The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1 The Endless Mystery of the Star Bearers

Chapter 1 The Endless Mystery of the Star Bearers






"You... are useless..."

In the middle of the night, the night was as silent as the darkness before the downpour.

The hot air wrapped the walls tightly, and the only sound in the room was the hiss of the air conditioner struggling.

The evil thoughts in my mind that were cowering and shrinking during the day are overwhelming like a surging tide at this moment!

It is like some indescribable monster, baring its teeth and waving its claws, unscrupulously venting its repressed evil thoughts!

Go kill!

Go and destroy!

Jump or laugh with a knife!

In blood and fire, let everything whine!

Yi Xia turned over unmoved, just like he had repeated countless times over the years.

I have to get up early tomorrow...

Yi Xia yawned, and noncommittally opened his eyes that seemed a little astringent.

Maybe it's because I watched too many blockbuster movies before, so some secondary school relapses?
Yi Xia didn't know, but he was used to it.

Whenever the night is quiet, he has always been able to hear those dark voices from the depths of his heart.

Sometimes, their evilness and darkness make Yi Xia himself frown.

He didn't think he was the one who had such evil thoughts.

But the darkness will never recede because of your doubts, they will repeatedly stir up, rampant when human nature is most fragile and sensitive...

Fortunately, these days are no longer the usual years.

Yi Xia touched the phone on the bedside.

Immediately, with the brisk music, the big white legs that filled the entire screen dissipated the darkness...

Of course, Yi Xia does not admit that he is an LSP.

As we all know, he is not old...

After charging, like a standard procedure, Yi Xia first took a look at wx, which had no information, and then turned on Penguin to have a look.

In the group chat of 99+, I did not give up and scrolled up for a long time.

After finally getting the color map +3 as I wished, I am ready to turn off my phone and go to sleep contentedly.

But at this moment, Yi Xia suddenly caught a glimpse of a group asking questions.

He subconsciously looked at the time in the upper right corner of the screen.

Good guy, at 1:27 in the morning, which idiot will go back?

Afterwards, Yi Xia clicked in and took a look:
"If you could get a job in dnd, which one would you choose?"

Breaking water...

Yi Xia glanced casually, and randomly selected a wave of warlocks.

Not surprisingly, mages are of course the strongest.

But what normal person would enjoy reading a spellbook?
You don't understand the damage of 4 skills + ignite, and you still want to learn spells?

Yi Xia, who has already graduated, is really not interested in simply returning to the sea of ​​endless questions.

When a warlock summons a succubus, wouldn't it be beautiful to have one demon with multiple functions?
Yi Xia turned off the phone and yawned.

A trance mobile phone stole 7 minutes of his time.

I'm asleep, I'm asleep, the dog's life matters...



next day
"If you were given $[-] million, but a snail kept chasing you..."

Yi Xia looked at the information displayed in the forum on the phone screen, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Just like the reply of a grumpy old man in that post, this imaginary choice is really not too clever bait.

And even more outrageous:
Obviously you chose, but it gave you different results...

Yi Xia closed her eyes, and a large number of words appeared vividly in the chaos under her eyelids...

"Connected to "Multiverse Integrated Game Network" (hereinafter referred to as "Comprehensive Network") successfully, reading version information..."

"The current version of "Comprehensive Network" is set as: The endless mystery of those who carry the stars."

The ancient blood is flowing in your pulse, and they tell the years when the Wei River was still surging.

The unwillingness and loftiness thousands of years ago have already been buried deep in the cold soil and frosty morning.

In the trivial sound of paper rubbing, under the quiet solemnity of the stone statue.

They shone slightly, like stars...

Version details are as follows:

7.14 The Endless Mystery of the One Who Bears the Stars
1. This version closes the direct exchange channel of this plane;
2. This version closes the direct exchange channel for summoned items;
3. In this version, every time a character obtains a limited basic occupation level, he can get the name of a protoss (totem/old god) as your power blessing



"Based on the player's choice, the player gets a limited basic occupation: witch."

Player personal information is as follows:

Name: Yi Xia
Occupation: Sorcerer (lv1) This occupation has been locked, and the minimum level cannot be lower than level 1.

Pedigree: Eastern Ancient Extraordinary Civilization Sequence

Faction: Great Ominous (Old God/Calamity)

Health: 100% (Health determines the character's health and endurance. When the health is lower than 10%, the character will be weak, when the health is lower than 5%, the character will go into shock, and when the health is lower than 0%, the character will die.)
Mana: 5/5 (Witches can use spells and perform occult rituals by spending mana)
Strength: 10 (Strength determines a character's muscular and physical strength.)
Dexterity: 10 (Dexterity determines a character's reflexes, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and balance.)
Physique: 10 (Physique determines the character's health and resistance to blows.)
Intelligence: 10 (Intelligence determines a character's ability to learn and reason.)
Charisma: 9 (Charisma determines a character's charisma, persuasiveness, personal appeal, leadership, and physical attractiveness.)
Wisdom: 13 (Wisdom determines a character's willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.)
professional skills:
1. Skilled in witchcraft:

Witches (xí) can make various witchcrafts with unique effects, but the materials, instruments, and even specific effects required to make them need to be determined based on the relevant will of the witches.

ps: Anyway, when a witch manages to infuse mana into a pot of witchcraft, it is of course a success... If you don't want to be half bald like me, you'd better believe this... ——Half a day Fai Devon Castro
2. Witchcraft Mysteries:

Every time a witch gains a new class level, he will awaken 1 new limited spells from the ancient power of his choice.

Current remaining selections: 2
Chosen skills:
1. Fetters of Calamity (Ancient Favor):
Those ancient stories lie quietly in the album, and their ferocious and weird appearances are the old dreams of your childhood.

Your naturally keen and powerful senses allow you to touch those unspeakable fears in the darkness of night.

It is not a curse, but an ancient blessing that began thousands of years ago...


You gain an additional 2 points on the fear save, and your spells gain a limited number of relevant scourge effects and adaptive transformations.

ps: The favor of those spirits of calamity will not only make you strong, but also make you... insomnia... —— Sleepy Spirits - Nocturne of Horror - Rebecca Beach

Spell Tome: Not selected yet
Overall Evaluation: Challenge Level 1
(End of this chapter)

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