The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 135 - Mage Battle

“Sure enough, you bastard!”

George Stacy suddenly raised his pistol and aimed it at Baron Strucker:

“Go down to the ground and pay for the lives of my more than 400 brothers!”

Although he was very emotional, his finger was on the trigger, but he couldn’t press it.

It was Frank who stopped him.

“Wait, George, you can’t kill him like this.”

Nolan held his shoulders at the same time and pressed his arm down: “You forgot how I told you before? Professional matters must be left to professional people.”

“What? Is he invulnerable? Or will he be resurrected?”

George Stacy obviously misunderstood Nolan’s meaning, and said bitterly: “If you want to steal the credit, or take something out of his mouth; then I’m sorry, brother. Only killing him with your own hands can relieve me. Pain and hatred!”

“Unfortunately you are right. They can indeed be resurrected.”

Under George Stacy’s apparently disbelieving gaze, Nolan shrugged:

“So before you shoot, I still need to use some small means to deal with it…”

“That’s what you used on Madam Gao, right?”

After watching their performances in silence, Bo Tu, who was standing behind Baron Strucker, suddenly grinned, with a bit of coldness in his eyes:

“No wonder, no matter what method we used afterwards, we couldn’t bring her back.”

If it weren’t for this, the Hand Society would not have hurriedly withdrawn from New York and even the United States in the past two years, and returned to Japan for development.

No one is more afraid of death than these immortals who have lived for hundreds of years.

The older you get, the more afraid of death, so it’s perfect for them.

“That’s right. And unfortunately, this piece is all under our control. If you don’t know how to teleport spells or space spells, you can’t escape from here.” Nolan added leisurely.

After all, these people may be ninjas and qigong masters, but they are not magicians.

Being locked in the mirror space, there is no way.

He walked up to Wolfgang von Strucker and took the Rubik’s Cube between his index finger and thumb:

“In this way, everything is left to the owner. It also saves me the effort to ask for it from the braised egg… eh?”

Nolan was stunned, pointed the Rubik’s cube out the window, and observed carefully:

“Tony, is it because I’ve only seen the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube once, and I don’t know much about it… Or is the look of this thing just not right?”

Under the nervous gaze of Scarlet Wanda Wanda, Tony Stark walked to him in battle armor:

“It doesn’t seem right. The texture changes on the surface of the Rubik’s Cube should not be so rigid. But I have only seen it a few times through the Time Stone under the leadership of Master Gu Yi, so I can’t be sure.”

“Whether it’s true or not, just try it and you’ll know.”

Nolan slammed the universe cube onto the marble floor, startling everyone.

Immediately, everyone looked at the crystal powder-like fragments on the ground and remained silent.

Nolan turned around suddenly:

“You’d better tell me right away, where is the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube hidden?”


There was a sarcasm on the corner of Strucker’s mouth: “Can the ‘mirror space’ you call also lock the human soul?”

Just by listening to his words, Nolan knew the bad things;

But before the ‘Soul Trap’ spell in his hand was formed, Strucker’s head jerked up, leaving black bloodstains on the corners of his mouth.

At the same time, the ‘finger’ of the four hands also fell to the ground.

They all had the same symptoms, their faces were blue, and black blood was oozing from the corners of their mouths.

Jessica let out a low voice and wanted to rush to check, but was directly stopped by Skye. She shook her head slightly:

“Don’t look at it, our suits are all equipped with physical identification modules. They use poison, see blood to seal the throat. There is no heartbeat and pulse.”

There was a strange silence in the presidential suite again.

Except for the watchman, Chief Stacy, and a corpse on the scene.

There are only a few members of Hydra, and Wanda standing alone.

Needless to say, a few Hydra elements, who can be left behind must be cannon fodder who don’t know anything.

And Wanda…

Just by looking at her stubbornly staring at Tony Stark, you can see why Stark kept her.

Tony Stark obviously knew this, and he felt like he was starting to have a headache, as if he had encountered a math problem he couldn’t solve in college.

“Listen, girl, I don’t want to fight you. If you have something to say, let’s talk about it, okay?”

Wanda seemed to have heard a joke, sneered coldly, and the crimson magical energy in his hand began to surge:

“A warmonger with innocent blood on his hands, I have nothing to say!”

“Wait! I can tell you the truth!”

Unfortunately, Wanda has no will to communicate at all.

In other words, the culprit who caused the death of his parents, made himself and his younger brother depend on each other, and lived through a frightened childhood, is now in sight. She didn’t want to think about anything at all, the more she thought about it, the more painful it would be.

The big round bed in the suite floated up, waving with her gesture, smashing at Tony with the sound of wild howling wind.

In desperation, Tony Stark waved his hand in place.

The marble floor began to extend strangely to both sides, and the distance between him and Wanda was infinitely elongated.

No matter how the big bed controlled by Wanda flew, it couldn’t touch within one meter of Tony.

Here is his mirror space. He has home field advantage and can manipulate space changes at will.

Watching Wanda’s frantic clasp, turning the circular bed into ashes in an instant, Tony Stark snapped his fingers and restored the space to its original state again.

“On the way of being a magician, you still have a long way to go, girl. Maybe we can sit down, have a cup of tea, and exchange ideas with each other, instead of fighting like this, neither gentlemen nor ladies.”

He kindly comforted.

After all, Tony Stark knew exactly why Wanda hated him.

Speaking of which, he is still the culprit behind Obadiah.

When Obadeh was still alive, he carried Tony Stark behind his back and sold weapons crazily in private, and sold them to those unseen warlords, drug lords and mafia leaders. Only these people will bypass the US Congress to secretly purchase large quantities of arms.

The Wanda family lives in war-torn areas. Her and Quicksilver’s parents were killed by missiles sold by Obadiah.

The point is that the laser printed on the missile is not Obadiah’s name, but the Stark Group. Therefore, as the only person in charge of the Stark Group after Obadi’s death, he can only bear the blame.

“Really? Have tea with someone like you?” Wanda laughed instead of anger:

“I’m afraid it’s all human blood!”

She seemed to be stimulated, and her magic power was instantly more turbulent than before.

With a single finger, the coffee table, dresser, glass window, bedside table, toilet… all kinds of furniture rushed towards Tony.

Tony Stark calmly drew a portal in place in front of him, swallowed all these things in, then opened it from behind Wanda, and shot out again.

Wanda narrowed his eyes slightly, and a nearly substantive scarlet magic appeared, directly annihilating all the furniture into powder.

Immediately, the magic turned into a weapon and rushed straight towards Tony Stark.

Tony Stark sighed, and repeated the trick, again using mirror space magic to distance himself from her.

“It’s useless to go on like this, Wanda Maximoff!”

Stay far enough away, he shouted.

If the other party is still unwilling to stop, then he will communicate with each other over such a long distance and explain what happened back then. After all, he can’t stand it if he keeps fighting.

Although Tony Stark’s magical mastery of mirror space has been much deeper than the last time he probed S.H.I.E.L.D., his magic power is about to dry up.

In fact, his mana has long been in a hurry.

The reason why he has been able to survive until now is entirely due to the built-in intravenous injection system of the battle armor, and he gave him three full bottles of mana recovery potions from Nolan.

Once the mana is weak and the mirror space is broken, everyone will be exposed to the eyes of the masses and wreak havoc.

“Really, Mr. Warmonger?” A creepy whisper suddenly came from his ears.


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