The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 162 - Hammer Industries

“Ah, Dear Mr. Alexander Pierce. It’s been a long time, you look pretty good, and it’s obvious that the recent events have not given you any blows? Of course I also know that you are a weathered person, this Small setbacks will naturally not be taken to heart…”

As soon as Justin Hammer saw the two, he exaggeratedly opened his arms to greet them, and at the same time gave the old man a firm hug, as if they were close friends who hadn’t seen him for many years.

Squeeze squeak. Alexander Pierce passively accepted the hug with a little daze.

“You came at the right time. I have already prepared a sumptuous meal. Why don’t you talk while eating?”

He brought the two of them to a small table with delicate tableware, and sat down with the back of the dress, while raising his fork and ringing the bell on the table.

At this time, he made a look as if he had just noticed the red skull with a mask and described it as weird.

“Forgive me, who is this gentleman with a mask? It’s so mysterious, and he still refuses to show his face. Could it be Pierce, your male companion, for fear of us seeing? It’s really a role model for my generation!”

Before Pierce was seated, Justin Hammer started winking at him, startling him again.

John Schmidt was a serious kid during World War II, and Alexander Pierce didn’t know his tolerance for such jokes; so he could only explain dryly:

“Sir, this Mr. Hammer is notorious for being off-line, please don’t mind.”

In fact, although Pierce said it very well, they had only met a few times before that.

At the time he was still the head of the World Security Council, and Justin Hammer was just a budding newcomer to the business world. Although his words and deeds are a little nervous, they are still respectful, and in order to restrain the Stark Group, the Security Council has always been interested in supporting Hammer Industries.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Unexpectedly, Justin Hammer completely changed his clothes and face during this meeting. Although it still seems polite. But he couldn’t hide the look of abandonment on his face.

“It doesn’t matter.” Unexpectedly, Red Skull gave it a very generous stroke.

He slapped the surroundings with interest:

“This… Mr. Hammer? You seem to be in a hurry. Are you busy with some appointment?”

“Ah, you saw it.”

Justin Hammers was not surprised.

He even bent down and looked at the mirror held by a bodyguard, freeing up his hand to smooth out the hair that was brushed:

“Yes, I need to attend an excellent annual meeting of entrepreneurs. You should also know that this planet has just had some minor or minor troubles, and we scientists who are part-time weapons dealers, haha, the importance It was lifted up a lot at once.”

He lifted up the red wine he had woken up on the table, shook it, and then drank it:

“So if there is nothing important, I may need to excuse me for a while. I wish the two gentlemen a happy time, and I will arrange for my subordinates to entertain you.”

Just as he was contentedly walking towards the stall of the private jet, Red Skull spoke unhurriedly.

“Pierce, is this what you said, the pug that promises to obey?”

He didn’t deliberately lower his voice, so everyone in the audience heard this sentence.

Justin Hammer stopped suddenly.

And the bodyguards behind him looked at their noses and noses, and didn’t say a word.

Turning 180 degrees in place, Justin Hammer walked to the back of Red Skull’s seat step by step, stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder:

“Come with this old guy, can I understand it like this: You are also a member of the ‘that’ organization, right?”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} “But I’m Maybe in the past, I had to consider giving you some face. But now, that looks like The mysterious ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ will not have a higher status in China than the sanitation workers sweeping the streets.”

“At the very least, we really need sanitation workers to keep the streets clean, but we don’t need a bunch of trash who can’t do anything to point fingers at me.”

“If I need to curry favor with someone, I’ll only be a dog for the watchman. After all, I can at least get a bone or two. And what can you two old fellows give me? “

Pretending to be suddenly enlightened, Justin Hammer leaned into Pierce’s ear again:

“By the way, Mr. Director, you may not know it yet: Although S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn’t broken down yet, it has been taken over by others. So your title of ‘Director’ should also be added to the past tense. I am a very heavyweight Friends, so for the sake of our happy cooperation in the past, you can finish this meal well, and then get out with the check. Otherwise…”

巘舅Zuiwen Novel Network g 舅. He arrogantly made a gesture of wiping his neck.

However, neither Red Skull nor Alexander Pierce needed to look at him.

“It seems that no matter what era, there will be such little characters who can’t recognize the situation and climb to a position that doesn’t belong to them. Don’t read it wrong next time, Pierce.”

“It was my mistake, sir. I miscalculated the form.”

“It’s okay, it’s just a trivial matter.”

Justin Hammer, who was beside him, was confused: “You two, are you playing quizzes? I don’t know if you understand, I’m a very unfamiliar person.

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