The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Unpromising real daughter 16

In the second semester of junior year, the school will start employment and entrepreneurship guidance courses step by step to help students who are about to become graduates to prepare.

The courses are similar every year, but the school will arrange various lectures and speeches according to the fashion trends of the year.

This year is different from previous years. People who come to the stage to give speeches and impart experience are not only HR from well-known companies, successful seniors and seniors. On the podium of that honor, stood Gu Junxin, a student who was also graduating but also heading for success.

Tickets for this lecture were quickly sold out. The students who came to the venue were not only juniors and seniors from Akagi University, but also juniors and even fans from other schools.

There are only a few people who come here to listen to successful experiences, most of them are fans of Gu Junxin’s younger brothers and sisters.

Their screams heated up the whole atmosphere, comparable to the scene of an idol meeting.

Of course, for people who love games, the people who make them are really their idols.

Gu Junxin’s dress today is still casual and casual, which is different from the serious and professional dress of the guests who came to share their experience before.

People in the field of games pay attention to individuality. Unless you are on stage to accept awards or other formal occasions, you can’t really wear a suit.

A white t-shirt over a red and black plaid shirt, paired with a pair of slim jeans. On stage to give a speech, she simply painted a light makeup, and she took care of her neat short hair. Looking beautiful and sassy.

Her speech started from her three-year university life, and her language was humorous and cheerful. After talking about life, Gu Junxin shared her entrepreneurial experience. From the initial planning and preparation, to product development, to the far right operation. Gu Junxin didn’t hide anything, and shared everything that could be shared.

These experiences of hers do not lead to success. To start a business and start a company, after all, you have to explore and work **** your own. But her experience can help aspiring people take less detours and waste less time.

Everyone listened carefully, and many people raised their hands to ask questions, and Gu Junxin answered patiently.

At the end of the speech, Gu Junxin also prepared a big surprise for the students and fans present.

She exploded her vest in the online literary circle and the artist circle, and also announced the stage name of an independent musician.

Regarding Gu Junxin’s vest, fans have already speculated a lot, and there are various answers. However, because the two game works are far from the usual types, Gu Junxin has never been able to lose his horse.

It is shown that the correct answers announced by Gu Junxin are all very important ids in the circle, and they have been pigeons for more than half a year. The exclamations of the fans were louder and louder. Some fans also urged the new work to be updated on the spot, so it was very lively.

If there are pure game fans who don’t understand, immediately search for the id and prepare to go home.

At this time, Gu Junxin announced:

“I blew my vest today to announce a decision. Starting today, I will devote all my energy to game production.”

Gu Junxin issued a statement to withdraw from the circle.

fan:? ! !

Just caught Dove Da, Da Da announced that he would withdraw from the circle and not write or draw? !

In the future, Gu Junxin will no longer serialize web comics, and will not perform at music festivals without releasing albums. Computer hardware evaluation videos and Vlogs will be stopped. Even the live broadcast will not renew the contract after the contract ends. She probably doesn’t have that time.

“One person’s energy is limited, and I will focus all my energy on game production.”

Fans who were a little sad just now are suddenly excited again! The audience applauded warmly.

Gu Junxin was also a little excited.

In fact, she really didn’t plan to put all her eggs in the game basket at first. She planned to bloom in multiple lines, and even used the money earned in other fields to support game development.

However, one’s energy is limited. At first, she really underestimated the energy and time it took to make a game.

“Crybaby” is an independent small game, and she can support all the side jobs. But when the production of “Xingyue Lakeside”, the increase in game content left her almost no time for other businesses.

“Xingyue Lakeside” is far from a big game, and it is quite far from 3A. But she has drained all her time and brain cells, and has no time for him. If she wants to continue to maintain speed and produce high-quality products, and improve her technology to develop good games, she must focus.

Gu Junxin really likes to write, draw, and sing. These hobbies, these arts will be integrated into her game works in the future.

The game is called the ninth art by some people. It is a synthesis of art, music, literature, film and other arts, and it is also the product of the combination of art and technology.

Now, for Gu Junxin, making games is not only a difficult challenge, but also her life, a dream she is willing to give everything for.


After the speech, Gu Junxin met Chen Xi backstage.

She didn’t know who this person was for about ten seconds.

Get up early every day to play games, and many things are left behind. Chen Xi, the abolished fiancé, naturally has no special memory of her.

“Gu Junxin, the speech is great!” Chen Xi gave a bunch of small sunflowers.

“Thank you!” Gu Jun said in his heart, reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling person.

“Can I ask you for a meal? I want to talk to you about something, of course, it’s business.” Chen Xi said.

Gu Junxin was curious about the important matter of the Chen family’s son looking for her. Ever since Gu Ai joined the army and she gave up her right of inheritance, the little things about the Gu family’s wealthy family never entered her ears.

Chen Xi asked Gu Junxin to go to a private restaurant for dinner.

He had met Gu Junxin and knew a little about her character. When speaking, it is not so convoluted, and directly expresses the intention.

“Miss Gu, I want to invest in your studio in my personal capacity.”

“Oh? How do you say that?” Gu Junxin wasn’t actually interested, she didn’t plan to let other capital enter the market.

Foreign investment to join, will reduce their control over the company.

Lu Xingzhou is the best example. The domestic ancient costume moba online game “Perfect Hero” developed by him was officially tested. It received rave reviews at the beginning, and some people once took it to the altar. However, the game has only been around for two months.

The main creative team headed by Lu Xingzhou insisted on making game content, and the employers demanded to return the money as soon as possible. In the end, Lu Xingzhou didn’t have the right to speak in the games he made, and he still went back to the road of cheating people. The game experience fell off a cliff and evaluated the avalanche.

There are not many such examples, so Gu Jun wanted to polish his works and decided to take it step by step. Slow down, but you have the absolute right to speak.

However, she was curious why Chen Xi came to talk to her.

“I remember that the Chen family has always sneered at the information technology and game industries.” Gu Junxin asked.

The Chen family invests in real estate and industry, and their thinking is relatively stubborn.

“The times are different, young people will find a new way out.” Chen Xi’s words showed a bit of bragging.

Chen Xi talked with Gu Junxin for a long time, focusing on explaining his goals and plans. Roughly promised to give Gu Junxin funds in batches to fully support her in the development of 3A masterpieces.

If there is no miracle in this investment, most of the money will be lost, but it will be a loss, it doesn’t matter. What Chen Xi wanted was to come up with technically mature works as soon as possible. He wants to occupy the market with an explosive game and squeeze into the game industry dominated by leading companies in a short period of time. Then based on the game, we will carry out new expansion and enter the information and Internet industries.

Gu Junxin shook his head and said ruthlessly, “Mr. Chen, you think too beautifully.”

“You don’t care about the rest, I’ll invest the money and you can play the game.” Chen Xi said: “Of course, the money is not for nothing, we have to sign a gambling agreement.”

What he wants is an explosive 3A masterpiece, with a certain level of quality and sales. Although you are destined to lose money, you can’t lose too much. Of course, there are still many details to discuss.

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested.” Gu Junxin refused.

“Why?” Chen Xi was puzzled: “My investment is 800 million US dollars. How many years do you have to work hard to earn this money back?”

“It takes one bite to eat, and the journey takes one step at a time,” Gu Junxin said.

800 million dollars is useless now, she simply did not form such a large team to make large-scale games.

“Isn’t it a fool not to take shortcuts? But you are not stupid.” Chen Xi restrained his smile.

In the face of such a high investment, you can’t shake it at all? Is there something wrong with her? This is the first time he has been rejected by Gu Junxin?

“Just think I’m stupid!” Gu Junxin had nothing to say.

Gu Junxin got up and left, and before leaving, Chen Xi paid the bill.

Chen Xi looked at a table of dishes, but didn’t move much. He was so full now that he couldn’t eat anymore.

The phone vibrated, and Chen Xi glanced at the caller ID, it was Bai Yiyi.

After answering the call, Miss Jiao Bai Yiyi asked, “How?!”

Chen Xi said: “She doesn’t take the bait.”

Gu Junxin offended Bai Yiyi, and she wanted to take away Junxin’s studio. What Chen Xi said to Gu Junxin before is naturally true. The Chen family does have plans to enter the information industry and is ready to take a belated share of the pie. But to find Gu Junxin, the more reason is because of Bai Yiyi.

The difficult Bai Yiyi wants to take away the Junxin studio from Gu Junxin.

“Why are you so useless!” Bai Yiyi scolded violently.

Every time I asked Chen Xi to do things, it was unsuccessful.

Chen Xi didn’t explain, and apologized repeatedly, but couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

With Bai Yiyi’s vicious heart and bad willful temper, it’s no wonder that her boyfriend can’t stand it and wants to break up.


Junxin Studio is now a star project of the Entrepreneurship Guidance Office, and Gu Junxin has not forgotten to promote it on many occasions.

Gu Junxin really got the benefit. A small villa in the school’s entrepreneurial park that was converted into a studio was rented to Gu Junxin for free. The studio is free to try until she graduates. Gu Junxin has put the postgraduate entrance examination on the agenda, and strives to make the most of it in the next few years.

The Office of the Legal Department, the Operations Office, and the Finance Office were officially listed.

There are no people in the art team, but the site is left.

Gu Junxin was still the only one in the programming team. She did not move into the studio, and was still in the community alone.

She wanted to recruit a few companions, but headhunting and recruiting were not easy.

Gu Junxin mainly hires programmers to keep “Crybaby” and “Xingyue Lakeside” updated, and needs senior programmers who make games. She doesn’t need to spend a lot of time teaching and cultivating what to do.

It is very difficult to poach programmers from other companies, who is willing to give up big money-making enterprises and enter her small studio.

The technology that is willing to come is not enough.

Not to mention young fresh graduates, take the time to teach them well, and I am afraid that the new game will be delayed again.

At the end of the second semester of the junior year, the action shooting game “Glimmer” with the theme of airborne troops has completed half of the program, and Gu Junxin has not found a suitable candidate.

Until the third week of the summer vacation, when Gu Junxin was working on the online battle system of “Glimmer”, Li Xinyue suddenly called her more excitedly and asked her to return to the studio quickly.

“Jun Xin, someone is applying, you are absolutely satisfied with this person!!” Li Xinyue was so excited that her voice was an octave higher.

“Who?” Gu Junxin asked.

“Lu Xingzhou! Lu Xingzhou!” Li Xinyue said excitedly.

Gu Jun was stunned.

Lu Xingzhou went to her studio to apply for a job?

Although he is the talent that Gu Junxin yearns for, but he was delivered to the door so quickly… It was beyond expectations. What about his company?


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