The Unseen Angel in MHA


Jogging around the corner I see Endeavor has already fixed the situation. Some idiot tried to grab a woman's purse and run, but Endeavor showed up right before the man could bolt. Then we waited for the police to arrive, take statements, and the man who tried to steal the purse under their custody. Once that whole thing was over which took about twenty minutes, the patrol was done for the day.

"Told you, the city has been getting safer. This is a good thing, just means that heroes may not be chasing down 'supervillains' as they did in the past. Though since quirks exist there will always be someone who thinks they are above everyone else," Endeavor says to me as we head back to his home.

The rest of the weeks were spent patrolling around the city and not finding much crime other than petty crime. Each day Endeavor had off he'd show me all the things he does to help increase his fire output and power. The last week came and with it, Endeavor's day off came, and we were able to further test and improve my quirk. After going back to the hero HQ in the city like before, we entered the exercise and quirk training area and I saw that they replaced the machine I broke last week.

"There is only one more thing I want to test before you leave to head back to U.A.," Endeavor says to me after we enter the area and once again we are alone, I guess not many other heroes are in the city. I just nod my head waiting for him to continue.

"You said you are resistant to temperatures, both hot and cold right?" Endeavor asks me to which I just nod my head.

"Then if you are up for it we can test just how resistant you are, though I will warn you of possible injury maybe even a serious one if you push yourself too far," Endeavor says to me giving me his same serious look, but I can see expectation in his eyes.

"Like I said I'll do anything to become stronger," I say with absolute determination, and can see the respect that Endeavor has for me has grown slightly again.

"Then let's see just how resistant you are," Endeavor says before motioning for me to follow him. He leads me to a room in the back of the training area that looks to be an enclosed space with reinforced everything from the floor to the ceiling.

"This room is made to handle extreme temperatures, I usually use it for tempering myself in heat resistance. Today we will use it to test how resistant you are," Endeavor says to me before stepping out of the room and standing by the very thick looking glass from the training room.

"I'm going to raise the temperature slowly, by ten degrees every minute. If you start to feel uncomfortable just tell me," Endeavor says from a speaker built into the room so people can talk to the person inside it. I nod my head and gesture for him to start.

Endeavor then pushes a few buttons, while I just sit on the ground getting comfortable as I figured I'll be here for a while. After an hour Endeavor finally speaks while I just took this time to try to meditate, which didn't work for me.

"You've reached the max setting in the room. I'm surprised since you've been sitting there like it's nothing, even I start to sweat at this temperature. The temperature is currently at 1000°C (1800°F). If you're up for it I can use my fire on you, though that could be very dangerous," Endeavor says to me through the speaker.

"Sure I feel like this is any other temperature to me," I say as the temperature in the room really doesn't feel any different than any other moment before.

"Ok but first I'm gonna give you some clothes that are extremely resistant to fire, like my hero suit as I don't want you to walk around naked," Endeavor says to me before tossing in some clothes for me to change into and once I do, I put my other clothes outside the room.

Endeavor then walks into the room which can easily fit us both as it is a thirty by thirty foot square room. I then nod my head to him waiting for him to use his quirk on me. He takes a breath before releasing a torrent of fire at me. When his fire washes over me I feel no different.

"Doesn't feel any different," I say after he stops the fire.

"Are you sure you want me to use my quirk on you fully? It can even melt steel easily, which is much hotter than this room and my last burst," Endeavor says to me giving me a curious look, I can see he is sweating now in the room from the temperature and his quirks recent use probably raising the temperature. I just nod my head once again waiting for him to use his quirk.

This time he takes several deep breaths calming his heart rate it seems, then his fire seems to get smaller in his hand before blasting at me. I can tell he really did use his strongest form of fire on me, once again the fire feels no different to me. Though I notice my fire responds instinctually and seems to consume this fire like a source of food. Once his blast is over I remain just as fine as before, but I can see Endeavor is sweating profusely and looks to be on the verge of passing out. I quickly grab him and bring him out of the room.

"Thanks, but I'm fine now. Plus that was able to help push me further than ever before, I might do that more from now on, might be what pushes my heat resistance even further," Endeavor says with a strained chuckle before standing up with a lot of effort it seems. Just like me, his pride doesn't let him show weakness in front of others, especially someone younger than him.

"If I can guess correctly, you seem to not just be extremely resistant to temperatures but immune. We can call Rei to come down here as her quirk is ice use, she can help test your resistance to cold. Your quirk is the most powerful and versatile I've ever seen, once you finish growing I'd figure you'd give your Uncle a run for his money," Endeavor says to me with a seemingly newfound respect for me.

"Sure might as well test the cold resistance, but are you sure you are fine?" I say and give him a slightly concerned look as I've grown to respect and like Endeavor from the time I've spent with him.

"I'm fine, like before I'll lower the temperature over time. This should give Rei enough time to come down here," Endeavor says to me motioning for me to enter the room.

Like before I sit down as he makes the room go down in temperature over time. By the time Rei showed up Endeavor informed me the room reached the maximum temperature in the room for coldness. The room reached -100°C (-150°F) in temperature and I felt no different I don't even see my breath since I'd never seen it before I don't think any different. Though Endeavor informs me they are going to reset the room's temperature as neither of them can handle that level of coldness. During the rest I see Endeavor and Rei talking about me, but I don't hear what they are saying.

"Enji just told me what you guys were doing, Akihiko did you think this was a good idea?! What if you got hurt?!" Rei says lecturing me after they enter the room once it is reset. Her anger for my lack of self-care reminds me of my mother and I would guess that is her own form of motherly instinct taking over.

"You'd make a good mom, my mom got mad at me once for testing this out on my own before. I can understand the concern, but I need to know my limits or else one day I could reach that limit without knowing endangers me whoever I'm trying to help," I say to Rei after hearing her lecture, but my voice comes out the same indifferent voice as it normally is now.

Hearing me Rei gives me a saddened look, as it appears they both know what happened to me in the past. Even Endeavor seems slightly saddened after hearing my statement. Without saying anything Rei gives me a hug like I'm her family member, even though I'm taller than her and almost Endeavor's height.

"I'm sorry Akihiko. Though maybe this comes off as weird, but even though we've only known you for a few weeks. I've come to see you as a little brother since I'm an only child, I've always wanted a younger sibling. Like it or not your family now and I'm gonna make sure you don't do anything too stupid!" Rei says to me after breaking the hug and without helping it a couple of tears escape my eyes, but I'm not crying it's like they came out on their own. She gives me a smile and hugs me again, while Endeavor looks from behind and I can see a small smile on his face as well.

"Thanks, I've come to enjoy the company of you two as well. Though will you help me Rei and can you make it colder in the room than earlier?" I say to them and look to Rei who has broken the second hug this time.

"Not much colder, but if I cover you in my coldest form of ice it could maybe be a few degrees colder," Rei says to me and then I nod motioning for her to do it. She is hesitant at first but then lets out a sigh before blasting me with her ice.

The ice completely cover my body except for my head, as I guess she wanted to let me breathe. Once again the temperate feels no different, so I just break the ice off me. Telling them that once again no changes were felt, Endeavor said he truly believes I'm immune to temperatures but that'd be impossible to test with current technology. The last day I had with them came to an end, but Rei made sure we all went out to eat to celebrate my successful month of training with Endeavor. Waking up the next day both Endeavor and Rei ate breakfast with me before they both walked me back to the train station to head back to my home before school started again tomorrow.

"Thank you both again for the hospitality and training," I say to them bowing my head respectfully as my mother taught me before.

"Akihiko, like I said you're family now! So no need for the formality! Make sure you keep in touch and visit anytime you want!" Rei says to me before giving me a familiar hug and patting my back, I guess I could come to see her as an older sister.

"Rei is right Akihiko, you're a good kid and will make a great hero regardless of what type you become. I hope to one day work alongside you and look forward to that day. One more thing! As Rei said make sure to keep in touch or else I'll never hear the end of it!" Endeavor says to me after Rei broke the hug and gave me a handshake, with respect in his eyes.

They waved my goodbye as I boarded the train back to my hometown, it was still early in the day. Maybe Shota will be home now too and we can all hang out before school tomorrow. I think while waving goodbye to Endeavor and Rei as the train now starts to move. The month of training with Endeavor wasn't that exciting but did help show me the regular duties of a hero which I guess was the point of it and he did help improve my fire much more while learning more about myself. The best thing I guess is I made lifelong friends that are more like family now.

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