studying in Sedaveria. Prince Pollux, we hoped you had a good time, and welcome home. Prince Pollux will be here over the summer, so if you have any business you’d like to speak to him about, please do so. Enjoy the feast.”

Aurelia sat down, and the dinner started without any further fuss.

Musicians played Angian music quietly in the background while servants carried in the dishes. A servant also carried in a special dish of fish and meat for Princess Sasha. Once the dishes were served and the drinks were poured, quiet and restrained conversation sprung up around the hall.

Pollux felt a feeling of returning home with the taste of the food in his mouth; but it showed just how accustomed he had become to lively Sedaverian events that he felt the hall could have been a little more noisy and loud.

“Did you find your quarters suitable?” Aurelia asked.

Pollux nodded. “They’re much more comfortable now. Lady Helios did a good job.”

“Good. And how is the food?”

“Good, I missed it. The new restaurant I opened in Sedaveria comes close, but it isn’t quite the same.”

“I’ll have a few chefs accompany you to Sedaveria and organise regular shipments of ingredients.”

“Thank you,” Pollux said with a nod. “Before I left, Prince Alexius and Prince Rian asked me to speak with you on a few items, so could we schedule a time to talk?”

Aurelia’s eyebrows raised a fraction. “Of course. Is it urgent?”

“No,” Pollux said. If it had been urgent, they would have contacted Aurelia directly. He quirked up his lips in remembered amusement. “Well, I can reveal that Prince Alexius wants to set up an Angio-Sedaverian duelling competition.”

Prince Rian wanted Pollux to talk to Aurelia about more serious work and Angio-Sedaveria collaborations, so that wasn’t suitable to say in the hall.

Interest sparked in Marcia’s eyes. “Is he not afraid?”

“Afraid of what?” Pollux asked, his amusement deepening. Prince Alexius grew up in a loving family, and everyone in his family protected him. And when comparing dangers to Ayden, Prince Alexius felt that nothing was scary at all. “He is planning on starting a regular, ongoing duelling competition in Sedaveria, and thought we could do the same here in Angio. Then, the top duellists from both nations could compete. Ayden—Earl Rosewood—suggested selling tickets, food, and merchandise to make money.”

“There are more important matters I need to focus on,” Aurelia said.

“I could perhaps do something,” Marcia said.

“I can help,” Ariadne added.

Pollux blinked in surprise. Marcia and Ariadne had never really spoken to him before. “Are you sure? This is just Prince Alexius’s idea.”

“We can talk together about this later,” Marcia said.

Pollux nodded.

A duelling tournament in Angio would help occupy the minds of the nobles and use up some of their restless energy. And if Sedaveria was honing their mages through duels, Angio couldn’t be left behind.

“Polllux, can you show me how you duelled during Sedaveria’s tournament?” Ariadne asked.

“I can,” Pollux agreed.

Marcia and Ariadne subsequently carried the conversation by telling Pollux about some of the recent happenings around Angio—things that Aurelia never told him because she didn’t feel were important—such as all the gentlemen-in-waiting being forced to farm and produce the vegetables that were appearing at tonight’s feast, and various nobles getting married, and the reveal of two illegitimate children of a noble with two different women…

Angio had changed; and Pollux realised that although he couldn’t walk again yet, he had also changed.

Meow,” Princess Sasha said, demanding attention.

Pollux smiled faintly and reached out to pet her. He was looking forward to the future.



While Prince Pollux and Hadrian Terra were in Angio over the summer, Ren Xiyang and Rian went on a tour of the kingdom.

Ren Xiyang turned physically 16 while on the road, and the hosting noble smartly organised a big feast. With Rian’s Royal Guards and servants pretending that he was in his allocated suite, Rian popped over to Ren Xiyang’s suite and spent a happy night.

The biggest hottest gossip that summer was the wedding and marriage of two mage noblewomen, one of whom everyone knew had an arranged marriage planned. On the day of the wedding, several family members objected. Apparently, a duel had even broken out. But the two women were married regardless, and then swiftly left on their honeymoon.

Rian was very conflicted when that happened.

On the one hand, it was good to see other people using the new marriage law, thus paving the way for his own marriage. On the other hand, he wanted to be first one to use the new marriage law!

Ren Xiyang gave him a deadpan look, and evilly didn’t comfort Rian at all.

On the tour, they visited 12 different fiefs that they hadn’t visited before. They spoke to nobles and commoners, examined the local agriculture, evaluated the local quality of life, and talked with the resident ruling nobles about expanding the Royal Healers’ Association, the Food Security Initiative, and the food charity into their fief.

During the tour, Rian also taught Ren Xiyang the academy’s second year curriculum, in preparation of alternative stream exams.

They returned to the Capital in late summer, a week ahead of the academy alternative stream exams.

After only one day after returning from their tour—which meant one day of Alexius hogging Ren Xiyang’s time—Rian had a very important talk with Ren Xiyang.

“Let’s tell Alexius we’re engaged,” Rian said.

“Alright,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Let’s kiss and let Alexius accidentally stumble upon us kissing,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang looked at him.

Rian looked back at him.

“No,” Ren Xiyang said flatly.

“Why not? It would tell Alexius we’re in love and provide evidence at the same time,” Rian said.

“I don’t want to kiss you in front of other people,” Ren Xiyang said.

“But what about—”

“I’ll make an exception for our wedding.”

Rian gave a sigh of relief.

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched. So dramatic. “I’ll tell Alexius myself. Without you there.”

Rian had a very serious expression. “But I want to see his face when he finds out.”

Ren Xiyang: “…Haven’t you had enough fun telling other people?”

“I’ll stay quiet. I don’t want you meeting Alexius without me.”

“It’s better when I meet Alexius without you.”

Rian made sad puppy dog eyes. Don’t you love me anymore? Am I not your most favourite prince?

Ren Xiyang put his hand on Rian’s face. “I’ve decided, and you can’t stop me.”

“How about a visual telepathic connection? So I can watch through your eyes!”


“How about—”


Rian sighed. “Then I’ll have to check your memories afterwards…”

Ren Xiyang: “…”



Alexius felt that after Rian did a whole tour with Ayden that summer, it was only fair that he was able to spend time with Ayden heaps before the academy started again.

“Prince Alexius, there’s something I need to tell you, in private,” Ayden said.

There was a deep seriousness that made Alexius’s heart skip in worry. “Of course, let’s go to my quarters.”

They sat down facing each other. Ayden cast a privacy spell, before focusing on Alexius.

“Is it something bad?” Alexius blurted out.

Ayden blinked and shook his head. “No, it’s not bad. I wanted to tell you that I’m seeing someone—that I’m engaged to someone.”

“Oh.” Alexius deflated. “I guess you’re almost an adult now…Who is it?”

“Prince Rian, your brother.”

Alexius froze. Did he hear that right? “Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say Rian’s name?”

Ayden nodded. “I’m engaged to Rian, and we will be married in the future.”

BOOM— was the explosion in Alexius’s mind. It was the biggest shock in his life!!!

Ayden and Rian are going to marry each other? Ayden and Rian are going to marry each other?? Ayden and Rian are going to marry each other and be husbands????!!!


Ayden looked at him calmly.

“Does that you mean like each other?”

Ayden nodded. “Yes.”


“We’ve been together for over a year,” Ayden said.

Alexius felt his world collapsing around him. “Wait…wait! Is that why Rian is so annoying?!!! Oh, and is that why my Imperial Mother changed the marriage law?”

Ayden nodded. “Yes, and yes. How do you feel?”

“I need to digest this news,” Alexius said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Ayden quirked his lips up. “Once I marry Rian, I’d be your brother-in-law, which rounds up to becoming your brother.”

“But…why do you like Rian? What’s so good about him? Don’t you like Florence more? I like Florence more.”

“I also like Florence,” Ayden said. “But I really like Rian. We work together well.”

Alexius made a face at the word ‘work’. “Fine, I accept,” he said.

“Thank you, your Highness,” Ayden said with hint of amusement. “Now, what do you want to do?”

Alexius tried to enjoy the rest of his day with Ayden. He felt better after thinking that Ayden was spending time with him instead of with Rian, which meant even Ayden could get sick of Rian!

However, during dinner that evening at the Imperial Palace, Rian kept giving him knowing and self-satisfied looks the whole time! Grrr!!



Ren Xiyang and Rian had their alternative-stream entrance exams. Before the academy classes started, Ren Xiyang had a dinner with the Imperial family scheduled.

Rian had talked with Queen Mira months ago, and they organised one evening to have a private family dinner together. The months’ lead time was required to ensure they could align their schedules.

With Kel’s help, Ren Xiyang dressed formally in complete Rosewood regalia. He also carried several gifts.

Upon arriving at the Imperial Palace, a palace servant met him and led him to the private dining room.

Rian sent his apologies via telepathic connection: My Imperial Father wants to intimidate you, so we have to all stand together and put on a show of force and aura when you enter the dining room.

Ren Xiyang: thanks (dry).

The private dining room had a small foyer, with several layers of Royal Guards.

One of the Royal Guards announced his arrival and opened the door to the inner dining room.

King Edric, Queen Mira, Rian, and Alexius were all standing, facing him. King Edric’s magical aura was spread out in a dominating manner.

“Earl Rosewood,” King Edric said coldly.

Ren Xiyang didn’t blink an eye. He bowed. “I greet Their Majesties and His Highnesses.”





Rian according to the public: A handsome, kind, intelligent and hard-working prince.

Rian according to Alexius: The worst brother ever!!!!!

Rian according to Ren Xiyang: Cute, I suppose 🤔



Thank you to 1000odysseys for the ink!



I did a sketch of young Rian some time ago:

Little Prince Rian knows when to up the cuteness u_u

Annnd it’s time to meet the parents in the next chapter~!


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