The Vicious Female Supporting Role is So Tired [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 – Evil School Bully 17

After the call ended, Ai Qian felt strange, she obviously didn’t write such a plot in the novel.

Obediently came out and said: “Host, do you still remember how you wrote it?”

Ai Qian frowned and thought for a while, “I just wrote that the male protagonist was bullied by Yu Nuo at school. After many years, the male protagonist became famous, and the vicious female supporting role, Yu Nuo, appeared again. I’ll go, I don’t care at all.” Writing about Yu Nuo, now this is the system automatically filling in the blanks?”

When she first came here, Ai Qian still wanted to stay away from Jiang Yan, but now that Jiang Yan has personally said to forgive her, then there is no need for her to stay away from Jiang Yan now, as long as she doesn’t meddle indiscriminately. Moreover, she only had two friends here, Jiang Yan and Zhou Yu, but when she suddenly went to the United States, she felt lonely just thinking about it.

Ai Qian called Zhou Yu and told Zhou Yu about it.

“What should I do, I really don’t want to go to America.”

While Zhou Yu was listening, he saw his mother bring out a plate of fruit from the kitchen, beckoning himself and his father to eat. Zhou Yu turned and went upstairs, saying, “Why don’t you want to go to America?”

“Is there a need to ask?” Ai Qian said, “I just like to stay in China, and I don’t have any friends in the United States. I’m really lonely by myself.”

Zhou Yu said: “Then I will accompany you to America, okay?”

“Ah?” Essie said incomprehensibly, “Aren’t you crazy? Do you like America very much?”

“I don’t like the United States very much.” Zhou Yu said, “But I think since you are in the United States, it must not be boring, after all, you are so capable of making trouble.”

Essie: “…”

Speaking of which, there is no need to talk any more. Ai Qian felt that it must be because she had written too little about Zhou Yu, so that he has developed viciously now, and has become this character that people can’t help but beat up. Thinking about it this way, she felt that she had written a little less about Yu Yuyue, so that she couldn’t think of a way to deal with him until now.

While she was in a daze, Yu Yuyue’s assistant called Ai Qian and said that she would be at Yu Nuo’s house soon, and then she would start preparing for her going abroad.

This efficiency is really a bit too scary, and I don’t even give Ai Qian time to think about it.

Essie is certainly not the kind of person who just sits and waits to die. Fortunately, she can already do some basic movements with her hands. Ai Qian hurriedly packed a few clothes for herself, and then sneaked out with all the cash cards and her own documents. She found the nearest ATM and cashed all the money out.

“Host.” Obediently said: “You look very experienced.”

Essie would never admit that she ran away from home when she was in junior high school because she didn’t bring anything with her, and then came back in despair. She just smiled proudly, “Hmph, I don’t care what I do.”

Obediently said: “You are a writer of novels, does it matter?”

Ai Qian: “Even if you haven’t done this kind of thing in writing novels, you have written it, okay?”

Obediently and ignorantly said: “But didn’t you say that writing novels doesn’t pay attention to logic at all?”

Essie: “…that’s what you said.”

Jiang Yan took the initiative to wash the dishes in the yard after eating. He was still thinking about Ai Qian and Zhou Yu talking all night. It was strange to say that he could think about Ai Qian in his mind for a long time. He also wants a mobile phone, but let’s not talk about family conditions, even if he has a mobile phone, how can he contact Essie under the nose of his mother?

The sound insulation of the rented house is very poor, and my mother doesn’t want me to have too much contact with her. Ever since he met Yu Nuo, he has been worrying a lot, he feels that he is different from before. Jiang Yan started to worry again, because he missed Ai Qian, and he had auditory hallucinations when he thought about it.

“Jiang Yan…Jiang Yan…”

Jiang Yan laughed at himself, really can’t go on like this, it feels like being sick.

“Jiang Yan…Jiang Yan…”

“Be sober.” Jiang Yan patted his face with cold water, “If you continue like this, your mother will find out.”

“Jiang Yan…Jiang Yan…”

Jiang Yan compared irritably, “Is it over?”

Essie: “…”

Ai Qian whispered to Jiang Yan at the gate of the yard with her bag on her back. She felt heartbroken when she heard Jiang Yan say that. Does the male lead created by herself treat herself like this?

She said to Jiang Yan: “It’s over! Let’s break up the relationship!”

Jiang Yan: “…”

Can this auditory hallucination answer automatically? Can you automatically adjust your emotions? Then Jiang Yan saw Ai Qian hiding at the door, Jiang Yan: “…”

Jiang Yan was taken aback, and stood up to ask her why she came here. Thinking of his mother being in the house again, he resisted the urge, quietly went out of the yard and said, “Why are you here?”

Ai Qian said: “I ran away from home.”

“Huh?” Jiang Yan asked in confusion, “Why?”

“Yu Yuyue…it’s my dad who insists on sending me to America.” Ai Qian said, “I don’t want to go.”

Jiang Yan was completely dumbfounded, “Is this…so sudden?”

“You…” Jiang Yan reached out and grabbed Ai Qian’s sleeve, “Do you have to go?”

“Why go, I don’t want to go.” Ai Qian said, “So I ran away from home.”

“Oh, that’s it.” Jiang Yan said at a loss: “Then you came to me, did you want to join me? My mother…don’t worry, I can convince my mother.”

“What are you persuading? You are persuading.” Ai Qian said speechlessly, “I came to borrow your ID card to stay in a hotel. I’m afraid my dad will find out if I use my own.”

Jiang Yan: “Oh…I’m going to get my ID card.”

Jiang Yan entered the door with the bowl, and said to his mother’s room, “Mom, I finished washing the bowl.”

Mother Jiang said: “Go and study.”

Jiang Yan went back to his room to get his ID card, and then took the hundreds of dollars in small banknotes he had saved for a long time, and then went out and said: “Mom, my deskmate took the wrong math materials, I will go to him Take it home.”

Jiang’s mother came out and said: “It’s getting dark, don’t worry, go to school tomorrow to get it.”

Jiang Yan said: “No, I will use it tonight.”

“Is it far?” Mother Jiang said, “Why don’t mothers go with you?”

“No need.” Jiang Yan tried to look as natural as possible: “I’ll run faster by myself.”

Mother Jiang was still worried, “It’s so late, it’s not safe outside.”

“Safe, safe.” Jiang Yan said, “What am I afraid of as a boy?”

In this way, Jiang’s mother was relieved, Jiang Yan walked out of the yard, and then walked into the alley calmly. Then he suddenly wiped his sweat with his hand, and said, “Let’s go, I lied to my mother that I will go to a classmate’s house to get the materials.”

“Nice job.” Essie said, “Find someone closer to the school, so I can observe the situation more conveniently.”

“Okay.” The two walked around the school twice, and finally chose a hotel with a relatively remote location and a relatively good environment.

Ai Qian took out a stack of red notes to Jiang Yan, and said, “Go and open the room.”

Jiang Yan didn’t take it, he took out his own pile of small bills and said: “You are a girl outside, don’t reveal your wealth, use my money.”

After finishing speaking, she went in and opened an upstairs room. Ai Qian stood outside and waited for a while, and was bitten by mosquitoes several times on her legs. However, the hand injury has not completely healed, otherwise she will definitely let the mosquito die without a whole body.

Jiang Yan sneaked out like an underground party member, and whispered: “The room is ready.”

“Then go in.” Saying that, Ai Qian put on a mask for herself, and followed Jiang Yan into the hotel.

The girl at the front desk saw the handsome guy who had just opened the room sneaking in with a girl covering her face, and she whistled at Jiang Yan and the two when she was happy. Jiang Yan was thin-skinned, and immediately blushed, and the girl at the front desk showed a smile that everyone knew.

The two entered the room as if fleeing. Ai Qian took off the mask and gasped, “It suffocated me.”

Jiang Yan helped Ai Qian put away her bag without complaint, and said, “The towels in the hotel are not clean, let me buy you some new towels.”

“Wait.” Ai Qian began to take out the money and said, “How much did you use to open the room just now? I’ll give it to you.”

“No need.” Jiang Yan said: “You need money everywhere you run away from home now, so save as much as you can.”

“It’s really unnecessary.” Ai Qian said, “I brought a lot of money with me.”

Jiang Yan said: “How much is a lot? I don’t know how long you will stay outside?”

Ai Qian said: “I think it’s enough, maybe a hundred thousand.”

Jiang Yan: “…”

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