The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 55: Ancestral Beast (1)

"It would be funny if after I talked about it, a temporal rip opens at that moment!" Said Pei Hai What made the face of many pale, this was practically someone trying to call a flag of the death!

Pei Hai thought he had made just a foolish joke, but soon felt his scalp numb, there was a heavy killer look in his direction, which was quite ironic since he is a shadow killer… But he felt a chill on his spine and his heart seemed to tremble with fear! 

Did Zhong Liang really want to hit this foolish man, how dare he say such nonsense to his little brother Yan? That was all legend and nonsense! So he released some murderous intent for this man as a warning!

Soon everyone sighed with relief as they left the dimensional tunnel, the portal closed automatically and they were in a large matrix, the first group of the Heavenly Sword Sect waiting for them. 

Zemin Yan looked at everything curiously, the location of the underworld they were in was known as the Underworld Arena, but there were plenty of small shops selling strange weapons, rare herbs, poisons, obscure techniques and blood crystals! Of course, the main attraction is the various floating islands that were in the center of the square!

Yes, they were floating islands and hundreds of small islands, like clouds in the sky. There was a large dome surrounding the entire room, giving the impression of being a closed environment, clearly it was a large matrix that even immortals would have difficulty penetrating! 

In an area near the entrance to the dimensional matrix, there were several small arrays that looked like large gates, each gate having a carved number at the top. The numbers ranged from 1 to 200, each gate had two guards that looked quite strong, it seemed to be common to the underworld that the guards would be a man and a woman. 

"Down here it's known as the zero area and only the most elemental materials and weapons will be sold here. This is where civilians negotiate, when they do not have enough cultivation resources, something similar there is a black market but on a smaller scale, "said the woman with the emotionless voice introducing the area to these young disciples. 

"But I am seeing blood crystals! Is that considered an elemental product ?! "asked a disciple from the Foundation's cultivation kingdom. She had rarely seen the world, but these blood crystals were clearly a hot item within the great sect. 

"This is a blood crystal with a lot of impurities, so yes it is considered an elemental product," said Dong Huan in her emotionless voice. After a while the weaker veteran disciples realized that the red crystal was quite clear. The rules for blood crystals were very simple the darker the crystal the stronger this material is, the lighter the crystal the less blood it has and other elements may have infiltrated and eroded the blood!

As Dong Huan calmly explained about some things from area zero, Sying for some unknown reason began to flutter in Zemin Yan's arms and ran into a rather strange shop. Since most were paying attention to the woman's explanation, few noticed this incident.

The shop in question was a shop of magic beast tamers, there were some eggs and some cages with small animals trapped, besides that cage were two large cages containing two relatively powerful magic beasts. From the first cage was a blue-fur monkey, known as Bloodhands, this sounds like the title of some underworld killer, but this magical beast is known to have strong attacks with its hands, if well taught can learn some martial arts that follow the Dao of the Fist! 

The second cage had a pretty little tiger, it was a little strange that such a big cage had only one little tiger inside, most interestingly that it was a mutant magic beast! Their hair colors were reversed, with most colors being black while their stripes were white, their eyes were violet!

However, according to the selling sign, this was a defective magic beast, as the pearl or main core of its power was stolen, the most that this tiger will ever reach in cultivation would be at the late Foundation stage. Unfortunately, it was a pair of mother and son so the big cage, but the tiger mother who was in good condition had already been bought before.

Sying ran very excitedly into the cage where the little black tiger was and began to bark with joy, Zemin Yan who ran behind watched this scene and was astonished, as it was like watching a dog trying to bully a tiger… Wait that's exactly what the little tiger White dog is doing now!

"Sying, what's going on ?!" asked Zemin Yan as soon as he left his stunned moment. 

"Young master, he smells very good! I felt as soon as I arrived! It's the scent of an ancient beast! "Said Sying through his mental connection. Thus Zemin Yan felt the mental fluctuation by the contract, Sying's state can be considered beyond excited, it was as if he had found a distant friend!

"How do you know this is an ancient beast?" Asked Zemin Yan doubtfully. Shouldn't your little holy beast just be an ignorant puppy?

"I don't know! As soon as I smelled this black tiger a sudden thought popped into my mind and some information arose. That told me I had to get along with this ancient beast ?! "Sying said looking a little confused. 

"What is an ancient beast?" Asked Zemin Yan curiously. He did not pay much attention to Sying making a sudden discovery, after all, beasts regardless of their kind usually receive their training and ways of cultivation through the bloodline, which also contains memories of their ancestors, such as who they are their prey and who are the predators of their kind. 

"I have no idea!" Said Sying, giving his human partner a silly look. Since he is a small white dog and had such lovely blue eyes, his whole little figure was selling meng, cuteness and sweetness!

"…" Zemin Yan was speechless when receiving such an answer. If he didn't even know what ancestral beasts were, why the hell did this silly dog ​​run madly into this cage ?!

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