The Unseen Angel in MHA


After hanging out with my friends on our last day of school, Shota gave me a lot to think about. Though like I said I decided to put that all behind me and focus on becoming the best hero the world has ever seen. With that school started again, with the difficulty picking up according to my classmates and friends. Over the next several weeks that turned to months our first year at Junior Highschool was coming to an end. During this time we only had the time to just finish helping the second year learn more about their quirk. Next year we'd start with our quirks as we all are going to rejoin the club even if more people decided to join too.

"I want to thank you all again for an amazing year and for helping us become better at using our quirks. The test for U.A. is being held in several weeks and we each are going to be using our new knowledge to get into the school," Yui says to everyone in the club and we all smile nodding our heads. The last day of the club was used with everyone saying their goodbyes and well wishes.

"Shota this might be your last chance to ask Sara out," I say to Shota quietly since I've never told anyone like he asked me, about his crush.

"It's fine she would never say yes, plus like you said I want to focus on becoming the best hero I can be before I find a girlfriend," Shota says to me with a determined look and I can't say anything to him since I made the same statement to myself.

During this time, Nemuri and I had some awkward interactions after we hung out at the mall after spring break. Though neither of us brought up what I said as I just didn't want to have an awkward talk with her. Nemuri didn't bring it up either for whatever reason, but I won't complain. I can still tell she is interested in me and maybe still a crush because I'll catch her looking at me before looking away with a blush if I catch her.

"You guys have any plans this summer?" Hizashi asks our group after we all left school on the last day of our first year.

"Not that I know of," I say with a shrug.

"Same, though if it is like any of our past summers then probably visiting some family for a few weeks maybe," Shota says with Hizashi agreeing with his statement.

"Yeah, no idea. Though we all should do something together this summer!" Nemuri says to us and we all agree.

"I'd like to go to the beach at some point this summer," I say since I enjoy the ocean. Hizashi and Nemuri nod their heads agreeing with me, but Shota is not a fan of the beach.

"That'd be so much fun!" Nemuri says with an excited look and Hizashi nods his head excitedly.

"I guess," Shota says with a defeated sigh.

"Let's plan it later, ok!" Nemuri says before running off to her home. Arriving at my home, I hear my mom in the kitchen like usual.

"Hi mom," I say hugging her from behind and she laughs hugging me back.

"How was your last day of school?" Mom asks me after breaking the hug.

"It was alright. Though we did finish helping the second years learn more about their quirks, next year us first years or second years then will be first to learn more about our quirks," I say to mom explaining to her what we did for our last day at school.

Once I went upstairs and unpacked my school bag for the summer vacation. I was able to get my second year books already. I plan on reading them later as I need a mental break from school for a bit. Then after relaxing in my room for a bit I hear dad get home and shortly after mom calls us for dinner downstairs. I explain to dad what my last day of school was like just as I did to mom.

"Are we doing anything interesting this summer? Cause my friends want to do a beach day atleast once together," I say to my parents since they didn't mention anything about this summer.

"Well we did have a surprise for you, your cousin Cathleen is coming this summer for a few weeks here. We invited her since you guys seemed to hit it off last time, plus this wouldn't be her first time in Japan," Dad says to me while we finish eating dinner.

"Oh cool, when will she be here? Maybe I can have her come with us to the beach," I ask them.

"Should be here in a couple of weeks," Dad says to me. I nod my head trying to come up with plans for me to hang out with my friends.

After dinner, I call my friends and ask them if they had any definite plans for summer while explaining that my cousin is coming to visit this summer. They each said nothing that would affect us from hanging out together. We made plans to have our first beach day after my cousin would arrive. I then called Cathy, telling her about the plans I made with my friends, she was on board with it and excited to go to the beach. The next few weeks dragged on with me usually meeting Shota and Hizashi to hang out at one or the other's houses. Nemuri would sometimes stop by but she also had her own group of friends that were all girls.

"Akihiko if you're coming with me to get Cathleen at the airport let's go!" Dad yells to me as I was on my computer in my room playing a new game that came out.

"Alright!" I say quickly turning off my computer and running downstairs. Then follow my dad to his car and we drive to the airport to pick up Cathy.

Arriving at the airport we head inside the area right before the first security checkpoint. After waiting for about ten minutes I see Cathy walking towards us from the exit area and wave at her, with her returning the wave.

"Hey Cathy. You died your hair?" I say when she reaches us and give her a familiar hug, which she returns. While looking at her new blonde hair since she was a natural brunette.

"Yeah I like blonde on me better, you don't like it?" Cathy says to me with a faked hurt look, I just roll my eyes at her poor acting.

"That's not what I meant," I say with a sigh and she just chuckles.

"He was really excited the last couple of days since learning about you coming to visit us," Dad says with a laugh and smirk at me, making me blush in embarrassment. Cathy laughs along with my dad at my embarrassment.

Once we arrived at our home, I showed Cathy the guest room she'd be staying in during her visit with us. Once she finished unpacking she seemed like her normal energetic self, so I called my friends to see if they wanted to hang out at the mall again. Hizashi and Shota agreed though Nemuri's mom said she was already out with her girl friends. Saying goodbye to my parents we headed out to meet my friends at the mall, though I told her we'd wait for Shota as he lives several blocks down from me.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" I ask her since my first day back I was slightly jet lagged.

"No, I did this before and learned to time my sleep schedule to match here once I arrived," Cathy says with a smile and thumbs up matching my Uncle, who I have seen less and less since Villans have become more active lately. He did promise to come to visit us again before summer was over.

"Hey Akihiko and Akihiko's cousin," Shota says as we are waiting outside for him by my house. We turn to see Shota with his now normal tired face and annoyed look toward other people.

"Hey Shota and this is my cousin, her name is Cathleen. Cathleen this is my best friend Shota," I say introducing them to each other.

"Hey Shota, you can call me Cathy, all my friends do," Cathy says greeting him and Shota just nods in greeting.

"So tell me Shota, should I know anything about my cousin he didn't tell me," Cathy says while we walk to the mall and Shota gives me a smirk before telling her embarrassing stories about when we were little kids. I just roll my eyes as they talk about me on our way to the mall. Getting to the mall we see Hizashi waiting for us by the entrance and upon seeing our smiles and waves at us.

"Hey guys and girl? Who is this? Wait she looks a lot like Akihiko, Oh you must be his cousin he told us about," Hizashi says since he hung up the phone before I could explain that my cousin arrived today.

"Yeah, I'm Cathy, Akihiko's cousin. You must be his other friend…..Hizashi. Akihiko told me a lot about you and Shota," Cathy says with a smile and greets him back.

"Oh, he did! Well if you need anything at all during your time here just ask me," Hizashi says to Cathy immediately flirting with her, as Shota and I just shake our heads. Cathy either didn't care or noticed his flirting and just smiled while nodding to him.

After walking around the mall for a few hours, we decided to go to the arcade and play some games there. After almost another hour of playing games in the arcade, I see Nemuri and her friends walking by the arcade center. Deciding to say hello, I go out to catch them.

"Nemuri, hey! You guys were hanging out here too?" I say catching their attention with Nemuri turning around confused about who called her. Though seeing me she smiled and walked over to me.

"Yeah we just got here an hour ago, I assume you and the guys are in the arcade," Nemuri says with her friends talking with one another a few feet away while giggling too.

"Yeah I tried calling to invite you, but your mom said you were already out with your friends," I say with a shrug and she nods with an understanding smile.

"Akihiko there you are, we thought you left," I hear Cathy say behind me and walking over to us. I hear Nemuri's friends all stare at me surprised and being to whisper to each other even more. I also see a flash of anger and maybe jealousy in Nemuri's eyes.

"Oh, whos this? Your girlfriend?" Cathy says with a smirk and immediately Nemuri stutters with a very red face.

"Shut up Cathy, no this is just my other friend I told you about Nemuri. Nemuri this is my cousin I told you about Cathy," I say rolling my eyes at Cathy's attempt to embarrass me. Though I see Nemuri's face show some sadness at my denial but quickly replaced with a happy expression and relief in her eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Akihiko told us about you," Nemuri says greeting Cathy.

"Nice to meet you too, Akihiko told me a lot about you too," Cathy says making Nemuri blush again before smiling at her and nodding her head.

"We were just finishing up in the arcade, did you and your friends want to join us? We were thinking about seeing a movie it'd be nice to have some other girls around too. Akihiko's friend Hizsahi can be...," Cathy says to Nemuri then in a hushed voice that only we can hear about Hizashi.

"Sure and I know what you mean, Hizashi can be annoying," Nemuri says having relaxed a lot more now and agreed with us hanging out with everyone.

"Guys what are you doing….. Oh hey ladies," Hizashi says with Shota right behind him coming out of the arcade. Nemuri and I roll our eyes at Hizashi's blatant flirting.

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