The Watcher of the Dimensions

Chapter 572: Chapter 86 Sun, Blood and Magic

The super-hot sphere flew above the city as Apollo drew his bow. The flaming arrow of the high god stretched beyond the horizon, and reached the throat of the ancient god, but the ancient god was no joke either.

He was juiced by countless sacrifices and his strength almost reached that of all fathers despite being in a mortal realm. His crimson clothes revealed the sharp fangs that were hiding in his mouth.

" You are an evil god! You shouldn't be here!"

Apollo said calmly, looking at him with his burning eyes. The sun slowly descended down to them as the blood god laughed with an evil face.

" You are being a hypocrite, the sun god. You shouldn't be here either too because I feel alien energy from you. Besides, I wonder how long you can maintain your form after being sealed in that pitiful state."

His words made Apollo frown because this was the truth. He wasn't able to maintain his form for an extended duration and his objective was different. He could escape from this city if he wanted to do so, but there were people behind his back, so he gritted his teeth and stood alone since even Vision didn't intervene in their battle unless other gods came here.

" Long enough to bury you."

The golden bow relentlessly fired toward the blood God as they battled in the sky. The intense heat of the sun obviously weakened him, but regardless he was confident that he had superior stamina by the looks of Apollo.

Magra wasn't a fool that relentlessly pursued his enemies, he was a scheming god who observed his enemies with keen eyes. Especially, powerful gods like Apollo can't directly manifest here without paying any price.

The hastily summoned power had drawbacks and most importantly he had limited stamina. As long as he can wait here, he would devour him.

However, he forgot one thing. The caster of the spell was still in the city. Solomon who was walking toward them with a solemn face, raised his head as he muttered.

" What a trouble! It appears that a single grand magic can't defeat him."

His feet were lifted from the ground when he activated his flight spell. He approached the burning sky with incredible speed and saw the fighting silhouettes in the distance.

The magic of the grand caster is directly aimed at Marga who was focusing on killing Apollo.

" This!"

Before he could dodge, the magic enveloped his body, creating powerful magic waves that rivaled a nuclear bomb detonation. If each servant were a nuclear bomb, grand servants and divine spirits were walking arsenal of anti-matter bombs. Their singular attack could easily alter the topography of the entire country.

" You are late, Solomon. This evil god almost killed me."

Apollo smiled weakly while looking at him. Solomon scratched his head with an awkward face, not knowing what he should do because technically it was his fault. He underestimated the tenacity of the vampires and overestimated the firepower of the coalition.

Fortunately, Apollo acted at the right time. His timely entrance made a way for the humans and heroes who retreated.

" Should we call others? I believe his tenacity can even rival that of Heracles and other tenacious heroes. This will take a long time to finish."

Solomon worried they would take a large amount of time and he wasn't wrong. Marga was a regeneration-type god and he was on steroids now, so basically even offensive gods like Apollo couldn't defeat him in a short time.

" Defeating him isn't an option. We must kill him before he destroys other cities."

Apollo shook his head with refusal, believing that they should hunt him before it was too late. The more time he had, the stronger he would grow. Hence, killing him now was the right decision.

" Fine by me."

Solomon said, looking at the crater with a serious face. He aimed his staff at the crater and chanted magics while Apollo summoned his chariot. The brilliant sun chariot appeared before him as he mounted on his chariot.

" Keep him busy, Solomon. I will finish him in one strike."

He spoke as the chariot flew up to the sky. Solomon raised his head, understanding what he was about to do as he continued to bombard Marga.

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