These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 104: The perfect time to flirt—

As soon as Julia and Hadrian Terra found a bit of privacy, they called their father on their communication mirror.

“—We don’t understand how, but Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood won,” Julia said. “His Majesty has ordered their departure immediately. What do you want us to do?”

Marquis Terra rubbed his forehead.

His children had told him about the duel before it happened. However, there was no possibility of him reaching the Capital in time to watch.

He had wondered if he had incorrectly understood Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood. The two of them didn’t seem to be reckless, foolhardy, and overconfident. Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood often duelled each other, but that was a far cry from duelling against a mage as strong as King Augustus…

But now his children were telling him that they had won.

“Describe the duel,” Marquis Terra said.

Julia and Hadrian spoke about King Augustus’s opening move, the lightning, the water shield that somehow worked, the veritable rain of lightning that Prince Rian and/or Earl Rosewood created, and the subsequent final strike that injured Earl Rosewood—but not Prince Rian—and how, despite Earl Rosewood’s injury, it was King Augustus who lost.

“What was the condition for victory?” Marquis Terra asked.

“First blood,” Hadrian answered. “But Earl Rosewood was injured and His Majesty wasn’t…”

Marquis Terra smiled wryly. “I suspect you didn’t look carefully enough. Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian may have spilled precisely one drop of his blood. If you want to know how they did it, you can ask them, I believe they would answer.”

He sighed. If only he could understand Prince Rian’s motivations. Prince Rian didn’t kill King Augustus. He didn’t even injure him greatly. Did that mean he wasn’t planning a war? Or was this a warning about Sedaveria’s strength?

“Due to our dealings with Earl Rosewood, it’ll be safest if you return home immediately,” Marquis Terra finally said.

“Then who would accompany the Sedaverian convoy?” Julia asked.

Marquis Terra frowned. Originally, he had planned a different return route for the Sedaverian convoy, so that they could visit different fiefs, meet different nobles, and see different sights of Angio.

“I need to get in contact with the Sedaverians and others. You two, pack up and prepare to leave at a moment’s notice.”

“Yes, Father.”

After the communication, Marquis Terra went to tell his wife what had happened. Together, they divided the tasks up: Marquis Terra would talk to the Sedaverians first, while Marchioness Terra would start contacting other nobles.

After a short while, Marquis Terra established a connection with Duke Mauveine’s communication mirror.

Duke Mauveine’s face appeared in the mirror. “Marquis Terra, what is the matter?”

“I want to talk to you about your return route given the circumstances.”

Duke Mauveine had a wry look on his face. “Indeed.”

“My wife is currently contacting various nobles that you would have seen on your return trip. What are your thoughts on this matter?”

“King Augustus has ordered us to leave immediately. However, we still must rest at night. If there are Angian nobles who are willing to host us, then we would appreciate it.”

Marquis Terra slowly nodded. “In that case…”



While Duke Mauveine reorganised the route with Marquis Terra, the Imperial carriage came and took Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood out of the city first.

Mage Meliora rode with them, checking over Prince Rian along the way. She asked again to heal Earl Rosewood, but the prince refused once more and insisted that he had it all under control.

The Royal Guards set up a private tent. Rian didn’t let anyone come in with him and Ren Xiyang.

Inside, Rian set Ren Xiyang down on the makeshift bed. He switched out Duke Mauveine’s coat for a blanket. He stared at Ren Xiyang for a long moment, before running through the healing spells again. Mage Meliora’s healing had helped restore a bit more magic.

Ren Xiyang had been neat with his internal lightning channels, with very little branching, so it wasn’t too difficult to follow the path of internal burns. Rian was very skilled, so Ren Xiyang was healed after the second pass.

Rian propped his chin on his hand and tilted his head. If so, why hadn’t Ren Xiyang woken up yet? Or was he faking it?

To be honest, Rian was a little curious about certain matters. He could see externally that some things were working. Ren Xiyang had grown taller, his shoulders broader, and his voice deepening. These were the things he could see over the clothes. But under the clothes…

Rian coughed guiltily. If he tried something and Ren Xiyang woke up in the middle of it, he’d be dead…

Rian stared at Ren Xiyang’s face. He imaged Ren Xiyang slowly opening his eyes. He imagined how he would be the first thing that Ren Xiyang would see. Their eyes could meet and…

He pursed his lips. He hesitated for a moment, but then decided to poke the sleeping/unconscious Ren Xiyang.

Frown lines appeared on Ren Xiyang’s face.

Rian brightened. “Xiyang!” he whispered loudly into Ren Xiyang’s ear.

Rian was about to poke again when Ren Xiyang groaned.

“Xiyang!” Rian whispered again. “Earl Rosewood!”

“Didn’t I tell you not to wake me up?” Ren Xiyang grumbled. He yawned, eyes still closed.

“I was bored.”

“Did you get the money?”

“King Augustus is a sore loser, as we predicted,” Rian said. “So I haven’t acquired the gold yet. However, you should be worried about yourself! Lucky for you, I did a good job healing you.”

Ren Xiyang opened his eyes. He breathed gingerly, and then more deeply. His eyes widened in surprise. “Huh. Not bad, your Highness.”

“It would have been better if you had shared that lightning strike,” Rian grumbled.

“I’m better than you,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian’s lips turned into a pout. “I beg to differ.”

“You’re better at healing than me.”

Rian tilted his chin up. “That’s true.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched in amusement. He started to push himself up, but then Rian pushed him down again.

“I don’t care if you can actually walk, you need to pretend you need more rest,” Rian admonished.

“Right,” Ren Xiyang said, absently rubbing his chest where Rian had just touched him. “I need some new clothes though.”

“Don’t worry,” Rian said. He patted Ren Xiyang and then stood up and walked to the entrance of the tent. He poked his head out of the tent.

Aside from the Royal Guards who had been guarding them, more carriages and more members of the Sedaverian convoy had arrived. The Rosewood carriage and staff were now here too.

“Kel,” Rian called.

Kel quickly came over. “Yes, Your Highness! How is Earl Rosewood?”

“Earl Rosewood is awake, he needs a new set of clothing,” Rian said.

Kel gave a smile of relief. “Thank you, Your Highness. Let me fetch some immediately.” Kel dashed to the Rosewood carriage and came back with a neat pile of clothes. “Here’s a set I prepared earlier.”

Rian took the clothes and headed back into the tent. He paused as he realised that Ren Xiyang had untied his hair. Not only that, it wasn’t straight. Instead, it was frizzled and messy and wavy, and a little bit crispy from the lightning.

Rian burst out laughing.

Ren Xiyang gave him a flat look. “Clothes, please.”

Rian held the clothes with one hand and wiped away imaginary tears with the other. “I’ve never seen your hair in such disarray before, today is momentous.”

Ren Xiyang sighed. “If there was some sunlight, I’ll fix it immediately.” He was still drained of magic.

Rian finally continued walking forward. “Maybe I can help you.”

“Are you qualified?” Ren Xiyang said dubiously.

“Isn’t my hair quite neat?”

“Your staff manages your hair.”

“I do manage my own hair too,” Rian protested, thinking back to all the times they end up playing (secretly), after which Rian had to fix up his hair and clothes.

“Clothes first.”

“Here you go, sire,” Rian said with an exaggerated bow. Then he waited.

Ren Xiyang stared at him.

Rian blinked back. “What?”

“If you’re not going to leave the room, you could at least turn around.”

“Aren’t we all men here?”

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched. “What are you dying to see, Your Highness?”

Rian’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. This was the perfect time to say something flirty and start his seduce-Ren-Xiyang plan!

Rian opened his mouth. “Xiyang—”

A Royal Guard suddenly called into the tent. “My apologies, Your Royal Highness! There are visitors here to see you—Earl Petrus, Lady Petrus, Baron Natrium, Lord Terra, and Lady Terra.”

Rian: “…” He couldn’t stop the flash of frustration and annoyance. Exhaling, he put on a smile and headed to the tent flap door. “Good afternoon, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“We heard that Earl Rosewood has awoken,” Baron Natrium took the lead to say. “Can we come in and talk with you both?”

“You may.” Rian called one of his servants to bring them refreshments and invited the group inside.

Ren Xiyang had thrown on a loose shirt on top of his tattered clothing. His messy hair was loosely tied back. The blanket covered him from the waist down.

“Good afternoon, Earl Rosewood,” Baron Natrium greeted.

Ren Xiyang nodded in greeting.

“We’re glad to see that you’re awake,” Julia Terra said. “How are you feeling?”

“Prince Rian is a good healer,” Ren Xiyang said.

“You’re very lucky,” Earl Petrus said, stroking his beard. “Congratulations on your joint victory.”

“Thank you,” Ren Xiyang and Rian said simultaneously. They both looked at each other.

Baron Natrium gave a light laugh. “The rainfall lightning was very stunning. And the metal manipulation…hidden talents, I see,” he said, looking at both Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.

“I practised,” Ren Xiyang said.

Baron Natrium’s eyes deepened. This was an admission that Earl Rosewood had done that move, not Prince Rian.

“We’re curious, if you don’t mind me asking—how did you win?” Baron Natrium said.

“The condition was first blood,” Rian said. “Earl Rosewood made a small cut, right here on King Augustus’s cheek.” Rian pointed out the location on his own cheek. “A pity that, with all the grandiose lightning, King Augustus missed such a tiny piece of metal.”

Baron Natrium blinked.

“Let me show you,” Rian said graciously. He formed a tiny slither of sharp metal in the air, taking the metal from the tent pole. “Earl Rosewood, is this what you did?”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

It was so tiny that it was barely noticeable if it weren’t for the metal catching the light. It was easy to miss it on a duelling field where shocking lightning took up all of one’s attention.

Even King Augustus was fallible.

Hadrian Terra cleared his throat. “Then if you don’t mind me asking…”

“Go ahead,” Rian said.

“Then, how did you do it? You used a water shield, and even a metal shield, as defences against lightning.”

“Oh, science,” Rian said.

“Science?” Hadrian blinked.

Rian smiled. “Yes, science. Electricity is quite interesting…”



While Rian was occupied giving a physics lesson, Duke Mauveine convened a meeting in another makeshift tent with Count Aegean, Lord Celeste, and a small group of elite mage Royal Guards.

Lord Celeste cast a privacy spell.

“We need to reassess our plans,” Duke Mauveine said. “Our situation is delicate, to say the least. I’ve been in touch with Marquis Terra regarding our return route and I now have a tentative plan. Tell me if there is anything amiss…”

One of the Royal Guards unrolled a map of Angio and Duke Mauveine traced out the route.

“As you can see, it’s fairly similar to our original return route, with some minor adjustments away from nobles who no longer wish to host us or allow us passage through their fief given the circumstances.”

Everyone nodded.

Duke Mauveine looked at Royal Guards. “It will be your duty to ensure our safety.”

The Royal Guards nodded.

“I need to prepare a report for His Majesty and Her Majesty.” Duke Mauveine wasn’t looking forward to this. “I would like to gather your opinions on the impact of the duel.”

Count Aegean grumbled, “What I don’t understand is that Prince Rian, as far as I knew, had wanted diplomacy. But instead, I’m afraid he’s gone and done the opposite.”

Duke Mauveine pursed his lips. He felt a bit cynical about how their rush to leave was due to King Augustus losing. If he had won, then he’d probably be celebrating and inviting them to celebrate with him. If King Augustus had won, they might have even improved diplomacy.

“King Augustus wants Sedaveria regardless and was never planning on becoming allies,” Lord Celeste said flatly. “Once he regains his magic, I believe he will announce war.”

“Why wait? If he doesn’t plan to go to the front line, he can simply order others,” one of the elite Royal Guards said.

“It’s hard to say when he’ll regain his magic,” Duke Mauveine said. He took out the two copies of the contract and let Lord Celeste and the elite guards read it.

“You see, he has a very large fine to pay. Let me note that this number was originally 5,000 coins—King Augustus himself had changed it to 100,000 coins.”

If the duel had gone the way King Augustus had expected, then the contract would have benefited him. He would have crippled Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood, leaving them just alive enough to avoid the ‘death’ fee. And Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian would have to give him a pile of gold, while Sedaveria was unable to retaliate or avenge them in any way, lest they cause Prince Rian’s magic to become restricted.

“I suspect his funds are a little tight with his current building project,” Count Aegean said slowly. “So he might not be able to monetarily support a war even if he wanted to, and he will be loathed to pay 100,000 gold coins to Prince Rian.”

Duke Mauveine then pointed to the very long section that started with

The results of the duel must be kept within the context of the duel and cannot be used as a reason to: (1) attack any other members of the Sedaverian or Angian convoys, (2)

There were a lot of conditions hidden in that very long section in small font. “King Augustus is unlikely to order someone to attack us unless he is willing to have his magic restricted for even longer,” Duke Mauveine said. “A war right now is not in his best interest.”

Lord Celeste snorted. “The situation in Angio is delicate enough. I bet many nobles are plotting to take his head while he’s weakened.”

Internal strife in Angio was good for Sedaveria, but no one said that out loud.

“I’ll keep all of this in mind for my report.” Duke Mauveine had the guards roll up the map. “Get to work, everyone. I want to depart in the afternoon.”






You know…thinking about all the politics after the duel makes me regret having this duel in the first place…







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