The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 66 - Battle of the Brooklyn Bridge

“Feel sorry.”

Although surprised by Nolan’s method, Johnny still shook his head: “This is Carter’s thing, but I have no right to give it to you.”

“Carter? He’s no longer a Ghost Rider. Are you sure you’re returning this thing to him, didn’t it hurt him?”

Nolan pointed out the crux of the problem sharply, making Johnny silent for a while. Indeed, it didn’t seem like a good idea to hand it over to Carter, who was already helpless, while Mephistopheles was still seeking this contract.

Just as he was shaking, Nolan suddenly felt something vibrating in the space bar.

Gently probed, a mobile phone appeared in his hand:


Unexpectedly, Chen Wan’s hurried words came from the microphone: “Things seem to be going bad, BOSS!”

Nolan was a little puzzled: “What??”

“It’s robots! Lots of evil robots! They attacked New York!”

robot? Attack on New York?

“Don’t worry, talk slowly. What’s going on?”

Chen Wan seemed to swallow a sip of water: “Just about two hours ago, there was a sudden explosion in the direction of Manhattan, and then a reporter reported on the spot that the Stark Building was destroyed!!”

“What?! Is anyone injured?”

“At that time, after get off work hours, there was no one in the Stark building; Tony Stark rushed to the scene as Iron Man immediately after the incident to assist the fire department in the rescue work.”

“Isn’t that okay?” Hearing this, Nolan felt relieved.

When he was Iron Man, Tony was relatively reliable.

“No! The Stark Group’s attack is just the beginning!”

Chen Wan swallowed and continued: “Just after Iron Man appeared, hundreds of driverless cars suddenly drove wildly on the streets of New York; and once they hit a person or building, they would blow themselves up! Yes! Several cars crashed into our company’s façade, and a building has been blown up!”

“So serious? Did the police, military, FBI, CAA and other departments take no action?”

Frank couldn’t help but interject.

“Yes, but it doesn’t work! In addition to these self-destructing cars, there are also many people wearing suits similar to Iron Man. They seem to be able to speak nonsense and vandalize all over New York!”

Nolan was still thinking hard at this time, which villain in Marvel had ever done such a thing, until he heard the word “Maozi”.

Is it a whip lock? No, the whip lock was a few months later, and it didn’t happen?

Could it be that these ‘robots’ were the steel legions he created?

“Where are you now? Where is Skye?”

“Skye put all the employees in the newspaper office in the Watcher’s base, and drove your car out; she said that she saw that Iron Man seemed to be in trouble and had to go to support!”

“Don’t worry,” Nolan comforted: “We’ll be there soon.”

He hung up the phone and stared blankly at Frank. Then Nolan waved one hand, and two armors appeared in front of him.

Johnny and his girlfriend stared blankly at Nolan and Frank as they put on the armor parts one by one, and finally couldn’t help but ask, “Then… Could it be that you are… the Watchers?”

“That’s right, do you need me to sign your autograph… Oh, tap!” Frank grinned in confirmation.

“No way, I’m used to the mechanical arm installation, and the way of **** is unfamiliar.” Nolan put down the wrench and began to put on his boots: “I’m sorry for the unexpected situation, see you next time, Johnny. You can make this contract. Keep it safe and don’t let Mephistopheles get it again.”

“Er…you mean ‘again’?”

“Yes. It’s just like last time you became a Ghost Rider passively, isn’t it? You also lost your father because of it. I hope you don’t lose your loved one again this time.”

After listening to his words, Johnny gritted his back molars, and with a flick of his hand, the contract of St. Vincent flew to Nolan, who was firmly caught by the latter:

“Take it. Since you are well-known watchmen, you shouldn’t use it for anything bad. Otherwise, I will hunt you down even in the ends of the earth!!”

Nolan didn’t speak, just smiled.

Then he nodded to the two of them, and the soles of his feet gradually ignited blue flames, rising into the sky.


Six in the morning.

New York, Brooklyn Bridge.

As a hub connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan Island, the bridge is usually full of traffic even at dawn.

Today, however, there is nothing but panic.

There were wreckage of burning cars, broken concrete pavements, and people fleeing in panic.

Three or four were like iron kings, and the steel behemoths all made of armored aluminum alloy rampaged on the bridge, causing bursts of explosions.

“Умри, мерзавец (Go to hell, despicable Americans)!”

“коварныйвор, великийсоветскийсоюз (insidious thieves, you have divided the great federation)!”

Along with wild laughter, one of the iron tyrants lifted a yellow Chevrolet and slowly released it out of the bridge.

“Help! Help us!”

The middle-aged woman in the car held the child tightly in her arms.

Her face was covered with tears, and she screamed helplessly.

Not far away, Tony Stark heard her voice.

But he didn’t do anything.

Because a huge steel foot firmly stepped on the chest of his battle suit.

Not far away, Rhodey was wearing a ‘war machine’ and quietly collapsed under a truck, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

“Tony Stark…”

The owner of Iron Feet, Ivan Vanke opened the mask and sneered: “We finally meet!”

Ivan is equipped with a pair of Iron Overlord’s improved whip lock mecha.

In order to deal with this terrorist attack, on the basis of the original, he thickened the outer shell of the armor to the naked eye, which greatly strengthened the defense.

There are no functional five fingers on the arm of the armor, but two powerful lightning whips are directly connected.

In addition, there are many Stark Group missiles, firearms, etc. hidden inside the armor, so it can be said that you are prepared.

“Who are you? Do we know each other?”

The situation is already very critical, and there is a danger of death at any time, but Tony Stark still did not panic, trying to use communication to delay a little time.

However, Ivan did not do what he wanted:

“You just need to know one thing: You are damned!!”

He smashed the reactor on Tony’s chest with one foot, and then lifted him up with one hand.

In front of the tall Whiplash Armor, Mark II is like a baby. Without the reactor, the Iron Man armor lost many functions, and completely relied on the sturdiness of the gold-titanium alloy to protect the inner Tony.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Using one of Tony’s legs as a fulcrum, Ivan lifted him high, slammed him to the ground, and then lifted him again and again. Under such violent action, the thick concrete bridge deck was abruptly smashed into a big hole by him.

‘Bah! ’

At this moment, a small missile suddenly shot from a tricky angle and got stuck on the neck of the whiplash armor.

Not far away, the war machine struggled to support the front of the truck, and stood up staggeringly: “Enjoy the taste of ‘ex-wife’, beast!”

Ivan’s eyes narrowed, and he looked at the missile that was clattering on his shoulders.

A few seconds passed, and the seemingly high-tech missile did not respond.


Ivan laughed angrily.

He put down the Iron Man, who had begun to bleed from the suit, turned his head and walked towards the war machine step by step, the electric whip in his hand began to charge, and he swung it up.

But before he could get close to Roddy, the accident happened again!

A fiery red Viper sports car ran against the crowd and rushed towards the battlefield.

Not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, the Viper stopped and Skye jumped out of the car.

Then, she pulled out a missile launcher from the car and locked Ivan through the scope.

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