The Villain’s Cheat Code: When a Gamer Becomes the Evil God’s Sidekick

Chapter 69: You, a Mage, Fighting a Knight in Close Combat?


Vega stood on a nearby pole, witnessing a mage and a knight drawing swords, preparing for close combat.

Gwen wore standard protective gear covering various parts of her body. In contrast, Viktor was wrapped in armor beneath his coat, effectively packaged like a knight.

These were forcibly put on Viktor by Gwen.

Although Viktor had always emphasized that his coat provided sufficient defense, Gwen never believed it.

What defense could this shabby coat offer? Apart from looking cool, it was useless.

Viktor admitted he liked hearing that.

So, at Gwen's insistence, he finally agreed to wear the protective gear.

As he fastened the helmet, Viktor stood there, holding a long sword, wearing armor with his coat over it, creating a rather incongruous image.

Kevra sat not far from the training ground, watching everything with a puzzled expression.

She had come to observe the match and, if necessary, to rescue Viktor if Gwen got too rough.

However, she was still confused.

What were these two up to?

When she heard Viktor suddenly wanted to practice with Gwen, Kevra thought he had finally come to his senses and knew to maintain their relationship.

But Viktor made an unexpected request—no magic, just pure close combat practice.

Kevra was dumbfounded.

Wait, you're a mage wanting to fight a knight in close combat?

She was about to tug at Gwen's clothes, intending to secretly ask her to refuse.

After all, she knew Gwen's nature; once the fight started, she would definitely take it seriously.

It wasn't so much about getting hurt, but more about Viktor losing face if he lost.

That would affect their marital relationship, which wouldn't be good.

But Gwen accepted as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Kevra stood at a distance, utterly bewildered, watching the two on the training ground.

'I hope my brother-in-law won't be beaten too badly,' Kevra silently prayed, hoping their relationship wouldn't be damaged.

"Little Gwen, go easy on Viktor when necessary."

Gwen asked, "Are you ready?"

Viktor, holding the sword with one hand, nodded.

Although Gwen didn't understand why Viktor was holding the sword with one hand, she had seen him handle her sword before.

He had casually played with her silver sword.

This indicated that Viktor must have practiced, and if she underestimated him, she might actually be in for a surprise.

Combined with that inexplicable irritation in her heart that made her want to beat Viktor, Gwen went all out from the start!

Gwen charged forward fiercely, swinging her sword, like a ferocious beast howling as it approached.

Viktor instinctively raised his sword to block.


Viktor's movement was very smooth, successfully blocking Gwen's first attack, but the powerful force still pushed him back several steps.

He felt his sword arm go numb and couldn't help but grumble internally.

'This strength, it's really something.'

Although the current Gwen was far from her future strength, she was still a battle-hardened knight.

As the battle triggered, Gwen's level and health bar lit up.

Level 31.

Converted, this meant she was a knight who had just entered the third-tier realm.

'About the same level as Chur,' Viktor thought, probing Gwen's strength.

But Gwen was naturally stronger than Chur, both in strength and technique.

Viktor tested Gwen's abilities, silently contemplating.

Kevra on the side covered her eyes, not daring to look. She didn't want to see her little brother-in-law knocked down by Gwen in one move; that would be too embarrassing.

Her body had already started to bristle unnaturally, her mind in turmoil:

"Oh no, oh no, this is too embarrassing!"

Just as Kevra finished this thought, she heard a series of clanging metal collisions. She peeked through a gap between her fingers.

And then...


How could Viktor be trading blows evenly with Gwen?

Although Viktor was clearly at a disadvantage, being pressured by Gwen, the one-sided situation she had imagined didn't materialize.

Wait, is Viktor really a mage?

Gwen planted her foot firmly, extended her sword, and suddenly stomped towards Viktor.

The ground instantly erupted with flying sand and stones. With this powerful thrust, Gwen pierced through the air at an astonishing speed, instantly appearing before Viktor.

Gwen swung a slash towards Viktor's lower body. Viktor instinctively leaped into the air, avoiding the strike.

He adjusted his posture in mid-air, but before he could land...

The next second, Gwen's attack followed closely.

Viktor adjusted his stance, bringing his sword up in front of him, barely managing to block.

But under the dense barrage of sword strikes, Viktor's armor still suffered several scratches.

Viktor seized this opportunity to swing his sword at Gwen.

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Viktor to be able to counterattack amidst such an intense assault.

She quickly retreated a small step, dodging that sudden strike.

At this point, Gwen was incredulous about Viktor's skill level.

Although she knew Viktor could use a sword, she hadn't expected him to be so adept.

The fact that he could fight her to this extent was only because Viktor, as a mage, lacked physical strength.

If Viktor had greater strength, would she be the one being pressured instead?

However, Gwen didn't relax because of this. Instead, she once again raised her sword and brought it down vertically towards Viktor.

Viktor landed on the ground, closely watching the approaching sword.

He was waiting, waiting for the sword to fall.

Just as Gwen's sword was about to strike his face, in an instant, Viktor's previously empty hand produced a round shield!


The crisp sound reached Viktor's ears.

He saw Gwen stumble back a few steps, looking dazed.

He had succeeded in successfully parrying Gwen's attack.

Viktor was satisfied.

The effect of [Evil Knight] pleased him. This way, even when facing opponents with close combat abilities far superior to his own, he could easily engage them in battle.

Gwen recovered quickly; the dizziness didn't affect her much.

However, the mage's physical limits had been nearly reached, and he no longer had the energy to continue such intense confrontations.

Viktor was panting heavily. Without magic enhancements, engaging in close combat with a knight like Gwen was indeed somewhat strenuous.

So he signaled Gwen to pause.

"Let's take a break."

Viktor now felt somewhat emotional.

This was the first time since coming to this world that he felt so exhilarated.

The soreness in his muscles, the feeling of utter satisfaction, the battle with Gwen—it all made him rediscover a sense of reality.

Gwen also stopped. She didn't feel tired, but now seemed somewhat silent.

Viktor had truly surprised her.

Gwen could see that Viktor was very proficient in close combat.

His combat techniques, experience, and his extremely strong reaction ability all indicated to Gwen that he was a battle-hardened expert.

But his physical attributes truly couldn't match his combat experience.

Also, what was that round shield in his hand all about?

As the two stopped fighting, Kevra quickly ran over with water and towels for Viktor.

Viktor accepted them, muttering a faint thanks.

He wiped the sweat from his brow with the towel and was about to open the water bottle when Gwen's words came, tinged with hostility.

"Drinking water immediately after intense exercise isn't good for your body."


Viktor put down the water bottle.

He couldn't help it; he suddenly remembered that these were words he had once said to Gwen.

She really held a grudge.

After resting for a while, until the sweat had subsided, Viktor finally took a sip of water.

Then Kevra suddenly pointed at herself, grinning.

"Viktor, I see you're quite skilled."

"Want to practice with your big sister?"

Viktor remained silent for a moment, picked up the sword from the ground, and patted Kevra's body. Kevra was startled.

Soon, Viktor's gaze caught sight of Kevra's level above her head.

Level 39.

Viktor ignored Kevra, stood up after resting enough, and looked towards Gwen, nodding slightly.

"Let's continue."


Several hours later, Viktor, having removed his protective gear, sat on the ground unceremoniously, drenched in sweat.

Gwen sheathed her sword and said with a hint of satisfaction:

"Not bad."

"Although I don't know why you suddenly wanted to start practicing swordsmanship, if you need it next time, I..."

Suddenly, Gwen paused slightly, her voice becoming a bit hesitant.

"I... um... for morning practice, I have time..."

After blurting this out, Gwen felt a bit dejected. Would saying this make Viktor misunderstand something?

It was her own fault for speaking too quickly. Viktor hadn't asked, why did she volunteer such information?

But Viktor replied:

"Thank you, I do indeed need it."

He had rested enough and used a cleaning spell to remove the sweat from his body.

Gwen watched as Viktor suddenly became dry and clean, feeling a bit envious.

Viktor nodded to her and said:

"I have to leave now, Gwen. Today I still need to be the princess's teacher."

Gwen knew he had official business, so she just nodded without much response.

Viktor suddenly asked her:

"Does your family have any extra refined steel that could be sold to me?"

Refined steel was something a knight family like the Delins wouldn't lack.

After all, both weapons and armor required large amounts of refined steel to make.

Gwen nodded, but she was still puzzled:

"What do you need refined steel for?"

She didn't think Viktor was considering changing professions; perhaps after being promoted to count, he was planning to recruit some family knights for his own family?

"Prepare some for me, I need it."

"Take this."

Viktor took out a golden parchment and handed it to Gwen.

"What's this?" Gwen asked curiously as she took the parchment.

"After you've prepared the refined steel, you can use this to find my location directly."

With that said, Viktor turned to leave.

Gwen nodded dazedly, standing in place and watching Viktor leave, the crow somehow perched on his shoulder.

Even after Viktor had walked far away and out of sight, Gwen still stood there in a daze. Seeing this, Kevra nudged Gwen with her elbow.

"Hey, hey, still looking? He's long gone."

Only then did Gwen snap out of it, hurriedly explaining:

"I was just about to ask if he had breakfast..."

Hearing this, Kevra started teasing her again:

"Oh? Is my little Gwen not angry anymore?"

Gwen turned her head away, explaining as if in a huff:

"I was never angry in the first place."

Kevra looked at Gwen teasingly, asking in a low voice:

"Really not angry?"

Seeing no reaction from Gwen, she sighed beside her:

"Ah, Viktor really is something. At the banquet the other day, our little Gwen dressed up so beautifully, but he didn't even come over to look."

Gwen puffed up her cheeks, defending herself to Kevra: "I really wasn't angry!"

Hearing Gwen's stubborn response, Kevra covered her mouth and laughed, comforting her: "Okay, okay, not angry, not angry."

However, after the teasing, Kevra's expression became somewhat serious, and she asked Gwen:

"So, did you test Viktor?"

"Did your Heart of Justice really... fail?"

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