The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 16 Without them, it is very important for our earth!

Gao Yuan slept very soundly all night.

After arriving in Nanjing, the environment changed. The surroundings were full of freshness. Coupled with the long conversation with Xu Qingzhou, Gao Yuan gradually understood many things that he had not thought clearly about in the past, and his mood naturally relaxed.

The next day, Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou got up late. They left the room at nine o'clock in the morning and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Not long after, Boss Xu from Xiyin Group appeared at the door of the restaurant. He looked around and found Gao Yuan sitting by the window, so he strode over.

"Mr. Xu, why are you here?"

Gao Yuan was very surprised by the sudden arrival of this big man.

"I just happened to be passing by, so I wanted to take you to the company and continue yesterday's meeting."

After all, he is a business tycoon. Boss Xu concealed it very well. He did not show that he was eager to sign a contract with Gao Yuan, but made an excuse to just pass by.

"Okay, let's set off now." Gao Yuan stood up and said.

Returning to Xiyin Group this time, it was obviously different from yesterday. Boss Xu personally took charge and called in the director of the technical department, the director of the financial department, the director of the commercial department, seven or eight powerful people inside and outside, forming a quite large negotiation team.

"I thought about it carefully last night." After the pleasantries, Boss Xu went straight to the point and said: "Your company's X fiber is very suitable for our group. The only problem is that if we place a large order, it is best to obtain an exclusive contract."

"Exclusive contract?" Gao Yuan was stunned.

"All X fibers are exclusively supplied to our Xiyin Group and are not sold to others." Boss Xu explained hurriedly.

It turns out I wanted to eat alone...

Gao Yuan sighed in his heart. Sure enough, Boss Xu was a shrewd businessman. Once he discovered the huge potential of X-fiber, he would find ways to monopolize it to prevent others from competing with him.

I think back when Boss Xu founded Xiyin Group, there were actually two partners working together.

However, times have changed, and the company has achieved annual revenue of tens of billions of dollars, but no one remembers the two partners at the time.

"That is impossible."

Gao Yuan smiled and shook his head, flatly rejecting Boss Xu's proposal without even thinking about it.

"Our sales volume is huge and we can take over all your production capacity!" Boss Xu continued without giving up.

Gao Yuan curled his lips and said calmly: "Boss Xu misunderstood. We do not have our own factory, but we find upstream chemical fiber companies for OEM."

"According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce in 2020, there are more than 40,000 large and small chemical fiber companies in the country, with an annual production capacity of 62 million tons, accounting for more than 60% of the world's total production capacity."

"If X fiber really sells well all over the world, the existing domestic supply chain system alone will be enough to support an annual output of tens of millions of tons."

"With such a large output, you, Boss Xu, must not be able to eat it, right?"


Boss Xu never expected that Gao Yuan, a young man, was not a businessman in the traditional sense. He did not like to engage in Tai Chi with others, but preferred to directly present data and reason.

Even if we have passed the plateau at the beginning of our business, the current domestic production capacity is so huge and we have such convenient conditions that there is no need to build our own factory.

As for finding someone else to do it for you, it will cost more, Gao Yuan doesn't care. You can never make enough money in the world. It is only natural for others to help you make products and get rewards. How can you always think about living alone.

At this point, Boss Xu finally discovered that he did not have the initiative in the negotiation.

An old man from the Southern Patrol once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces!

It's a dead end with no solution right now.

X fiber has such a low price and such incredible performance. As the exclusive supplier, if Boss Xu dares to say no today, X fiber products will appear on the shelves of other competitors tomorrow.


Gao Yuan solemnly wrote his name on the contract with a signature pen. Gao Yuan put the pen on the table and shook hands with Boss Xu enthusiastically. However, Boss Xu was a little depressed and his smile was slightly forced.

"From now on, we are partners." Gao Yuan said with a smile: "No matter what, let's get through this crisis first."

Boss Xu nodded lightly. He never expected that Gao Yuan would not only be unwilling to supply goods exclusively, but would also make it clear that he would sign contracts with more fast fashion companies in the future.

And all companies using X1 fiber are not allowed to attack each other. They must first join forces to block the offensive from the European continent.

"This guy has a background in computer science. He must have picked up bad habits from Qualcomm! As long as he uses your products, he will be restricted by you? This is so unreasonable! It's a free market economy now." Boss Xu secretly complained in his heart .

It has to be said that Qualcomm is so notorious that even boss Xu, who makes clothing, knows the nickname of Qualcomm patent troll.

Now that the contract has been signed, Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou immediately set off to return without making any stops.

On the way back, Xu Qingzhou asked questions again and again, wanting to know what Gao Yuan was thinking and why there had been such a huge change overnight.

Gao Yuan was not like this before. His highest goal was just to make money.

Looking back at Gaoyuan's performance today, it seems that it has an ulterior motive and wants to tie Xiyin Group onto its own chariot through its unique technical conditions.

"You should tell me." Seeing Gao Yuan deep in thought, Xu Qingzhou couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What do you think? I always feel like you have changed a lot."

Gao Yuan scratched his scalp, "Although the news media calls those companies that go overseas and work hard in overseas markets the Chinese Legion all day long, in fact, they are still fighting on their own. They attack Western opponents. Once they have the opportunity, they will also Severely bite our domestic counterparts.”

"So I have a little immature idea. Can I use the power of X-fiber to unite them a little bit?"

"As we all know, our current situation is not optimistic. We are almost being besieged by the world. Capital has never had a motherland. For them, having breasts is a mother, and they are not worthy of trust at all."

"They must be controlled with a force that capital cannot resist, and then they can be coerced to accomplish more important goals."

Xu Qingzhou frowned, "Look at what you said, it's as if you are not a capitalist yourself."

"Of course I'm not, I'm an idealist." Gao Yuan rolled his eyes at Xu Qingzhou and said very firmly.

In fact, in the final analysis, the reason why Gao Yuan has such an idea is not only idealism, but also systemic reasons. Being burdened with the future technology system, Gao Yuan feels that he must do something to live up to the fate of the system.

"That's true. You do have ideals, and are different from ordinary capitalists." Xu Qingzhou shook his head and asked, "What is your so-called more important goal?"

Gao Yuan smiled and said in a half-ridiculing, half-serious tone: "The famous keyboard politician Shan Gaoxian once said that North American slave owners are genocidal anti-human gangs and must be eliminated."

"It would be very important for our planet not to have them!"

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