The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 52

All right, perfect!!

Back from the mountain hut to the mansion, about five days later, Mr. Paul came to visit the mansion with a letter from you, Ursh.

He said he wanted a response immediately, so he put Paul through the reception room and asked him to wait until he wrote back.

Returning to his room with the letter he received and opening the letter, the contents were an investigation report on the Colors collector’s place of detention.

… Ursh, you and the people at the Snabble Chamber of Commerce, you’re working too fast. I’m a little scared!

Write back immediately and escort Paul, who received the letter, to his doorstep, and he returns to his room and writes four letters.

The first one, to Master Chris.

The second one, to the queen.

The third is to my eldest brother, Brother Trevor.

The fourth one goes to my second brother, Brother Dymon.

As a matter of fact, as soon as I got back from that mountain hut, the second prince told the queen that me and you were investigating and moving about Geese’s kidnapping noise.

Oh, my God… I forgot to stop talking to Master Chris.

So, via the queen, he spoke to the ear of Geese’s father, the chief magician, and through his eldest brother, Brother Trevor, he was asked to exchange information that he knew.

How about taking a six-year-old girl to ”exchange” instead of ”disclosing” information as a magician’s captain?

That seems to be classified information, but it seems to be because me and Ursh decided to say that you and Chris have decursed the curse, and at first sight (Ichigo) in the sorcery division.

It was you and Master Chris who actually broke the curse…

However, if you insist on it, you may also find out that Master Chris risked his life, so it is in the form of an unwillful, silent encroachment on the handle.

If the truth falls apart, my life and that of you and Alice are in danger.

As a way back…

Even though they say exchanging information with the chief magician, it’s impossible for me to skip talking about games from my previous life and explain them well, so Ursh made a perfect script that incorporates information about people you think are other kidnapping victims.

Wolsh, please do me a favor when I’m really in trouble.

Ursh, if you weren’t here, I might not make it across the world…

Based on that script, the perception that the kidnapper targeting Geese was a ”serial kidnapper” spread to the upper echelons of knights and magicians under investigation.

By the way, only a handful of people involved have passed it on to Colors Collector so that they don’t realize this one exists.

It was also a thorough attempt to “swear magic” in order not to divulge any other information.

Well, this time, Ursh, here’s the information I got from you.

· Identification of places of detention

-The number of people incarcerated.

· The ‘colour’ of the imprisoned person and the personal information of the people whose identities have been identified.

What is the Snabble Chamber of Commerce that you can even look into?

Some kind of secret organization that hid the Chamber of Commerce or something?

Huh? Am I going to my wife like that?

… Hey, sounds like fun…

I said I can’t do the brain system, but please use it as a combat personnel.

Now, we’re going to deliver this information to four more places, but no matter what you think, it’s confidential. Yes.

Naturally, I’m not going to ask Marie or the mailman, but that’s the Duke of Rottenstein house.

Moreover, the Lord is now the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Roseal.

In my father’s study, I have a magic item for forwarding letters to my father’s office in the Royal Palace.

Now we can safely deliver letters to Chris, to the Queen, to Brother Trevor, and to Brother Dymon, via your father in the Royal Palace office.

I’m talking about if your father isn’t attacked by a thug on his way to deliver it.

Ring the magic item bell, make sure your father is at the forwarding address, and send four letters.

Something fun about this task, like behind a special investigative team.

Well, my role ends here.

What? You don’t fight colors collectors?

Honestly, I don’t think the six-year-old kid’s neck is a good thing to tie up a serial kidnapper, so I’m just gonna lay it out on people who are only investigating the information and throw a round of colors collector commotion at them. Round throw.

Good luck!! The people of the sorcery division and the knights and gendarmes. Peace in Wangdu depends on your work!!

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I Actually, it was the people at the Snabble Chamber of Commerce who looked into it, and I did pretty much nothing, though.

Still showing a cooperative attitude, so I should have sold my thanks to Geesside, who was targeted by the kidnappers.

I wonder if we can alleviate the ruin flag on Geethrut for a bit?

Well, now that it turns out what’s causing me to be reincarnated, don’t you need to be that aware of the game scenario? I’m starting to think so.

Perhaps the method of interference that someone trying to make me the Demon King did to incorporate the Seven Sins into me in my previous life was revealed in the form of a maiden game. That’s your standout, Ursh.

I was wondering if the person actually came to Japan in his previous life and deliberately went out of his way to promote a gaming company, but on second thought, if he was coming, it would be a good story to make contact without such a distraction. Ursh, your standout is more convincing.

When interfering, information from different worlds or from parallel worlds that said ”the future that could have happened” would have flowed in together in some way.

You don’t have to be tied to a scenario to say that, but let’s be somewhat careful.

In fact, since it’s almost separate from the future you saw in the game, you should ignore the scenario and be aware of any new threats.

Some guys are a little crazy trying to make me king of demons.

I’ve finished sending the letter, and I’m going to reread the letter from you again.

Looks like some of the people being kidnapped include an aunt of heroin after all.

You mean to tell me you found out who your aunt is?

In other words, we know where the heroin is.

In addition to the Colors Collector’s investigation report, Ulsh, your letter also includes an investigation report on heroin.

Me and Ursch left the Colors Collector to the adults to prioritize those who might have a direct interest in us, such as observing heroin.

Well, it’s heroin.

Currently, her mother and I live in a collective home, in the commercial district of Wangdu.

One of the buildings I ran up to last time I was messing with the Knights.

He said he lives on the third floor of a five-story building, room 307. Personal information…

And you were pretty close… heroine.

Living in a mother’s and child’s home is expensive, but there is nothing you can’t live in.

And his father, Viscount Hilson, recognises heroin and assists with the cost of living.

The Viscount Hilson family has no territory. I didn’t know there was such a thing.

Viscount Hilson and the Viscount are politically married.

Apparently the Viscount came from a wealthy merchant there and entered into a marriage with a promise to assist the Viscount financially.

The kid between you and your real wife, two girls.

Viscount Migliana Lily Hilson (7) She’s a future Geese Route villain.

Lady Viscount Barbara Raymie Hilson (6) She is the villain’s warrant for the future Brian Route.

To both of them, heroin, a mistress’s child, can be abused in college…

Reports indicate that abuse has already begun at this point, before entering the college.

And the name of the key heroine…

Marieta Prea (6)

I see, is the name of the heroine Marieta?

You didn’t know the name of the heroine in this world because in the game the name and surname were specifications that the player could set.

Ursh, your prediction is that she is unlikely to be a reincarnator.

Skills are also not available at this time.

And to read the report… well, the terrible thing about half-sister figs, the terrible thing.

Well, I don’t know what to do.

Knowing the fact that I’m getting such a jerk… I can’t pretend I don’t know anything.

But Ursh tells me not to act on impulses, and…

All right, Ursh, let’s go play at your place.

At that time, let’s take a look in front of the collective house where the heroine lives for a moment.

So, stay put, Ursh. I’ll go see you, and I’ll decide if I can make contact with the heroin or not.

All right, perfect!!

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