The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 48: Fortune and Misfortune

The next day after the commotion yesterday had passed, the usual activities of the students of Uvelia resumed.

A group of beautiful girls were sitting on a table in the general lobby. Both guys and girls looked their way whenever they passed by them.

It couldn't be helped since their charm radiates a scenery that could capture the hearts of those who lays their eyes on it.

Illuminated by a few rays of sunlight through the large window on the front of the room only added a unique atmosphere for the three.

This was a sight that most students that studies in the general lobby look forward to through their mundane task of studying.

It was considered worth the trouble of coming to such a public space, specially for those that were not part of Class A-3.

It wasn't everyday that they could freely look at pretty ladies. They even considered it unfair that most of the beauties ended up in that one classroom.

Even with all of the attention were on those three ladies, they were focused on their own task.

More specifically, the blonde haired girl who still exuded her charm even though her face showed such a grimacing expression.

In fact, it only made her look more cute.

"....How in the world would I know about the counter spell for impact magic types? What does it mean 'what would be the residual mana flow'? I'm not a mage dammit!"

Alice complained while looking at the problem  concerning counter spells and mana reading and analysis.

It was too complicated for someone that is only interested in magic technology and somewhat had an adequate awareness of fire and explosive spells.

Which was a given since Alice had a nature of fire, earth and wind. It was already a rare occurence for someone to have three mana nature but compared to the other two, it pales in comparison.

"...Alice listen. Impact spells aren't that far from your explosive ammunition, in fact, your class skill could be considered as an impact spell type even if it's not a magic spell"

"Oh really?"

Emily explained while looking over the problem Alice was having trouble on.

"So you must know variables that negates your skills, am I right?.." 

"Y-Yeah I think I get it now.."

Emily smiled as she looked at Alice write down her answers smoothly after her brief explanation. 

She had an inkling that Alice was someone with little attention span and interest on things she found bland or boring. 

It was something Emily has noticed during those times when they got together during social gatherings in their childhood.

Alice was really bad with things that she didn't like but at the same time, quickly learns and adapts to things she finds interesting.

In a sense, she was an excellent student if only every subject intriqued her alas it wasn't the case.

"..But what about the mana problem?"

"There's nothing else we can do but analyze it step by step I'm afraid"

Emily still had a smile on her face as she said those words. She already knew that there was no way around other problems but through standard methods.

Although that fact didn't stop Emily from making it as easy and accomodating to Alice as much as possible.

"What? No way..."

"Emily, I'll take it from here..." Lily scooted over to Alice's side as she started to enumerate the standard method for mana analysis.

Alice was once again in despair now that both of her tutors were tag-teaming in turtoring her.

One was softspoken but strangely scary at times and the other was consistently strict and straightforward.

The switching was really throwing her off into a crazy loop.

All of this because one of her comrades bailed out on her today.

"...Seriously what is Jun up to?" Alice mumbled while still answering the problems.

As soon as they heard his name, Lily and Emily also remembered what Jun said to them earlier after morning classes were over.

(Sorry guys but I can't go join you today. I have something important to take care of)

(What? You already missed our last session yesterday. What's going on?)

(It's nothing bad..I just have to take care of this first. I'm really sorry, I'll join you guys once I'm done. Bye)

(Wait a minute Jun!)

Jun ran off to somewhere without even telling them his destination. This made them curious becuase Jun was desprerately studying with them a few days ago.

"I wonder? Where did he even go?" Emily asked.

"I'm not sure either. He just left so quickly..." 

Lily added while slightly annoyed by Jun's actions. It was unusual for him to walk out from her like that.

"Well didn't Jun dragged Ray somewhere after that duel fiasco yesterday. Maybe that has something to do with it?" 

Alice suggested after drinking her tea.

It was such a huge commotion that the word had already spread about Ray Irisville becoming Jun Carter's representative.

"Maybe you're right but that still doesn't answer what Jun's doing right now"

"Do you think he's in trouble or something? The student body is acting really crazy right now"

"It's all because of those slanderous news articles. It's really painting the whole incident in such a malicious light despite Jun being a victim as well"

Emily added, not happy at all with how the media has portrayed one of her party members. 

She had even used some of her family's authority to shut down some of the media covering those false stories.

Lily also felt the same but she couldn't do much with her family having little influence in their barrier nation.

However she still had the option of beating down any arrogant bastards that did try to mess with her party members.

Although Ray had done something she didn't expect.

"Well, we won't have to worry about anyone trying to mess with Jun now..." Alice said while resuming to answer the problems.

"Yes, the majority of the students doesn't really want to mess with Ray. If their smart enough, they would know what's good for the them.."

Alice and Lily understood immediately what Emily implied. 

It was just plain foolish to go against Ray Irisville as he is now, with all the achievements and feats he had accomplished in such a short amount of time.

Most of their classmates had also seen how he dominates in a one on one fight. With little to no information on his variant class, it's unwise to blindly fight him in a duel.

Most importantly, the elite caste of Uvelia have started to have speculation on the support of the Irisville household on Ray.

If the intial impression was that they couldn't give him a time of day then now, it would seem that they have given him considerable backing and support.

One of which is the use of the Irisville mana operation skill.

Many have analyzed the fight between Amana  Reandelle and Ray Irisville in which they have concluded that his sharp movements is not a product of ordinary mana operation.

And it was also not the doing of stat distribution of his gunslinger class. It would be absurd to think that his new class strengthened his agility and evasion by such a high degree.

Given the time he had awakened, it wasn't possible even with the fact that he possessed a variant class.

So in conclusion, Ray must be using his family's famous technique which further solidifies their speculation as truth.

However Emily knows that some people don't listen to reason. It was something that she personally experienced and had to cope with as she grew up.

The only worry that was on her mind was the possibility that some people might have the idea to try despite the risk in challenging Ray.

Emily thought that Ray must have already thought of that possibility and still went on to do what he did.

"Seriously...Ray is so reckless sometimes..No, most of the time actually but what he does for's really-" Emily mumbled in a tiny breath, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Emily? did you say something?" Alice asked, still in a slump.

"N-No, nothing. I said we just have to wait for Jun to be done with his own task" Emily said as an excuse with a smile.

Lily contemplated a little more and Emily just straightened her back as she sat.

"Whatever it is, there's a high chance that those two are up to something.." Lily said, a sharp look in her eyes as she thought about Jun mostly.

"Ohhh you're in big trouble, Jun you bastard" Alice cursed, not wanting to give an inch of forgiveness for Jun on leaving her behind.

Sighing from seeing Alice's pettiness in display, Emily just shook her head.

"Let's just hope they don't get in trouble with what they're doing.."

Emily's hope would eventually fall on deaf ears.


"Come again?"

I asked one more time as the words of the person in front of me didn't get processed inside my head.

I was in the training hall trying to get used to using my two guns and after I had gone outside of the obstacle course this person started to spout nonsense.

I thought it was weird that no one was bothering me with duel request since this morning. I really thought something must have gone wrong for people to act like this.

Alas I spoke too soon it seems.

Twitching her brows, she seriously looked at me with her emerald like eyes. Biting her lips, she finally spoke again.

"Ray Irisville, please come with me. Your presence is needed by the princess"

The elven knight, Eliya Leivin, requested while I failed to understand her request for the second time.

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