Chapter 93: Chapter 93 – Angry…?
Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)
The next morning the village was bustling with many magical beasts and animal beasts walking and or running around to prepare for the day, Ken woke up in a start as he felt pain on his back, he sat upright to massage his back part only to feel sudden strikes of pain jab at him.
‘What’s wrong with- AACKK!’ Ken doesn’t know why but he suddenly could not speak or shout, he inhaled for air gaping at the sudden magnified pain that coursed through his body while he sat.
‘Healing Magic: Heal.’ A magic circle appeared in his palm that he aligned to his back, the magic circle sent out green pulses checking out for any abnormality in his body, through the effect of ‘manual input’ he had made an impromptu scan on his body.
‘I can’t believe I haven’t done this before, I’ll have to add this to all of the ‘manual inputs’ on my healing spells.’ He thought, focusing on the pulse, Ken found no physical damage within his body, leading him to resort to checking other things, his mana.
Ken opened his eyes in shock at what he saw, his mana had turned chaotic at some kind of point at his back, he focused again and closed his eyes in order to picture out what’s causing all the pain.
He found a pin like needle embedded on his back, he speculates that it had inserted itself accidentally on him when he wasn’t cautious, the pin radiated dark red energies, the same dark red energies that he cleansed yesterday.
He plucked out the pin with his magic, but as soon as the pin dislodged itself from him, it sent him a vision, Ken opened his eyes but they looked dull, his hand had cancelled out his healing magic making him look to anyone who wants to look closely, as lifeless as a doll, sitting slouched .
‘What the?!’ Ken saw the demon army marching towards the location of the Northern Village, slaughtering everyone and everything in their wake, the normal animals and animal beasts in the area perished under their march.
Ken watched as they passed the wall cliff him and his childhood friends had entered in the past as the army flew over the wall and around it, a demon trampled on the spot he used to chill out at.
About 1 kilometer and the demon army would be at the entrance of the village, but their pace was slow, as not all of the monsters that went with them were not agile in traversing the height of the wall cliff, or we could call it a cliff in general.
He watched as werewolves, and ogres that he fought before all now had dark red skin and red savage eyes, and far back he found… His eyes widened some more, as he felt that he could not bear how his eyes widened.
There at the back of the army, of about 60 battalions with 100 monsters, situated their leaders, twisted humanoid creatures (demon slaves) were roughly about 120, demon vanguards were about half of them, and one demon that exuded a very strong power than the demon he fought before.
‘WHA- WHAT IS ALL THIS?!’ exclaimed Ken, he snapped himself out from the shock and looked around him, he checked himself and found that his body looked translucent, almost like an astral projection.
‘How do I get back in-‘ he wasn’t able to finish when he felt a force pull him back, and when he woke up, he was back in his body, he glared angrily at the ground.
“Son, what’s wro-“ Lyn who had woken up minutes ago and was watching her son for awhile thinking that Ken has his head down because he was in deep thought wasn’t able to finish her sentence when Ken suddenly disappeared.
She looked around and noticed that a magic circle was left at the place Ken was at seconds ago.
‘What could that kid be doing now?’ she thought to herself, a rustle rang out from the bush nearby and her husband walked out. Alfred looked at his wife quizzically as she was deep in thought.
Lyn looked at his husband and sighed, the two then went on to fold their beddings, put them into their storage space, took out their battle clothing and weapons, to get ready for the day, they didn’t have to worry that much as they know that their son would be fine on whatever he wants to do.
Outside of the village, Ken was flying in the air, holding his scythe on his right hand and a flower on the other, he still hasn’t changed into his battle clothing as he was angry, very angry.
‘Sh*t, I did not expect this, I did not expect this!’ his thoughts rampaged throughout his brain, as he felt overwhelmed at the moment, but one thought that he doesn’t want to acknowledge kept resurfacing in his brain.
To ‘Lose’.
‘I will not have all those years of preparation come crashing down on me in this particular time, not when I’m still here.’ the cliff at which he always hang out to chill came into view.
“Arcane Magic: Domino Grids!” he chanted at the same time landing instantly near the cliff catching every monster off guard, the monsters have advanced a hundred meter towards the entrance of the village,
But Ken’s magic still caught up to them, as magic circles appeared below their feet encasing them in a transparent box with a dash of purple at the side, he caught the first 100 monsters of the first battalion, flew them into the air and plummeted them back down the cliff.
The boxes broke as the monsters inside had their guts pierced by the broken pieces of the box, but it did not stop there, as every piece that embedded themselves, flew out of the monster’s body leaving an unsightly scene of torn limbs and pieces behind.
Ken did not stop there.
“Arcane Magic: Arcane Onslaught!!!” Ken held out both his hands holding the two items as a small magic circle of 1 feet radius appeared in front of him, the monsters looked at Ken’s pathetic magic circle and felt absurd at the audacity of this person to use a weak spell.
They were about to growl, laugh and or mock Ken in their tongue when suddenly bright light covered their vision, the next thing, all of the monsters below the cliff were gone, Ken looked up in the sky and over one thousand monsters appeared, falling to the ground.
He did not spare any of them to fall down as large purple bombs erupted in the air incinerating all the monsters in mid-air, everything happened in the blink of an eye that the remaining battalion at the back that weren’t caught by Ken’s spell stared dumbfounded in the air.
Ken held out his left arm in front of him making the flower the color of white with a silver glow float, he held his scythe with both hands and stuck it to the ground, he walked in between the scythe and flower and touched them both with his hands while his body faced forward slightly to the left and said…
“Delve in my cold embrace, in where the heat remains, Ice Magic: Frozen Shot.” a magic circle appeared in front of him and shot out a light-blue ray on the ground where the army was standing, trailing towards the back and faded out.
The ray did not stop on the ground but instead on the demon lord that had governed this demon army, Ken still doesn’t know what they are called, but they are demon leaders, so he’ll call them that.
The demon lord who waited for the spell take to effect, felt nothing, as if that ray of light-blue light was all for decoration, he smiled and chuckled to himself, looked at the kid mockingly, Ken may not have been able to see the smile but he felt a pair of eyes boring into him.
The demon lord pointed his finger at Ken and was about to say so-. What’s this? He thought, ICE?!
Frost suddenly crept out of his finger and slowly crawling all the way to his hand, then his arm, and nearing his body, he tried to take a step but he didn’t budge, he looked down and found ice had also slowly crept up from his toes to his legs freezing him in place.
He called out his magic but it was also futile as nothing came out, and there he stood, frozen, eyes wide open, mouth agape, but before his vision was blurred out and he entered a deep slumber, he saw his army, had froze over before himself.
The area around them wasn’t covered in ice, only the bodies of monsters and demons had froze over, leaving the forest undamaged of Ken’s spell.
Ken sighed, he looked at the flower, touched it with both his hands softly, gave a soft kiss on one of the petals, and a soft magic pulse occurred making the flower emit a bright silver light.
‘Wish I could still preserve the energies left in this moon flower.’ He thought. ‘This was the flower I left on master’s cave so that it could grow stronger… I had to use it today.’
‘Are you worried for your parents, your friend’s parents and your masters?’ asked White. Ken turned his head at his left.
‘Yeah.’ He said softly, gaze casted down. ‘When I sensed that demon’s power, I panicked, and in a fit of rage, did this.’ Ken looked at the still flouting broken pieces of the boxes he made by arcane magic.
He waved his hand and all the pieces slowly created a transparent wall twice the height of the cliff, which was over 100 feet, and a width of 10 meters. He made another tweak using ‘manual input’.
‘Let me guess, you’re still worried out of your mind.’ said White.
‘Yes.’ Ken replied. ‘First things first, securing our line of defense so that we could have enough time to deal with the monsters, second, gain as much info as possible and come up with more plans to deal with the worrying ones by biding time,
And in this case, my ice spell that froze the whole army. I should set a time so that the energies of the moon flower doesn’t deplete fast.’ He took a glance at the flower then held his chin. ‘But as to how much will I need? 12 hours? 18? Hmmm…
I can’t exactly drain half of the moon flower’s energy or I won’t be able to find the other weapons of the moon.’ He took another glance again at the flower, that’s when it clicked.
‘I wonder what time it is, considering the time now, it’s still early morning, about 8 or something.’ Ken nodded. ‘I’ll freeze them for 24 hours.’ He summoned a magic circle below the moon flower so as to give a tight and secure input on the effects the flower will give regarding Ken’s ice spell.
A few more adjustments here and there with the flowing of raw mana into the flower made the surroundings howl with the wind.
‘And… there, the spell will now last for 24 hours, negating every and any type of resistance from the ones caught by the spell and will be freed from it once the timer runs out.’ Ken smiled to himself. ‘This should be enough time for us to prepare for the invasion.’
Ken teleported back to the village leaving the flower behind as it flouted seamlessly, its white color and soft exterior creating a serene scene on the surroundings, technically, moonflowers were not common on this planet, it just so happens that the flowers in Klein’s caves had itself touched by the rays of the moon one night giving itself its form.