The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 25

How did that happen?

For one thing, let’s leave the Second Prince alone.

I’m afraid you’re being honest.

It’s not too late to collect information and then appraise it, is it?

Because if I look at weird status without thinking about it, I’m going to be upset.

Let’s get some information first in order to prepare our minds.

“With that said, I hear your son from the Duke of Rottenstein family has been engaged. Did you know?”

A junior high school courtier sat next to me when she regained consciousness to the tea party conversation.

You know, I’m the daughter of that Duke of Rottenstein family.

Well, I guess the signs are rare and they don’t recognize who it is anywhere.

Is that what you call a secret success?

In the meantime, let’s pretend to be a third party.

“Yeah, anything. I hear you’re the son of the Snabble Chamber of Commerce.

Then the other ladies who were listening to our exchange came mixed up in the conversation.

“Anything, I hope we felt destined for each other from the moment we first met!!

Wolsh, I don’t know if you felt destined. I’m glad to hear so.

“She was greatly opposed by the difference in status between the Duke’s Lady and the Merchant’s second son from around her. Wow!!

Hmm? No, there’s no objection, especially if you disagree?

“Well!! Really? I’ve heard you say that my Rottenstein daughter is engaged, but I don’t know any details! Why don’t you let me hear it?

There was nothing more detailed…

I’m just talking about being provisionally engaged, being blessed to think I was engaged around, and being able to really get engaged.

“The daughter of the Rottenstein family said Isabella. Isabella told her parents that when she found her destiny, she introduced her son to the Snabble Chamber of Commerce and decided she wanted to get engaged.

“Well!! Isabella’s still six, isn’t she?

“No matter how old we meet, the destiny is the destiny!! It doesn’t matter how old you are!!

“If you are my destiny, which one are you? Yeah, but you can’t. My parents won’t allow a romantic marriage…

“Shh!! Today’s tea party was attended by the Duchess of Rottenstein and Isabella!! Everybody keep your voices down!!

“Well!! Is that true? Which one is it?

The ladies at the same table start looking inside the other tables and greenhouses.

“I heard Isabella’s mother was a former princess, and she had the same thick, gorgeous blonde hair as the royal family. You think the color of the eyes is a gradient, vibrant blue that characterizes the Duke of Rottenstein family?

“Oh? Where is it? The Duchess is here, but I don’t see how she looks like Isabella.

No… to Coco, I’m at the same table.

I’m sorry about what you’re looking for, but we’re in a covert operation, so there’s no way we’re gonna make it.

Something smart.

You gave up because you couldn’t find me (Isabella) when you looked, the ladies stopped looking around, and the subject returned to me and Ursh, your engagement story.

“The two of us who were opposed to an engagement around us spent a few weeks exchanging letters and planning to get away with each other. And!! I moved that to execution!!


No, no, no, do it!!

Sure, you had a choice to run, but you didn’t move to execution, did you?

“Running off!! At the end of your disguised love, you chose to escape, didn’t you?

“But you’re both, you’re only six, aren’t you? I wonder how you were going to live and go?

“Looks like you were thinking about it. The two of them fled to the Adventurer Alliance in order to register as adventurers.

What? Huh? Really?

Me and Ursh went to the Adventurer Guild to associate adventurers?!

Did that happen?

I mean, I’ve never heard of quasi-registration of adventurers before? What is it, Sole?

No, Ursh, you might know.

If you ask me, I’m starting to feel like I went to the Adventurer Alliance to register as an Adventurer.

No, I haven’t. I haven’t been there.

“And when the two arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild, Isabella’s exclusive maid came after them.” Let me make a statement too!! I am Isabella. Whatever way of life the lady is chosen, I always want to keep serving beside her. Shh!! “!

“Well… Master Isabella is admired by her servants.

Whose story is this? I’m not talking about me.

Is it mixed up with another story?

Summarizing the stories of the ladies that followed, this is what it looked like.

An adventurer who was listening to that story.

”It is our mission and our destiny to serve Master Isabella. It just becomes Isabella’s luggage, such as a maid who can’t fight!!” He stood up, betting on my sideline position, and challenged the maid to a duel.

The maid stood in the wake of that duel and sank three adventurers to the floor while breaking both legs.

But what came there was my brother, Dymon Zach Rottenstein, captain of the Knights of Kingsguard Unit I.

From my brother, who tries to bring me back, to let me escape, a maid who gets stuck with her broken legs.

The adventurers let me and you get away with it by multiplying the noise of a stegolo confrontation between a handmade maid and a Kingsguard Knights Squad Leader, played within the Adventurers Guild.

But on the way out, me and you, Ursh, will witness the scene of the illegal slave trade in the mafia.

They’re after my life from the mafia, and they’re after me. Besides, me and you, Ursh, you’re off the hook.

Two people keep looking for each other as they flee the mafia’s unleashed killer.

It was Brother Dymon’s fiancée, Marin, who had come to the city to shop, who noticed such an anomaly.

Master Marin immediately ran to the dorm of the Kingsguard Knights, and even though he tried to report what I was pinching to Brother Dymon, Brother Dymon is said to be out.

So Master Marin, the daughter of the Commander of the Kingsguard Knights, flew out to the city with several knights of his own to bravely cross the military horse and rescue me from the hands of the demons of the Mafia.

In the meantime, fleeing the unfamiliar city by myself, I meet the mysterious masked Reiki Warrior.

Me, who finds talent in her and becomes a disciple of Reiman Warriors.

At the end of two hours of rigorous training, I wake up and gain the physical ability to even run up the watch stand.

Time as well, Mr. Ursh looking for me as he returns the Mafia killer.

And by chance on the boulevard, you will confront my father, the Duke of Rottenstein.

My father said, “If you want my daughter to be your daughter-in-law, fight me, show me strength enough to protect my daughter, and make her recognize herself!!” and challenged Ulsh with one hand the battle axe (Battleax) she had ”by chance”.

Ursh, you accepted that, and the battle for betrothed engagement with me began as the residents watched on the boulevard.

Ultimately, Ulsh, you put a gap in my father and instantly assimilated my father’s weapon, the Battleax, and the cobblestone.

For a few seconds on the spot, I succeeded in stitching up my father’s movements and attacked him with a whip for the carriage that I had ”accidentally” in the gap.

Brilliant, let me try to defeat my father.

At that time, Master Marin leads the knight to rendezvous.

Ulsh, my father and brother, who admitted to you, decided to cooperate in my rescue, and they also asked the Knights and the Snabble Chamber of Commerce to cooperate.

Moved to protect me and destroy the mafia.

It extends into the middle of the night, after the battle with the Mafia, me and you, Ursh, will have an inspiring reunion in the middle of the boulevard.

The Horse Rider knight, who stumbled upon the moment of that reunion, seems to have collapsed on the spot and wept, impressed by the depth of love between the two.

… How did that happen?

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