The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 23 The war continues, no one is allowed to retreat! (Four thousand chapters)

North America, Delaware, Wilmington.

This is the headquarters of the famous DuPont Group. In 1802, founder EL Dupont bought this land by the Brandywine River and invested US$36,000 to manufacture gunpowder.

Today, after the merger of DuPont Group and the equally famous Dow Group, it has become the most powerful chemical company in the world, ranking first in the world.

Dr. Nelson, director of scientific research, was sitting outside the door of the president's office, holding a cup of coffee just delivered by his secretary, waiting for the summons from Mr. Mark Doyle, the group president.

Not long after, Doyle finally ended the conference call with the European region. The secretary led Dr. Nelson to open the door and enter. From a distance, he could see that the president had a bad look on his face and his tie had been torn apart during the meeting.

"Damn bastard!" Doyle cursed under his breath.

He looked up at Dr. Nelson and said, "Who can tell me what's going on? Seeing that the summer in the northern hemisphere is about to pass, those Chinese people suddenly launched an offensive at the last moment, leaving us completely unprepared. It's really embarrassing! "

Dr. Nelson frowned slightly, "Is the customer's loss serious?"

Nelson is very concerned about this issue. After all, DuPont Group does not directly face the retail market, but provides basic fabrics to customers around the world. Customers get DuPont brand fabrics and then make ready-made clothes.

If customer sales plummet, DuPont Group will certainly not have an easy time.

"More serious? It's almost like a river of blood!" Doyle said with an exaggerated gesture: "The performance of Kunlun X1 fiber fabric is far higher than our strongest COOLMAX product line. Customers are now forcing us to An explanation, you are the company's scientific research director, I would like you to explain why China's quick-drying fiber technology suddenly jumped ahead of us?"

Dr. Nelson sighed deeply, spread his arms and said, "Mr. President, to be honest, I don't know either."

"The person who came up with X1 fiber technology this time is a small company. According to the information I collected from China, the inventor of this technology is named Gao Yuan. He is not even a graduate of chemistry or materials science, but a computer major. of."

"What's more, in the field of materials chemistry, we usually write research results into papers and submit them to mainstream journals for publication, and then communicate with colleagues around the world to verify the reproducibility of scientific research results."

"And this man named Gao Yuan did not publish a paper first, but went directly to the production line for large-scale manufacturing. As of now, X1 fiber has conquered the world and caused a storm. Gao Yuan's related paper has not yet been published. Woolen cloth!"

"So you can't really blame us."

"If we see the paper, we will at least warn the company in advance that a new technology is about to be launched, and immediately start the research and development of competitive technologies."

"But the fact is that before we even saw the paper, the market was full of products from Wuyangwuyang. This wild Chinese man named Gao Yuan broke all the conventions in one fell swoop and caught us off guard!"

Things are so interesting. The president protested to the R\u0026D director, but the R\u0026D director was also feeling aggrieved and didn't know who to complain to.

Doyle wiped his face with his hands, "Damn Chinese people, they are so cunning!"

"But the matter is now over. Our partners want us to provide products similar to Kunlun X1 fiber to resist the invasion from competitors. Is there any way the technical department can do it?"

Dr. Nelson shook his head, "At present, our strongest quick-drying fiber, COOLMAX, has been proven to be vulnerable, let alone other series."

"But." President Doyle said, "Customers are waiting to ask us for products. How should I explain it to them?"



"Yes, it is already the end of summer. Once September comes and the heat subsides, the sales of clothing made of quick-drying fabrics will naturally drop significantly. This will also buy us enough time to develop a new product for Kunlun X1 fiber. Technical solutions."

"In addition, although China has not published the paper on this new type of fiber, I believe they cannot hide it for too long. When the summer is over, they will definitely publish it."

"Based on past experience, Chinese scholars attach great importance to SCI citations and even more to the selection of the Nobel Prize. Therefore, once relevant papers are published, it will greatly promote our research."

Doyle nodded slightly. Since the technical department really had no solution, it seemed that it could only delay the process.

When the weather gets colder, major clothing companies and consumers will turn their attention to warm fabrics. Even if Kunlun Company's quick-drying fabrics are excellent, sales will inevitably decrease significantly.

"It's not just us." Dr. Nelson said very proudly: "BASF, Mobil, Evonik, Linde, DSM, almost all important chemical fiber companies in the world are holding back their energy and actively preparing for Kunlun X1 fiber new products.”

"Although we were sneak-attacked by those insidious Chinese people at the end of this summer, by next spring, the Chinese people will usher in a desperate counterattack launched by all the chemical fiber giants in the world! I can't wait to see those Chinese people completely defeated scene!"

Soon, DuPont Group was in R\u0026D difficulties and would not launch products for Kunlun X1 fiber in this summer and autumn. This news spread in the industry.

I have to say that the late summer offensive proposed by Gao Yuan is really weird.

Time comes at a very useless juncture. If European and American manufacturers try their best, summer is coming to an end and there is not much time left for them.

Why don't you give it your all and look at the overwhelming advertisements from Chinese companies, various promotional activities, and the publicity about the black technology X1 type fiber, which makes you breathless.

Well now, DuPont Group announced that it would give up treatment, and then giants such as BASF and Bayer also hinted that partners cannot come up with solutions in such a short period of time. It seems that this year will not work, and we will wait until next year.

As a result, the already tilted balance completely collapsed, turning this sudden war into a one-sided massacre!

Who would have thought that the all-powerful DuPont Group and BASF Group could not come up with competitive products. Chinese manufacturers would go crazy laughing, okay?

For a time, European and American clothing manufacturers were in mourning, while Chinese manufacturers, relying on the blessing of black technology, launched round after round of offensives, killing people with great joy and blood flowing like rivers!

Who doesn't like a war without much resistance?

As the saying goes, if you don’t take advantage of your illness to kill you, if you don’t attack the city now, then when will you wait?

In addition to selling goods, Chinese manufacturers are also trying their best to create their own high-tech image and brand. This is the most fatal point.

Just like when talking about Nike, everyone will think of zoom air cushion technology, when talking about Adidas, they will think of boots cushioning technology, and when talking about Asics, consumers are talking about gel synthetic rubber.

From now on, when European consumers think of these Chinese brands, they will undoubtedly immediately think of Kunlun X-type fiber and its powerful quick-drying ability.

Time soon came to September, when these Chinese brands were preparing to spend money to close the team, an unimaginable scene happened.

"None of you should retreat, you must continue to burn the flames of war."

In a conference call, although Gao Yuan smiled as usual, he said in an extremely firm tone: "Don't always think about leaving a thin line in everything so that we can meet each other easily in the future, but also remember to root out the weeds and eliminate all evil!"

"Don't think that because you are a clothing maker and don't have any technical skills, those Anglo-Saxons won't come to mess with you. That's wrong!"

Through the screen, you can see the shocked faces of the bosses. It is hard for them to imagine that Gao Yuan's judgment on the future situation is so severe?

Suddenly, the conference call fell into deathly silence, as if the air was completely frozen at this moment.

Sharp light shot out from Gao Yuan's eyes, as if he could see through everyone's hearts. Although he was still very young, every word he spoke was deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone present.

Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was too solemn, Gao Yuan's voice slowed down a bit and said: "Business war is also war, and in many ways it is more cruel and unscrupulous."

"No matter what, we must not let the enemy be proud. The DuPont Group wants to delay it until next spring."

"And what we have to do is fight all the way until next spring!"

In early September, Gao Yuan read the news that the temperature in Genhe and Mohe, the coldest places in China, had plummeted, and people had begun to wear down.

He couldn't help but look out the window. At this time, the sun was still high in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sun was dazzling. Without the air conditioner, the temperature in the office would have been close to forty degrees. It was completely unimaginable how cold it was in the far north.

This is the great China.

Gao Yuan's heart was surging, and he couldn't help but think of a composition he had heard since he was a child. He couldn't help but read aloud: "Snowflakes are still flying in Daxinganling."

"On both sides of the Yangtze River, willow branches have sprouted."

"On Hainan Island, flowers are blooming everywhere."

"Our motherland is so vast."

Bang bang bang~

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, I saw it was Cao Feiyu.

"I say Comrade Gao Yuan, don't worry about the vastness of the motherland all day long. You should pay more attention to the current things." Cao Feiyu must have heard it outside and muttered as soon as he entered the door.

Since the company is short of manpower, especially manpower that Gao Yuan trusts, Cao Feiyu is now handling all matters, big and small.

From finance to ordering to the cafeteria aunt, there was nothing he didn't care about. As time went by, even though Cao Feiyu had a gentle personality, he started to get a little anxious.

Gao Yuan shrugged, "Look at what you said, don't you feel moved? We have always learned about our motherland from books, but we have never seen her beauty and magnificence with our own eyes. When we are done These days, we are like a construction team, traveling as if it is a welfare for everyone, with the entire trip being made at public expense and staying in the best hotels."

Cao Feiyu said very calmly: "Of course I love my motherland, and I also want to see it with my own eyes, but I know better that now is not the time to travel, because we have more important things."

"What's going on right now?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Aren't you asking questions knowingly?" Cao Feiyu rolled his eyes at Gao Yuan, "Orders for X2 fabrics have almost been queued from Shaoxing to Jiaxing! Major clothing companies are launching autumn and winter new styles, and they are all waiting for our rice to be put into the pot. .”

Gao Yuan touched his head and frowned: "X2 fiber has two forms. So far, we have only solved the problem of chemical fiber yarn. The chemical fiber velvet has encountered a technical bottleneck in the production process, and the molding process has not reached the level I imagined. .”

"Then ship the chemical fiber silk first." Cao Feiyu said.

Gao Yuan shook his head seriously and said: "In the field of quick-drying fibers, DuPont has always been dominant. As long as we defeat DuPont Group's COOLMAX series, we will be invincible and have no rivals in the market."

"However, thermal fiber is different, completely different. This field is surrounded by great powers, all of which are masters. In addition to chemical fiber companies, there are also natural fibers such as duck down, goose down, and wool. They are also our opponents, so we cannot take action easily. Whenever we take action , you have to create a very oppressive momentum.”

Cao Feiyu was startled, "Are there many opponents in the thermal fiber field?"

"A lot." Gao Yuan read out a few names at random, from Japan's Toray and Asahi Kasei to North America's DuPont and 3M.

Cao Feiyu couldn't listen anymore before Gao Yuan finished speaking, and asked him to stop quickly.

"Are these international giants researching thermal fibers?" Cao Feiyu asked in surprise.

Gao Yuan smiled and said, "Let me tell you this, almost all of the top 100 chemical fiber companies in the world do not make thermal fiber. After all, the profit of this product is high enough and the market is large enough."

"Currently, the leading companies are mainly Japanese companies. In terms of thermal fiber, Japan occupies an absolute share of the world, and its strength cannot be underestimated."

Cao Feiyu didn't say anything more. He observed carefully and found that Gao Yuan didn't seem to be lazy in the office. His desk was filled with countless drawings, and the trash can was full of crumpled acting paper. .

"In the laboratory, I was so forced by Xu Qingzhou and his gang that I couldn't breathe, so I came here to change my mind, read the news, play games, etc."

Gao Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, give me a few more days."

"In a few days, I guarantee that those little Japanese will be shocked."

It has been blocked again. This is the modified version.

I have always been slow in writing books. In fact, chapters like this are okay. If I encounter a chapter that requires a lot of verification of data, I often can't write much from morning to night.

How should I put it, long live understanding.

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