The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 59 - Proliferation of tasks

Nolan’s request to Melinda May, she did not agree, she just said that she needed to go back and apply to the bureau.

As for Dr. Zola’s USB flash drive, Nolan naturally did not let her take it, but brought it back to the base for research.

He hopes that Skye can come up with his own artificial intelligence through this unique case.

Now that Skye is already busy, he should not only pay attention to the official account of Watchmen, but also interact with fans all over the country. (design), but also undertake additional scientific research tasks.

“I said, did you forget that I’m only eighteen years old this year?” She helplessly blew a strand of brown hair on her forehead and watched Nolan concentrate on playing games next to her.

“What’s wrong with being eighteen? Can I drive or get married?” Nolan didn’t look up.

He was trying to single-kill the opponent, but unfortunately, the opponent dexterously moved to avoid the big move, and directly counter-killed.


He shook off the mouse, and finally noticed that Skye was looking at him in a righteous manner: “Is the analysis of Zola completed?”

“It’s done! Now you have two options. The first is to keep his memory and use it directly as the artificial intelligence of the finished product. I will delete the bad part of his character.”

She paused and continued: “The second is to delete all the memory content about him, and only keep the logical sequence. We can use it as a supplement to stupid and cultivate from scratch. The former is simple and convenient, the latter… …”

“Needless to say? Of course it’s the latter one!” Nolan made a decision without the slightest hesitation.

An evil fat man during World War II was his assistant, and he had to be in contact with him at any time. Thinking about it, he felt disgusting.

In contrast, the stupid artificial intelligence on the robotic arm in the original storyline in Stark’s villa, which was bought from Tony, is much cuter.

“OK. Then I will use Zola’s logic as the basis, fill in the stupid, and let it start to learn on its own. Do you have any specific direction for learning?”


“What do you plan to call the newly acquired artificial intelligence?”

“You decide.” Nolan himself is a nameless person and doesn’t want to take on this task: “By the way, its simulated personality should preferably be feminine, which is conducive to harmonious communication between us.”

“The old man criticized.” Skye rolled his eyes.

At this moment, the elevator opened, and the Punisher walked in with Spider-Man covered in blood. They were splashed with dark red spots all over their bodies, and it seemed that the battle was not so fierce.

The latter looked a little unhappy and sat on the sofa.

Frank ignored him, went straight to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Coke, and drank it ‘gudugudu’.

Seeing them like this, Skye took out a bottle of water and handed it to Peter Parker, and asked with concern, “How was the ‘exam’ today?”

“Just force it.” Frank wiped his mouth: “As usual, I don’t want to kill people, and I believe that the law enforcement agencies will handle the criminals well.”

“What’s wrong with this?” Peter still had difficulty agreeing with Frank’s point of view: “Humans are gregarious creatures after all, and we should trust law enforcement more.”

Frank sneered in response to his naive remarks.

“That’s right.”

Nolan came over and sat down in front of him: “Humans prefer to live in groups because a single human individual is very fragile. This is why we need law enforcement, because we need to ensure the rights and interests of ordinary people.”

Peter Parker nodded.

“And we are different. We are already the strongest among human individuals, who stand at the top. At this time, if you still blindly hand over your rights to others, no matter how just and moral the other party is There will never be a good outcome.”

Peter couldn’t help asking, “So, you’re an anarchist?”

“No, I’m not. But I won’t hand my fate to an institution that can be leveraged by money.”

“That’s right.” Frank agreed.

Nolan suddenly remembered something: “Speaking of which, where have you been just now?”

“Somalia. Let’s kill the pirates.”


God, what the **** are Somali pirates?

“How did you get there?”

Peter Parker shrugged: “No way, the domestic gangs have been repeatedly cut leeks by us for the past two years, and there are not many who dare to do evil. So sometimes we also take some international business.”

“Really?” Nolan was suspicious.

If you want people to believe that the gangs in the United States will be good, it is better to believe that there is no racial discrimination in the United States.

You must know that most of the people in the United States have no education, no jobs, and being a gang member is their only way out;

Under such circumstances, Nolan was the first to believe that a small team of just a few people could stop most of the potential crimes in the country.

To be honest, he didn’t intend to do that.

Whether the American society is stable or turbulent, what does it have to do with him?

The reason why he set up the watchmen is just to gain social prestige and facilitate the “superior position” in the future.

Fighting evil and so on, but by the way.

“It’s true, BOSS. We haven’t reported any decent reports in the backend of our website for a long time. Most of them are bullying on campus, or road robbery, etc. There are very few real vicious crimes.”

Nolan smacked his lips: “Then let’s deal with school bullies and give those people a good School bullying must also be taken seriously and cannot sit idly by.”

“But there are also quite a few people who believe that only those who can bully others in the school are considered excellent talents. If we crack down on this kind of school bullying, it may have a negative impact on public opinion.” Skye was a little worried.

“Huh?” Nolan heard of this situation for the first time. “Then change into a suit, and don’t declare the watchman’s name.”

“But what should we call ourselves?” Frank asked.

“What do you think of the ‘Avengers’? The character is an anti-school bullying and revenge organization formed by a group of people who were bullied in their school days and worshiped the Watchmen.”

As Nolan spoke, he walked to the computer, ready to pick a few bad school bullies.

But just as he opened the background interface of Watcher, the report messages kept popping up one after another.

“A major bank robbery in North Dakota, the murderer killed several hostages and security guards, as well as more than a dozen police…”

“A suspected vampire murder in Georgia…”

“California, all the people in a pub died mysteriously, as if they were drained of their lives…”


Messages came one after another, and the beep of ‘Di Di Di’ kept ringing.

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