The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 45: Library [3]

Standing outside the library, I looked at the closed doors with a dead and dissapointed look.

Coincidently the libray closed right after I got kicked out.

To make matters worse, there was someone looking at me as if she can't hold back her laughter.

Her fox tails were swinging happily at seeing my pathetic figure but it was also the same for her.

She clearly lacked some level of self awareness because she looked the same as me before I came out the door.

"You idiot, this is your fault"

"You imbecile, this is your fault"

 We both said, anger flaring up in our eyes.

Sparks were flying between us but before it could go out of hand once again, her follower showed up.

"...Sophia?..." she said confused, looking alternately between the two of us.

"..Ah Meyn,...Let's go" noticing her party member looking for her, she decided to let things off for now.

Still looking at her friend, she just nodded after walking beside her.

Sophia didn't look back after that and had eventually left the premises which was illuminated by the lighting because it was already dark.

Scratching my head because of this unexpected predicament, I also went to go back to the dorms and continue my training.

Besides I had no other choice but to do so because I was banned just like Sophia for ten days.

The reason being that I was also partially in fault for that fight to start. Basically, I was considered as the instigator.

However that would be an insufficient reason to ban me no matter how I think about it and thus there probably was another reason altogether.

And that would be my usage of [Penetrating Gaze]. Even though I made sure no one was in the vicinity except for Sophia, there was no way the librarian could have known but-

'She said there were surveillance cameras but I didn't see anything of the sort. That librarian might have just outed me through her crazy mana sensitivity...' I thought but it was only speculation at best.

(D-don't worry, it's also only for ten days but [Memorize] isn't enough to bridge 10 days of study...)

I remembered the reminder the librarian also gave to Sophia.

Leaving only me only three days before I could get and utilize the skill book.


The next day at Monster Anatomy class.

Vivian was pointing to a hologram depicting the outside and inside anatomy of a monster called Dravens.

"Listen well class, Dravens are Tier 6 monsters that specializes in poison and miasma secretion"

"These are very deadly and can penetrate through both physical and magical barriers if one is not careful enough"

She then pointed at four sack like glands from their upper and lower torso respectively.

"These are the glands that contain those poison. They essentially use a skill to secrete those out in various ways so you must take note to take out these glands as fast as possible"

Following her pointers, she also described what type of poison and respective skill it used in conjuction.


I then heard the sounds of scribbling and pens jotting down information on paper which  can also be used if one preferred to.

Although it's not a popular tactic in taking notes because most students would rather record Vivian's lesson with their vrace.

Nonetheless, everyone in the class were totally concentrated just like the other day.

Even I was listening to the class attentively now that my plan was screwed over by the fox girl sitting in the far bottom left.

She was just leisurely taking notes as always, she seemed to prefer the old fashioned way of taking notes since she had always done this on the first day of classes.

I, on the other hand, chose to do both methods instead. I recorded while I jotted down any important details that might come up in the exam.

The recording was important because I plan to use it once I get my hands on the [Memorize] skill.

The notes are a fail safe if in the worst case, I don't acquire it in time.

'... What am I going to do?..' I pondered, while my hands jot down notes which I probably would find difficult to comprehend in the first place.


Morning class has ended with Professor Malya lecturing us about how the first guild was created.

It was quite interesting actually since it was a detail not described in the novel. Alas I was burn out in the end.

The only subjects that I had basically understood somewhat was Monster Anatomy, Labyrinth History, and Arithmetics which was fortunately the same in my old world.

Just these three and I know I would still find it hard to pass those subjects.

Leaning back on my chair, I thought that this can't possibly go on. I wish this part of Ray wasn't consistent when I transmigrated.

Although I was still far off better than the two besides me.

"...Kill me now. Heck, throw me in the labyrinth for all I care"

Alice slumped down on her desk with obvious eye bags ruining her usually pretty face.

"...I..can't do this anymore..." 

Jun also seemed sluggish and fatiqued as if he was going to collapse.

It's only been two days when their study group started but at the state that they were in, one would assume they've been studying for a long period of time.

"Ray..I should have done the same thing you did.."


Alice called out to me as always.

"Those girls...they don't have a heart, this is worse than actual training.."

"...I could understand Lily but Emily..she's kind but ruthless at the same time. I don't know how to feel about that..." Jun commented.

By the looks of things, they're getting tortured instead of getting tutored. Although I'm sure it's because both of them are idiots which unironically includes me.

I understand Jun having bad marks because of being only trained in swordmanship by his master in a secluded place outside of normal society.

But I don't understand why Alice, who is a normal elite, is not excelling unlike Ray who doesn't have the support of his own household.

"..Hey, what subjects are you even failing in?" I caved in to my curiosity.

"Oh...well History, Arethmitics, Anatomy, Lower Layer: Fundamentals, Geography. Other than that, I'm all good" she listed confidently.

"...Wait..aren't those the easy ones?" I asked appalled.

"...Anything boring doesn't register in my head, even back in the manor, It just blanks out for me" she smiled as if reminiscing those times.

"..I see" I though it was complicated but it was just the case of being an idiot. 

"...That's a luxury right there if anything. I suck at everything.." Jun complained while looking down.

Looking at those two, I understood why both Lily and Emily was hard on these people.

Speaking of which, Lily was being invited out by several of our female classmates to study.

The same could also be said for Emily who was smiling while talking gently to each inviter which was mostly boys.

Everybody knew the smartest people on class which included Sophia, Brian, Amana, Emily and Lily.

They wouldn't want to waste the opportunity of gaining a benefit from being part of their study group  but it's obvious that some have ulterior motives in doing so.

Being bombarded like that would be annoying as hell but it seems that those two had expected this outcome hence they were calmly rejecting everybody.

Both of them gave the same reason.

"Sorry but I already have a group"

"I have a group so it's not possible"

Hearing those excuses, most of them turned their heads towards our direction, more specifically at Jun.

(Alice is fine but that guy?)

(Yeah...don't you think it's strange)

(Emily...don't you think it's kind of risky)

(Haven't you heard the news?)

(You should probably stay away from that guy)

(You're going to be in danger if you stay with that guy, Cross)

More and more people murmured, looking at Jun who was avoiding their scrutinizing gaze.

This kind of behavior died down after they had established a party with Jun but after the incident and the spreading news, it couldn't be avoided if something like this happens.

Everything was going according to the story except for the part that I was also included in their shunning.

All becuase this time I didn't join their study group.

It seems like it was getting out of hand because a pair of male students actually came in front of Jun.

"Hey, don't you think it's weird that they're hanging out with you" A guy with blonde wavy hair said.

"That's right, your only going to drag them down. Just look at your marks you failure. Not only do you bring danger, your a disgrace as well" a brown haired freckled guy added.

"They should rather come with Allen and us. Unlike you, we wouldn't drag them down"

The last one slammed his hands down right at Jun's desk. This heighthened the tension in here.

Jun stared at the two with a complicated face and didn't reply back at all.

'...I see, so he's already contemplating about being with the group...'

I recalled that at the point of the midterms, scuffle like this would constantly appear before Jun and Ray which impeded their time to study and train.

It was bothersome because some of it escalated in a full blown fight or duels.

"..Hey Jun.." Alice asked worriedly, it seems she was about to stand up anytime now. The same goes for Emily and Lily.

"Say something you freak. Don't you feel embarrased for them when you hang out in the lounge"

"Everyone can see you! at least try to hide it in the library-" the grunt just kept on talking down on Jun while mentioning their study spot yesterday.

There was a lounge area for general studies which was located near the combat facility which made it a good spot for studying and training for it's proximity.

The only reason that they wouldn't stay in a private room is because the opposite gender couldn't be allowed to enter their seperate dorms.

Hence the study spot of their choice.

But something about what that brown haired guy said enlightened something in me.

'...Jun...and..the library..and the book....Why didn't I realize this much sooner!' I rejoiced inside.

"And that's why I'm going to challen-"

"Hold it right there Alan" I stood up from my seat before he finished his sentence for a duel.

"..Irisville..what do you want? and it's Allen you bas-" 

"Anyway, if you're going to bother challenging him to duel, then you're going to have to fight his representative first" 

"Ray..what are you doing?.." Jun asked.

"Representative? Hah! as if anyone would be his representative?!"

"You're looking at him, Alan" I pointed towards myself.


Everyone exclaimed in confusion while I had another worry inside of my head.

'..Don't bother my pseudo library ticket you fools, I'm going to need him to find that book for me instead..'

I finally found an actual use for the protagonist.

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