The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 293 The City of Blue Sea! The rocket is 227 meters high!

Gao Yuan boarded the Mirage intra-atmospheric shuttle, turned on autopilot, and headed straight to Cape Canaveral Air Force Base.

Soon after, the Phantom arrived in Florida, North America. When the shuttle completed its deceleration, it happened to hover precisely over the rocket launch site. The distance was just right, no more, no less, showing very powerful computer control capabilities.

Gao Yuan guessed that the computer and artificial intelligence system carried by the Mirage should be higher than the basic elementary artificial intelligence zero that he had mastered. If there is an opportunity in the future, he should study it.

Of course, this kind of research must be carried out with great caution, otherwise if the Phantom is accidentally damaged or cannot be put back together after being dismantled, it will be a lot of fun.

The Mirage had a transparent hatch with a wide field of vision. When Gaoyuan looked towards the rocket launch site, he saw a behemoth, a huge black shadow lying across the ground, majestic.

Many engineers are modifying the launcher overnight. After all, it is a behemoth with a height of more than 200 meters. It is more than twice as tall as the SLS, the largest launch vehicle on earth, and more than four times as heavy. If the existing launcher is not modified, , cannot be carried at all.


Gao Yuan shook his head. The scale of this giant rocket is really amazing. Sure enough, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. North America actually completed this big thing quietly. This made Gao Yuan more aware of North America's ultimate strength. understanding.

The Phantom shuttle has a powerful stealth system from the future. Although the plateau is hovering less than a hundred meters above the rocket, the ground security personnel are not aware of it at all.

In this way, the plateau will have ample space to conduct a detailed investigation of this giant rocket.

The military photos were taken from reconnaissance satellites. Only the outline of the Superstar rocket could be seen clearly, but the details could not be known. However, on the plateau, one can now clearly see even the rivets on the rocket. The gap is really too big.

Soon after, a piece of detailed information about the giant rocket appeared in the notes in Gao Yuan's hand.

The length is 227 meters, the weight is estimated to be 13,500 tons, and the thrust is not less than 30,000 tons. It can send 800 to 1,000 tons of mass into low-Earth orbit. If it is sent to the more distant moon, it can only carry about 400 tons.

After all, it is a giant rocket weighing more than 10,000 tons...

Plateau support, overnight, North America achieved a leapfrog development in the aerospace field. Prior to this, their largest rocket, SLS, was only 110 meters high, weighed 3,000 tons, and carried 140 tons in low-Earth orbit.

And now, they have the ability to deliver thousands of tons of cargo to low-Earth orbit at one time.

What is the concept?

As we all know, the current orbiting space stations all adopt a modular design. A space station is divided into several sections, or even a dozen sections, and are launched into space in batches. Then astronauts are responsible for docking, assembly, and debugging.

Is launching the space station in batches because of advanced technology?

Of course not. For large objects floating in space, naturally the stronger the integrity and the stronger the rigidity, the better. Laying them up in sections and then assembling them in space is not only cumbersome and laborious, but the final structural rigidity is far less than that of the whole launch. It’s just that The overall launch requires the super large carrying capacity of the rocket. Currently, there is no rocket in the world that can achieve this.

So far, there are four rockets in the world that can send hundreds of tons of mass into low-Earth orbit, namely North America's Saturn V and SLS, the former Soviet Union's Energia, and China's Long March 9.

As for Musk’s Falcon Heavy, it is smaller than the previous four rockets and can only carry a weight of 80 tons. However, the launch cost is low, only about 100 million U.S. dollars. The cost of the four 100-ton rockets is all under 10 tons. More than 100 million US dollars, SLS even reached 2 billion.

The aerospace field is a typical super competition, and only those with money can afford it.

I think back then, when the former Soviet Union was at its peak, it launched the Energia that could compete with the Saturn V rocket, and it was also famous for a while.

As of today, North America has abandoned the Saturn V and launched the 100-ton SLS and the nearly 100-ton heavy Falcon. So what about Maozi?

Mao Zi now holds the drawings of the Energy No., but he can't build it anyway, and developing new models is even more of a dream.

The only real players are North America and China. North America has launched kiloton super rockets based on heavy-duty rockets. Even if Gao Yuan is unconvinced, he has to admit that in the field of space exploration, China is still lagging behind.

After the data collection was completed, Gao Yuan took one last look at the 227-meter-long behemoth, then drove the Phantom back to the Sky City and dived into the laboratory.

Gao Yuan is a sensible person. No matter how awesome the super rocket is, it is still someone else's thing. You can't envy it, let alone mess up your position because of it.

Now Plateau's goal is very clear, which is to solve the problem of controllable fusion as soon as possible.

A few days passed, and suddenly one day, Cao Feiyu walked into Gao Yuan's office with a melancholy look and said seriously: "We are in big trouble. Look, this is the latest issue of the New York Times. They are on the front page. We have extensively reported on the Cape Canaveral Super Rocket, and have confirmed that we will attempt to launch it on June 1st, and the whole world knows that every 1st and 15th is the time for us to broadcast live. "

Gao Yuan frowned and took the tablet from Cao Feiyu. The picture was very real. It was the same as the giant rocket he saw with his own eyes in Florida not long ago. However, at that time, the rocket was still lying flat on the ground. Now it has been stood up for launch. on the shelf.

"June 1st? To complete all launch preparations in such a short time, those Angsa people are really working hard." Gao Yuan muttered in a low voice.

Cao Feiyu stared into Gao Yuan's eyes, "I said, are you not worried at all? Will you be compared to others?"

Gao Yuan looked at Cao Feiyu with a caring look, "This is not a matter of worry, but I will definitely be compared."

"The content we prepared for this live broadcast is Blue Sea City. Regardless of its technological content and freshness, it is no match for Super Rocket. There is no comparison at all."

Cao Feiyu figured it out. Gao Yuan felt that there was no way to win the West anyway, so he simply relaxed and happily did a program.

It just so happens that summer has entered, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Going to the beach to have fun is like having summer vacation in advance.

"Animals." Gao Yuan put his arms around Cao Feiyu's shoulders and said with a smile: "Remember, we are adapting to constant changes now. North America's super rockets are very powerful, but controllable fusion is our most important task. Important mission.”

Cao Feiyu shrugged unwillingly, "What if North America launches a space station into low-Earth orbit next month?"

"We study controlled fusion."

"Next month, what about when they go to the moon to build a base?"

"We study controlled fusion."

"What about their manned landing on Mars?"

"We continue to study controlled fusion."

Cao Feiyu was speechless. He didn't care about anything at the emotional plateau now, he only cared about his fusion furnace.

But this is also the correct strategy. Don’t let others lead you at any time, and learn to stick to your own path.

Time soon came to June 1st. As usual, at 9:30 in the morning, tens of millions of viewers poured into Gao Yuan's live broadcast room. At 10 o'clock, Gao Yuan was ready to appear in front of the camera.

Different from the previous dress of white shirt and jeans, today he is more casual, wearing a blue and white striped sea shirt, linen shorts, a pair of flip-flops, and a Panama hat with a black round edge on his head.

The plateau is located on a white beach with fine and soft sand, and the waves are constantly washing against the shore, which is very pleasant.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Kunlun Group's live broadcast. I am Gao Yuan."

"As we all know, the Kunlun Group has now moved to the Tarim Basin and built a sky city there."

"The reason why we chose the Western Region is actually based on objective conditions. As the research and development progress continues to accelerate, Kunlun Group has reached a critical crossroads. Traditional technology products can no longer satisfy our appetite. If we want to go further, we must go to large-scale The route of ification and complication.”

"The vast and uninhabited land is very suitable for those of us to toss around without any worries. We must try all the technological routes in the world such as hadron collision and dark matter capture sooner or later."

"So it is not that the Western Regions chose us, but that we took the initiative to choose the Western Regions and chose a place that is more suitable for us to show our strength. Although the climate and food cannot be compared with Jiangnan, as I often say, everything has a price. , in order to move forward, we must accept dry conditions and heavy snowfall in winter, there is no way around it.”

"But the vast majority of Chinese people do not need to work as hard as us, so the Blue Sea City plan was born."

"The Blue Sea City is a replica of the Sky City, except that one is built at the foot of the mountain and the other is built on the seaside."

"Now please look behind me carefully."

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, he turned his body sideways and made an angle so that the audience could see behind him the magical city lined up along the coastline. Half of the buildings were located behind the beach and coastal windbreaks.

They are connected to each other by roads, air aprons, and light rail.

People living in the mainland often have a misunderstanding about the sea. They think that the closer they live to the sea, the better, and they must live in a sea-view room to enjoy it.

However, this is not the case. Although the sea view is pleasing to the eye, it is more humid and windy. Therefore, people born in coastal cities often do not like to live by the sea. They prefer a place not far or near from the sea and a slightly drier environment. place.

Blue Sea City is an exception. With more advanced building materials and more complete drying and dehumidification equipment, most buildings in Blue Sea City have windbreaks and beaches right outside their door, and the sea and pier are just two steps away.

Technology allows the Blue Sea City to overcome the shortcomings of the seaside. People living in the city can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea without getting cold legs due to humidity.

Gao Yuan worked very hard to introduce, but the audience's emotions were far less high than before, and everyone was somewhat absent-minded.

It is clear to everyone that in Cape Canaveral, Florida, North America.

A big drama that will change human history will soon take place.

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