The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 45

No way, Second Prince’s?

“… er. My mother is… an adventurer?… Even though your mother is a queen?

The second prince opens his neck with no expression and half eyes.

Indeed, it’s strange that the Queen is an adventurer.

Even when I was single, it’s hard to be an adventurer because my parents are the Counts. I’m a countess.

I can’t explain that area from me, so I’ll look at you, Ursh.

I thought you knew something about that, Ursh.

Taking my gaze, Ursh, you snorted, grinning.

He still knows, and he’ll give you an explanation.

“Do you know what the Queen’s home says about Count Lambert’s? also about the territory of its Count Lambert family.

No, I don’t know about territory. I also learned from the appraisal that the Queen’s home is the Count’s.

It was the prince who answered that question instead.

“… it’s land with the biggest dungeon in this country, isn’t it?… Your grandfather, Count Lambert, uses the land as his territory and manages the dungeon city… wasn’t it?

Heh. Is there a dungeon in the queen’s home?

Does that mean there’s someone else in this country?

Let’s find out next time.

“But how does that connect with the queen?

Just because there’s a dungeon in the territory doesn’t seem to make you an adventurer, of course, of the Countess’ permission to enter Soco.

Alice felt the same way, she snorted many times.

“I don’t have a sole. There’s a massive outbreak of demons and overflowing (overflowing), there’s a saying monster tempest, but historically there’s not a lot of sole in the Lambert territory. The Count Lambert family and the five houses there are responsible for stopping the overflowing demons from appearing elsewhere. They’re gonna cut the front on the front line and fight. Oh, the Lamberts.

“So the queen, too, before she was married to the royal family, had been trained so that she could fight the demons as a Lambert family person?

You mean when you have to, even if you’re a courtier, you’re going to run out on demons?

Cuckold, Lambert family.

“Yes, the Lambert family and the children born into the five houses there will be transferred to separate homes in the dungeon city by the time they are mindful, regardless of gender. When they are able to quasi-register adventurers at the age of five, they will collect herbs and other materials on one level of the dungeon, and by the time they reach the age of eight, they will be thrown into the dungeon on a monthly basis. For once, escorts will be attached, but half of them will fall out before adulthood.”

I’m not afraid to ask what kind of way to get out, but I understand that the Queen’s home is Spartan by the time it’s unusual in battle.

The Child Welfare Act comes. It’s abuse in a way.

“Hmm… why do I have to do that ?”

For the Spartan condition of the Lambert family’s parents.

Even Alice, who destroys the worm, is pulling.

“Dungeons over there, they’re special. The only thing on this continent that exposes a single level of labyrinth to the ground. That’s why it’s not easy for demons to come out of the dungeons, they’re surrounding the dungeons with high walls and shields.

What do you mean, one level is exposed to the ground?

If I can’t imagine and I’m confused, I guess that was in my expression.

Ursh, you make up for the dungeon.

“Uh-huh. Ordinary dungeons often start from cave-like entrances, basement or just how much there is a layer in the ground. Dungeons in Count Lambert territory have crater-shaped recesses on the ground and that’s where it starts as a layer, by the way, labyrinth type or feels like stray woods and ruins. There are no roofs or ceilings, so demons appear in the territory compared to other dungeons.”

Isn’t this a big deal?

You mean people who live in that territory live side by side with the dangers of demons.

“Thanks to you, the people are also kind of a strong area… Lambert soldiers are especially strong in this country too. If they rebel, they are strong at the level the country ends when they are bad, so as a royal family I wanted to make a connection with the Lambert family. That leads to the marriage of the present king and queen. The queen wanted to continue as an adventurer, and she hated it at first to marry the royal family.”

Are the residents also trained by the environment…

And after all, royal and aristocratic marriages involve a lot of thoughts like that.

“Ho. But now His Majesty and the Queen are close, aren’t they?

“Yeah. His Majesty the King… might be disrespectful to say this, because he’s a weirdo… Sounds like the Queen is allowing the adventurers to continue their activities. No, it looks like the Kingdom Knights have been working out the Lambert way lately, throwing recruits into the dungeon. No… maybe Her Majesty adopted the Queen’s idea. Looks that way, you feel like you fit in, huh?

With that said, the mother of a former princess is also like a little stranger…

Well, even if it’s a political marriage, it’s good if it turned out well.

If there’s just one thing that bothers you…

“Mr. Ursh… is the Queen still an adventurer? On active duty?”

“That’s right, I haven’t done much of it, but hey. I mean, be patient, or I’m hiding who I am. Put on a mask, dress up as a man. I know you’re going to be disguised, but you’ll find out… with the unique hair color of the Lambert family.

Yes. The queen has beautiful, rare, pink gold hair.

I see, the color of that hair seems to be something peculiar to the Lambert family.

Hmm? Speaking of which, you heard somewhere about masks in men’s clothes. Where is it? Well, okay.

“So I was wondering if the Second Prince would be instructed by the Queen until he joined the Knights.”

As long as it’s done, if you do bite one for the Knights’ training and that’s the case, will you also train the Second Prince? In the Lambert way.

And it’s a dungeon. Because it’s a fantasy world, I’d like to go to a dungeon.

I want to see dragons, and monsters other than slimes and worms.

All right, Ursh, let me ask you out.

“Mr. Ursh. Let’s have a dungeon date sometime.

“It’s good. I was wondering if I could find any good item material?

“It would be nice to have some dungeon gourmet or something, like you can only eat in a dungeon!!

Ursh, as I was planning a dungeon date with you, Mr. Markis and Mr. Paul returned.

“We’re back . Hey, Miss Isabella, I can’t do that amount of worm to boulders. I almost burned it. Look, it’s a magic stone I missed.

When Mr. Marquis returns, he stood up, threw a bag of demonic stones and sent it over.

Me and Alice didn’t like it on the way to the amount of worms, and I gave up collecting demon stones, but…

Right, should I have burned it?

As I am thanking Mr. Markis for his demonic stone, Mr. Paul approaches me.

“Ursch boy… if you don’t mind, can you please heal me?

“Paul’s? It’s good. Are you hurt?

Mr. Paul is holding his right chest…

Oh, speaking of which, I, I kicked Mr. Paul in the ass. About 30m…

“Wow!! It was! I’m sorry, Paul!! Were you okay?! No, I need healing because I’m not okay!! What happened to you?

Mr. Paul waves with a bitter laugh.

“No, I was passive, so I’m not worried. If it had stayed that way, the worm would have drunk it round, so it would have helped. Thank you.

“Hmm? Isabella, something happened with Paul?

Explain to you, Ursh, who seems strange, how it happened when you kicked Mr. Paul in the ass.

“Isabella, Mr. Paul is not a combat officer, but he’s a good person to be able to escort aggressively. If you’re a normal person, maybe you’re not hurt.

“I’m so sorry.

I was also responsible for the magic of healing Paul.

Paul had four Avalas left. Mr. Paul, I’m really sorry.

By the end of the treatment, as Paul suddenly remembered, I had heard.

“Speaking of which, Miss Isabella, yesterday, you threw a carriage from the inside of the walls to the outside… did you?

“Heh? I did, but… why?

In reply, Paul was dismayed with his head that the young lady in question was Miss Isabella after all.

Speaking of carriage throwing yesterday, that’s when you kidnapped the Second Prince, right?

Even when it comes to kidnapping, the Queen cooperates, so in a way, you’re out of town?

Mr. Paul, having regained his mind, looked up and started talking.

“I heard from the wife of the Snabble Chamber of Commerce earlier that there was a kidnapping at the Royal Palace Tea Party yesterday. So, there was a disturbance.”

“No way, Second Prince’s?

I inadvertently asked Paul a question so that he could cover his words, but now is not the time!!

Oh, my God!! I was relieved that the kidnapping of the second prince had the cooperation of the queen, and that the queen would later deceive me, but… did you stand out for throwing a carriage?!

With that said, the Kingsguard knights are calling me to see a prince made into a bag, and…

Shit, what am I gonna do? Royal kidnapping is a big crime!!

But my inner impatience elsewhere, Paul’s reply was unexpected.

“To? No, it was the son of the magician captain, Master Geese, who was kidnapped. She was blind from halfway through the tea party. But please calm down, okay? Because it’s okay. So, it’s about the carriage…”

Chief Mage, my son Geese?

He would have gone somewhere in the middle of a tea party, with one hand in the atlas?

Hmm? With that said… it’s like you never came home.

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