The Tyrant Billionaire

Chapter 40 - 40 Desperate Days of the Spanish Gang

Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Desperate Days of the Spanish Gang

Henry and the others worked hard to load all the coke powder into the car, loaded it up and left quickly, and the dock turned dark and quiet again.

There is only the non stop sound of the waves.

Returning to the new station.

In the living room, a group of people looked excitedly at the suitcase placed on the coffee table. The lid of the suitcase was opened, and inside was a stack of brand new hundred dollar bills.

"Boss, I've counted it, it's 300,000$ in total." Sean reported excitedly.

Everyone else looked excited, this time they could get a large sum of money.

Hardy didn't wait any longer and ordered the money to be divided.

"Take out 90,000 and hand it over to the gang."

Sean immediately counted out 90,000$ and put it aside.

According to the agreement between him and Siegel, it was divided into 30/70. 90,000 $ of the money would be given to Siegel.

Sean and Henry didn't know about Hardy and Siegel's private decision. Hardy didn't think it was necessary to tell them everything. It was actually simpler and happier to focus on working hard to make money instead of complicated things.

"215,000$ and 5 cents, you can each share 13,000, Sean count the money." Hardy said.

Not long after, each of them had a thick wad of money in their hands.

The rest goes to Hardy.

A total of 111,000$.

"Boss, what do you want to do with that batch of coke powder?" Henry asked.

The quantity of this batch of coke powder is quite large. They just counted it. There are 500 packages of one kilogram each, which means that the coke powder totals 500 kilograms.

Hardy did a quick mental calculation.

Five hundred kilograms 300,000$.

0.6 USD per gram.

However, for those drug addicts, one gram can often be sold for 4 or 5 dollars, and even more expensive when the drugs are in short supply.

Of course, there are also layers of profit sharing.

But this also shows its huge profits.

Destroy it?

That would be a pity.


Hardy didn't want to get involved in the drug business.

"Find a hidden place to hide it first, maybe it will be useful later." Hardy said.


Dani was sitting in the office with a cigar in his mouth and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already half past one in the morning.

He frowned.

Transactions usually only take half an hour, so why hasn't Burstein come back yet?

Did something happen? He couldn't sit still.

"John, Walter, take people to the dock to see why Burstein hasn't come back yet." Dani said to his two bodyguards.

"yes, boss."

The two bodyguards drove to the dock. They were shocked by the scene they saw. The dock was full of corpses and blood. All members of the Spanish gang fell to the ground, including the gang advisor Burstein.

There were also several men with slightly darker skin, who they guessed were Colombians.

"Notify the boss quickly."

The two drove back quickly and hurried into the office. John panted and said: "Boss, it's bad, the gang advisor Burstein is dead, and all the people who went with him to trade are also dead."

Dani stood up in an instant.

What he worried about most happened.

"What happened?!" Dani asked loudly.

"We only saw corpses on the pier and the gang advisor Burstein was among them, and there seemed to be a few Colombians corpses as well."

"Where are the goods and the money?"

"We didn't see it."

"Was there a ship on the pier?"

"No. "

Dani took a group of his men and rushed to the dock. At the dock, he saw the situation reported by his two bodyguards.

Burstein is dead and a dozen of his men who came with him to trade died.

Three hundred thousand dollars was missing.

The ordered of coke powder was also missing.

Could it be the Colombians who did it?

But they have been doing business with the Colombians for several years, and nothing like this has ever happened. Why on earth would they do it this time?

"What's going on? What happened!" Dani roared angrily.

But the only answer to him was the cold wind at night and the sound of the waves.

After a long while, Dani calmed down and ordered his men: "Clean the pier immediately. If others find the bodies of our men, the police may cause trouble for us."

His men immediately moved and threw the bodies into the truck.

Including the bodies of those Colombians.

There was still a large amount of blood on the ground, They tried their best to cover it up. It was almost dawn and the fishermen were coming, so Dani and his men left quickly.

Back in the office.

Dani couldn't calm down. No matter what the reason was, the loss this time was too great. Burstein, his most effective subordinate, was dead. He was his right hand man and he was responsible for most of the gang's business.

And his own 300,000$.

After the casino was robbed, the Spanish gang suffered a lot of losses.

He originally wanted to make more money from coke powder to recover his losses.

After trying hard to scrape together 300,000$ in cash.

It was robbed again. The money is gone, and the goods are gone.

The next drug business will not be possible either.

When he thought of those Colombians who died. Dani's head start to hurt, even this line of purchasing goods will probably be cut off.



Dani became more and more angry as he thought about it, and roared in the office.

With a forceful sweep across the desk, all the lamps and coffee cups on the desk were swept to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"John, gather everyone and go find out for me what happened."

John nodded quickly in response.

After the two bodyguards went out, Dani stood in front of the window, holding a cigar and thinking about who did it. Could it be General Gustavo who made the deal with him?

But why? Short of money?

But there is no need to use such extreme means. He is the only drug dealer in Los Angeles who buys Colombian good their trade is a business that continues to make money for a long time.

Could it be that something went wrong in Colombia?

Another group of people knew the trading route, followed it, and robbed Burstein and the others at the dock. It was possible.

Dani wanted to send a telegram to General Gustavo to confirm the matter.

But he was worried.

If the telegram is intercepted by the FBI, it won't be long before trouble comes to his door.

Oh shit.

What to do now, Dani, a veteran who has been running a gang for decades, had no idea of what to do. Dani was tired and had a headache after not sleeping all night, but he had no intention of sleeping.

Smoking one cigarette after another, just one night made him feel quite haggard.

It was already dawn and a new day had begun.

"Ring ring ring~!"

The phone suddenly rang.

Dani thought it was John and the others who had found somethings, so he quickly picked it up and put it to his ears, but the person who called was not John, but a leader in charge of the brokerage business.

"Boss, I have something to report to you. The manager of one of our modeling companies, named Sanders, suddenly disappeared. He has not been seen for the past 3 days. I investigated and found that he sold some models before disappearing and got more than 10,000$, I suspect that guy may have fled with the money."

Dani didn't know Sanders. He had so many people under him, how could he remember the name of a little guy.

Dani's head hurt even more when he heard someone taking money and running away.

There's nothing good these days, it's all bad news.

At this moment, Dani was extremely irritable and yelled into the phone: "Send someone to find that bastard, get the money back, and then bury him alive!"

After that, he hung up the phone.


Dani gasped for air.

Damn, everything is going wrong.

He didn't know that Sanders had already been buried alive.

It wasn't until the afternoon that

John came back from outside. He lowered his head and reported:

"I'm sorry, boss, we checked carefully and found no clues. We didn't find any Colombians. We couldn't find out what happened."

Dani clenched his fists hard.

"Check, keep checking, I don't believe there are no clues at all!" Dani shouted.

John quickly agreed and ran out again.

Dani slumped into his chair.

Without Burstein, what will happen to the gang business in the future? It is not so easy to train a qualified gang advisor.

The drug deal failed the money is gone and the goods are gone to.

What will happen to the drug business in the future? The casino is also closed now.

The remaining businesses of the Spanish Gang are a few bars, underground boxing rings, and loan shark companies, but these can't even make a 100.000$ a year.

This is not even enough to cover the gang's expenses.

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