Chapter 57: Chapter 53 Why?!
Steve touched his forehead and sighed
" Arthur is she your sister?"
Arthur said with embarrassment
" Yes, this girl is my sister and those two guys are my pets."
Pikachu nodded
" Pika pika pi."
Sharp also nodded
" Kyuu kyuu."
Steve looked to 2 pets. One is big yellow creature while other one is big bird. Steve sighed
" Girl can you save people with these guys?"
Eliza nodded happily
" Thank you sir. I will do my best."
Eliza flew to sky. Steve suddenly laughed as he Pat's Arthur's shoulder
" This girl is like your miniature self. She is brave as you."
Arthur nodded
" However I can't hurt her. She is my family after all."
Steve shakes his head
" You are too overprotective. She can protect herself."
Arthur didn't say anything. Steve looked to sky
" Arthur can you stop them while Tony is looking for Loki."
Arthur nodded serious
" I have no other choice."
Steve went down
" I will take care people."
Arthur unsheathed his sword.
" Extreme speed sword style: Blooming lighting."
Blood splashed from aliens. Arthur shakes his sword. Steve who saw this sighed
" Good grief. I should leave it to Arthur."
Arthur looked to incoming alien plane.
" Fire style: Great fireball. Wind style: Vacuum bullets. Combination jutsu: Expanded fireball."
Hot fire hit fighter plane.
Arthur slowly closed his eyes the he opened it.
" Secret sword technique: Bloody lotus."
He drew his sword and slashed few times. Aliens screamed as they fall down.Sword energy cut them into pieces. Arthur called Natasha
" Need help?"
Natasha agreed
" I need help."
Arthur smiled
" I am going to you then."
Eliza's side
Eliza hit aliens with her spear. She muttered
" I have to use brother's technique."
At this moment one alien shot toward her. However
Lighting fell down to alien. It was Pikachu who used this move. He punched Eliza as he shouts
" Pika pika pi. Pika"
Eliza said with guilt
" I am sorry. I won't be distracted again."
Pikachu pouted. Sharp was hunting aliens with it's powerful while Eliza was distracted, Sharp never gave enemies chance. He was fast and flexible enough to dodge alien's attacks. Pikachu helped him from ground. Eliza took stance
" Spear technique: Hundred rain."
Eliza trusted extremely fast. In fact she used energy booster in her armour's arm. Because her physical strength is at human's limit unlike Arthur who strengthened himself to superhuman level. Eliza danced between enemies while Sharp and Pikachu hunts down aliens like tigers preying herds. They perfectly worked together.
TONY'S side
Loki was sitting in Tony's room as he was thinking about his plan. Suddenly man's voice came out.
" I knew you would be here."
Tony who wore his suit came out. Loki frowned
" Mr.Stark I didn't expect you to be here."
Tony smiled and he picked his wined
" Of course. After all my office is monitored by my A.I."
Loki looked around him.
" It seems I have to be careful around here."
Tony sips his wine as he slowly taste it.
" Well I don't like to peek others."
Loki squeezed smile
" I guess I have no choice."
He walked toward Tony.
" Mr.Stark I need your help."
Loki pointed his scepter to Tony's chest. But nothing happened. Tony looked down to his chest
" So now what?"
Loki tried again but still nothing happened
" Why? Why isn't it working on you?"
Tony shrugs his shoulders
" I don't know."
Loki glared Tony annoyingly
" Then die."
Loki pushed Tony down.
Tony who was pushed down little panicked
" Jarvis are you ready yet. I am gonna die."
Jarvis replied
" Sir. All armor part sent to you."
Armor parts immediately covered Tony.
Tony flew up, he called others
" This is Tony, I have found Loki.d
Steve replied
" I am on my way."
10 minutes later
All Avengers gathered around Tony's penthouse.
Arthur calmly gazed to others
" So I have a suggestion. Let me go forward then Hulk come later behind him."
Steve agreed
" Up to you."
Thor didn't say anything as he nodded. He knew he is too soft on his brother. Hulk roared
" Friend first."
Arthur walked toward Loki. Loki smiled
" So what are you gonna do? Punch me?"
Arthur coldly smiled
" Much worse. Tsukiyomi."
Loki was dragged to illusionary world. Loki looked around him.
" Illusion. Come on I can break this."
But illusion didn't break. Arthur came out from shadow as he plunged cross shaped woods on ground.