The Unseen Angel in MHA


Once we returned home that night and I laid in my bed, like usual, I brought out my wings to sleep with them wrapped around me. This time when I wrapped them around myself I found the golden flames that peaked through my feathers and began to form on my body. In a panic, I jumped out of bed and saw that nothing was on fire except me when my wings covered me. Though I noticed now that the flames made me feel even more comfortable like I was closer to my true self, and made me feel as if I was in the loving embrace of my parents. Lying back down on the bed my wings wrap around me again and the flames cover my body again. This time I just fall asleep with the golden fire providing me even more comfort.

The next few weeks went by in a flash and summer was over now. Cathy went home a week ago and during this time we only got to test my new powers slightly. Turns out my fire is not hot at all to the touch of anyone and will only burn as long as I will it too. The fire flickering between my feathers and their golden tint is now their regular appearance. When my parents first saw it they were very surprised at my new appearance and powers. Then after explaining what I know about it they calmed down but cautioned me to be careful with testing the powers.

Then the new school year started, this year we are in the second year and so many people wanted to join our club after hearing about its changes last year. Though we could only accept so many people as the school placed a limit on who could join, though everyone from last year had a permanent spot in the club until graduation. Since the club became this well known and wanted to join, especially for aspiring heroes, the principal made the joining process decided by the President, Vice-president, and our teacher who overlooks the club, Sensei Haga. The club limit now has fifty students in total, to make it fair the older students had a higher chance of acceptance this year, but in the following years, they would split the open spots equally among the first and second years.

With all these new club members, we had to make it more efficient to research everyone's quirk. Now we would test four students a month, giving everyone one week of focus. Then every few weeks after one day a week, we would go over their changes and possible improvements. Since we already tested everyone who was in the club last year, us first years from last year were given first priority to test. There was some agitation from the third years that joined this year, but after even Sensei Haga said it was fair all they could do was grumble and accept it. First, we are gonna test Hizashi, then Nemuri, Shota, and finally me.

"Hey to all of the new club members, for those who don't know me yet, I'm Hizashi Yamada. My quirk is called 'Voice' I can control the level of volume I speak or yell," Hizashi says to everyone, even though we already knew his quirk. Everyone became silent to think about how to help him improve his quirk.

"Did you try singing? Or voice training for singers?" Shota asks him out loud for everyone to hear, knowing he already did that.

"Yeah, I like to sing and my parents have already helped get me singing lessons," Hizashi says giving Shota a knowing smile, so everyone knows where to proceed with the questions.

" I heard public speaking helps with projecting your voice," one of the new third year club members says after everyone goes back to thinking.

"Maybe meditating and breathing lessons can help you focus more, along with helping you speak longer," I say.

"Yeah maybe even try holding your breath longer or running since that can help with breathing easier," Nemuri says and everyone nods their heads in agreement.

Over the course of this week we tested Hizashi the first day after he explained his quirk, we put him in the sound room for the music club. Then at the end of the week, we tested to see any improvements. From there on we'd test his quirk every few weeks to see if there was any improvement. After when the next week came Nemuri was the one we are testing next.

"Hi everyone I'm Nemuri Kayama. My quirk is called 'Somnambulist', I release a scent from my body that can make people fall asleep," Nemuri said to everyone, but I could see some of the guys in the club blush when looking at her. Over the summer, I don't know what happened but Nemuri matured very quickly. Her body looked more and more feminine, growing in all the right places.

"I can test it to show you," Nemuri says with a slight blush at all the attention. Some of the guys looked like they were about to volunteer to be tested. It annoyed me slightly seeing their looks like that, but I knew I couldn't volunteer as her quirk didn't work on me just like Shota's quirk.

"I'll do it," Hizashi says seeing the same looks I do and wanting to keep the perverts away from her. Shota and I nod our heads in appreciation at him and he gives us a subtle thumbs up.

Standing across from him as we all headed to the gym for a more open space so she didn't affect everyone. Nemuri concentrated a bit and then a purple like smoke came out of her body, which our friends have seen multiple times before. As it reached Hizashi slowly he coughed a bit before he started to get drowsy and fell down asleep on the mat that was placed beforehand. Everyone seeing her quirk became much more interested.

"Does it work better if you... if you sweat more?" One of the second year club members asks and everyone started a Nemuri, but she became embarrassed at the question.

"No not really, it comes out of my skin if I just will it. The more…. the more skin I show the more I can release," Nemuri says with an embarrassed face and everyone kinda gets red faces after their perverted thoughts. Though I can see her look at me with a quick glance.

"Can you control where it goes or comes from? How far can you send it?" I ask even though I kinda have an idea and steer the conversation back on track.

"Not really control where it heads that well, but for now I think I can send it at least a few meters before it starts to become less effective," Nemuri says and everyone goes back to thinking, except for a few guys who still have perverted looks.

"What's going on?" Hizashi says after waking up and looking around, then gets red faced as he remembers where he is. Everyone just kinda chuckles at his confusion making him more embarrassed.

Everyone tried to come up with something to help her improve her quirk, but we couldn't think of anything outside of equipment. Since we don't have access to that and only pro heroes or students who are learning to become heroes can use or have them. Unfortunately, we could not help her, our only solution was for her to maybe use her quirk as much as possible and like a muscle made help improve the distance or strength of it. As we couldn't really help her the next day Shota was next to test his quirk.

"Hello I'm Shota, my quirk is called 'Erasure'. If I remain eye contact on someone I can stop or negate their quirk. From previous tests watched by our parents with my friends I can only affect nonphysical or mutation quirks," Shota says as he usually does now, being short and direct. While gesturing to me, even though no one knows my quirk they all look at me curiously.

"I can show my quirk if Nemuri and Akihiko are ok with being examples," Shota says to everyone and turns to us for approval. We both nod our heads and we all head to the gym.

Nemuri goes first and begins to release her quirk, Shota lets it release for a few seconds before activating his quirk to show that it stopped it. Everyone becomes very interested in his quirk and looks at him in a new light with interest. Under all the attention he freezes up a bit and looks to be annoyed with all the attention.

"Did you really stop her quirk with just a look?" one of the club new club members asks with surprise. Shota just nods his head. Everyone becomes awed by that seemingly impressive quirk and all its possible uses.

"Like I said I have to remain my eye contact with the person and it doesn't affect physical or mutation quirks like Akihiko's quirk," Shota says to everyone restating his knowledge of his own quirk. Everyone turns to me with confusion, as I haven't shown off my quirk in school as I did in elementary school.

"My quirk is called 'Angel', I have wings like an angel from the paintings and can use this golden flame," I say giving a quirk description of my quirk, everyone looks at me confused since I don't have my wings out.

Sighing I remove my shirt and most of the girls gasp at this, with some of the guys snickering at the girls. Then without waiting for a second longer, my wings come out now without me even having to try as they come out with but a single thought or will of me wanting them out. Everyone stares at me in awe as my wings spread out showing all six of them and the golden tint they have now making them even more beautiful.

"Now see I can not remove his quirk or even weaken it, it appears," Shota says once everyone stops staring at me in awe for a few minutes. Everyone turns to him and sees him concentrating on me with a red glint in his eyes showing he is using his quirk. Though like he said it has no effect on me.

"I would only suggest trying to keep your eyes open as long as you can. Forcing yourself to stare as long as possible. Then maybe you can use eye drops to keep yourself staring longer or even contacts," I say since everyone is not thinking that well with me shirtless and with my wings out.

Shota just nods his head agreeing with me as we have already discussed his quirk and this was the only real solution we had. No one else could come up with better suggestions either as they thought about it. I recalled my wings and put my shirt back on, much to some girl's annoyance. Nemuri was even giving me a flirtatious look, which made me slightly red faced, but I chose to focus on Shota's quirk instead.

The rest of this week everyone got to show off their quirks slightly to see if Shota could really stop anyone's quirk. He was even able to lessen the strength, speed, endurance, or even agility of physical/mutation quirks. Which had everyone confused why it didn't work on me and I was the most confused about why his quirk didn't work on me. Shota and I discussed testing our quirks on each other in the future, to further understand both of our quirks. Then the next week finally came and it was my turn to actually test my quirk and see if anyone had any ideas to help me get better with it.


AN: I know it seemed like I breezed through Hizashi, Shota, and Nemuri's quirks and how to improve them. Though most of their quirks require better equipment and testing that only can be done at an approved hero school, like U.A.

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