Chapter 6: Chapter SIX: UNKNOWN ENEMY!

This story switches between narratives, and is done in segments, and will sometimes be taken from the characters pov(point of view). Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this story.


                      THE WALKING DEAD  




After receiving his new arm Lee went to the training grounds the next day with Alice and Klaus.

Klaus: So are you gonna test out your new arm.

Lee: Test out?

Alice: Don't do anything foolish, you don't have superhuman strength or anything like that.

Klaus: Wait...he doesn't, I thought that he would since his arm is robotic.

Alice: No he doesn't, this isn't a movie.

Lee: So what can I do?

Alice: You probably can punch down a door nothing else than that.

Klaus: Anyways, I caught some walkers for training. Imma release them when you're ready.

Alice: Be careful Lee.

Alice and Klaus exists the training ground and releases two walkers for lee to fight. Both walkers attack Lee at the same time, Lee dodges the attack and attacks back. He punches one of the Walker in the face and knees the other.

Alice: Impressive, brother release all the walkers.

Klaus: What!! That might kill him.

Alice: Just do it.

Klaus releases eight (8) more walkers into the training ground. Lee turns around and saw that eight (8) more walkers approaches him with the first two walkers still alive it was a one (1) verses ten (10) battle.

Lee: I need to get stronger if I'm going to find clementine, I need to be strong enough to protect her.


Lee dashes towards the walkers, he pulls out a knife and stabs one in the head. Two walkers attacks him from the left and the right, Lee grabs the one on the left and throws him on the one to the right the walkers collides and falls to the ground. Lee stabs both walkers in the head, a walker sneaks up on Lee and grabs him by the. Lee struggles to escapes before the walker could bite him, Lee elbows the walker in the face then turns around and stabs the Walker in the jaw. Lee forcefully cuts the walker mouth open then stabs him in the eye.

Lee: Four (4) down and six (6) to go.

Alice stares at lee in shock couldn't believe what she saw just now.

Klaus: Lee's one bad motherfucker.

Alice throws Lee a sword and tells him to use it. Lee picks up the sword and thanks her. All six (6) walkers attack Lee at once, Lee cuts off each walkers head one by one until all of them were dead. All wipes the blood off of the sword and exit the training grounds.

Klaus: That was pretty badass.

Lee: What can I say, I'm a very cool guy.

Klaus: Let's head to the cafeteria I'm starving.

Alice: I can see that your good with a sword.

Lee: Thanks but to be honest it was my first time using one.

Klaus: No way for real.

Lee: Yes.

Alice: Then I guess you're a natural.

Lee: by the way, why do you have walkers imprisoned here?

Klaus: We use them to show new survivors how to kill them.

The three continued to talk then suddenly they hear a big explosion. Shaw runs over to them in panic.

Shaw: We're under attack.

Klaus: By who?.

Shaw: I don't know.

Teen girl: Sorry to interrupt you guys but it's not looking good at the front gate.

Alice: What's happening over there tash.

Tash: A Bolt showed up and not only that a Gorilla as well.

Klaus: What!! A Gorilla.

Lee: Why are you shaking?.

Klaus: A Gorilla is a name I've given to a mutated walker.

Lee: What! Judging by the name I can bet it's crazy strong.

Alice: More than crazy.

Lee: So how do we kill it.

Tash: We don't.

Alice: It's hard to kill

Lee: Ok, let's evaluate the people first.

Tash: right.

Klaus takes out a walkie-talkie and connects to the main sound system. He proceeds to tell everyone to leave. Alice calls Lee to the back of the training grounds. Why are we around here Lee asked.

Alice: Change your clothes.

Lee: Can you turn away first.

Alice turns her back to Lee while he changes his clothes. Alice turns back around and complimented Lee. I look like a ninja Lee says to Alice.

Klaus: Ok are you two done flirting?.

Lee: we weren't flirting.

Alice: let's get the hell out of here.

The three of them heads towards the west exit. Help me a woman screams while a walker eats her.

Lee: How did walkers get in.

Alice: someone must've been bitten and hide it from everyone.

Klaus: We don't have time to care about that now, we will take the submarine and head to somewhere new.

Suddenly a Gorilla appears before the three and flings a truck at them. Lee pushes Alice out of the way and the truck hits him sending him crashing into a wall.

Lee stands back up and pulls out his knife, klaus starts to shoot the walker but the bullets weren't doing any damage. Alice throws a grenade at the Gorillas but the explosion didn't do much.

Klaus: This is one tough fucker

Alice: Lee can you walk?.

Lee: I'm standing aren't I.

Has the three stands their ground against the Gorilla the rest of Navine begins to burn. Shaw and tash are trying their best to evacuate everyone.

Lee let's out a sigh and dashes towards the Gorilla.

The end of chapter 6.

Sorry for the awful writing.

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